Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Island Bridge case thrown out by High Court 2nd
Hindmarsh Island Bridge farce revealed 31st March
agrees to make our fresh water a "global commodity".... beware farmers -
your fresh water dam WILL cost you! 28th March
Mail's national affairs reporter Peter Charlton attacks MAI concerns and
breaches ethics guidelines 28th March
US Government's global "Cablesplice" project, fact or fantasy? 26th
Hanson endorses 12 state candidates. 22nd March
Limited bucket opposition to the MAI. 21st March
The proposed privatisation of
Telstra 16th March 1998
Queensland State Candidates meet the
people 15th March 1998
One Nation, the First Year
12th March 1998
Current topical links (available to all readers):
[Links to the MAI]
One Nation State Election website]
[Sign the "I'm so sorry Pauline"
Archive of weekly features (available to all readers):
Canberra Column]
an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
first daily Internet newspaper.
October 1995
One Nation candidates meet tomorrow:
Over 50 candidates in the Queensland State Election will gather at Toowoomba this weekend.
The meeting will be aimed at focussing candidates on the tasks ahead. I will be there and will be reporting live from the event.
Apologies if the news of the day is erratic over the weekend but there will be plenty of pics, commentary and action to make up for any irregularity in the news.
On a federal level the National party have come in behind Sir James Killen to tackle Pauline Hanson in the Federal seat of Blair. Liberal sources have said that Cameron Thompson, a former adviser to Liberal Party treasurer Joan Sheldon will probably get the nod.
Thompson's supporters said that the party would be a laughing stock if they
resorted to electing a man who retired from politics 15 years ago. The Nationals,
meanwhile, do not want to alienate One Nation supporters as they will need
to negotiate preferences with the party in key seats.
The Multinationals pay little or no tax - Alan Jones
on Channel 9.
Regular readers will be aware of our expose of the fact that multinationals
are raping and pillaging Australia. Among them is
News Corporation
which is currently being investigated by the Australian Tax Office.
document, referred to by Alan Jones below just shows how these corporate
hooligans are throwing their weight around while the tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee
of Australian politics, the ALP and Coalition play catch me if you can in
Here is a transcript of Alan Jones comments:
"Don't tell me that the Tax Office is waking up. PAYE
taxpayers are fed up to the back teeth with paying their fair share of tax
while the perception is that multinational companies come to Australia, take
what they including massive profits want then pay next to no tax. The perception
is that foreign ownership has increased massively over the last twenty years
so much so that in 1986 the treasury virtually told the Australian Bureau
of Statistics to stop publishing foreign ownership figures.
Some estimates put foreign ownership as nearly as high
as 90%. Some estimates are that nearly Au$200 billion leaves this country
each year in the hands of foreign ownership. Well the tax office's international
tax division may at last be on our side.
They have undertaken an audit and produced some alarming
figures around 4,300 multinationals investigated paid no tax in 1995/96.
A third investigated had interest free loans from related parties. 15.4%
said that they had no documentation to support mechanisms which reduced their
tax liabilities. 420 firms provided no answers to how they justified their
transfer pricing arrangements and so it goes on.
Think of what this means to ordinary tax payers. I'll
tell you what it means, massive revenue losses. If these companies are taking
something like Au$200 billion a year profit out of this country and if they,
on average, paid only 20% tax we would have Au$40 billion. This is a scandal,
this is a rort and it is time the government had the guts to stop it.
Young male teacher ostracised for following in Kernot's
Unlike the well publicised case of
Cheryl Kernot's
dalliances with schoolboys a young male teachers relationship with
schoolgirls has resulted in a top level Criminal Justice Commission (CJC)
investigation into the allegations.
The teacher, Bradley Douglas, 31, allegedly has sex with a couple of school
girls, one while she was only 15 years old.
The CJC has now handed the file over to the Director of Public Prosecutions
to decide whether the teacher should be formally charged over his relationship
with the 15 year old.
The girl, now 17, said yesterday that the teacher gave her his phone number
when she was leaving Grade 10 to go to TAFE.
"He said to keep in contact. All the girls thought he was like a mega-babe,
and I felt pretty special with him giving me his phone number."
Mr Douglas meantime has told the media that he knows of other teachers who
have had sex with students saying, "If I go down, there are others who will
go down with me."
The Department of Employment's Dr Sharon Winocur said yesterday, "We take
any allegation of misconduct very seriously, particularly, when it involves
the welfare of students."
