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October 1995
Queensland State Liberal Party in state of decay
Following the historical support received by One Nation candidates across Queensland in the recent State Election, Prime Minister John Howard has admitted that this division of the party is in a shambles. Only 9 of the 15 seats held by the Liberals remain after the June 13 election.
Howard met with Liberal MP's at The Lodge on Sunday night to discuss how the party could combat the rise and rise of Pauline Hanson's One Nation. Liberal MPs apparently pleaded with the Prime Minister to hold off on an early election as the Liberal Party would lose a number of Senate seats to One Nation if an August poll was called.
A source within the Liberal party said, "He (Howard) was told not to kid himself that One Nation's election result in Queensland was just a Queensland thing. He was told that people would vote for One Nation federally unless the Government changed its ways."
Yesterday Labor leader Peter Beattie was chest beating again about the high moral ground suggesting that the Liberals should go to the cross-benches if the National Party and One Nation formed a Coalition. The suggestion was immediately ruled out by Liberal state director Bob Carroll.
Beattie has been panicked by the obvious distrust that the Independents have in his party and the looming agreement between them the One Nation, National and Liberal party which would leave him in opposition - just one seat short of government.
The Jerry mander vote has counted for an enormous part of Labor's position with the party only getting 38% of the primary vote yet holding about 50% of the state seats.
In other news National Party president David Russell yesterday wrote to Liberal counterpart Bob Carroll confirming that his party would do no "deals" with One Nation.
"Policies are a contract with the people," Russell said, "it is our duty in Parliament to advocate them.
:If others want to support them - it does not matter who - if we can secure the support of Parliament for a policy on its merits without doing deals it is our duty to do so."
Bob Carroll said, "But in terms of Parliament - and this needs to be confirmed by my executive - I agree with the Premier (Rob Borbidge). If Labor can form a government okay. But if it cannot, it is up to Parliament to decide. There is no alternative other than for leadership to be decided on the floor of the House.
"But the Liberals will not compromise and there will be no backing away from gun laws or endorsement of funny money state banks as One Nation has proposed."
Borbidge suggested that he might quit as leader of the Coalition following ongoing uncertainty.
Finalised Electoral Commission Queensland figures show the following primary support:
Party | % | No of seats | Primary Votes |
ALP | 38.87 | 44 | 747,453 - lowest since 1974 |
One Nation | 22.68% | 11 | 435,478 (first election) |
National Party | 15.16% | 23 | 291,137 - worst on record |
Liberal Party | 16.10% | 9 | 309,104 - lowest since 1983 |
News Limited stay out of touch with reality
News Limited papers around the country are full of "good advice" for the two independents MPs, Liz Cunningham and Peter Wellington, suggesting that they should support "stability" and side with the Labor Party.
For example what the journalists in the Courier Mail do not reveal is that a fair number of them have actually migrated to that paper from being Labor media advisers before the Goss government was brought to its knees.
Reporters like Dennis Atkins, who used to be Wayne Goss' media adviser,... a new Labor government would provide them the option of going back into their old jobs.
These are the men who try to mould readership thinking to their biased point of view. The push for the independents to join the Labor Party has got nothing to do with what is right for this state it is simple self-interest.
In today's Australian newspaper there is an absolute classic headed, "Taxpayers face Au$4 million bill for One Nation", the journalist, Ian Henderson, reports that the dramatic rise of One Nation with an estimated 11% of primary support nation wide will result in about Au$4 million of taxpayer provided (voter) subsidies going to the party. In other words for each vote the party gets Au$1.62 and when this figure is multiplied by the primary vote you arrive at the 4 million figure.
This is where the furphy comes in.... it is the Labor party and the Coalition who will have to revise their advertising budgets for the votes lost to One Nation - and the resulting drop in their advertising subsidy payment.
Of course the tax payer does not face a single cent extra in costs... but don't let that little point get in the way of the manner in which News Limited's intellectual prostitutes present a story.
Prime Minister John Howard refused to entertain a compromise on his ten point plan with Brian Harradine, the independent Senator who has shown a remarkable ability to become flexible from a position of no flexibility following One Nation's strong showing at the Queensland State Elections.
Howard said last night that there was still a "fair gap" in what was acceptable to him - to prevent him calling an early double-dissolution based election.
