Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day now at the bottom of this page.
Current topical links (available to all readers):
[Links to the MAI]
One Nation State Election website]
[One Nation Federal Web
Archive of weekly features (available to all
Canberra Column]
an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
first daily Internet newspaper.
October 1995
Unofficial One Nation (hardcopy) newspaper
Following a large amount of email received from all over Australia about establishing a "One Nation" newspaper I have considered a number of options put forward and have decided to embark on a "fax back" strategy. This will allow people who are not on the Internet to gain access to issues being discussed here.
I am currently checking out costs and feasibility, but here is what I propose to cover:
To access the "One Nation news of the week" (ON NOW) all you will need is access to a fax machine. You will dial a number and press start when the "fax tone" starts to receive the hard copy.
I will try to establish ON NOW later this month. The goal will be to make ON NOW a daily in the future.
Thanks Neville Gardener for your much valued feedback.
One Nation to form government with the Coalition
The continuing bleating of the mainstream media and their elite ex-politician mates (like Malcolm Fraser) for the Coalition to let the Labor Party's Peter Beattie (with just 38% of the vote) form government has fallen on deaf ears.
Yesterday One Nation moved to align itself on the issue of supply with Rob Borbidge, leader of the Coalition. The move raised howls of protests from Beattie who said, "If Mr Borbidge forms a government on shady, smelly backroom deals then it will be a government without morality and will not be in the interests of Queensland."
His comments follow state director
Peter James' (seen here right with Pauline Hanson on the night of the Queensland
State Elections) statement, "We would guarantee Supply (to Borbidge) and
we would not go against a no-confidence vote.
James confirmed that he had been approached by the National Party on an informal basis and had indicated One Nation's willingness to support them.
"We are not here as spoilers," James told me yesterday, "and we won't create disharmony.
"We want stability but we won't necessary be voting in a bloc (on issues), or toeing a party line, because then we would become like the rest.
"We undertook before the election that the elected representatives would have independence when it came to issues which affected their electorate.
"Our support for the government does not preclude taking a stance if government inpropriety or ineptitude are involved."
The last reference raising the spectre of the Goss cabinet's shredding of the Heiner Documents... a case which when investigated properly could result in six or seven Labor ministers facing criminal charges.
To form government the Coalition need the support of two independents, Liz Cunningham and Peter Wellington.
Liz Cunningham is known to have views similar to those of One Nation and has been quite outspoken in her support for the party. One Nation did not run a candidate in Cunningham's seat of Gladstone, helping her to get over the line against the Labor party.
Wellington is an ex-Coalition member and lawyer by profession who understands all too well the implications of "Shreddergate". It now appears that he could join the Coalition as Speaker of the House.
This would leave Labor on 44 seats - just one short of majority (a position that is likely to change if MPs are found guilty after "Shreddergate" is properly investigated).
Hanson exposes Costello's lies
Interesting that all commercial television channels except Channel 9 allowed Pauline Hanson the right to reply on last night's news.
Packer's mob are in the vanguard of trying to discredit One Nation the party which will pose a major stumbling block to the easy street corruption taking place through his lobbyists and influential bureaucrats in Canberra.
Here is a short extract from Pauline Hanson's statement to the media yesterday:
I absolutely reject Mr Costello's allegation of a link between One Nation and the League of Rights or any other group.
I also reject completely allegations of the same type that have been made by John Howard, Tim Fischer, Robert Hill and others since the formation of Pauline Hanson's One Nation last year.
Our policy on the low interest loans of the Queensland Trust and the possible duplication and enlargement of this policy at a national level with carefully targeted projects has been formulated by our own people, using our own research from many places including the federal parliamentary library.
This policy is reflective in many ways of the original function of the Commonwealth Bank born in 1911 under the Fisher Labor Government.
Joan Sheldon steps down.
The first major casualty of the Queensland State Election is Joan Sheldon, leader of the Liberal Party, who stepped down after her party's dismal showing - winning just nine seats and losing its official party status.
National Party in disarray
At a time when Fischer is going
out of his way to run One Nation down some of his most senior Federal MPs
are seriously considering joining the party. I believe these could include
Bob Katter (seen right) and De-Anne Kelly both outspoken in their condemnation
of the National Party's close alignment with the globalisation strategies
of the Liberal Party.
It is my prediction that both Katter and Kelly will join One Nation at the next Federal Election. May I also say that I have personally been approached by some other very high profile Nationals who are interested in opening dialogue with Pauline Hanson.
