Sunday 10th May 1998

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Recent stories exclusive to  (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:

Unethical trifecta expose Courier Mail's intellectual prostitutes - 9th May 1998
MIGA - son of MAI exposed - 8th May
Just me and Pauline
- 5th May
One Nation breakfast - 4th May
Just who are the Mont Pelerin Society - 3rd May
The Internet and the DEATH of the MAI - 30th April  
Launch of Pauline Hanson's re-election campaign - 29th April  
Second One Nation protest surprises Bob McMullan - 28th April  
Sultan of Brunei buys up big tracks of Australia - then negotiates Indonesian "settlements" 25th April
Maritime Union of Australia win in the Federal Court 22nd April
Just who is behind the dock war? 19th April
One Nation Birthday Party on Pauline Hanson's farm 10th-12th April
One Nation state and federal candidates meet in Toowoomba 4th -5th April

Current topical links (available to all readers):
[Links to the MAI]
[Queensland One Nation State Election website] [One Nation Federal Web Site]
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Today's Headlines
an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's first daily Internet newspaper.
Since October 1995

Hanson's One Nation faces up to its biggest fight

The Australian mainstream media have made their position known.

As the Queensland state and Federal elections approach there will be an unprecedented attack by the forces of evil against the party.

Last week's skirmish by The Courier Mail aimed at ensuring the Liberal Party backed down from its stated position of putting One Nation above the Labor party in the upcoming state election was just a taste of what is to come.

Luckily more and more people in this country are realising that the media is about as ethical as the Mafia. It does deals with the major parties, its lobbyists have virtual free reign in the halls of Canberra and the servants of mammon who write the trash are little more than intellectual prostitutes.

The planned moves by the Murdoch/Packer media have to be countered.

There is no more reasoned political debate or reporting as the flight into fantasy and fairy-fluff based on the whims of the media barons is now becoming more and more transparent.

The trifecta of one-sided and biased reports in last week's Courier Mail sparked a week of Liberal Party/One Nation bashing.

The Liberal Party because they stated the obvious, One Nation because they are the enemy. In today's Sun-Herald Peter Robinson in Candid Comment states:

"...After all, last Tuesday, no less a personage than the Prime Minister (who has been a bit flaky on the matter ever since the Hanson nonsense became a public issue) defended the right of the Queensland branch of the party to direct preferences to One Nation.

"Most of the people who are attracted to Pauline Hanson are not any more racist than you and I," he said in an interview with the Australia/Israeli Review.

"What outrageous balderdash for a Prime Minister of "all the country" to be spouting.

"They may not be any more racist than Howard - although why he should admit it is hard to fathom - but you can count me out of that group as, I suspect, you can most of the Australia/Isreali Review."

This reporter is following the spin-doctors line perfectly with the scorn and self-grandisement over "the evil" Hanson factor clearly challenging any reader to "lower" themselves to be associated with the One Nation party.

The simple fact that this reporter fails to reveal in the ongoing media-inspired onslaught against One Nation is that it is only One Nation which is not a racist or divisive party in the once "lucky" country.

But facts do not count in the fallacy of spin-doctors, Pauline Hanson's simple message that "all Australians should be treated equally" is lost on these gutless messengers of fear.

As Neville Gardener recently wrote in the Sunraysia Daily, "It is only the One Nation party in Australian politics that will treat everyone equally regardless of race or ethnicity.

"All other parties (Liberal, Labor, Nationals, Democrats etc..) believe in the tax-payer funded multi-cultural and Aboriginal industries.

"Put bluntly, these other parties believe in special laws and funding for special groups based on their race or ethnicity."

We must never forget now or after we have won the media war how the lies were perpetrated by a media which can be so easily manipulated when in the hands of so few. This election will need to be fought, uniquely, on the media front as well by One Nation as the reporters' masters get more and more paranoid about the dangers of voting for One Nation. A message which should be seen for what it is. A blight on democracy and a clear revelation on the fear that the barons have on being found out when One Nation is in a position to start asking questions.... questions which the other parties have never had the intestinal fortitude to challenge.

The time of the people is coming, people power will prevail. We will not be the first country where people power has made the difference. In other countries men, women and children have risen against the establishment through demonstrations, through riots and through guts. In Australia we are lucky. We will be able to use the ballot box to loosen the rope around this country's neck and to place it firmly where it should be - around the systemic corruption that has allowed the media barons to run roughshod over the rights of Australians.

There is, perhaps, no clearer example of the manner in which journalists have allowed themselves to be manipulated than the lack of objective reporting on the multilateral agreement on investment (MAI). This international treaty, which was being negotiated in Paris, would have allowed the likes of Murdoch to ignore Australia's media ownership laws and to take our government to an international court if they had tried to stop his wholesale media takeover of any scraps remaining in this country.

The MAI has been generally ignored by the mainstream media with the only reference to the MAI being a temporary flurry by ignorant idiots like News Limited's Peter Charlton who presented the treaty as being good for Australia. So good that the federal Coalition were taken kicking and screaming into damage control through the "creation" of a Joint Standing Committee on Treaties. So good that the MAI has been put on hold because of an unprecedented global outcry against it.

Courier Mail continue anti-Hanson onslaught

The Courier Mail continued their highly unethical and slanted reporting as they tried to stifle democracy in Queensland.

Yesterday we referred to the trifecta of unbalanced reports written by intellectual prostitutes at that paper.

