Today's Headlines

Friday 7th June 1996
Armed militia were operating in the Sunshine Coast and South Burnett regions of Queensland and would never give up their weapons
according to a gun dealer. The militia are preparing themselves against an invasion by the Indonesian army and are, it is claimed,
prepared for civil war if their rights about gun ownership are challenged.
Many members also believe that a new world order runs western parliaments and the world's banks.
Gun dealer and Australian Right to Bear Arms Association president Bob Doring said, "Of course they're bloody armed. And they're
not going to be handing in their guns.
There is something in this story that is worth looking into - not the gun stuff, but the "money power" a shadowy group of bankers
who, it is claimed, make and ruin nations by the way they manipulate the world bank. If anyone knows more about this please
email me.
Moves for a new political party were overwhelmingly endorsed by, yes, you guessed it, a meeting of gun owners at Kingaroy last night.
Maverick politician, Graeme Campbell, member of parliament for the world's largest (geographic) seat, Kalgoorlie handed out
membership forms to 800 people who attended the meeting.
The new party to be called Australia First, which Campbell said would be Australia-wide, and be formed after the next Federal
election with branches around the country. Campbell was cheered as he took the pro-gun stance and said that the government
would back down from their current stance about banning automatic and semi-automatic guns.
Seems like the Cloete's have landed up in a rural town where all the action is happening!
MIM's share offer flopped with underwriters being left holding Au$150 million worth of shares in Highland Gold. Barely half the 65 cent shares
were taken up leaving ANZ McCaughan with a theoretical liability of Au$97.5 million. The shares will, however, be
distributed to sub-underwriters involved in the deal.
Australian Rugby Union coach Greg Smith wants giant lock Garrick Morgan to put his wide running on hold and to concentrate on
his role as a tight forward in tomorrow's first test against Wales at Ballymore.
Morgan returns to test rugby after his unsuccessful stint with the Crushers team in the Australian Rugby League.
Australia are listed as 25-1 favourites to take out the match against Wales.
The unemployemnt rate in Queensland has fallen by 0.5% to 8.5% even though there is a current freeze on employment by the Commonwealth.
Over 34,000 jobs (mainly part-time - 29,800) were created country-wide in April. The number of job-seekers in Australia has fallen
by 2.6% to 717,000.
The fall comes in the face of Commonwealth planned cuts of 4.4% of its staff around the country.
The morning mists are heavy today as I prepare for a nother morning in "the big smoke". Today we take the
Internet kid, young Alex into the hospital. Alex is to have a small operation and is expected to be home this afternoon.
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