Gareth Evans out for a cheap headline.
That great internationalist and shadow treasurer, Gareth Evans, made a major
blue yesterday when he tried to create a headline. In yesterday's Herald
paper a photograph of Prime Minister John Howard laughing in Parliament
was incorrectly captioned as his response to the
High Court's decision
over Wik.
"This bloke (the Prime Minister) is never so happy as when he is bashing
black fellows," said Evans as he came into Parliament yesterday.
The response in Parliament was immediate with Evans being challenged to apologise
by the Prime Minister. Evans has so far refused to do so - with even his
mates in the media saying that his move was "racist" and a mistake.
Fancy that Gareth Evans a racist!
Subject: West Australian Abortion
After last nights passing of the abortion bill in the
State Parliament, West Australia can boast about being the most barbaric
state in the Western World, along side China.
Makes me ashamed of my state. The sooner that One Nation
can field candidates in my electorates, then they will get my votes at
Subject: Re:
Is "Cablesplice" just
a conspiracy theory? If not, where doesthe MAI fit in?
I would treat this document with extreme caution if
I were you.
The real "Operation Cable Splice" deals with the military
assumption of control over civilian affairs, and is a partner to "Operation
Garden Plot", the US Army's plans for controlling major civilian disturbances.
It is given practical form in the US Army's FM41-10, a manual which is now
- deliberately - virtually unobtainable and which was originally restricted
in its circulation.
The fact that the author of this piece should attach
the name of a completely separate and vaguely-known US Army Operational Plan
to it should tell you something!
Name withheld on request. (USA)
Dear GWB and Scott Balson,
I have read the article entitled "The Great Australian
Swindle MK II" in your web site, and I must say it is very alarming. If only
half this material is true then it is political dynamite. I would therefore
be grateful if you could provide me with photocopies of at least some of
the documentation that you mentioned in the article as evidence for the validity
of your statements. I will be very happy to pay the photocopying and postage
John Hermann
Subject: Please!!!!!
Please Mr Howard don't try to ruin Pauline
Heath Muller
I would like to voice my concern about the signing
of the MAI. DON"T LET IT HAPPEN. What is taking place in this world.......whole
world over........has got to stop! I'm just sorry that the general populace
is so underinformed..........not by chance, but by
deliberation!!!!...........consequently...........MAY GOD HELP US.
Judy Dowd.
I was surfing on the net and suddenly i saw your website
titled as "i am so sorry Pauline
Hanson". I am wondering if you get any mails saying "i am NOT sorry
Pauline Hanson" or " Go to H.. Pauline". It is not possible that every single
person in this country supports her. I hope you are objective enough to let
my mail be in that site as well. I DON'T SUPPORT P.H. and I DON'T HAVE TO
do so and I am (obviously) not sorry for her- i was not sorry for Diana as
Now it is your problem to let this mail be there or
not. As being objective you let it or just continue to lie yourself.
your sincerely
I saw many e mails saying that "i am sorry PH". Why?
what is the point to be sorry for her? What has she done? she just said that
australia belongs to anglo- saxons and she said that she doesnt want to see
many asians in that country. Well dear, close your eyes then! but watch out
for that tree!!
Anyway as everybody knows- if you have studied history-
that aboriginies were the owners of this land, and the first anglo used to
be mentally diabled because he couldn't understand that Abo. were
human beings as well. She said that many asians are taking our jobs from
us. It is only 20% of all immigrations. the rest is not problem of course,
cos they are white .Come on PH!! You are a know what she is. By the
way please wake up! IF 10 people in hundred likes her the rest 90 hates her!
got that?
and i saw that true australian stuff as well in one
of e mails. what is true australian? there is not only one race in australia.
try to live with all together in peace as brothers and sisters .There is
no point to say that Australia belongs to me or us or whoever. Australia
is a country where all the races live together in harmony and This country
is a good example for all the world. keep it up mate!
to all brothers and sisters
Isn't it funny how the politically correct can use terms like "Abo" with
gay abandon while if a One Nation person said that he would be called a
Another perfect day in paradise. Lovely rain overnight... the grass is green,
the river is full... even it is
now a commodity
in the eyes of the United Nations.
Have a good one.
See GLOBE International for
other world news.
Making the
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest
possible levels in Australia.
You say:
Economic Reform Australia (ERA)
All human races are equal..
Personal trivia, from
the global
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