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an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
first daily Internet newspaper.
October 1995
"RPCA" (Racist Politically Correct Asian) strikes.
On the right is a scan of an advertisement placed by one Chuck E Hong a Chinese Australian businessman living in Sydney.
In a classic case of reverse racism (in this case a new word which I will call RPCA) he addresses the advertisement to "All self-respecting Asian Australians".
The race basis of the advertisement appears lost on the mainstream media who have extensively covered it today as proof-positive that the recent Queensland State Election result will result in financial disaster in Australia.
In the advertisement the racist Hong calls on Asian businessmen to boycott Queensland.
Yesterday Hong said, "What is the point of sending your children, when you yourself are vilified?" Now let us remember that here we have an Asian businessman calling on people of his race to boycott a decision made in a democratic manner in Australia... not Asia.
This is exactly the sort of action that turns Australians to One Nation in their millions. They are sick and tired of the politically correct brigade who can do no wrong.
Can you imagine the uproar from the media if One Nation had said "We don't want Asian investment in Queensland?" Yet, think about it rationally. That comment is less divisive than Hong's advertisment - which is not ridiculed by the media rather jumped on as an example of why One Nation is "bad" for Australia.
The focus of Hong's rage, the Queensland State Election still hangs in the balance. As vote counting goes on it now appears that One Nation will hold 11 seats (3 more than the Liberal party).
The Labor Party are still just short of the magical figure of 45 seats and would be required to form a coalition with an independent (the most likely being Peter Wellington who is expected to take the seat of Nicklin).
Both Federal and State Coalitions in panic mode
Yesterday Rob Borbidge said, "The reality is that the phenomenon we are dealing with out in the electorate is not going to subside.
"It will be around in six or twelve months until people feel their frustrations have been dealt with through the ballot box."
Borbidge is aware that he will need to work with One Nation to form a government in Queensland. As a result his comments about gun laws, foreign ownership and native title are becoming more aligned with the views of One Nation.
On a Federal level Treasurer Peter Costello began a misguided attack against the economic policies of One Nation describing the party's ideas as dangerous and damaging.
Costello ridiculed One Nation's national director, David Ettridge's, comment that Australia could "print more money" and "offer 2% loans".
"If we experiment with the policies offered by One Nation it will scare foreign investment out of Australia and destroy Australian jobs," Costello said.
"We'll all be worse off. It is not time to inwards and backwards in relation to economic change because if we do that we will get trampled underfoot."
The latest edition of B A Santa Maria's News Weekly (June 13) gives an excellent background as to why "printing more money" makes perfect sense.
In a country in which we all wonder who actually runs the "Australian" Reserve Bank, we need to regain control of our currency which has become a tool of currency players, as its recent sharp drop dramatically demonstrates.
On page 14 of the News Weekly Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the US Federal Reserve Board, is quoted as saying:
"Central Banks can issue currency, a non-interest bearing claim on the government, effectively without limit."
"with leveraging, there will always exist the possibility, however remote of a chain reaction, a cascading sequence of defaults that will culminate in financial implosion if it proceeds unchecked. Only a Central bank, with its unlimited power to create money can with a high probability thwart such a process before it becomes destructive. Hence, Central Banks will of necessity be drawn into becoming lenders of last resort". (Greenspan in his speech to the 34th Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition May 7th 1998)
Page 29 of the Campbell report:
"From 1913 - 1917, low interest, long term credit was provided by the Commonwealth Bank to finance the construction of the Transcontinental Railway. It advanced 17 million pounds at 1% PA and got it back.
"It was also the was Australia financed its commitment in the First World War. The commonwealth Bank loaned the Australian Government 325 million pounds, interest free. Indeed, until as recently as 1984, the Reserve Bank of Australia paid only 1% on government working balances and advanced money to the Federal Government at 1% for its working operations."
It was after 1984 that Australia's banking system was deregulated by "the world's greatest treasurer" Paul Keating.
This week's News Weekly goes further to outline many of the policies that One Nation is proposing as making perfect sense to break us out of the clutches of foreign ownership.
One has to look no further than the idiotic and simplistic headlines in today's papers as proof-positive that we are on to something - regaining our sovereignty - and the Murdoch's and the Packer's in cahoots with the major parties do not like it one little bit.
Today we learn that One Nation will be put last on Liberal "How-to-Vote" cards in the coming Federal election.
And today we have John Howard saying, "If people stop mouthing policy that would discourage foreign investment they will simply create more unemployment."
Let us remember that it is the major parties powerful media allies who are doing all the damage overseas portraying One Nation for what it isn't through blazing simplistic racist messages across the world's media which have no bearing to the truth. This reflects on all Australians who have had enough of globalisation without participation in the path taken to achieve the aim.
It is the evil Murdoch empire which is destroying our credibility off-shore as the intellectual prostitutes who peddle their master's message through Reuters fawn to the man who is the powerbroker behind hidden walls and in dark corridors in Canberra.
