Today's Headlines

Saturday 6th April 1996
Former governor-general and Labor appointee Bill Hayden is under attack from all quarters following his claims of racism in neighbouring
Asian countries. The response from Asian leaders has been bitter sweet. Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed epitomised the
general feeling by saying that his comments would not effect relations with Australia and that Hayden's comments were those of a
frustrated politician.
A mediator has been requested by the Ipswich City Council to assist it in clearing its "racist" reputation after the election of Pauline Hanson
to the Federal Seat of Oxley - the heart of which is Ipswich. Pauline Hanson
was accused of being a racist after making comments about the preferential support that Aboriginals got and was dumped from the Liberal Party.
The concern lies in the 25% swing away from Labor to Hanson as an Independent apparently because of her outspoken comments.
The proposed Jabiluka uranium mine in Kakadu National Park has progressed one stage further with two Federal Ministers cautiously endorsing its
environmental credentials. Resources Minister Warwick Parer and Environment Minister Robert Hill have both come out in support
The establishment of the mine was stymied under Labor because of the 3 (uranium) mine policy.
Seems like a bit of pre-match taunting is the name of the game in the upcoming match between the West Coast Eagles and the
Brisbane Bears. The Australian Football League has had plain sailing
compared to the traumas on and off the field in the Australian Rugby League
. The comment that has raised the ire of the Brisbane players is the promise by the West Coast Eagle players to their supporters
"that heaps of exercise will be the order of the day if they bring a suitably soft and harmless teddy bear to the match -
to be waved every time the Eagles score a goal."
Sexist behaviour by male doctors towards their female colleagues was commonplace in Australia according to a national survey of anaesthatists.
The survey by the Australian Society of Anaesthatists found female anaesthatists who worked part-time because of family commitments
were most likely to be regarded by their male colleagues as less able, less committed and less professional.
In other social news, a dramatic increase of 42% in single parent families in Australia since the 1980s was harmful to society according to
Family Association national secretary, Bill Muehlenberg. He said it was expected that the result would be more drug abuse and youth crime.
His views were supported by a report that showed 90% to 95% of street kids came from single family or broken homes.
Global Gripe of the day:
Too little education for too much power:
There is something intensely disturbing boiling to the top of the Aboriginal Legal Service (ALS) fracas. It reminds me of what happened
to me many years ago in Southern Africa with the lack of education and too much power and influence creating an enormous amount of
corruption and deceit. Now I am not pointing the finger at all ALS branches but some appear to be a total sham.
A case in point is the Brisbane ALS branch which is being investigated and has now had its funding cut. Not by the government but be
the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission's deputy chairman Ray Robinson who is being accused of being involved in a conspiracy to
take over the branch.
The situation has raised the hackles of the Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Herron who said that a vendetta had now broken out in certain Aboriginal
Mr Robinson has been the centre of a number of allegations in recent years, with state National Party MP Howard Hobbs tabling a document
in Parliament in 1994 which showed the ATSIC commissioner had a record of charges against him which included rape, stealing,
disorderly conduct, assault and drink-driving.
And this is the fellow widely touted as the next chairman of the all powerful ATSIC... Ouch!!!
Personal trivia:
A lovely quiet day yesterday reflecting from the porch on the river, the trees, the birds and life in general. Got a big surprise when
I returned to the Global Office in the afternoon. My 74 years young Perth-based mother is now on the Internet and shot through some email...
Will I ever get any peace now?? Just joking Mum!
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