Yesterday the fourth anti-One Nation stance article appeared in a remarkable week in which four out of five days features in The Courier Mail presented this point of view.

Here is an extract from yesterdays' article by John Lehmann:

"For two years the Liberals have twisted themselves in knots trying to deal with their “Frankenstein”.

"When Pauline Hanson, the then unknown Liberal candidate for the “unwinnable” Labor seat of Oxley, whined on to the political stage with a bout of Aboriginal bashing in 1996, the Liberals expelled her on the spot, guaranteeing national exposure."

MAI to be finalised under cover of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Having failed to get the MAI passed under the OECD the multinationals are now pushing for their treaty to be signed-off at the WTO.

Here is an extract from stage three of this anti-people treaty:

"Ministers from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) last week agreed to a six-month hold on negotiations for a Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI). Ministers are to use this time as a "period of assessment and further consultation between the negotiating parties and with interested parties of their societies," according to a communique from last week's OECD ministerial meeting in Paris. Talks for the MAI began in 1995 and were to conclude with an agreement last year, until the deadline was extended until April 28, 1998. It became evident this winter that no agreement could be reached, which resulted in last week's decision for a pause in negotiations."

Joint Standing Committee on Treaties on how treaties are approved:

Treaties are tabled in Parliament at least 15 sitting days before the Government takes binding action. This means that treaties are tabled after the treaty has been signed for Australia, but before action is taken which binds Australia under international law. This arrangement applies to both bilateral and multilateral treaties and to all actions which amend a treaty if the amendment alters obligations with a legally binding impact on Australia, including termination or denunciation of a treaty.

Where tabling in Parliament in advance of binding action is not possible, the documents are tabled as soon as possible thereafter with an explanation of the reasons. The Government has undertaken to use such procedures sparingly and only where necessary to safeguard Australia's national interests, be they commercial, strategic or foreign policy interests.

Treaties are tabled in Parliament with a National Interest Analysis (NIA) in order to facilitate scrutiny and to demonstrate the reasons for the Government's decision that Australia should enter into legally binding obligations under the treaty. The NIA should include a discussion of the economic, environmental, social and cultural effects of the treaty where relevant; the obligations imposed under the treaty; its direct financial costs to Australia; how the treaty will be implemented domestically; what consultation has occurred and whether the treaty provides for reservations, withdrawal or denunciation.

The Committee advertises the treaties under review and commences its investigations by way of public hearings as soon as practicable after they are tabled in Parliament. At the conclusion of its inquiries the Committee presents its report to Parliament with appropriate recommendations.

The Committee welcomes submissions from interested organisations and individuals on any of the matters before it.

Quite simply the above process is not adequate. Fourteen days for public debate on a document which might be hundreds of pages in length....

Our findings on matters related to treaties (like the World Trade Organisation's MIGA Bill) is very different to the statement, "The Committee welcomes submissions from interested organisations and individuals on any of the matters before it."

Quote from the Parliament's MIGA page: "IRS staff are available to discuss the paper's contents with Senators and Members and their staff but not with members of the public."

Making the news" -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.

email the editor

You say:


We need to show them that we care.

It's just not right. Thousands of stevedores in our very own country are living at or just below the six figure salary line. And if that wasn't bad enough, many of them may go several weeks or months without a paycheck if they are forced by the Maritime Union of Australia to strike.

But now you can help. You can sponsor a needy stevedore. For less than $60 an hour you can help keep a stevedore economically viable during their time of need.

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For you, sixty dollars is nothing more than half a week's rent or mortgage payment. But to a stevedore, sixty dollars an hour will replace a portion of his or her salary.

During the strike action stevedores are facing the hardships of losing their daily subsidised hot meals and access to their free gym, swimming pool and recreational facilities. Many striking stevedores can no longer take home crates of whisky or the occasional 100 cm television or new car that "accidentally" fell-off-the-back-of-a-container-ship and was written off by the Shipping Line's insurance.


Each month, you will receive a complete financial report on the stevedore you sponsor. Detailed information about his or her stocks, shares, savings, and real-estate holdings will be mailed to your home. You will be able to watch your stevedore's net worth grow. You'll also get information on how they chose to invest their 2.4 million dollar lump sum they get upon their retirement.


Your stevedore will be told that he or she has a SPECIAL FRIEND that just wants to help. Although the stevedore won't know your name, he or she will be able to make reverse-charges calls to your home via a special operator in case they need more funds.

Please charge the account listed below $480 per day  for the duration of the strike. Please send me a picture of the stevedore I have sponsored, along with a "Die Scab Die" badge and my very own "Stevedore Ticket" which enables me to claim a wage for up to 4 hours a day while sitting on my arse doing nothing.

Mastercard: Visa: American Express: Diner's Club: Bankcard: UnionCard:

Account Number:_________________________

Expiration Date: _________________________

Signature: _________________________

Send Completed Forms to the:

Head Office,
Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000.

Note: Sponsors agree not to contact the stevedore sponsored or their families in person or by other means including, but not limited to, phone calls, letters, email, or third parties. However, if you wish to watch your stevedore working you can visit your local wharf during normal working hours (from 11:00AM to 11:15AM). Contributions made are not tax deductible. In the event of end of the strike action sponsors agree to a one time administration charge of $500.00 to cover administration costs of this programme.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another perfect day in paradise.

Have a good one.

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