These are the only shadowy figures Australians should be concerned about, and yes, they do exist.
The Cancer Stage Of Capitalism:
Our social immune system is being overwhelmed by growing, out-of-control money market cancer.
By John McMurtry
[John McMurtry, professor of philosophy at the University of Guelph, uses the metaphor of modern capitalism as a cancer to describe the recent uncontrolled spread of global capitalism. Its invasive growth, he argues, threatens to break down our society's immune system and--if not soon restrained--could reverse all the progress that has been made toward social equity and stability. This essay is a condensed version of an article Prof. McMurtry wrote for the American journal "Social Justice."] This article was published in the CCPA Monitor, July/August 1996.
When we think of a society's "defence system," we think of its armed forces. We have long been conditioned to do this. The military-industrial establishment and the armaments business are the world's most powerful institutions of organised violence and international trade. For them to preserve their vast power, it is essential that they be sold as society's primary form of "self-defence."
And a simple view of the above...
"Then Fred makes a discovery. Fred finds that only a small percent of his receipts or bank notes are cashed in for gold in any given period. That means Fred can issue more notes than he has gold in his vaults, since he can (almost) always meet the small daily demand for redemption out of gold in the vaults."
And what about the "Role of the World Bank"?
A Global Cooperative
The Bank is comparable to a global cooperative, which is owned by member countries. The size of a country's shareholding is determined by the size of the country's economy relative to the world economy. Together, the largest industrial countries (the Group of Seven or G-7*) have about 45 percent of the shares in the World Bank-and they carry great weight in international economic affairs generally. So it is true that the rich countries have a good deal of influence over the Bank's policies and practices. The United States has the largest shareholding-about 17 percent-which gives the United States the power to veto any changes in the Bank's capital base and Articles of Agreement (85 percent of the shares are needed to effect such changes). However, virtually all other matters, including the approval of loans, are decided by a majority of the votes cast by all members of the Bank.
World Trade Organisation... just what is it?
Business lobbies PM over Hanson
The Politically Correct come out from under their rock:
The Prime Minister, John Howard, is under growing pressure from within his own party and from key business backers in the Jewish community to persuade the Liberal Party to put One Nation last on its federal how-to-vote cards.
The powerful Australia-Israel and Jewish Affairs Council whose directors include leading businessmen Mr Frank Lowy, Mr Solomon Lew, and Dr Gary Weiss has written to Mr Howard asking him to do everything he can to ensure Pauline Hanson's One Nation party is given last preference by the Coalition at the coming election.
Elements of the NSW and Victorian Liberal parties are also understood to be organising a nationwide petition of Liberal MPs, officials and grassroots supporters calling for One Nation to be put below the Labor Party in preferences for all federal, State and local government elections.
The Ethnic Coalition of Australia, representing Italian, Greek, Chinese, Vietnamese and Jewish community organisations, has also written to Mr Howard, urging him to use his influence to ensure One Nation is put last on federal how-to-vote cards.
The push on the One Nation preference issue comes as the Government lays the groundwork for an early election, with the Deputy Prime Minister, Tim Fischer, saying yesterday that a double dissolution poll was the only option for Mr Howard if the Senate did not pass the Government's Wik legislation by July 4. Mr Howard's public position on One Nation preferences has been to uphold the right of the Liberal Party State divisions to make their own preference decisions. On Monday he appeared to defend the Queensland division's State election decision to direct preferences to Pauline Hanson's party ahead of the ALP.
On the same day Federal Cabinet failed to make a decision on the preference issue, despite a long discussion of two options: A firm declaration to be made immediately by the federal executive on Mr Howard's instruction to put Ms Hanson's party last, or; A wait-and-see option to look at party polling and then let Liberal Party State branches decide how preferences would be allocated.
Mr Howard is believed to have favoured the latter option and spoke for at least half an hour at the meeting, which was also attended by Liberal Party director Lynton Crosby and president Tony Staley.
There is a growing view within the party that the Liberals must take a strong principled stand, a view which quickly galvanised into organisation of the petition after One Nation's huge 23 per cent vote in Saturday's Queensland election.
The Victorian and South Australian divisions of the Liberal Party have already declared they will give One Nation last preference and there is strong pressure in the NSW division to make a similar decision at its June 26 State executive meeting.
But other divisions have not made a decision and the Queensland Liberal president, Bob Carroll, has strongly defended his State's decision to prefer One Nation over Labor in the State poll.
A decision to put One Nation last is also likely to put the Liberals at odds with at least some sections of the National Party.
Meanwhile, the pressure on Mr Howard from ethnic and Jewish groups is mounting.
In its June 5 letter to Mr Howard, the AIJAC wrote: "In view of the threat which you acknowledge Ms Hanson represents to Australia's tolerant, cohesive and peaceful society, we trust that you will do all that you can to ensure that the One Nation Party is placed last on all the Coalition parties' how-to-vote cards at the next federal election."