Fischer in the meantime confirmed that he was surprised about the support that One Nation received just a week ago.
He said yesterday that he thought Pauline Hanson was "politically dead" after the video from the grave was aired.
"I was wrong and very wrong," Fischer said. "What I did was I stopped going to the Brisbane hinterland and to export regions in northern Queensland.
"I made a deep tactical mistake after I saw the video."
Meanwhile the entire Maryborough branch of the National Party has given Fischer saying an ultimatum saying that the members will join One Nation unless he revisits the issues of gun laws and the sell off of communication giant Telstra.
One Nation leaders to be announced soon
Following the failure of state political leader
Heather Hill and deputy leader Ian Petersen (seen right) to get seats in
the new government Pauline Hanson has confirmed that the new leadership will
be announced on June 29th after a meeting of candidates next weekend.
I will be there to cover the event and will provide images and feedback on this historic event.,
The Ku Klux Klan web site
In a lengthy article headed "White Shame" in The Courier Mail today Geoff Stead reports on the Ku Klux Klan and writes extensively about their web site.
The carrying of the article should come as no surprise as the intellectual prostitutes (Chiefs of Staff) at this News Limited paper continue their blatant war of disinformation against Australia's newest political party - One Nation.
Earlier this week much was made in the media about Pauline Hanson being referred to on the Ku Klux Klan web site (as a matter of interest I have not viewed this web site and have no interest in doing so - the obsession with the Ku Klux Klan lies in the hands of Murdoch's pawns).
Without referring to Pauline Hanson by name the author refers extensively to the terrible crimes of the clan, their blatant racism and the clans web site throughout the article.
Comments on the KKK web site in the article include: "And as access to censor-free cyberspace grows, so to do the fears that Web sites like the KKK home page may be fanning a resurgence of racial hatred across the United States and beyond...."
"The ADL identified no fewer than 36 Ku Klux Klan groups or similar white supremacist based and anti-Semitic organisations that were openly registered and publicly touting for members - many of them through the Internet.
"They include Alabama's Invisible Empire Knights... etc...."
"In attempting to enlist members on its web site, the KKK promotes itself as a Christian organisation and states its goals to include: "An America in which our children are not confronted by anti-white and anti-Christian propaganda, where they are not confronted with the "joys" of homosexuality or race-mixing but rather the condemnation of those behaviours by God....."
"The doctrine is posted on the Web by Rachel Pendergraft, the national treasurer of the grand council of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Party. She signs off with the statement: "Victory is ours"....
"Perhaps not coincidentally, the Aryan Brotherhood also has its own Web site on the Internet. But unlike the KKK, there are no coffee cups for sale..."
"Members kill to gain admission and are only released from membership by their own death," the Web site advises.
"Perhaps more chilling is that the Web site has had hundreds of thousands of hits."
So why have the intellectual prostitutes at The Courier Mail gone to such great lengths to:
One can only surmise that a number of readers with access to the Internet will look up their site and discover a link to Pauline Hanson being promoted without her, or the party's, knowledge on the page.... the blatant unethical strategies of Murdoch's pawns continue unabated. The link is made without any knowledge of anyone involved with One Nation but discovered through the obsession of journalists who, perhaps, have closet KKK views themselves.
However, the unthinking visitor to the web site could be excused for thinking that there is, for some reason, an association between the KKK and One Nation.... obviously untrue, but don't let that get in the way of a good line spun by the media barons.
Subject: Stunning Ammunition
Dear Scott,
I don't know if you, or the One Nation organisation itself, has anyone available to do a little research? But, if you do, could that person, or even anyone else reading this, with the time and the know how, do a little detective work into an item that was (probably unintentionally) aired by Ray Hadley on this morning's John Law's Program. He was speaking to a Kevin Sweeney, in relation to a letter Sweeney apparently wrote to The Daily Telegraph about changes to the signeage on Woolworth's truck's and stores.
In this letter, Mr Sweeney (a truck driver) said these signs used to say 'WOOLWORTHS - SERVING AUSTRALIA FOR AUSTRALIANS,' with an Australian Flag curled around the back, but were changed to just 'SERVING AUSTRALIA' as well as losing the oz flag, before eventually being replaced by 'The Fresh Food People' slogan. Apparently, Mr Sweeney had said Woolworths made this change following pressure from the Anti Discrimination Board!!