"People have made the mistake all along in relation to us on this issue of thinking that the Bill we've put forward is some kind of ambit claim," Howard said.
In an interesting twist Howard said that he would find it easier to deal with One Nation senators than Democrat and Green senators who are likely to become something of a rarity if an early election is called.
The latest national survey reflects the falling fortunes of the Coalition:
Party | Primary Vote | Drop/Rise |
Coalition | 34% | Down 5% |
One Nation | 12% | Up 5% |
Labor | 42% | Down 1% |
The man who would be UN President, that great internationalist Gareth Evans has gone on the war path demanding that banks go back to the bush.
This is the man who was instrumental in the signing of the Financial Services Industry Agreement in 1995 - an agreement which resulted in our finance industry becoming foreign owned and the resulting dramatic rationalisation of banks - leading to 386 banks closing their doors in Australia last year - mostly in the bush.
But of course the dishonest media would not draw your attention to this blatant oversight in balanced reporting - Gareth is one of Murdoch's mates... he was the one pushing for the MAI... an international treaty which would have allowed Murdoch to bypass media ownership laws in this country.
Yesterday Evans told an assembly at the annual Australian Banking and Finance Awards in Sydney, "Perhaps it is time for us all to be asking whether - without being naive or muddleheaded or hopelessly locked in the past - there is room in today's economy for the banking and financial sector to have not just a financial bottom line, but a social bottom line as well.
"The major banks and retail financial institutions should be very conscious indeed of the community hostility being aroused by the collapse of visible, accessible services in regional Australia and to some extent suburban Australia as well."
Evans move comes following the rise and rise of Pauline Hanson's One Nation has nothing to do with real concerns about people in the bush.
Introductory comment to the article:
The article below reflects the ability of those who should know better, in this case, Steve Howard, to present just half the story. Left out is the fall in living standards, the financial destruction of the bush as the writer pens his words from a large office in a Sydney sky-scraper away from the real world.
The comment about the Asian currency meltdown totally ignores the impact of the Soros currency-dealing billionaire types who ravish a currency, destroy the stock market then go in and buy what ever still goes while destroying millions of jobs, families and dreams.
This is the ugly side of globalisation which Howard refers to as... wait for it... "unstoppable". There is a better way where Australians decide their future not people at the World Bank.
by Steve Howard convener of the Global Foundation and the Europe-Australia Dialogue, which took place in Melbourne on June 23rd 1998 (Australian newspaper 23rd June 1998)
The middle week of June 1998 will be seen by future generations as decisive in Australian development. We came face to face with the reality of what it means to be a player in the global economy.
The stark exposure of pockets of insecurity and fear translated into votes for the One Nation party in the Queensland election. There is no denying a huge number of people apparently feel so marginalised, so afraid that they embraced the simplistic solutions proposed by Pauline Hanson. As other big economies, most notable France and the US, have discovered, such fracturing of the Right is a direct consequence of economic and social insecurity, fuelled by a sense that Government is favouring foreign interests over local needs.
Add to that the drop in dollar to an embarrassing US$0.57, with attendant risks of inflation and higher interest rates, and it is easy to see how increased exposure to the outside world can be seen as a threat to the Australian way of life.
But there is another side to the story. Enter Jean-Michel Severino, the World Banks vice-president for East Asia and the Pacific, who flew to Australia specifically to deliver a strong warning about the prospects for the region. Why Australia? Why no Tokyo, Washington or Hong Kong? In his own words, it was because Australia is uniquely placed to provide leadership, (and he was not talking about money).
How can the two sides of the story be reconciled? How can a nation with a growing anti-globalisation backlash and a vulnerable democracy be so placed to lead - in a region dominated by the two biggest economies in the world, the US and Japan?
How we, as a nation, react to that challenge will determine whether or not we are part of the future or trapped in the quarrels of the present. Do we look at Asias recession and the changes wrought on our won business environment, and call time-out, or do we make the changes necessary to survive and prosper?
Simply put, globalisation (the increased integration of economies and people) is not optional. All we can choose is whether we manage the change properly and that was the World Banks message. In fact, Severino went further, suggesting Australia has much to teach its Asian neighbours, about efficient and transparent financial systems and corporate laws, and about the free flow of information and about tolerating alternative opinions instead of silencing them.
