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an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
first daily Internet newspaper.
October 1995
Mankind in Amnesia
Here is an extract from Graham Strachan's article:
The present generation of young Australians is about to repeat one of historys grimmest lessons: encouraging and submitting to tyranny, and they are being led to the slaughter by people in the media, particularly on programmes like 60 Minutes. During the 60 Minutes disinformation piece on Pauline Hanson (8 June 1998), reporter Jeff McMullen repeated the now-familiar piece of propaganda: The patriots here believe that their own government is selling them out. Like Pauline Hanson they believe that international treaties are undermining the power of national governments to make individual decisions. Its a much derided global conspiracy theory.
Lying Beattie licks his wounds
The desperation of a man who will go to any lengths to become Premier of Queensland in the upcoming state elections became blatantly apparent to even blind Harry this week.
Trying to scare the many ALP voters who intend to vote for One Nation Beattie claimed that the party would put the Coalition above the ALP in 40 seats on their "How to vote cards".
David Oldfield said yesterday that Beattie had shattered his credibility as he displayed over half the How to Vote cards prepared for One Nation - with only three putting the Coalition first after One Nation.
In a day filled with disinformation about One Nation in News Limited's Courier Mail we have article after article of individual cases saying why they won't vote One Nation, from abortion to guns. The emphasis being blatant bias to try to swing One Nation voters away from voting for the party.
Don Farquhar, seen here right, a member of the new loony
"Free Beer Party" is given prime space as one of those who is against the
gun policy. He is quoted as "being a member of the One Nation party... a
blatant misrepresentation of the facts.
"At the age of 11, I accidentally shot and killed my brother," he said. "For 28 years of my life I've lived with the image every day."
A large full colour picture of Farquhar's sad looking face dominates the page.
Days after Channel 9's Sixty Minutes debacle The Courier Mail's blatant attack is just another example of how the major parties are revealed for what they are - the multinationals stooges.
Beattie refuses to reopen Shreddergate
When challenged Beattie said that a Labor government would not investigate why the Heiner documents were shredded.
An event which a member of the High Court, Ian Callinan QC, has called "a massive abuse of power".
End is nigh for four pillars.
Note Costello saw Soros weeks ago... before the current plight of the Australian dollar under attack by his Quantum. The result? Interest rates will rise and four banks are set to become three resulting in the loss of thousands of Australian jobs as hundreds of bank branches are closed.
Yeah, globalisation is good and its only the newspapers who do not have unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. This one is known as the Financial Services Industry Agreement.
Extract from The Australian article carried here:
As the Aussie dollar was sustaining a robust attack by funds such as Soros and others, the Treasurer no doubt wanted to put the Americans right about the soundness of the Australian economy and its reasonably good prospects, notwithstanding the continuing slide in the fortunes of our Asian trading partners.
A spokesman for Costello yesterday had no comment on the meeting and what may have been discussed. No doubt the Americans listened to the Treasurer politely. Their assault on the dollar continued regardless of Costellos soothing words.
At one point of the discussion, either in answer to a question or as an issue raised by Costello, he said that after the next election he would dismantle the controversial four pillars policy which forbids mergers between the Big Four Banks.
Subject: The UN Draft Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples
After Pauline Hanson aired the UN Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Australian parliament for the benefit of people who have never heard of it, Mr Howard called her speech 'deranged'. He claimed the Draft was nothing, of no importance.
Perhaps somebody should advise him that it seems to be of great importance to many indigenous people and their supporters. It features on ATSIC's home page. If the Draft is so inconsequential, why were so many Australians represented at a UN Working Group which held 18 meetings during the period 21 October - 1 November 1996 precisely to discuss the Draft. The meetings were held in New York.
Among Australia's representatives were the Australian member of the UN Commission on Human Rights, ATSIC's Social Justice Commissioner, and representatives of the Central Land Council, Kimberley Land Council, National Aboriginal and Islander Legal Services Secretariat and the NSW Aboriginal Land Council. As it is not chickenfeed to fund people to attend a Working Group in New York for one and a half weeks, the Draft must have some significance. You can't have it both ways: it either has significance or it is yet another example of rorting and junketing by the Aboriginal industry.
As usual, Pauline Hanson is telling the truth and her opposition is lying.
Antonia Feitz
Subject: sixty minutes
Dear Sir
Why are the "Movers and Shakers" of the multi-national media empires out to destroy Pauline Hanson? They have never attacked any other alternative party before with so much vigour. All I can think of is that she is very popular amongst a growing number of Australians.
If the media feels threatened by her then why don't they say what it is that makes them scared of her? Could it be that she might gain enough power to get their hands out of the honey-pots? Who knows?
As for Sixty Minutes........I think I liked Don Lane's "You've Got To Be Joking" a lot better. At least Don KNEW his show was about "bullshit" and making people laugh. It's a shame Channel 9 doesn't realise their show gets the same response.
Subject: Re: Australia's current affair programme, 60 Minutes, discredited.
Dare I say it (inspired by the goodness of Kerrie Christian)--the prejudice which is being fomented in Australia against Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party over a few State election preferences is not really the stuff of which ethical cultural pluralism should be woven. As a democrat and a pluralist, I have often seen (and occasionally felt) this kind of hysteria at election time without it's shaking my belief in the electorate's ability to somehow come up with the right answer (which is never a purge of either ethnic or political minorities).
I wonder why I could have read Scott Balson's posting from the Canadian list and not the Queensland one. Did Scott make a mistake, or is my server letting me down again?
As it turned out, there was no need for Pauline Hanson's publicity machine to 'discredit' the Nine '60-Minutes' item which was not even really about the much-feared Hanson policies. The Packer channel merely gathered up a particularly smelly TV turd from its US bureau (about Gunnie Armageddon warriors) and feebly tried to smear this on the Hanson face by way of a brief and laughably infantile presenter's intro.
