Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Island Bridge case thrown out by High Court 2nd April
Hindmarsh Island Bridge farce revealed 31st March
agrees to make our fresh water a "global commodity".... beware farmers -
your fresh water dam WILL cost you! 28th March
Mail's national affairs reporter Peter Charlton attacks MAI concerns and
breaches ethics guidelines 28th March
US Government's global "Cablesplice" project, fact or fantasy? 26th
Hanson endorses 12 state candidates. 22nd March
Limited bucket opposition to the MAI. 21st March
The proposed privatisation of
Telstra 16th March 1998
Queensland State Candidates meet the
people 15th March 1998
One Nation, the First Year
12th March 1998
Current topical links (available to all readers):
[Links to the MAI]
One Nation State Election website]
[Sign the "I'm so sorry Pauline"
Archive of weekly features (available to all readers):
Canberra Column]
an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
first daily Internet newspaper.
October 1995
One Nation Queensland State and Federal candidates meet
In a historic weekend that will have the Federal and State Australian Labor Party and Coalition machines shaking in their boots a large gathering of One Nation candidates met at Toowoomba to set up strategies for the upcoming elections.
It goes without saying the weekend was a wonderful success - even though our leader, Pauline Hanson, could not be with us - she was in Lightening Ridge addressing 700 miners.
To get about 100 images, story and more follow this link.
Subject: WA abortion Bills
The abortion bills put forward by the various houses of the W.A Parliament are a sad reflection of the poor calibre of leaders we have in this country. To vote in favour of killing a baby to satisfy the mostly selfish demands of uncaring mothers and fathers indicates a twisted mind.
It's interesting that the mainstream media constantly repeat the slogan that this issue is about womans rights. Very little in mentioned about the rights of the baby and the responsibilities of the parents.
Of course the mainstream media should accept some of the blame for these demands to legalize murder as they control the debate and with their usual biased reporting they influence the decisions of our leaders.
Peter. W
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day of luck at Toowoomba,for this historic conference. You are doing a fantastic job informing Australians, via News of the day, of the real issues, and the exciting progress of One Nation. This coming election is going to be the first one for a long time, that will give Australians the opportunity to make a vote that actually makes a difference in the way that our country is run! And what a difference that will be!
Pauline Hanson has exposed tweedle dee and tweedle dum, for the stumbling, ring kissing, syncophants that they are. So many Australians are totally sick of and disgusted with the way this country has been given the finger by those entrusted with its welfare and are just itching to give their votes to the only alternative choice.Keep up the good work!!!
Steve Nichols
Another perfect day in paradise - this time in Toowoomba.
Have a good one.
See GLOBE International for
other world news.