The AIJAC letter was signed by its national policy chairman, Colin Rubenstein, and its national chairman, Mark Leibler. It recorded the names of the council's board of directors, including Mr Lew, the former Coles Myer executive chairman, and Mr Lowy, the chairman of Westfield Holdings.
The pressure on preferences came as Mr Fischer yesterday called on business leaders to publicly defend the Government's policies of deregulation and reform, which are under attack by Ms Hanson's party.
Speaking at the Australia Summit an international trade and investment conference Mr Fischer and Mr Howard promised the Coalition would not be persuaded to adopt protectionist and anti-reform policies in response to the rising popularity of Ms Hanson.
The message to voters attracted to Ms Hanson from Mr Howard and Mr Fischer is that her policies would cost Australians jobs, are damaging and "stupid".
"I think there are some stupid propositions being put around to people who are being exploited because of economic vulnerability and the sense of insecurity they now feel," Mr Howard said.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
I have been following your news since November last year. You are doing a good job of informing us of what is really going on behind the scene.
The more information about the Multinationals and media that is revealed strengthens my feeling that the ANZACS died in vain during the Second World War which is being won by the Asians fifty three years after its end.
This country is being manipulated by these Foreigners using fear.
It was good to see the One Nation did well on Saturday, and I hope that they will take the Balance of power in the Federal Government at the next elections.
It is time that the Democrats were removed from their position which seems to be an extension of the ALP.
Subject: Taiwan Sugar
So Taiwan Sugar has today withdrawn its plan for a $20 million development in Queensland in reaction to One Nation's 10-seat win at the election. Good riddance! I am sure Queensland can do without such anti-democratic bigots.
Some kind soul should tell them that investing in NSW isn't going to do them any good. I'm sure voters in NSW can't wait to emulate their Queensland cousins in electorally delivering a mighty kick in the backside to the established politicians who have so selfishly brought this country to its knees.
Antonia Feitz
Lord Mayor Jim Soorley (seen right) is a bald faced liar .
Both the Premier Rob Borbidge and Labor opposition leader, Peter Beattie, confirmed that the decision by the Taiwanese company had absolutely nothing to do with One Nation's strong showing in the Queensland State Elections.
Turns out the decision to move to New South Wales was made weeks ago.
Subject: One Nation Success and the INTERNET
Dear Scott,
May I congratulate you on your efforts on behalf of Pauline and the One Nation Party in the successful outcome in the Qld election.
I have been interested in the events of the past two years, first with the movemnt started by Bruce Whiteside, and then attending the Brisbane and local meetings. In the early days, I found it very difficult to obtain information such as getting a copy of her maiden speech etc. With access to the Net and your pages, it suddenly became possible to follow the situation as it progressed.
In following the events since Saturday last, I find it very interesting that none of the political parties or the commentators have made comment on the role the Net has played. Perhaps the 'message' has not yet sunk in - that no longer is it possible to completly hide the truth. Obviously, only a relatively small percentage of the population is accessing the net for political enlightenment, but this percentage has made some impact, and this can only grow. with another election mooted, perhaps this is not the time to point out their weaknesses, or perhaps to claim credit where it is due. However, I hope that those witin the organisation recognise the worth of your efforts, and that you are able to keep it up. I am sure that you will be aware of the value of your contribution, as will many others.
I acted on your suggestion of emailing TOYOTA re their sponsorship of 60 Minutes and, while their response does not indicate that they acknowledge their ability or power to affect programme content, I am sure that by taking the trouble to respond to my letter, they will be aware that there are potential customers out there who object to such blatant misrepresentation ( and downright dirty tricks). I feel it would be counterproductive to point out to them that by voting with their dollar, they have a very strong potential ability to affect programming. I will include a copy of their reply.
I would be interested to hear at some convienient time if you make an assessment of the effectiveness of using the Net to affect the election campaign.
Alan Turton
Subject: One Nation Newspaper
This is in no way shape, or form, a slap at News of the Day but a plea to all One Nation supporters to press for " ONE NATION" a national newspaper. Scott does a mighty job but he is restricted to the net and there is a large audience out there who are hungry for the TRUTH that do not have access to a computer.
The election last Saturday showed up one glaring example of an uninformed public and that was in the way they voted, so many were confused as to how they were to mark their ballot paper.We polled 23% of the vote, why did we not get 23% of the seats?
I just interrupted this letter to listen to Pauline on the mid-day show, Well done Pauline!
Back to the paper idea. We are going to need some way to combat the bullshit put out by the Slime Press and their biased reporters, and our own newspaper, in my opinion, is the way to go. What do you think?
Alan Esson
What we need is to co-ordinate some investment to get such a project going...
Any ideas?
Subject: Well Done
What a fantastic
result for one nation. as a youth of australia i think it is high time that
someone had the guts to stand up for what the majority of australians belive
in. congratulations Ms Hanson on being the 100th hottest women in australia
in FHM magiazine.