Mr Sweeney actually rang in on the open line, saying his wife had told him that Hadley had been trying to get on to him! Since filling in for Laws, Hadley has made his antagonism towards Pauline and One Nation clear, and it is more than likely he did not particularly want to speak to Sweeney publicly, but, because Sweeney had called in on the open line, he had little choice. Nevertheless, he attempted to discredit the implications of Sweeney's letter, by immediately stating that he (Hadley) had contacted somebody or other at Woolworths, and received a letter back saying that the old signs had always only said 'Serving Australia' before being replaced by 'The Fresh Food People,' and then challenging Sweeney to say what proof he had that the Anti Discrimination Board had any involvement in the signeage being changed.
Mr Sweeney admitted he did not have proof the Anti Discrimination Board had been involved, but, he also managed to get out that there were photos around showing the original signeage on the Woolworths trucks, where the words 'for Australians' and the Australian flag were clearly visible. Caught off guard now, Hadley asked him why, even if that were the case, it necessarily meant there was anything particularly untoward about the signeage being changed. Mr Sweeney replied that he had personally watched the workman spray painting out the 'FOR AUSTRALIANS' and Australian flag part of the original signage. When he had asked why they were doing this, he was told that, following the opening of Woolworth's new Marickville store, complaints had been received that ethnic groups considered the signeage offensive, because it implied it was only for Australians and excluded them. He was also told that these ethnic groups had threatened not to shop in the new store if the signeage was not removed or changed!! Hadley quickly ended the call, saying he would look into it further!
I am fairly confident Hadley will issue some dismissive statement next week along the lines that the Anti Discrimination Board has denied any involvement in this matter and that he has not been able to find anything at all to support Mr Sweeney's claims.
Kevin Sweeney came across as convincing and honest. Whether the Anti Discrimination Board can be proved to have been involved, or not, or whether it was a commercial decision on Woolworth's part, does not diminish the fact that this IS a classic example of what the current popular revolt is all about. If some definitive information, like the old photographs Mr Sweeney referred to, can be found, it is also the perfect ammunition for One Nation with which to counter the current League of Rights smear attempt. Especially as, unlike the smear, it would be true!
President Clinton has just said it for America, so let One Nation say it for Australia. Australians welcome migrants to this country, and not only want BUT EXPECT them to consider themselves Australians like the rest of us once they MAKE THE CHOICE TO COME HERE! We want an end to the ethnic and indigenous social engineering that has been foisted on to this country by the Australian Labor Party and perpetuated by the politically correct. Let us have a naturally multiracial ONE NATION where we ALL consider ourselves to be Australians, with no hyphens!
Carol Kavanagh
Subject: gerrymander still on?
I'm John Allen and I have been having a good look at the election results on and I see that the results still show a good representation for the NPA!
NPA=15% of the people and 23 seats!!!!!
ONP=23% of the people and 11seats!!!!( you were robbed!)
LIB=16% of the people and only 9 seats!!( more than the NPA and 14 less
ALP=39% of the people and 44 seats( that is just over the fair mark!)
Others=7% and no seats and I am in this lot!!!
Please place me on your email list (I sent you an email a few days ago congratulating you) and please give voice to the setup of electoral boundaries.
I haven't been on the internet for too many months and I have been trying to find out who the best ISP people are.
I found that Ipswich City Council have a beauty.
I have made Global Web Builders my home page until I find a better one ( that one will take tossing!)
If I find that your ONP voice connects with mine regarding political issues ( I have sympathies for disfranchised people, especially aborigines and asians and workers in australia) I would certainly support your initiatives.
DISFRANCHISEMENT is the KEYWORD in the debates about people, political boundaries, urban versus provincial versus country issues and has not been dealt with the best answers by any governing body ever in Australia to date!!!
I believe that regardless of who we vote for we should ALL be in WIN/WIN situation.
Sadly, that has not happened and that is why the nation is in this sorry political mess.
Yours sincerely
John Allen
Subject: creation of credit
Regarding the creation of credit the late Bob Santamaria wrote (News Weekly, special edition 1997): "So long as a percentage of the workforce remains unemployed, there is no technical reason why this method of credit expansion cannot be safely used. Powerful political forces will, however, be ranged against such a proposal...
"What the private banks have to lose, once a parallel system of government-controlled credit is admitted, can easily be calculated. In 1994, the Federal Government issued $17.6 billion in currency. From that the banks created $572.7 billion in credit, that is $21 of credit for every $1 of currency. (RBA, Financial Aggregates, Press Release, October 13, 1994).
