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an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
first daily Internet newspaper.
October 1995
The Federal Coalition's "Funny" Money
Last week the derision dripped
off Peter Costello's lips as he and Prime Minister John Howard beat One Nation's
national director David Ettridge (seen right) about the proverbial brow about
his "print more money" comment.
Strange thing that, because the Economist on May 2nd tells us the following: Australia heads the table in the developed world for the growth in narrow money (M1) - or the printing of notes and coin...
The reason? An attempt to keep Australia out of a recession before the next Federal Election and as a kneejerk to the Asian currency meltdown.
Here are the money supply chart comparisons:
Country | Narrow (Coin and notes) | Broad (Bank created) |
Australia | +12.1% | +6.4% |
Austria | +4.7% | +1.1% |
Belgium | +7.6% | +6.4% |
Britain | +6.8% | +9.5% |
Canada | +8.8% | +3.0% |
Denmark | na | +3.8% |
France | +11.1% | +4.3% |
Germany | +5.5% | +4.0% |
Italy | +8.4% | +8.8% |
Japan | +8.8% | +4.5% |
Netherlands | +7.5% | +7.2% |
Spain | +11.6% | +3.1% |
Sweden | na | -0.4% |
Switzerland | +8.5% | +1.6% |
United States | +0.5% | +9.9% |
Of course the mainstream media don't care about the truth. They are just after looking after their bosses who depend on the corrupt mainstream politicians to build their undemocratic empires.
An example of this one sided approach can be seen at the link supplied below by a "One Nation supporter".
An article printed in the Saturday Morning Melbourne Paper, The Age: Why it just can't be as easy as printing money - By ROSS GITTINS
"So you think you're economically literate? Then you'll have no trouble explaining to a One Nation supporter why "printing money" wouldn't work. But the trouble is that the more economics you know, the harder it is to explain it to someone whose grasp of the subject is limited."
With all due respect, you're an idiot, and should stick to writing childrens books. Your literary display on the monetary economics, is offensive to the intelligence of readers, however, fuelled well for the understanding of monetary discipline for my eight year old son.
Another One Nation Supporter
Only comment here is we should extend that ignorance of journalists to Peter Costello and his ilk.
The media out of step with Australians
What we are witnessing today in
Australian politics through Pauline Hanson's One Nation has been called many
things by the mainstream media... "phenomenon", "anti-politicians", "simpletons",
"rise of racism", "protest vote" to couch just a few.
What the media are having trouble explaining is how, despite their best efforts to discredit the One Nation movement, it continues to grow and grow and grow as more Australians realise that there is a better way.
To try to explain the movement against the media tide of daily trash dished up against the party they call on seasoned marketing men from big city offices who come up with simplistic reasons without even asking the masses "Why it is"... of course these marketing experts will have us believe that it is Pauline Hanson's "sex appeal", "simplistic comments", "ability to relate to the downtrodden" and so on.
They all still miss the point.
What more and more Australians have realised is that there is something very sick in our society when the media blatantly get away with misrepresenting the truth. It is as simple as that.
The Hanson phenomenon is a media creation and it will continue to grow and gain support as long as the media misrepresent, vilify and deceive Pauline Hanson and her party. Not because of the publicity given Hansonites but because of the type of publicity.... bad, blatantly distorted and one-sided publicity.
People will always support the underdog and what has become clear is that we are the underdog... we are now engaged in an invisible media war where public opinion is formulated by the minions of Murdoch and Packer behind closed doors. Where the people are treated as gullible simpletons and fools in a world where the grasp for power can only be shared by the media barons and those politicians lucky enough to currently find their favour - a position which is made crystal clear to them as deals are done.
The link has now been made by the underdogs, the Australian people, and that message is rippling throughout Australia touching people from Burke to Sydney from Hobart to Perth and even further afield as people overseas sense that they too are being misled...