Well done one nation.
Well done Pauline Hanson.
Yours sincerely
Nathanael Cooper
Subject: 3rd World Service for a 3rd World country??
congratulations One Nation ,
you have a hard task ahead , listening to the TV current affairs and talk back radio, there will be massive pressure and bias to kill you off from hereon in. An aboriginal man, a One Nation supporter, rang John Laws program , speaking to the fill in for JL, Ray Hadley? Hadley constantly played the smart alec rubbishing him and issuing disparaging remarks, in an effort to belittle him, any body who supported ON, tried to get their point of view across was humiliated, whilst any one against, was pumped up, sucked up to, great Australian, etc., etc.,. Don't know whether they got a free John Laws watch or clock though.
It staggers me that people who all profess to support free speech, democracy etc., are so determined to silence any dissenting opinion. Freedom of speech appears to be only "certain speech".
Reminds me of the old footage of the Nazi trials of the German officers who tried to assassinate Adolph Hitler, when questioned , they were yelled over and slapped across the face, perhaps we will hear sound overs of callers being slapped?? On second thoughts , i think they do have sound bytes very similar.
PC is alive and well.
PS. when you have a larger voice in federal Government, could you please employ some Australians to answer calls, i rang Centrelink , looking to employ a long term unemployed man who was still suffering from the debilitating effects of Ross River fever but needed to return to the workforce.. after listening to a monotonous voice ,giving me a unwanted brief of the department , i waited in a queue for 20 minutes, only to be told it was the wrong section, i was then placed in another queue and waited a further 30 mins , only to be told that, with the demise of the CES no incentives to help unemployed now existed, although there was a "rumour" that some legislation regarding a new system might be in the wind. "what a waste of bloody time!!!!!!! there are vacancies there for more staff for a start,. And that's only one dept.!!! Is there a new medical condition called "Phone rage"?, because i have now got it!! No wonder this country is a basket case, its run by shiny arsed graduates practicing on peoples lives and damned answering machines.. Funds are always available for every cockeyed commission, legal aid to Land Rights law firms, or ethnic pressure groups for cultural festivals, but nothing to help a fellow get back into the workforce.
Please get this country moving again!!!
Subject: GWB and One Nation party issues
Print more money .. is that a solutiion ..
do you guys undertand anything about the world and how it trade?
You acccepts USA in to take over firms but when asian come in (no more asian)?
microsoft is not australian !! why do you support them ?
Quantas is not solely based in asutralia .. ie "Looking to Asia for growth" !!
not very asutralian .. why not just fly around australia ...
oh that is right when it comes down to australia looking down on asia it alright but when the asian are winning?
hey I know a soloution just print more money ....
you guys are funny ...
Kin Lee
just an australian not a convict :)
and then this email from the same "Kin" one hour later after looking at the One Nation pages on-line....
Subject: support
I agree with some policy of pauline .. but does she think long time kid ...?
cut imagration ...?
better still why doesnt she impove the work force so we can better then the immmagration people ?
any way the aborogial are the only treu australian shouldnt they say who stay and who does ..not just the white fellow ?
what do you think ?
fredom of speech is good !!
but I am sure when you are writing your html page for the companys ever think of the pople that work to get the products there .. ie the asian labour wotk force......(those cute fury koloa teddiies) ...why don't you put a link to the home page of the asian slave work force.. that would be telling the comsumer how they got there ... or are you just a liar and only print the truth you want to hear and suit you .. ie your clients ...are you a man of you word beleving this freedom of speech or just a mouse looking for excuses and hiding behind fredom of speech when it suit you ? laughs
please response
regards Kin
Subject: Thailand 1 BILLION Dollar donation
Please tell the people of Australia the thrut about the money you have given to a dictator nation who send there ARMY in to the streets to kill protesters. We never see the money back. It is easy to give something that is not from your self.but from the people of Australia to pay for the 1 millioen person army to keep the dictator in power.Dont tell bullshit on T.V. about the ONE NATION PARTY and think we belief you. You send this country to the brink of DISASTER.with your secret deals you make behind our backs. ANOUGH IS ANOUGH. SEE YOU AT THE POLLS!!!
Subject: I'm So Sorry Pauline
Quotable quote Brisbane Lord Mayor Jim Soorley, 7th February 1998, "It is right that people should say sorry when someone suffers pain (at the hands of others)"
as a good reason for saying sorry to Pauline Hanson for the media's treatment of her. Fair enough, politicians get it rough, Hason include.
But, also, following that logic, shouldn't the Commonwealth Government say sorry to the Aboriginal people for the pain they inflicted on them? Hmm? No mention of special treatment, no money - just an apology?
Unless, of course, you wish to be just as hypocritical as the parties you condemn.
Stuart Willis
You miss the point Stuart - what I am talking about is PC out of control.... I can make a sorry page for anything and everything - there is so much talk of "reconciliation" yet so little about looking to a bright new future yet we are the ones who called "backward" looking.