"At an average of 10% interest, $57 billion was paid in interest by the community. Anybody who believes that the monopoly of credit issue would be readily sacrificed by the banking interest is living in cloud-cuckoo-land."
This intelligent analysis is the reason for the experts' derision of the One Nation proposal. The greedy b's have got too much to lose.
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Newspaper
If You can get the expertise together to demonstrate a viable ONE NATION NEWSPAPER, even perhaps a weekly, I for one, even on a pension, will find $100 to buy a share of it. It needs to be big though. the Newsagencies and the distribution networks are fully controlled. My newsagent doesn't dare display a ON publication or any other publication, even religious , if it challenges the established order. "We wont be able to supply you with the papers and magazines so long as you keep that on your shelves," "Someone" threatens.
Philip Madsen.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
G'day Scot,
With all the rubbish that has been said about One Nation and Ms Hanson I fully expect that over the next few weeks/months leading up to the elections the following.
1: One Nation linked to the death of Lady Diana.
2: One Nation linked to schoolyard shootings in the USA.
3: One Nation linked to child pornography.
4: One Nation linked to ANYTHING that goes wrong ANYWHERE!
On another point, I live in Hurstville in Sydney (the St George area) and have on and off for most of my life.
Over the last 5 years a number of large apartment blocks have been built within about 500 meters of the center of town. These blocks (and one is about 22 levels) have been built and sold off the plans to various Asian groups before they came to Australia.
At the same time the local shops and shop owners came under pressure to sell up and move out. It's been done in a low key way and a couple of owners I have talked to said it was like they were being boycotted by the increasing Asian population.
More and more shop signs are now in Chinese and English with a number in Chinese only. Very few of these Asian shops have Anglo Saxon workers, they don't seem interested in hiring them.
The local Kogarah Council has just done a letter drop about the rebuilding of a local park. It contains plans that show a very Asian theme including a Chinese looking pergola and gardens.
This is all becoming a little to much for me. I'll most likely move out in the not to distant future before it becomes mandatory that I learn Chinese just to survive here.
I can only hope that the One Nation candidate for the seat of Barton will do well in the upcoming elections and hopefully reverse or at the very least slow down the Asianisation of the area.
Geoff Stanley (Australian and BLOODY proud of it!)
Subject: Congratulations
I would like to go on to the mailing list. Congratulations on the wonderful results in the State Elections!! When they ask where the money is coming from tell them you will use the interest from the loans to the Indonesians to help the Australian farmers etc.! Sock it to them.
Loretta Everingham
Subject: Pauline on PM
Just heard Pauline interviewed on ABC radio's PM programme tonight. Classy. She performed very well, refusing to be drawn into the stupid (and desperate?) assertion that the League of Rights was formulating One Nation's policies.
What a cheap stunt this is. Smear by association. (I don't know anything about the League. Knowing the depths to which the media have sunk, it's highly likely that it has suffered the same vilification as One Nation has endured to have earned such a sinister reputation). So what if members of the League or the so-called ultra-right groups vote for One Nation? Voting is compulsory in Australia. Right-wing people are hardly likely to vote for the Greens, the Democrats or the Labor Party, are they!
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Petition John Howard
I am not a young Australian, so I can remember a time when the major political parties of this great country (Labour & Liberal) stood on the merits of their own policies when it came time for the great people of this great country to decide who would govern them. Sadly, this is not the case today. It is evident to me that both Labour and Liberal have become 'partners in crime' as they warm each others beds to keep an 'ordinary Australian persons' party (Pauline Hansons One Nation) from having a 'fair go' at the up-coming Federal Election. I would hope that John Howard and the Liberal Party are confident enough in their own political policies, that they don't have to resort to what is known as 'political manipulation' to assure their return to power. Perhaps you have become so engrossed in the 'wants' of minority groups and 'other countries', that you have forgotten the majority of the people you have been asked to govern.
Subject: Mailing lists
Dear Sir,
I am a school teacher in Victoria.
I am impressed by the momentum that is developing around yourself and One Nation. I have poked around your web pages and a wondering about joining the party but have decided that I want more information at present. Therefore include me on your electronic mailing list please.
Best wishes,
Ian Bell
Subject: Protest
Mr Howard
Worried? You should be!
Australia has finally found a party that is not afraid to voice the opinions of the majority of the Australian people. They certainly couldn't make the country more of a mess than you and your party has!
I would like to lodge my protest against the Prime Minister putting Pauline Hanson's One Nation last on all "How to Vote" cards at the next Federal election. One Nation definitely has my vote!