This is the Hanson phenomenon. It represents a growing number of enlightened people who have had enough of the Packer's and Murdoch's of the Beazley's and the Howard's who's only interest is self-interest, who's only goal is self-seeking and who's only aim is to mislead to their own advantage.
Well may they fear the power of the people because the people have spoken in Queensland and it is my prediction that if the Coalition join the Labor Party in putting One Nation last at the next Federal Election they will be decimated as One Nation takes its rightful place as a party for the people... not against the people. How simplistic, how stupid, how blatantly transparent - how patronising of the Howard and Costello show to take the democratic rights of us, the people, for granted once again. They are already forever tainted with the ugly, lingering smell of the media barons hanging like a dark cloud over their every move.
Oh, how the worm turns!
Pressure grows on PM's preferences
The same sort of article is parroted here but by other journalists who cannot think for themselves:
The Treasurer, Mr Peter Costello, last night produced firm evidence linking Pauline Hanson's One Nation party to the ultra right-wing League of Rights, as pressure mounted on the Prime Minister to urge Liberal state branches to put One Nation last on their federal how-to vote cards.
Liberal sources said that unless Mr Howard - who has consistently maintained he is powerless to order his branches on this issue - publicly urges them to do so, the anger will erupt during a Liberal party-room meeting in Canberra next week.
Mr Costello last night strongly alluded to the pressure on Mr Howard when he urged the media to ask the Prime Minister how he intended to allocate preferences in his own seat of Bennelong.
A spokesman for Mr Howard said the Prime Minister could not be contacted last night to respond.
Mr Costello launched a scathing attack on One Nation, telling the ABC's 7.30 Report the group had been "infiltrated" by the anti-Semitic Australian League of Rights.
Mr Costello last night released League of Rights' documents that mirrored One Nation's banking policy of offering farmers, home buyers and small businesses 2 per cent interest loans.
Mr Costello described the policies as "unabashedly and unashamedly anti-Semitic" and that "One Nation was being manipulated by forces even it does not understand".
Asked how a major political party could contemplate giving One Nation preferences, Mr Costello said the Victorian division would put them last.
He said Mr Howard would have "a very interesting answer" to the same question.
Senior colleagues have recently warned Mr Howard that the federal coalition could lose the election unless he orders all state Liberal branches to put One Nation below Labor on federal how-to-vote cards.
They said Mr Howard now had "no choice" but to show "stronger leadership" or the small-l Liberal vote would drift to the ALP.
Key Victorian Liberals have also told Mr Howard that the Government's stocks could be further damaged by his refusal to direct the state branches, because One Nation's emergence - if aided by federal Liberal preferences - would damage Asian investment and lead to a rise in unemployment.
They have indicated to Mr Howard that his new strategy of criticising Mrs Pauline Hanson's policies is "worthless" unless coupled with a preference plan that puts One Nation last in all states.
But Mr Howard told them he would not order the state branches how to direct preferences, because all branches except Queensland and Western Australia were about to announce that One Nation candidates would be put last. Mr Howard said he would lose if he ordered the branches what to do because Queensland and WA would defy him.
Meanwhile, some of the Liberal Party's most influential donors have demanded assurances that Mr Howard will take a strong practical stand against One Nation when Parliament resumes next week.
"There is no suggestion that campaign donations would be withdrawn . . . the best outcome is, of course, that we keep giving and that he (Mr Howard) gets over the line," a prominent Liberal donor said.
Mr Howard remained defiant yesterday. He said: "They (branches) decide who the candidates are and they decide preference issues and they . . . leave it to us to decide party policy."
Liberal backbenchers plan to challenge Mr Howard's response to Mrs Hanson at a meeting of MPs in Canberra on Tuesday unless he publicly urges his branches to act.
They said that while some MPs had canvassed a leadership change before the election, there was no realistic threat to Mr Howard's position until after the poll.
The Age understands that close political allies of Mr Costello remain outraged by Mr Howard's apparent rebuke of the Treasurer during a party-room meeting on Budget day in May.