Subject: State Election
Congratulations on your election success and best wishes in your attempts to make parliaments and politicians once again represent the people. Please place me on your electronic mailing list.
Greg Blackmore
Subject: Good on you Pauline and crew
My name is Jim Laurie, married, 5 kids. Live in Maryborough Vic. Australia.
Good to see some one with the ability to say what we're all thinking. Congratulations on the QLD results. Look forward to seeing you all in Victoria.
Regards, Jim.
Only those who were not listening got a surprise, and that was quite a few. The Canberra Pollies are still not listening. I believe part of the message is the fact that Pauleen is telling it like it is and not trying to make it sould like what it is not. Keep up the honesty and you will keep up the following. Be careful not to swing to the extreme. And remember, there are many ways to tell the truth, but only one way is profitable.
Keep up the good work.
Martin W Henry.
Subject: Good on you Pauline!
Good on you Pauline!
I saw you on Midday today with that airhead Kerri-anne. You came accross sincerely and strongly. Lets shake up that political world and show them that we (ordinary Australians) have had enough of their manipulation and lies.
Everyone deserves a fair go.
L & N Ford
Subject: Pauline Hanson
I have just found your site, to my great delight. It was recommended by another onliner.
I am delighted and wish you well. I live on Vancouver Island in Canada, and from time to time have read brief articles about Pauline in our papers. I am one of the founding members of the Reform Party of Canada and therefore feel a great affinity to your party.
Congratulations, good luck and never let yourself be intimidated.
Betty Douglas.
Subject: Congratulations
Congratulations on your big gains in the recent election. We heard about in the states. We are fighiting the same globalist powers here. Am hoping your movement continues to catch on as I am hoping the people of the United states will wake up.
Thank you and God Bless OneNation.
Larry Stickney, USA
Subject: QLD election precedent
My hat goes off to Pauline Hanson, the One Nation party candidates, their many, many hard working volunteer supporters and the straightforward manner in which THEIR campaign was conducted.
The precedent set, in that all of its elected candidates will be CITIZEN LEGISLATORS, may in the long run be One Nation's most significant triumph!
To my knowledge, this is the first newly elected group of its sort in the western world, that includes NOT ONE professional politician and NOT ONE lawyer!
Just imagine a group of legislators that speak only one language, the same as that of the voters who elected them!
No wonder the opposition is quaking in its boots. they are aware that there is no legislation or decree enacted or promulgated that cannot be reversed.
john hamilton - USA
Subject: One Nation Mailing list
Dear One Nation,
I have strong beliefs in what you are out to do, even though it has put me at odds with some of my friends. Keep up the great work!!!
Please put me on your mailing list so that I can hear the real stuff, not just the sensationalist crap that the media puts on. Let's repeat what happened in the QLD Election at Federal level!
Derek Mackintosh
Subject: David Oldfield ," excellence "on 7.30 Report
Dear Sir, how refreshing it was to see David Oldfield on the 7.30 report last night !
His clear, concise and straight-forward speaking style was a revelation to all.
How the obs-elite must be quaking with anger and fear now that their "shadowy figure behind Pauline Hanson" has stepped up to the microphone. Dont they just wish they had never mentioned him!
I find the multitude of advisors,committees ,treaty negotiators,consulants etc etc that lurk in the corridors of Canberra, fly around the world on "our" behalf and sign away and sell out this country with out us ever even laying eyes on them,the really shadowy figures of this scenario.
David Oldfield has always stood at Pauline Hansons side,in full view and well known as a political advisor to her.
That he is intelligent ,well spoken ,very well informed and extremely aware of the heartfelt concerns of ordinary Australians, must have come like a lightning bolt from a clear blue sky to the likes of john howard and co. He is an indication of the depth of the One Nation movement and I'll wager they sputtered into the Chardonay at 7.45 last night.
Now...just when did howard say that election was going to be held?
Steve Nichols
Subject: Oh No!
My God, Scott, if today's Courier Mail is to be believed, it seems as if Heather Hill's failure to get elected may turn out to be a far greater disaster than it first seemed!
I was completely horrified to read that newly elected One Nation MPs have said they would accept a Ministry in a new Coalition State government if offered!! If this is true, their self interest is likely to become One Nation's very own premature version of the failure of politicians to listen to the electorate!
Sure, some people were always going to vote One Nation, but many others were more likely to have voted from a pox on both your houses attitude, or were just conservative voters who wanted to kick Borbidge, but did not particularly want to have to vote for Labor to do it. As Pauline said, with her unfailingly spot on instincts, in the past these people had nobody else to vote for.
If new One Nation MPs fail to recognise this salient fact, not only will they be guilty of not listening to the people themselves, but they run the very real risk of ruining everything Pauline has worked so hard to achieve, not to mention gone through!!