It probably got the Hansonites a few more votes in gun-toting Queensland electorates.
Some non-Australian readers might need to be informed that, in Australian elections, the marking of second and subsequent preferences is generally compulsory. In lower-house elections (eg, Queensland), the ranking of preferences is entirely in the power of individual voters. Parties can recommend preferences but are not able to control these votes, excepting, of course, that some citizens may choose to be so controlled.
Incidentally, I've become concerned that some of the birds in my garden may be racists. The wattlebirds won't tolerate even the other honey eaters, and there is a distinct tension among the magpies and butcherbirds whenever one of those 'introduced' kookaburras flies in. Should I eliminate one or more of these species, and why? Or should I let nature take its course?
Brian Jenkins
Subject: divided nation
Dear Sir,
We would like to wish you no luck at all in the upcoming elections. We rest our faith in the humanity of all Australians that they will have the decency and foresight to put the One Nation Party last on the ballot paper.
The reason you have made it this far in Australia's' political agenda is due to your racist and bigoted Queensland support base. It's understandable, most of Queensland was raised on red neck principles and values. And they will flock like sheep to anyone who will openly display racism in public.
I don't think you have a hope in hell of making it outside of Queensland. The rest of Australia is culturally aware. We support the Aborigines in their stand for equality and we certainly support the arts that you want to have cut.
I only feel compassion for you and all of your supporters, as you are obviously living in a state of hatred and will never really find peace and happiness in your hearts.
Thanks to all the negative press, you may be a household name, but no one we know is speaking of you favourably. Rest assured, we won't give you any help whatsoever in the upcoming elections. Not even a thought.
Two white Australians.
Subject: Australia's globalised future
So far this year the Reserve Bank of Australia has spent almost $4 billion propping up the dollar, though it has lost 20% of its value against the greenback anyway. The major hedge funds are heavily selling the Australian dollar to force down its value just so they can then buy it back at a cheaper price, and subsequently make a good profit when it rises again. It is totally immoral.
Obviously these international speculators have no regard for the social and economic chaos that results from their selfish and greedy actions. No, the sacred market must not be polluted by any 'interference'. But this pious belief is pure hypocrisy when one remembers that the Mexican bailout was organised purely to avoid any losses for the same big end of town. They didn't object to 'interference' then, when it concerned their own hide.
The derided Dr Mahatir is right: such speculation in currencies is immoral. It's sad to think that if governments had had the welfare of their peoples at heart, they would have adopted the Tobin tax proposal. Or at least tried it. Tobin, a Nobel laureate in the dismal science of economics, proposed a small tax on short-term international financial transfers. It would not have interfered with productive international investment, but it would have slowed down the speculators via a tax penalty on very short-term movement of capital.
But governments were gutless in the face of the international financiers. If this is our globalised future, no wonder One Nation is thriving as people see just how craven their so-called government has been.
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Re: Australia's current affair programme, 60 Minutes, discredited
As a Queenslander, I did not find the 60 Minutes report on One Nation exaggerated or hysterical. You cannot have a tolerant and pluralist society without a free media and free and open debate. The problem so far has been that there has not been enough critical journalism on this party's simplistic responses to social problems. Interstate members may not be aware that at least one member of One Nation has publicly resigned because of the influence of right-wing, American inspired paramilitary groups inside One Nation, viz. the Freedom Scouts. The funds that this party has attracted in a matter of months are enormous. I cannot help but wonder if they are coming from the US National Rifle Association and other pro-gun organisations.
It is also wrong to trivialise the electoral threat from One Nation. This is not just about preferences. One Nation could well hold the balance of power or form a coalition with the Nats and Libs to govern after June 13.
Pluralists should be refuting this party's harmful policies and encouraging informed media debate about the social threat which it poses.
Libby Connors
Subject: Re: Queensland State Elections Live
Dear Sir
There seems to be a small problem with the Email messages being sent to me. I get each one twice. It is not a major problem but if you get a chance could you delete one of my entries in your address book? I don't remember subscribing twice. On a separate issue, I have already voiced my outrage over the sixty minutes program to the offending party. Just one more voice to add to the disgust over the program.
Brian O'Rourke
Subject: Keep me informed please.
Go for it Pauline, there are a hell of a lot of people behind you, I ask everyone I speak to: What do you think of Pauline Hanson?? have not yet had a negative, and most of these people have been Liberal supporters all their lives.!!!!
With our best regards, and keep up your good work, your dreams and your ideals.
The Kempin Family
Subject: State Queensland Elections
I wish you all the best for this Saturday Queensland State Election, and hope you win all the seats that your party has stood in. We can't wait for our opportunity here in Western Australia.
Last night went to a public meeting in Karana Downs where two people made "an egg" of themselves.
The first was the ALP candidate, Laurie Lumsden, who confiormed that the ALP were not interested in Democracy.
The second was the region's favourite
eccentric, Barry Sampson-Searle, seen here right promoting his monthly bulletin
during geberal question time.
(He was being told to sit down in no uncertain terms by the gathering at this time!)
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
The proof exposing 60 Minutes'
trash - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
Queensland candidates
gather in Gympie - 31st May 1998
Political Correctness
and "racism" exposed.- 30th May 1998
Taking on News
Limited at the Australian Press Council in Sydney.- 23rd May 1998
Launch of One Nation's
Queensland leadership.- 22nd May 1998
Protest over
closure of National Australia Bank branch in Ipswich - 21st May
Pauline Hanson meets the people of Blair - 20th May 1998
Unethical trifecta
expose Courier Mail's intellectual prostitutes - 9th May 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.