Mr Howard told the meeting it had been unhelpful of MPs to say how they would allocate preferences, just days after Mr Costello said he would place One Nation last.
Two things to note about the above "article":
1) Quote: "Mr Peter Costello, last night produced firm evidence linking Pauline Hanson's One Nation party to the ultra right-wing League of Rights"
Mr Costello did not produce evidence - yet this opening gambit becomes the basis of the entire story trying to present a view as to why John Howard has no option but to put One Nation last on the "How-to-vote" cards in his much publicised television interview on the subject later today. The firm evidence is farcical.
2) No right of reply. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. The truth of course is that David Oldfield devised the policy without any influence from the "League of Rights". Oldfield is on record as saying this. In fact B A Santa Maria, an anti-Communist commentator who John Howard admires immensely, has put forward exactly the same idea.
This is classic case of "intellectual prostitute" journalism... playing their master's game. Of course journalistic ethics went out the window a long time ago.
Thank god more and more people are waking up to the sick perversion of justice through the media which washes through our society like the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever infecting a large portion of Australian voters.
Spread the word via FAX to Australian homes and businesses.
Dear Sir,
Go for it!
How do I subscribe?
Steve Nichols
Subject: Letter to editor
Subject: Communication between PHON supporters and Reps
re: "Another (minor) annoyance in Melbourne this morning"
Leeane concluded with:
"Are there any plans for a One Nation branch in Victoria ? I certainly hope
This brings up a potentially important issue. It has come to my attention that some infrastructure is needed for this fledgling organisation to facilitate better communication between those on the 'Net and those who are not... and both ways. Scott, you are doing such a superb job keeping us all well informed, and it saddens me to know that some PHON reps do not have the daily access that we enjoy and NEED through your website to keep us abreast of things. By the way, with the possible exception of mine, it is most obvious that the standard of "Letters to the Editor" is improving exponentially.
The concept of the newspaper is very good and all would hope it works. But it is the other direction that I am writing about. Surely, all representatives of PHON should have daily access to NOTD and the official PHON website as a matter of priority. Otherwise, each state branch and reps will be 're-inventing the wheel' with their local media. Pretty soon the media will learn who are the uninformed and pick on them. This could lead to monumental stuff-ups, such that Pauline will be totally tied up 'putting out fires' all over the nation. David, David, and/or Brett, in classic Jeannie Little mode with finger pointed, might I ask "Are you paying attention?"
Leeane, sorry to use your posting to launch into a hobby-horse of mine but I know this from harsh personal experience by being on professional organisations at the national level. The answer to your specific query, which is tangential to my outburst above, is to ring Melbourne 9576 0847.
Subject: Fax paper
Hi Scott.
Have you considered that a 15 page paper about the size of Fridays "news" would take about 15 minutes at 9600 costing std several dollars, whereas an e-mail of 100 pages cost us 25cents to retrieve. The masses, whom you want to get to won't afford it, neither do they have fax machines, unless in business. I'd rather pay $1.50 for a real paper. What do you think?
Hey, I like what "carol" is saying in her letters. Hope they get to the executive. What she said about countering the PARTY PREFERENCES and treating the public as stupid, in our advertising campaigne, would really work. It would educate as well without making us look like the opposition are;elitist. "IF THEY ARE NOT IN BED TOGETHER, WHY ARE THEY SHARING PREFERENCES? ONE NATION WOULDN'T TREAT YOU WITH SUCH CONTEMPT !"
Subject: Super Funds.