He called on Australia to lead the stabilisation and rebuilding of Asia, in particular Indonesia, and to work with the G-7 industrialised nations to secure financing for the budget deficits essential to reinvigorating demand in that region.
We can do exactly that this week, with the visit to Australia of Sir Leon Brittan, the European Unions most influential political figure. Significantly, he has been a strong proponent of the industrialised nations doing their share, through open markets especially, to spur growth in the developed world. While the obvious focus on Europe-Australia dialogue will be expanding what is Australias most significant bilateral investment relationship, Brittan and his colleagues will surely be receptive to Australian appeals for greater European attention to Asia, even now that US intervention has brought a brief respite to the slide of the Japanese economy.
Australia is experiencing the growing pains of being an important link in an increasingly interconnected world. Being a real player in Asia and in the world at large will not be smooth but it offers our best prospect of long-term prosperity and security. The alternative of creeping isolation or even of looking to government for all the answers is a sure road to economic mediocrity and stagnation.
Right now, there is a rare window of opportunity for Australia to play a pivotal role in regional and global affairs. For Australians with international experience, it is our challenge and our responsibility to improve the understanding and involvement of all Australians in moving into this new world. Otherwise, history will judge us very badly if, at the precise moment when we could have done so much to guarantee Australias future, we instead turn inwards.
Subject: Wake up World
Hi everybody,
This E-mail is being sent in the hope that a lot of people around the world will take a good hard look at what is happening under The Globalization Scheme that is being pushed by various governments (with the insistence of multinationals).
I am including several links for you to look at if you wish. My aim is for everyone that receives this E-mail to forward it to everyone on their list, it is absolutely essential that this information is received by as many Australians as possible. Some of you know me and others don't. The important thing is send to everyone.
A new breed of Politician has been born in Australia and the name is Pauline Hanson of One Nation Party. She listens to people. This party could become a model for the whole world to follow.
This huge machine is people powered and is rolling in Australia with more and more climbing on to power it. I do believe it will become unstoppable until our current crop of politicians wake up and start listening to the people instead of vested interests.
Taxation across the world is the biggest bone of contention, those that can least afford it, (ordinary wage earners and small businesses) are carrying the burden of supporting the Nations, while interests that can afford it are hiding behind tax shelters.
A far more equitable tax can be seen at the following link. Everybody pays the same proportion of tax regardless of who they are, and is inescapable.
An example:- A motor car with a wholesale price of
Dealers markup say 20% $5,000
Wholesales Sales Tax 22% $5,500
Total $30,500
With a taxpayer paying 32% income tax then in real terms he is paying $40,260 for his motor car. If taxes were eliminated as in the article in the above link, then, with a Debits tax of 0.33% the cost of the car would be $30,099 a saving of $10,161 that can go back into the economy. Just think what that can do multiplied by Billions.... NO MORE UNEMPLOYMENT!!! for one, can you think of others?
I might state that I am a supporter of these principles and also of One Nation. This is my own effort and has nothing to do with any political party or persons. If you do not wish to forward this, then that is up to you. Thank you.
More interesting links are included...
Should any wish to reply then please do so..Maybe you have some interesting links for me...
Subject: Discrimination
A small country storekeeper put a One Nation poster up in his window before the election here in Queensland. A couple of days later he received a visit from a person who told him it would be advisable to remove it as this is National Party territory, the storekeeper had no option, it was that or go broke.
I dislike this sort of bastardry intensely and it had better not happen again.
Alan Esson
The Editor, Opinion,
The Australian,
Dear Editor,
Surely the Hansonites must be greatly indebted to the Hon. John Malcolm Fraser, a former Parliamentary Liberal Party Leader and Prime Minister, for the magnificent publicity that he has afforded the One Nation party by way of his wide-ranging article "This obscenity must be repulsed" (Opinion supplement TA June 22). For that party media coverage has been such that all publicity is good publicity even if it is "bad" or skewed.
"Honourable options" are things, that the sort of "decent" community (of politicians, "captains of industry" and "landed gentry") that Fraser represents, seem to have long since been discarded in favour of a ghastly new world order in which Australia could, unless something is done urgently, be destined to become a mere poverty-ridden mendicant state.
