Thursday 8th May 1997
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In fact a letter below from a Singaporean woman supports this view.
The misreporting by the mainstream press in this country is best summed up by Ms Hanson herself in a recent interview with a journalist.
The damage is done by the Australian press in their reporting on Ms Hanson's simple claim "that all Australians should be equal - we are One Nation" is gross at best - treasonous at worst.
Today Australia's ambassadors based in Asia will listen to the Prime Minister John Howard trying to run Ms Hanson out of town... perpetuating the myth that her policies are divisive and racist. It is the mainstream media that are divisive and racist - but our Prime Minister fears them.... what a worry for freedom of speech in this country.
At this time we have Mr Lawrence Ma, a Chinese spokesman for the Queensland Chinese Community Voice calling on the Prime Minister to destroy the divisive One Nation party. This is the same group who have written to the Australian Electoral Commission requesting that they refuse the application by Ms Hanson to form One Nation which now attracts 13.5% support amongst Australians. Let us remember that there is already the Chinese Nationalist Party registered in Australia. But I suppose that is not racist in this multicultural country.....
In an open letter written to the Prime Minister Mr Ma says, "The Chinese community in Queensland is glad to hear the Prime Minister finally come out to repudiate Pauline Hanson's One Nation.
"We fully, sincerely and whole-heartedly support an attack on One Nation Party's policies.
The letter also calls on the Federal Government tpo recommit to the policy of multiculturalism and to promote understanding of other cultures.
I wonder why Mr Ma and the Chinese community here doesn't take this issue up with the Chinese government... why does Australia have to reflect the morality of political motivated minority lobby groups while our Asian neighbours have absolutely no interest in democracy.
In an interesting twist Ms Hanson has accused Mr Ma of racism.
Yesterday, in Mr Fischer's absence, the Coalition cabinet sat and Mr Howard put his job on the line saying that if the cabinet did not support his 10 point plan he would resign.
Mr Fischer has now jumped back into the official Coalition line much to the disgust of his Nationalist party members saying, "In Cabinet discussions I conveyed the understandable concerns of the National Party organisation on this issue which is of vital concern to rural Australia.
"But this is not a normal issue, and it's always difficult to apply the normal rules to abnormal issues."
Mr Howard said after the Cabinet meeting, "At no stage did I agree, or would I agree, to changes which allow avenues of extinguishment of native title beyond those already stated in the 10 point plan."
Several National Party members of parliament including Bill O'Chee have now threatened to cross the floor when it comes to the vote on the 10 point plan.
Extensive political commentary and links can be found on Palmer's Australian Politics page.
Everything I have read indicates that Pauline wants equality for all people who have chosen to make Australia their home. Sure she says that we need to stop and think about immigration and unjust practises such as positive discrimination against Aboriginals. Positive discrimination doesn't work! It doesn't work for any race nor for women nor for .......... The moment you discriminate in favour of one person or group it means that you are treating someone else unfairly. Rightly or wrongly this causes jealousy and division.
Treat all people fairly and equally. Reject any discrimination that denies fair treatment and equality.
I thank the day that I was born in Australia and although I recognise my Greek heritage I certainly am a proud Australian. Not a Greek Australian but an Australian who has Greek heritage. The more we label people as Aboriginal, Maltese, Greek and the like the more division we cause. Forget Greek Australians, French Australians, Aboriginals and similar labels. We are Australians!!!!
Thanks Pauline for having the guts to address such an important issue.
Michael Camillos
It appears that millions of tax payer dollars will now fund training for Aborigines if they want to take up golf - and pay for all their travel expenses when they decide to play overseas.
This young fellow is an Aussie battler, had a very good golfing handicap, but gets absolutely no encouragement or asstsitance from anybody.
Is it any surprise that the average Aussie gets outraged by the inequality of the system here?
Labelling him a thief who had shown no remorse the judge said, "It is the height of vanity to believe that your talents had not been sufficiently rewarded," Eames told Quinn.
"Having regard to the generous salary package which you received, it is impossible to escape the conclusion that what occured here was motivated by greed.
"The position of trust which came with your eminent status in the company meant that it would be unlikely that any person would suspect you of dishonesty."
Quinn was obviously shaken - his son later saying that he would appeal the decision and that the term would kill his father.
1:10 AM EST 7th May 1997
Ft. Lauderdale Florida
Send an email to Susie Maroney
Our US correspondent, Linda Chancler, with Susie reports....
"Susie Maroney is more fit than she has ever been and very enthusiastic about starting her swim. Her fitness levels have increased substantially in comparison to last year with a much greater emphasis on upper body strength and diet. NO TWINKIES!
During the swim her breaks will be limited to once ever hour for only a couple of minutes as there is a concern that any longer than that she will begin to drift and lose ground. During her break she can eat and drink, but NEVER touch the side of the cage.
Though relations between Cuba and the United States have remained unchanged Cuban officials have, of late, typically been very generous toward the yachting community. Unfortunately this attitude did not extend to the captain of Susie's support vessel "Reel Lady" when he arrived in Cuba with his vessel. He had immigrated to the U.S. 49 years ago and is a U.S. citizen but nonetheless he was deported and flown to the States Tuesday. Fortunately there is an extremely competant co-captain aboard for the departure from Cuban waters and the chief captain will rejoin the vessel as soon as they are outside of Cuban territorial waters.
The official physician, Dr. Stein will also be rendevousing with "Reel Lady" and will be there every stroke of the way to insure that Susie's needs are taken care of medically.
The weather continues to be a concern. All plans still dictate a start on Thursday as it appears that this two day period from May 8 - 10 will be the only weather window for the next week. For a look at the weather go to the links page on Susie's site
The website we have constructed for Susie's Swim has been receiving a lot of trafic; on it we urge people to send in their support via email. I t is our intention to read these letters out loud to Susie while she is swimming. It may be just the extra support she needs to succeed.
Have a great day...