Firstly, congratulations on the results of the Queensland election. Re your suggestion for finance to be made available at 2% interest, it occurred to me that some time back, I read where our Super. fund (after admin. charges) made a profit of less than 1%. Investments included an unsecured loan to an Aboriginal group, of funds to re - refine the mine waste heaps (mullock heaps I believe they were called) at Charters Towers in North Queensland. I think for memory that the Company collapsed and the loan was lost. THIS IS ONLY FOR MEMORY AND I AM NOT SURE WHERE I ACTUALLY READ OR HEARD THIS. Again for memory, the decisions as to where the money was invested were made by three representatives - a member of Suncorp, a member of the Union movement and a then Labor Government member. I believe that it may have been a Suncorp person who was against the methods used to allocate funds and he was only one third of the "vote". The point I am trying to make is, that if indeed this is partially true, FULLY SECURED loans at 2% made from our Super fund (now many millions of dollars I guess) would obviously be beneficial if used to enhance the job opportunities of Australians.
Once again, I have not researched this and I am going entirely on memory. It should not be difficult to check though.
I recently did some research on behalf of the present Government relating to why employers were not employing young people and why employers were not employing more apprentices. The results were interesting and the reasons were simple to say the least and I would be happy to share these with you should you wish.
Best wishes and kind regards,
Mr Lin. Petterwood.
Subject: on line newspaper
Dear Scott,
I have just found the on line newspaper, and the links through to MAI etc. The more I discover, the worse the "behind the scenes" picture of what seems to have been going on here in Australia appears to be.
I am really pleased Pauline & the ON party is getting so much support. I have been following her progress with interest since I first wrote to her after her maiden speech. I have sent E-Mails before but I don't know if the messages got through.
I have recently read a superb book, which frightened me a little. It is "Among the Barbarians" by Paul Sheehan. It exposes the suppression of asking anything about the aboriginal & multicultural industries by the Labor Party over their years in office. The techniques were, and still are, simple. If anyone asks a question, let alone makes any disparaging comment, they are howled down as racists. Sounds familiar? The book also exposes the sheer depth of the drain of different multicultural groups on the community, by entrenched welfare fraud & criminal activity. By and large, these things are ignored by the Government agencies entrusted to look after these things.
I can thoroughly recommend this book to you & your on-line readers & supporters.
just a small tale with my experience of "reverse discrimination". Three years ago my daughter, who had been for years very keen to get into the television industry, was advised that there television cadet ships on offer from the SBS. She went to the interview after having sent in impressive references. After the interview, which was quite intensive, she asked the interviewer if she had any chance of getting one of the positions. He started telling her about "many more interviews to consider, etc.", paused, then said "Look, we have 12 cadet ship places to fill. Management has determined that 10 of these places must be given to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders, and the other two to any one else suitable, as long as they do not come from an English speaking background". Paul Sheehan refers to entrenched bastions of the multicultural industry, one of the worst is the SBS. We didn't, of course, know any of this three years ago. needless to say, my daughter did not get the cadet ship.
Yours sincerely,
Marshall Thornton
Subject: Pauline
The current pm (Note: Lower case only) is the ultimate pragmatist.
Putting One Nation last in a preferential voting system will only advantage the Labor Party in the long run.
Seems a strange thing to do!.
Roll on the NSW and the federal poll.
Mark Hulbert
Subject: Liberal Preferences
I endorse you request to the Prime Minister to give the :One Nation" party a fair go and allow the freedom of speech which all Australians should enjoy.
Congratulations to Pauline Hanson and the Queensland party on the success in the state elections.
It appears that the only way our politicians and media can restrain free thinking is by urging the racial hatred tag.
Glenn Luker
Sydney Australia
Subject: A fair representation of every Australian's wish PLEASE.....
Dear Mr Howard,
I appeal to you to consider the wishes of EVERY Australian citizen.
If 25% of our population wishes to be represented by One Nation, then I ask how you can believe it democratic to put One Nation last on Liberal Party Preferences.
You're an intelligent man Mr Howard. Please do not follow the media and Labour Party rhetoric. You know One Nation is not racist. It is supported by Australians who love their country and do not want it divided.... a fair and equal opportunity for everyone.... a work ethic.... and a great fear of losing our country to world banks through our increasing debt which labour will increase further.