After the recent ACT election, Michael Moore, an Independent ever since the inglorious beginning of our self government, accepted Carnell's offer of the Ministry of Health, maintaining it was both a challenge, and an opportunity to do something positive for Canberra, and that it would not in any way interfere with his Independence from the Government with whom he was NOT forming a coalition. However, it is clear that he IS now firmly perceived as belonging to the Carnell Liberal government.
There are constant calls to local talk back radio and letters to The Canberra Times, indicating that the people who voted for him feel betrayed, with many making the point that, if they had wanted to vote for Carnell's lot they would have done so! The media in Canberra has, so far, taking a wait and see attitude on this. If anyone thinks the media will give any new One Nation Ministers a similar break, I've got a very large bridge in Sydney I can let them have at a special price!
Sure, the media will go for the jugular of the ON MPs regardless. But, for them to take on a Ministry would be like making the bullets for the media's guns, and that is whether they stuff up spectacularly or not. The opening salvo will be squarely devoted to sneering at their stated independence and contrasted with the perception of an unedifying grab for personal self aggrandisement. Sadly, their death wish is likely to be the death of the One Nation juggernaut itself! EVEN THE TINIEST ERROR WILL BE SIEZED UPON WITH GUSTO AND MAGNIFIED OUT OF ALL PROPORTION - After all, at both State and Federal levels, the ALP and Coalition ranks are all littered with the corpses of those who have bombed out most spectacularly at Ministerial level - and these were people who had already been around the political traps for a while and not only knew the ropes, but were also given an initial honeymoon break by the media.
Media criticism of inept or self serving One Nation Ministers in a Borbidge led government WILL have a very detrimental effect on potential voter sentiment and will NOT be seen as media crapola, in the same way that their treatment of Pauline has been up until now, or in the way that similar treatment of One Nation Independent MPs sitting on the cross benches would be. It's ridiculously easy to make mistakes, and Ministers have no choice but to trust, and rely on, the advice of their Department. So, it won't matter one iota if they have not officially joined the conservative parties in a Coalition, because they WILL most definitely be perceived as having done so, the media will see to that. Michael Moore is now being seen in that light and the media have not so far joined in, and he has not even, so far, made more than a few minor stuff ups.
The Libs and the Nats will be happy to shrug off any ON Ministerial disasters as the inevitable consequences of the electorate's stupidity in voting for One Nation in the first place, and the ALP and the media can be expected to reinforce this perception in spades!
Pauline is on record, post the election, as saying that One Nation would not not form a Coalition with either side, because she would lose all credibility if One Nation was to do that. Her natural instincts are always spot on. And, the likelihood is that what could have been the foundations from which to build a complete transformation of the of the Australian political scene, is now highly likely, instead, to become the rocks on which One Nation founders, to the great satisfaction of many in the media and elsewhere.
It is all so very disappointing!
Carol Kavanagh
I agree Carol - I can only believe that the elation of the moment got the better of them.
I am sure that they will quickly see that humility before the people is the best strategy.
Subject: how to vote cards
Dear Prime Minister,
In stead of putting the One Nation Party last on the how to vote cards trying to kick this great group of people out. Get rid of the Liberal Party including yourself and take the labour Party with you.
All the Liberal Party and the Labour Party have done is lie to the people and me personally. you don't deserve to be in parliament.
yours truly.
Paul Winkelmolen
Subject: New Slogan
Beware of what you hear from the media, it could be a Packer lies.
Jim Heath
Subject: Qld
I live on the Gold Coast and it is refreshing to see a new approach to what should only loosely be described as politics.
Michael Mayo
Subject: petition re HANSON
Mr Howard,
You are a church going man and I am sure you are aware of biblical prophecies. I am sure you want to make Australia a strong nation that will withstand the enevitable onslaught of globalisation or whatever fancy name you want to give to the NEW WORLD ORDER. An idyllic dream of some poor souls as was the Russian revolution.
Think hard and pray my good friend. A very good friend of mine Noel Hicks once said to me a few years ago."Prayer is all we have left" I was then a member of the National party in Western NSW. Yes, I have voted for One Nation and the reason for so many of us o vote the way we have goes back many years before Pauline Hanson was ever heard of. In the federal election I will no doubt vote for her and with Conservative preferences. Seeking a stable AUSTRALIAN ORIENTATED government that will conduct the affairs of our country as a well diciplined committee would conduct and meeting. debating suggestion with merit no matter what side of the floor presents them with the welfare of Australia to the fore. The Rothchilds, Rockefellows and Bilderburgers will eventually have their way in running the show. Make sure we are a people to be reckoned with and respected.
Consider our preferences.
Keith R Powney.
Have you got an answer ready yet for the above good gentlemen who are doing themselves and Australia more harm by their slanderous remarks.
Subject: Why I voted for Pauline Hanson.
I am a person who has been a life long supporter of the National party and I feel I have been betrayed by them.