On the issue of "consensus", Fraser is correct, the Liberal "drys" (the "wets" have nearly all been frozen out) and that loose federation of frequently feuding factions known as the Labor party (often these days jointly referred to, scurrilously, as "tweedledum" and "tweedledee") have submerged their individual beliefs possibly in order to effectively mislead the voters into thinking that they are equally as good as each other in the governance stakes. Although the combined financial membership of the two parties does not top one and a half percent (1.5%) of the population and the parliamentary members are heavily obligated to an unaccountable, and mostly secretive machine hierarchy with ulterior motives and hidden agendas.
Upon the grab of the "Treasury Benches" government in 1975 from Whitlam-led "Labor", the Fraser-led Liberals were supposed to achieve marvellous things but, as anyone who has done the research knows, they were virtually impotent and quite irrelevant because most of the decisionmaking processes had long since been usurped by pressure groups representing international bankers who were funding the politicians incompetences and mismanagement.
The future of this nation does not rest with a few politicians conducting theatricals (for television) in the "House" the Senate (or State or Territory "Assembly" or "Council") Chambers - the real action has to be down at the grassroots and One Nation appears to realise it.
J o n M. A x t e n s
Subject: No Worries!
I've been watching and listening very hard as I always have done and to me it is all very simple.... The more the Coalition and Labor parties and Democrats etc.,spruik their lying denigrating rubbish about O.N.and the more they connive with the likes of Harridene and big business and minority groups and International manipulators to further their own selfish interests, the less they will be listened to by thinking Australians. They have made it very clear that they are no longer interested in ordinary Australians and have proceeded past being honest politicians and are now self-interested business people seeking only to perpetuate their own situations. You have only to watch televised Parliament to see that it is only all about having verbal wins and trying to outdo others with abusive, sarcastic and mostly untrue invective. It makes me feel embarrassed to watch and listen to them knowing that it is also probably being watched by others from overseas etc., No wonder the word "OCKER" came into existence.
No matter if the Federal election is held soon with a double dissolution or if it is held next year it will make no difference except to give O.N. time to increase it's numbers . Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party will make a huge difference to Australia and all Australians and I am grateful that I will have a chance to do my part by voting for them. I just hope that a few current politicians such as Bob Katter and other honest men in parliament will join them to add their experience . Either way I predict that the Nats' are a spent force and the Libs' will never be the same again.
Good-bye Johnny and Tim and the other Tim and Kim and I hope Gareth and a few others , You've really earn't it.
Good on yer Pauline!
Dan Stuart .
Subject: federal election / debit tax
Seriously suggest tax platform for federal election, based on the needs of the common Australian. That is, "Debit Tax " as proposed by The Debit Tax Council of Australia. With Debit Tax as alternative to GST. proposed by One Nation.
What voter doesn't want a better deal for himself, especially if it means the bad guys get to pay too. How many votes do you think you would get with the headline "PETROL ONLY 25C A LITRE" ? Regardless of our political persuasion, we all love a bargain. Keep up the good fight, some of us still believe we can make it better for all Australians.
Reg Rayner
Subject: Re: Business Article
Found this little gem in the Business section of the Sydney Sunday Telegraph, 21/6/1998.
'Even Pauline Hanson can find her way into the business pages, thanks to an increasingly worrying Federal Coalition Government. Resources Minister Warwick Parer said One Nation's policies would cause a banana republic currency, force interest rates to rise, prevent $20 billion of investment and create a balance of payments crisis. Australia would be "forced to go cap in hand to the International Monetary Fund."
But you don't have to be Pauline Hanson to do that. Even our most polished politicians can achieve all that and more. Just ask Bob Hawke and Paul Keating.'
A bit more grist for the Federal Election Mill.
Beverley Collins.
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
Queensland candidates
gather in Gympie - 31st May 1998
Political Correctness
and "racism" exposed.- 30th May 1998
Taking on News
Limited at the Australian Press Council in Sydney.- 23rd May 1998
Launch of One Nation's
Queensland leadership.- 22nd May 1998
Protest over
closure of National Australia Bank branch in Ipswich - 21st May
Pauline Hanson meets the people of Blair - 20th May 1998
Unethical trifecta
expose Courier Mail's intellectual prostitutes - 9th May 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.