If you put One Nation last on Liberal Party preferences, Labour will win the next election. Please don't let that happen Mr Howard.
Andrew Kavanagh
Subject: Preferences
Dear Mr Howard,
Please think very carefully before putting One Nation last on your how to vote cards at the next federal election. I offer this as advice as I hold Labour in utter contempt and if One Nation don't quite make it past the post at the federal E (which I doubt.. it is my belief Australia will have it's first Woman Prime Minister leading her into the 21st century) Labour must not get in at any price.
Finally sir if you insist on putting O.N. last I shall take my personal revenge by putting Liberal last. I hope you will not, I could not live again in Australia under a Labour Government.
David Morgan..
Subject: Election Preferences
Dear PM,
Has it ever occurred to you that you do not own ANY preferences? At the election a voter has the choice to place HIS/HER preference wherever. Please do not presume to tell me or anyone else where our preferences should go. TO DO SO WOULD BE TO SERIOUSLY UNDERESTIMATE AND INSULT OUR INTELLIGENCE.
Paul Wildish
Subject: Particularly in regards to the FSIA, and the MAI
As a tax payer and employer of the public servants that have been entrusted in running this country, I would have thought any changes that would effect the greater majority of the Tax payers, would become open gender for an acceptance or rejection by the majority.
Mind you this would mean we would have to have a Honest and open Government.
This does not seem to be the case with the lies and deceptions that are now coming to light. Particularly in regards to the FSIA, and the MAI. This information should be made available to the public on a whole, (It is only that I know of the existence of this Web page that I was able to get this information or become aware of these deceitful acts by our Government) So this web page must be let known to the public. Advertise it nationally, and for those without Internet access, offer to fax some facts to them or post.
The Tax payer must know, its not just lies and deceit by the present Government but seems to be started by Labor, the people must know prior to the next federal election it was both Governments that have sold us out.
I believe had Queensland been made aware of this deceit, even Labor would have been badly mauled, and possibly One nation would have been the major party.
Do not make the same mistake for the Federal Election; Make these deceitful acts public, to all the people. Labor is the last Government this Country would ever want.
Subject: please keep me informed
Dear Sir
Paulines party has my vote. Stop the deregulation of our economy. Introduce major tariff protection and ban overseas food imports. Ban also the importing of footwear and clothing, and introduce national service. Introduce anti foreign ownership of all businesses and companies asap Australia must establish a very low import nation by tariffs and generous incentive for Aussies to establish manufacturing industries such as steel and iron ore etc.
Ban the importation of meat and sheep and beef imports. Australia must protect our sovereignty by withdrawal from the united nations and ban overseas aid until our economy is once more Australian owned and regulated, not at the whim of powerful overseas manipulation of our Aussie dollar.
Give me a chance and i would win a seat, and quite happily assist probono Pauline.
J Crofts, WA
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Dear Sir
Would there be any chance that you could find, and then place links to the Libs and Labs e-mail addresses? Finding an e-mail address for these parties is as hard as finding Mal Fraser with his pants on.
I used the link you provided so I could tell Toyota what I thought of their 60 Minutes sponsorship. If you could provide a similar link to the Libs and Labs then I'm sure people would mail them their views about how One Nation is being treated.
SE Wagger
Subject: SA Poll Results
The following survey information was published in today's Adelaide Advertiser (June 20, 1998).
It seems that SA journalists have lost another one of their favourite smug and divisive political catchphrases:
"Only in Queensland - they are a bit different from the rest of us".