The reasons I feel betrayed by them are as follows:
1. The National Party is a weak and gutless lap dog to the Liberal party.
2. The Liberal party is a weak and gutless copy of the Labor party.
3. If we are going to have a clone of the Labor party we might as well have the real thing.
4. They have not listened for years to their basic supporters.
The positive reasons why I voted for One Nation are as follows:
1. One Nation has courage and conviction that frightens the media and the establishment .
2. One Nation promises honesty and integrity in Government.
3. Except for Pauline Hanson the parliament on television looks like a bunch of monkeys screaming and yelling at each other.
4. One Nation would borrow money to create jobs and lend it to people who would create jobs instead of borrowing or taxing heavily, and paying a pittance to 800,000 Australians who could be working.
5. The reindustrialisation of Australia would put all these people to work.
6. The banks have become so powerful that judges decide case after case in their favor without reference to the true facts.
7. The Tax office is corrupt and infiltrated with the mafia, and is capricious in its decisions. .
8. The Media has become so powerful they think they can censor the news and only tell people what they think they should know. God Bless the internet.
9. The Australian Federal Police is the private army of the Attorney-General of the Commonwealth and will not accept complaints from the public.
10. The media can publish seditious words with impunity, but an honest woman is vilified by them.
11. The Liberal party is so scared of the media barons it will do nothing against them.
12. The Labor party is the same.
13. The Bankruptcy and Insolvency service is totally corrupted and inept.
14. The Current government and Opposition are percieved as totally dishonest and have no respect for the Constitution of Australia.
15. The Government and Opposition are not Loyal to the Queen and if they do not value their Oath of office are unworthy of support.
16. Protection for essential industries by tariff is essential for the security of Australia.
17. The Government is treacherous and dishonest and is trying to diminish the ability of Australia to defend itself by policies designed to make Australia so weak in industry and devoid of arms that any country could invade us.
18. Three hunderd thousand Australians would be able to get jobs if Australians only ate Australian food. Protection is essential.
19. A GST is just a stopgap to benefit the very rich both the Labor party and the Liberal party have been benefiting at the expense of the ordinary working man since 1972.
20. The High Court is not empowered by reference to the Constitution and the laws precedent to the Constitution to sit upon cases like Wik until the facts are found by a jury.
21. The Truth about Aboriginal Australians is suppressed and a fictitious version of the truth is presented by the media nad government.
22. One Nation will have the Constitutional power, and the courage to declare the Australia Act 1986 which destroys the separation of powers between the executive and the judiciary in Queensland , invalid and restore accountability to the Judiciary.
23. The Federal Judiciary is accountable under laws currently on the books but will not entertain suits against themselves even though they are arguably corrupted.
24. The Rules of the High Court have become corrupted when a judge can decide who gets tried under Order 58 Rule 4 (3) for indictable offences as Justice Callinan, a Co-alition appointee did on 14 April 1998.
25. I have no confidence in the Federal Judiciary except for Justices Black, Sackville, Finn, Beaumont, Hill, and no doubt some others but 9 out of twelve that I have personally seen in action are horrendous in their arrogance and very poor lawyers to boot.
26. The Federal Parliament is dishonest and has acted outside its powers and their sworn oaths, to let The Federal Court sit without a jury to determine fact at all times as judges must in Queensland.
27. Both sides of Parliament have condoned horrible violence in East Timor and the murder of Australian journalists to cover their lack of preparedness to defend the Commonwealth.
28. The Government and opposition have invited a potential enemy to train in the land they may yet invade.
29. The Government and the opposition have both set out to sell the family silver to avoid bankrupting the nation and the party must end when the silver runs out.
30. Only One Nation has policies that will put all Australians to work rebuilding this Nation after 26 years of Treachery.
31. Globalisation is only another name for colonisation by foreigners.
32. MAI is the key to a corporate invasion.
33. In 1972 the Dollar was worth $1.15 American. As the party closes it is worth 58 cents.
34. Unless Australians can work there is nowhere to go but Down.
35. The Tax office is corrupt because it sends people bankrupt inflicting the ultimate hardship when the Act they work under allows them to grant relief.
36. The Federal judiciary is corrupt to let them do it and condone these acts.
37. The Federal parliament has increased the time in jail for a summary offence as against an indictable offence from 3 months at Federation to a year to deprive Australians of their Constitutional right to a jury trial.
38. The Quarantine service is under resourced and unable to keep such things as the Papaya Fruit fly out of Australia.
39. The media does not give equal time for replies to outrageous claims by The Coalition or the Labor party so they must be scared.
40. The Labor Party and the Coalition have allowed a terrible concentration of media ownership to fall into the hands of one very rich Australian and One very rich American citizen.
41. essential industries are allowed to be sold into foreign hands.
In Queensland.
1. The Police are tax collectors harassing the population for money without mercy in breach of the Oath of the Queen they are sworn to give loyalty to.
