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Wednesday 30th April 1997

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Pauline Hanson's One Nation Official home page.
Pauline Hanson's Offical Home Page.
Extracts from Pauline Hanson's book "THE TRUTH".


Just a couple of days ago the head honcho of the Sydney Olympic Games Organising Committee foreshadowed Ms Hanson's One Nation party being a primary cause for protests by indigenous Australians at the Sydney 2000 Olympics. He is, like others, going to have a problem shifting the blame of the latest threat by Aboriginal leaders...

The issue is now Prime Minister John Howard's ten point plan to counter the High Court's Wik decision.

First we had Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) commissioner on native title, Mr Geoff Clark, saying that an option under serious consideration was calling for an international boycott of the Sydney Olympics.

Clark branded all those who opposed native title as "those racist bastards".

"Are we talking about a divided nation? Are we talking about a nation for all of us, one nation, or are we talking about two nations.. is this the choice of all Australians that they choose to ignore our rights?" Mr Clark said.

ATSIC Chairman Gatjil Dterrkura accused the Prime Minister of failing to negotiate in "good faith" and vowed that Aborigines would "pursue every means available to protect our legal rights and entitlements".

Interesting that the National Party and the One Nation party that now, according to the latest Morgan Poll, attracts an amazing 10% support nationwide, support the extinguishment of native title. That makes, according to Mr Clark, about 25% of Australians racist... that is rubbish and his remark should be called for what it is - racist and divisive in itself. This is an extreme example of reverse racism.

The Morgan Poll has attracted hundreds of thousands of disillusioned Liberal and National Party voters - the party dropping from 48% to 40% of the primary vote nationwide. This makes its baseline voter support for One Nation greater than the Australian democrats who polled just 7.5% nationwide.

One Nation National Director David Ettridge said that voter support was closer to 40% - and I think that he is right.

And at this time radical fringe groups like the Chinese community who claim to represent just 30,000 people living in Australia have made an objection to the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) in an attempt to formally object to the registration of the party.

About 300 individuals and organisations have formally called on the AEC to reject Ms Hanson's application on the basis that One Nation vilified minority groups, was un-Australian, was undemocratic and potentially subversive. The claimants were largely Aboriginal, Chinese and Muslim communities. Says something doesn't it?

Ms Hanson said yesterday that it was sad that groups objecting to the formation of her party had not based their concerns on fact. She said that the Chinese community seemed to have singled her out. "Other than the industry of multiculturalism, which divides ethnic Australians from the mainstream of society, I have never had any problem with new Australians who come to this country, make it their home and contribute to their new society," Ms Hanson said.

"The fact that they (ethnic groups) can participate in the democratic process - whether the basis of their participation is founded on a misconception or not - demonstrates why they came to Australia in the first place.

"In the meantime, Australia has given them a somewhat different opportunity to take part in the democratic process than that which was offered in places such as Tianamen Square."


The Prime Minister John Howard is in a no-win situation on Wik with the polarisation of the native title issue clearly expressed by the conflicting views of the Aboriginal leaders on the one hand and the farmers on the other. The sad reality is that someone changed the rules when the High Court ruled that native title existed over Wik - a pastoral lease.

The crack once opened turned into a flood gate of opportunism with some quite remarkable native title claims and greed now surfacing on a daily basis.

The ten point plan - the centre of the Prime Minister's response to Wik does not extinguish native title on pastoral leases but goes a long way in tightening up claims which are just draining the Australian economy.

In Queensland the State Premier Rob Borbidge has taken an aggressive stand after the latest Morgan Poll showed that 20% of the state's voters now backed Pauline Hanson's One Nation party - who would extinguish native title.

Borbidge said yesterday that the government was looking at upgrading pastoral leases into perpetual leases - granting exclusive tenure.

He does this with the support of all the state's industry leaders who voted unanimously that native title should be extinguished on pastoral leases. In State parliament yesterday Borbidge scaled down his attack on Howard's ten point plan but said that it required further clarification before Queensland supported it.

"Aborigines should start thinking about the good of Australia and start realising they've done pretty well so far - they've got Au$1.4 billion out of the land fund," said Queensland Graingrowers Association president Ian Macfarlane.

The impact of the Howard plan has been as follows:


Farmers: Taxpayers: The states:

Extensive political commentary and links can be found on Palmer's Australian Politics page.

email the editor

You say:

Very limited news indeed!!

But here is an intriguing bit of psychology. In spite of the fact that almost anybody I talk to SAYS they do not belive very much the media says, and know there is a filter on it, yet they DO believe it; they have that bewildered look when they are presented with an alternative explanation to the one served up via the tube, but will revert to the tube explanation at the next encounter with the subject. The secret to brainwashing their bewildered heads seems to be: if you can just get them to watch it - they will believe it while they deny it. I think the word is MITHRIDATISM.

Ormond Thomas Girvan

Subject: support for our cause

i just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the voice you are giving most honest,caring and over tolerant australians.pauline has given me the most satisfying feeling of achievement i have felt in a long time whish is strange because i havent done anything.she is the voice of myself and so many others and i pledge my support to her and the party.

thanks and regards

paul garozzo

Hate mail received:

Subject: Launch of Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party

What a gutless ,pathetic effort your making, wheres the photograph of your self running around trying to intimidate people with a camera?

Where are the email adreses of your deluded supporters ?? gutless the lot of ya!! when are you and those like you going to pull your own heads outa your rectums?

you can not truly believ that the koories are getting to much! i am shure that those that seem to be supporting you couldent have any grasp of our recent history! it wasent until the referendum in the sixties that aboriginals gained legal status as human beings!! the legal status equivalent to a goanna! now that there common law rights to land have been recognised,groups like yours do nothing but perpetuate the lies and encourage the REAL redneks among you.

what gives pastorilist and miners any more right to land than those who evan uner british law have the right to inherit land from there forbares! and wasent it Queensland

farmers who established the right of land owners to profit from the minerals found on the owners land? one nation what an apparrent misnomer. the only result of such propersitions is division in the community!

Jim Briggs

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Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another beautiful day in paradise.

Have a great day.

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