None of them believed that SA support for One Nation rivaled that in Qld. Their own poll now proves otherwise:
The South Australian Advertiser Poll Results:
Party | 18-24 | 25-39 | 40-54 | 55+ |
Labor | 46% | 36% | 31% | 30% |
Lib/Nat | 15% | 28% | 34% | 38% |
One Nation | 21% | 19% | 19% | 18% |
Democrats | 5% | 12% | 8% | 4% |
Other | 8% | 3% | 3% | 3% |
Undecided | 5% | 2% | 5% | 8% |
Party | Metro | Country |
Labor | 37% | 25% |
Lib/Nat | 29% | 39% |
One Nation | 17% | 25% |
Democrats | 8% | 6% |
Other | 4% | 1% |
Undecided | 5% | 4% |
Party | % |
Labor | 34 |
Lib/Nat | 31 |
One Nation | 19 |
Democrats | 8 |
Other | 3 |
Undecided | 5 |
Other interesting results
- 75% of One Nation voters said that they would not change their vote ("not
at all likely")
- One Nation voters preferred Kym Beazley to John Howard as preferred PM by 35% to 27%
As you can see, One Nation's support is high in both metro and country, and across all age groups.
Do you wonder why?
The front page of today's Advertiser is about a State Government Minister's plan to save money on the education budget by giving students an extra week's holiday at Christmas! It's true!
The minister said that he never learnt anything in the last week of school anyway. Sounds like he hasn't learnt anything since then either.
Subject: subscribe
Please add me to you mailings, Thank you and may I say you are an inspiration to the world.
Jo Kinder
Cincinnati, Ohio
Subject: Congratulations Scott!
Take a pat on the back from a bunch of supporters on the Sunshine Coast.
Thank you for your effort in keeping us all informed.
We print and mail your e-mails to folks who aren't on the web.
Darryl Hetherington
Ps. Wonder what sort of reconciliation Japan would have given, if the invasion of oz had been successful?
Subject: New World Order
You may have heard the terms New World Order or One World Government.
You will find other links that explain how there is an international conspiracy behind the likes of our political parties together with other world leaders such as Clinton.
These are also prophesied in Danuel, Revelations, Ezekiel and other books in the Bible.
During the late eighties, a Peter Sawyer came over to Perth and toured around Australia, warning of the conspiracies involving the Deacon Telephone Exchange in Canbera.
With Howard and other members of the coalition coming out and urging that One Nation be put last on the how to vote cards, it is a wonder that the Coalition Parties do not invite the Labor party to join them in the coalition.
Have you noticed that this country has declined since Whitlam. Fraser continued with Whitlam's agenda until Hawke and later Keating relieved him. Now it is Howard's turn to carry the batten down into the pit. Beazley will be along to relieve him in about August or September after the early election.
Subject: Links to The League of Rights
Mr Costello thinks that he has proven that links exist between One Nation and The League of Rights, as he has a League of Rights newsletter which allegedly endorses policies similar to One Nations.
Pauline Hanson responds that she has never met or spoken with Eric Butler (Leader of The League of Rights), and doesnt even know what their policies are, let alone endorse any of them. David Oldfield, One Nations policy coordinator, also denies ever having read League of Rights policies.
I welcome the medias in-depth investigation of political links to the League of Rights. They may well ask why the Treasurer is distributing their material and raising their profile in the national media.
They may also discover that a Federal Government Minister, and former Liberal party Leader, Mr Alexander Downer, has shared a platform with and spoken at League of Rights meetings. Video evidence of this was broadcast last year.
Now tell me again, which political party has the strong links with The League of Rights?
Please explain, Mr Costello.
Subject: Disgusted with our politicians
I am disgusted at the way the Political circles and the Media are treating Pauline Hanson. She has a democratic right to speak out against our money making, politician profit policies, and our parasitic puppets on a string, media. For years the voters of Australia have not had an alternative to the rubbish handed out by politicians and the media, but now we have. All the people you talk to have great admiration for her so, make sure you are earning your dollar or get out. The Mainstream People's Party is on the way.
Subject: Congratulations
Good to visit your Federal Election Web Page. Keep up the good work.
Please, can you provide e-mail addresses of firms, politicians, sponsors of "talk back" programmes, and other e-mail links which could be of use in furthering the cause of One Nation??