2. The Queensland parliament has been creeping summary offences up to defeat the right to a jury trial.
3. Magistrates in Queensland are not Loyal to the Queen or they would not permit this.
4. The Queensland government is a Brisbane government and the members of it have been Brisbanes person in the provinces rather than the provinces people in the Parliament.
5. Judges in Queensland grant benefits to criminals and to bring a criminal to justice in Queensland, an ordinary person has to put enough money for the criminals defence into Court before the prosecution can proceed.
6. The Labor party repealed this practice and the Borbidge government reintroduced these corrupt practices.
7. Lawyers in Queensland are a prortected species who can keep files with a lien on them until they are paid, but the Government and the Labor Party will not protect the labour of an ordinary man as a subcontractor from the practice of a reciever dishonestly siesing and selling the fruits of that labour.
8. Equality for all is not racist.
9. Patriotism is not taught in Schools any more.
10. Both parties in Queensland pander to minority groups to the detriment of the population at large, such as not building the Tully Millstream Dam.
11. The emphasis is on suppression and oppression with lots and lots of increases in fines under Goss that were not rolled back.
12. The Queen, on the advice of the Government is not showing any mercy on people who have no money to pay Her fines and is imprisoning them in breach of Her Coronation Oath.
13. This causes hardship to lots of people.
14. The SETONS Court introduced by Labor and not repealed by the coalition is a rort and is a revenue exercise, not a justice exercise.
15. Magistrates in Queensland cannot sit with a jury and do find fact capriciously and favor their mates the lawyers.
16. Some magistrates in Queensland are disobediant to the Constitution and their Oath and presume to determine indictable offences against the laws of the Commonwealth without a jury in breach of the Constitution.
17. The Registrar of the Supreme Court of Queensland in Cairns refuses to put Federal indictments before a Judge or seal them and issue a summons so they may be heard and protects alleged criminals.
18. The Police drive around in flash cars but will not act on a complaint of fraud from a member of the public.
19. The Queensland government under Goss siesed water rights owned by Farmers and paid for by them, without compensation as required by the Constitution and then resold that water back to the same farmers at a higher price than they had been paying.
20. Borbidge did not reverse the decision.
21. Denver Beanland condoned the failure of the Registrar in Cairns to refuse to file indictments under Federal Law.
22. The Brisbane Government removed services from all over the Rural Areas under Goss and Borbidge made no effort to return them.
23. Public Services from the Department of Primary Industries were reduced and not replaced.
24. The Crown Solicitor is corporatised and no longer doing his public duty but instead is trying to make money.
25. In despair, subcontractors are committing suicide, rather than live in this unjust society. (24 last year.)
26. In Queensland there is a creeping regulation mania. A person has a perfectly good licence but then needs a permit to use it. The permit costs money which is paid to the Satate government. To get it requires a Doctors certificate costing $90 andit is all unneccessary.
27. To do business needs a licence and costs money .
28. To open an office requies a certificate and costs money .
29. To open a factory requires a certificate and costs money.
30. Car registration continues to rise.
31. Truck registration is exhorbitant.
By and large a lot of whinges, but if you wanted to know why I voted for Pauline Hanson, now you know.
Peter Alexander Gargan.
Subject: Protest
As an Australian born Chinese who's family has been in Australia for the last 70 years, I wish to advise you that from my perspective (as a legacy of last weekes election results). I have no intention of having any further holidays in Qld. Up until recently I would fly up every 2 months to see my partner. I will now be flying her down here instead.
These short visits by me usually cost me $2000-2500 in additional expenses. I intend spending it elsewhere. I will also be encouraging other family members to boycott Qld as well.
I have found this to be a rather distressing turn of events as my nature is "to roll with the punches". I find the recent turn of events extremely distasteful. In my own way I need to register a quiet protest.
Perhaps you should remember that the Chinese (who's potential to outstrip the japanese economy is obvious) can also buy sugar from Cuba, Wheat from the US and Canada, Beef from Argentina. Wool from New Zealand. Their tourists will not invest their money in Australia let alone Qld. Tourism in Qld is already struggling. You should also remember that the nature of the Chinese is not to create a big song and dance on issues. They will just quietly withdraw and take their money elsewhere. Family comes before finances and if they see that their families are at risk or not welcome they will protect them from harm. (emotional or physical). Whether you like it or not the decision by the Taiwanese to move their sugar business to NSW was not driven by Sorley but by perception.
Smart move guys.
We won't miss you if you cannot fit in and be an Australian.
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
Queensland candidates
gather in Gympie - 31st May 1998
Political Correctness
and "racism" exposed.- 30th May 1998
Taking on News
Limited at the Australian Press Council in Sydney.- 23rd May 1998
Launch of One Nation's
Queensland leadership.- 22nd May 1998
Protest over
closure of National Australia Bank branch in Ipswich - 21st May
Pauline Hanson meets the people of Blair - 20th May 1998
Unethical trifecta
expose Courier Mail's intellectual prostitutes - 9th May 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.