Phil Brown
Subject: Ignorant scum Media!
The late news on Channel 7 this evening featured a 'breathless' female reporter(dare one say 'bimbo') "intro-ing" yet _another_ shock/horror instalment on ON Party.
'ON Party has Nazi links' screamed this brainless excuse for a human being....on waiting patiently for the details, the somewhat bemused male presenter explained that 'Pauline Hanson strongly denied links with the League of Rights' .
The hypocrisy and venom of these sorry excuses for 'journalism' knows _NO_ bounds. Who do these media freaks think they are?
Even 'Auntie'[bless her jaded soul!] had the decency to say 'Pauline Hanson denied links with the Far-right group League of Rights". So: we now have these self-appointed arbiters of public morality and 'political correctness' cooly informing us that this 'link' has been upgraded from 'far right' to 'Nazi'.
On what basis? What evidence can these thought police advance that: [a]the League of Rights promulgates Nazi doctrine; [b]ON Party has official, substantiated and documented links with them?
Methinks I detect the slimy presence and nefarious influence of a certain Mr Peter Clod-ello, colluding once again with his despicable media/mafia/mobster bedfellows and globalist gunk-heads: the _real_ Nazis in this case!!
Subject: Racists
TASMANIA which is not in very good state at the present time. our politicians have blinkers on them, they think the calessi virus could not cross Bass Strait and it did, they found a fox here last week, and that is a first too, and the bumble bee arrived a year or so ago. now they think that ONE AUSTRALIA will not come down, my gut feeling is that there will be support, principally as a way of exhibiting disgust at the conduct of most politicians and parties. One has only to watch the conduct at Question time(feds) to wonder at the value of them, like a kindergarten, they must present a better image.
I also resent being told by our ABC from Tokio correspondent that the Japanese don't like our "racist" policy..........well who could be more racist than them, or maybe the Koreans, who cast out babies born of American soldiers in Korea as being unclean etc, racist. If the Chinese are in disadvantage in Indonesia why do we have to offer haven, they are Chinese, why does their own country want them, or do they want to come here for a better way of life, under the guise of "political refuges".
How about our middle eastern countries, well, you know what I mean, if they come here, let them adopt the way of our life, i could not see us carrying out our customs of dress, religion etc in countries of their religion, we would be lashed, etc for transgressions, OK if you go there that is their law, if you come here this is our way.
Lew Jarvis.
Subject: Re Costello and the travelling bullshit circus
To claim that One Nation is led by racists, anti-semitics and other extremists is to say that one in four Queensland voters is either a racist, anti-Semitic or extremist.
I for one, as an AUSTRALIAN, A RETURNED SERVICEMAN and a VOTER am offended by your comments.
You and people like you should start to realise that it wasn't One Nation who put itself in the political position it is, IT WAS THE PEOPLE.
You sir, are little more than an offensive little cretin with just enough mental processes to manage to do what your masters tell you to do.
If I were to stoop to your level, I would say that you couldn't even take a crap without written instructions. However, I am too far above you to say something like that.
Have a nice day
Letters to the Editor
EMERALD - (Friday, June 19, 1998) - Regrettably Prime Minister John Howard and his Treasurer Peter Costello have adopted the same policies of their Labor Party predecessors.
Recently at a major conference in Melbourne, the Howard Governments deregulationist policies to take Australia into the global economy appear to gain the full approval of International Monetary Fund representative, Michel Camdessus. Camdessus urged Australia to pursue firm labour market deregulation policies and the introduction of a goods and services tax (GST).
He said that in the globalised economy, wage rates and labour-market practices cannot be insulated from market conditions. In other words, Australian workers would have to lower their wages to compete with low wage nations.
Mr. Camdessus whilst championing the Howard Governments proposed implementation of a Goods and Services Tax failed to address the problem of multinationals paying little or no tax in Australia.
Prime Minister Howard gave Mr. Camdessus clear indication that the International Monetary Funds globalisation agenda was in fact the agenda of his government.
Mr. Howard said that we face an increasing borderless world, a world of intense competition and that the challenges we now face can be summed up in one word - globalisation.
It is important to remember that a leopard does not change its spots, Mr. Howard when treasurer in the Fraser government, became synonymous with the implementation of retrospective taxation legislation. Can this individual, who is out of touch with reality, be trusted with a Goods and Service Taxation?