Thank you.
Subject: Re: Election Results and distribution of Preferences.
For what it is worth, I have spoken to a number of fellow One Nation supporters and without exception, they have expressed concern about the distribution of preferences at the next Federal election. The consensus is that Labor must be denied seats whatever the political cost.
Even though the Libs have just decided to put One Nation last on their how to vote cards, it would be expedient to put them second on One Nation's cards. At least this may help stop Labor from gaining seats because most of our votes will be coming from people who have had a gutful of the present Howard led government, but don't want any leftist loonies running the country.
What is One Nation going to do about the avalanche of misinformation that has already started to saturate all forms of media? (post Qld election) Is it possible to find someone with media influence in each state who can combat the rubbish that is now being disseminated about One Nation? A possible start may be to have video footage of what happens at a One Nation meeting.(not the edited garbage we all see on the six o'clock news) Surely, it must be possible to identify these leftist thugs who, by their violent and intimidatory actions, are keeping thousands of potential supporters from attending meetings around the country. I have been told by friends of mine that they won't attend because they fear being bashed by these criminals. If identified, can One Nation bring charges against them? I live in Bunbury, W.A., (pop;150 000) and I know that many of these people would gladly support One Nation if they could be assured that it is safe to attend meetings.
Ron Pond.
Subject: My Prophecy
Someone wrote a letter in anotd. This whole PH phenomenon could have been a set up to draw out those whom are to be labelled and arrested. Perhaps(I say) for the "New Games" in the new "colosseum" called TV with lions and all. I think that the 25% result might make them decide that they will need overseas assistance. Don't laugh. They control the overseas media. They made us (not me) hate Saddam. They made us hate the Serbs.(I wanted to call up the Serb embassy and find out their side of the story) After all the war scenes could have been taken from anywhere as any one who has worked in a TV station will testify.(file tapes)
They will have no problem in making the "controlled" people of the world support a Military expedition to save us from Herr Pauline.(This ONE NATION party will be made synonymous with Nazism) Naturally some of us will resist and to the rest of the world looking at TV we will be made to appear as "Those horrible Serbs," or "those horrible Irish Catholics" The Prince of lies is in control. It is so obvious that even a pagan like me would have to believe in Christ, since He prophesied it. As a scientist I only have to cite the "Ozone Hole" and the "greenhouse hoax" for evidence of this lying age..
Australia does not really have any ORGANISED militias as exists in the USA. We are too easy going. But we do have a natural rebellious spirit. Most only sent in their shit weapons for destruction, and used the money paid in compo to buy something better, and hid the rest. .
The organised armed Militias of the USA will bear the brunt of the first assault. Their (globalists) timetable is fairly fixed, (global 2000) The countdown has started. The reaction of the world's people will be spontaneous. This is why there are so many exchange "BASES" in EVERY country. Singaporean and Indonesian (not declared) in Australia, Russian in the USA, etc. The sending of National defence Services overseas on "PEACEKEEPING" missions while stripping what is left to defend the country at home of all it's resources. This is the main reason behind the "GUN CONTROL" debate, fait accompli (they think) in Australia, but almost impossible to apply in the USA, despite THE ORGANISED MASSACRES in that country. Charlton Heston said in so many words, We have always had guns, do not blame the guns for the break-down in society today that causes (makes) maniacs out of what could have been good people. (my interpretation)
This so-called Internet service of free communication is about to be shut down. It is totally dependent on TELSTRA, OTC.etc around the world. Digital Information is easier to censor and control than the spoken word. Encoding is a Joke. Satellite communication will not be available .(to us) We must keep our Short Wave Radio Communications end of Prophecy.
Philip Madsen.
