Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Nation state and federal candidates meet in Toowoomba 4th -5th
Island Bridge case thrown out by High Court 2nd April
Hindmarsh Island Bridge farce revealed 31st March
agrees to make our fresh water a "global commodity".... beware farmers -
your fresh water dam WILL cost you! 28th March
Mail's national affairs reporter Peter Charlton attacks MAI concerns and
breaches ethics guidelines 28th March
US Government's global "Cablesplice" project, fact or fantasy? 26th
Hanson endorses 12 state candidates. 22nd March
Limited bucket opposition to the MAI. 21st March
Current topical links (available to all readers):
[Links to the MAI]
One Nation State Election website]
[Sign the "I'm so sorry Pauline"
Archive of weekly features (available to all readers):
Canberra Column]
an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
first daily Internet newspaper.
October 1995
One Nation - one year on...
The final day of the Easter weekend on Pauline's farm.
follow these links to see why (image right, sunrise on Pauline's farm
this morning:
12th April - One Year On - at Pauline Hanson's farm.
On-line history of Pauline Hanson's One Nation - the first year.
Interesting Union perspective on the death of the MUA
Below is an article by the trade union on the wharfies and their struggle against the Coalition Government:
The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) has been involved in a bitter dispute over the past 6 months with the right wing anti-union Australian Government, one of the countries two major port operators, Patrick Stevedores, and the National Farmers Federation (the NFF).
During this time, ITF has undertaken several successful actions in support of the MUA.
On April 7, the dispute escalated massively. Without any warning, all dockworkers employed by Patrick (a total of over 2000 people) were dismissed. Security guards with dogs were moved into the facilities to remove workers forcibly. Several were injured. At the same time, non-union workers, trained over the past few weeks by the NFF in Melbourne were brought into key facilities to begin operating cargo handling equipment.
Although initiated by Patrick Stevedores Inc., a subsidiary of Lang Corporation, this move clearly has the full support and encouragement of the Australian government. Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith issued a press statement welcoming the sackings at the same time he was officially informed of them. The government has raised a bank credit of A$250m to finance the substantial redundancy payments which will be due to the workers under their collective agreement. The company and the government have made it clear that they have declared war on the union. It is clear that they intend to create a union-free ports industry in Australia. The union has the total backing of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU).
Highly restrictive new labour laws introduced by the present Australian government severely limit the ability of Australian unions to engage in solidarity action. These laws have recently been condemned by the ILO Committee of Freedom of Association as being incompatible with ILO Conventions 87 and 98. As a result, international solidarity action has taken on a key role in the dispute, and the Australian government has already announced that it has briefed lawyers in Australia and London to standby to take action against the ITF for organising such support.
This struggle is of fundamental strategic importance for ITF seafarer and dockers unions worldwide and those unions have already pledged themselves to take full solidarity action in support of the MUA if necessary. The ITF has been keeping seafarer and docker unions in key ports constantly informed of developments over the past 6 months as well as asking them to make plans for possible solidarity action. The time has come to implement those plans.
Subject: Great work on MAI
Put me on the mailing list of your work please! I intend if possible to become an Australian citizen in the future and it makes me glad to see people like you fighting for citizen, local community, worker and small business concerns from an independent perspective.
I believe I have some promising potential contacts for you with strong links into Australia that could strengthen your arguments for stronger regional economic communities in Australia, and thereby a stronger Australia. The opposition party of Canada is currently looking at the work that some of my colleagues have contributed to over four years.
Also, I have been in contact with an Australian MP who is a UN delegate and coauthor of a recent book (last two years) on joblessness and tax equation linkages, which seemed very scholarly and politically independent (if that is possible!). Are you familiar with Australian works of merit in this area ? I have lost the gentlemen's name and book title.
At the moment I am working with students in two Canadian provinces to help oppose the MAI. I am a mature student recently returned to school after a successful consultancy in British Columbia was crushed by a vengeful government after we revealed it's misue of $2 billion fund pledged for sustainable forestry.
David Dawneway, Canada
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
See GLOBE International for
other world news.