V. (Vic.) B. Cominos
Subject: Another (minor) annoyance in Melbourne this morning
This morning on the way to work the Melbourne radio station Gold FM, on their morning news, were blasting Ms. Hanson again, claiming One Nation has only 3% support in Victoria, and that most Victorians are very much against the party. And as I'm sure you know, that rumour that ON is linked with anti-Semitic groups. All aside, having lived in New York previously, I've seen so many anti-white campaigns launched by blacks, Jews and various other groups that I find these insinuations and accusations nauseating. Do white people have no rights at all anymore ? I hate to see this beautiful country that I feel so privileged to live in becoming another America. To venture a guess, I'd have to strongly disagree with this radio station's opinion, and reckon there is more support down here than they think.
Are there any plans for a One Nation branch in Victoria ? I certainly hope so.
Subject: 'domestic denial'
Isn't it strange. Just a couple of years ago, anybody who voiced fears that under globalisation nations would lose their sovereignty was ridiculed as a red-necked conspiracy theorist. Now all the mainstream politicians and 'opinion makers' are quite brazen about it.
The Australian's Paul Kelly yesterday wrote of government leaders being handicapped by 'domestic denial' in selling their policies furthering globalisation.
It looks like we really are in Orwellian times when the language is changed almost overnight. The same fact - loss of sovereignty - is a ridiculed 'conspiracy theory' one day, and a worrying 'domestic denial' the next.
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Howards Hypocracy
Dear "Clue Me Up" Scotty (live that one down LOL),
Sorry to be so prolific, can anyone explain to me how Howard and Costello can say that "the concept of printing more money is the worst I've heard in 24? years" when their argument is based on the theory that you can't have more legal tender in circulation than gold reserves without devaluing the currency? I would remind everyone that it was Howard and Costello that sold off half? of the gold reserves. I don't recall at the time any mention of recalling half of the legal tender in circulation.....
If the argument is in the net worth of the infrastructure of Australia the reverse applies - we must be woefully "undertendered". Mr. Costello, the net worth of an orange after it passes through the human digestive system begins to resemble Ray Martins journalistic ethics....
"Please Explain"
Best Regards,
Anthony Mare
Congratulations on the Queensland election results.
I watched the Today program this morning and thought David Oldfield came across as unbiased and very professional. I think that one of the reasons the Party is so popular is the fact that no-one attacks the personalities of other politicians. We have a disrespectful society and have no hope of changing this if we also have to put up with rude, name calling Politicians. Australians want dignity and discipline in their society and this is an aura Pauline has.
With regard to immigration, where can I find out the criteria of obtaining entry to Australia and what conditions there are once here? My husband is Danish and when we lived in Denmark I only had temporary residency for a period of some years before permanent residency status was given. Conditions of ability to remain in Denmark were that I did not separate from my husband and that I was not convicted of any offence. I would be very interested to know if any such conditions apply in Australia. I am not anti immigration in a much smaller way than present but do believe there should be a much stronger stand taken with those here with regard to crime. We have lived in Queensland, both on a farm at Lockrose and then in Cleveland. I worked for Queensland Transport at Macgregor and we were constantly having to turn a blind eye to migrants cheating on their licence tests, a popular way being to have a mobile phone in a shopping bag and someone outside answering the questions. At the push of a button they could disconnect before we could confront them. Obtaining concessional registration on vehicles and boats even though the pension holder was not licensed was another one we could do nothing about. Most Australians are too honest to catch onto these antics. I also find it incredible that you are being blamed for the downturn in tourism, investment and the number of youngsters being enrolled in our schools. Has no-one noticed that the economy in Asia is not too good at the moment or is that your fault too?
My best wishes to you all,
Judith Ottosen
Subject: Please read it
Could someone please raise the question?
As Australia earns its wealth by exporting capital intensive goods. IE: minerals and agriculture, and then imports labor intensive goods, textiles, and secondary industrial goods. Is it any wonder that we have unemployment?
If we carry on with the present economic system we MUST be a socialist country because the people that create the wealth must feed the ones that dont.
Australias biggest asset is its people, please lets get the balance right and employ ourselves.
Jim Heath
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
Queensland candidates
gather in Gympie - 31st May 1998
Political Correctness
and "racism" exposed.- 30th May 1998
Taking on News
Limited at the Australian Press Council in Sydney.- 23rd May 1998
Launch of One Nation's
Queensland leadership.- 22nd May 1998
Protest over
closure of National Australia Bank branch in Ipswich - 21st May
Pauline Hanson meets the people of Blair - 20th May 1998
Unethical trifecta
expose Courier Mail's intellectual prostitutes - 9th May 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.