Subject: propaganda re currant affairs
Dear One Nation
last nites currant affairs program was the worst lot of propaganda i have seen so far from the media i don't know if you seen it or knew about what they were up to they completely discredited all the policies one nation are trying for by brining in all the so called experts saying how none of the policies could be achieved and how they copied them from the league of rights how dangerous s the part was etc. etc. so much for them (major parties) saying how they would have to listen and start to take notice of the people the slap in the face was apparently not hard enough because they (major parties) seem to always seem to go back to what they know best lies deceit and fairy tails any way guys you can always count on my vote tour doing well even with the media hype and major parties bull shit
your faithfuly
wally greenfield
ps. if you want you can forward this message on to channel 9 currant affairs if you wish
Subject: Local Industry
Dear Editor,
Some years ago the then Board of Directors of a large local rural co-operative, and some of its suppliers, enthusiastically embraced legislative moves to expel the wider community, including many retired suppliers and other "dry" shareholders, from participation in the ownership of the enterprise rather than merely seeking to limit their voting rights.
Has reliance on international trade, the Asian meltdown, the de-regulation of the industry or something more sinister brought chaos to this major local industry?
It is, of course, easy with twenty twenty hindsight to see the dire consequences of such changes but the community urgently needs to look for remedies rather than to apportion blame. Quoting from the profile of a local University student: "Make no mistakes? Make nothing!! Fix the problem not the blame, and don't shovel it about".
Many non-farming district people who had supported that rural co-operative by purchasing a range of items like butter, fruit and vegetables and household hardware were automatically denied their shareholder discount and so mostly chose to shop elsewhere. The loss of their and their families patronage and on-going loyalty may well have been one of the factors in the current difficulty.
What is the future for members of this key primary industry on which that co-operative has depended? Listeners to some recent programmes on ABC radio are already aware of the successful long term planning tactics of some New Zealand farmers in their independent efforts to combat rural crises, whatever they may be. They do it without compulsory contributions from the taxpaying community via "government" subsidies and concessions and all the red tape and waiting that that path entails. With the continuing narrowing of the taxpayer base, and user pays attitudes, what future is there for government funding under any circumstance/administration?
Local and district communities' survival may well depend on far greater participation by residents in the region's activities and a prompt and deliberate, self- interested, decision to support local industry by actually buying goods and services produced locally. Discuss it.
J o n M. A x t e n s
Subject: Politicians
I think One Nation has given pollies like Peter Costello and Jeff Kennett something to go on with. If they are saying that they would rather have a labour government to coalition with One Nation they will alienate their own supporters. Costello is a hypocrite in my view having started the H R Nicholls Society and then gone along with a "rock-solid guarantee" on wages when he got into government, High labour costs are the main cause of unemployment and are a central issue facing Australia. Peter Costello is strictly out for Peter Costello. I now have more affection for his brother Tim who is a left-wing minister of religion. It used to be the other way around with me. As for Kennett he is likewise on the way out. He has described nursing home patients as "passed their use-by date" and described euthanasia as a "beautiful exit".
Greg Byrne
Subject: Suggestions to help gain seats in Victoria.
Hi, One nation.
So very pleased to see the Libs have there BUM KICKED in Queensland. Suggestion re getting more seats in Victoria.
Jeff in his unholy wisdom has messed up Work Cover. He has removed all legal and civil rights of any worker injured on the job. No worker now has any rights to sue either the Employer. Or The Government Insurance Companies for any Injury.
I myself am classed as disabled. with a permanent on going serious injury, that only gets worse as time goes on not better. I can do nothing to help myself or my family. There are those in the community who are worse of the I am.
I am very pleased to see that you have offered help to this of us in Werribee, with the TOXIC DUMP. Until last year I was President of the Democrats in the seat of Lalor. I could see the ROTE coming and got out.
Mr. Jeff has now basically closed down all reassert at the Department of Agriculture here in Werribee. 19 more people leave next Friday. The Government here are basically putting there fingers up to the Farmers.
These may help you look at ways of getting Victorians to Vote for the One Nation Party. Especially on the Work Cover Issue.
Very Best Regards
Graham West
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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