Today's Headlines

Wednesday 22nd May 1996
Australia risks a breakdown in relations with China after the Federal Government yesterday confirmed that it would meet
the exiled Tibetan leader, the Dalai Lama. In a veiled attack on China's envoy to Australia, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer
said that the government was the sole body to decide who it would meet.
The decision follows a stern warning last week from Chinese Ambassador Hua Junduo that the proposed meeting would
be "a very unpleasant episode in relations..."
Mr Downer told Parliament that he would meet the Dalai Lama on the 14th and 15th of September.
Last night we got to meet Di's lover, Major Hewitt, in a television interview. What a naff - he sounded like he had a boiled
potato in his mouth all the time and was so lady-da I kept on wondering about his sexuality. A total waste of an hour in my life -
that's for sure!
Senator Amanda Vanstone had a cheap shot at the Vice Chancellors in Parliament yesterday. The universities are outraged
at proposed cuts of up to Au$600 million to their budgets in the next financial year.
Vanstone suggested in no uncertain terms that if the vice-chancellors wanted the facts that they should come and speak to her
and her department rather than reacting to rumour and innuendo stirred up by the media.
After yesterday's meeting between Aborigines on the Gulf of Carpentaria and CRA-RTZ it now appears definate that the over Au$1 billion
zinc mine will not go ahead. Local bully boy Murrandoo Yanner and his followers boycotted the meeting.
Premier Borbidge said that it was about time Australia woke up if it didn't want to lose billions of dollars of investment because
of the disruptive views of one or two in a larger community.
While rugby league is having a horror season it appears that
Australian Football League is really coming of age. The AFL have
just confirmed that Adelaide would be allowed to field a second team in the AFL competition next season. The team, Port Adelaide,
face one final hurdle - getting 11 out of the 16 current participating teams to sanction their admission.
Well another day in the big smoke today. The Definitive Guide to Wining and Dining
in Queensland was promoted through the state papers today as we prepare to add 50 restaurants to the 40 that we
currently have on line.
Beautiful day, sunny and warm - but it was cold overnight, winter is on its way!
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