31st March 1999
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Readers of the @notd will be aware of my campaign to educate people about the role of the Australian Press Council - one of the best kept secrets in the media today.
Part of that campaign included the following email sent to a small number of selected correspondents:
The Australian Press Council are now on-line.
I am trying to get as many people as possible to send regular (1 per week) complaints to the APC.
Last year the APC only received 434 complaints ****because no one knows about their role in policing the media***. They publicise their complaints stats.
I am trying to get enough people involved to blow that figure out of the water.
Then we ask questions as to "What is happening to the Australian media?"
See: (APC Home Page) for complaints see:
The beauty is it takes only 2 minutes to complete.
If you want to participate please let me know - if you know of others who will - please forward this email personalised by YOU to them... let's get the complaints flowing.
Scott Balson
Yesterday I received the following response from the secretary of the Australian Press Council:
-----Original Message-----
From: Press Council Information
Date: Tuesday, 30 March 1999 12:24
Subject: statistics
Scott Balson
I have a copy of the email below.
Gratuitous complaints just are not counted.
If there is so much wrong with the Australian media, why do you need to hawk for complaints in this form in order to say so?
I must say this does not make it more likely that the Council will deal sensibly with your _serious_ complaints, nor take your concerns with the Australian media as anything other than confected outrage meant for partisan political ends.
Jack Herman (Email link)
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the night.
Dylan Thomas
To which I replied earlier today:
Hi Jack
Thank you for your email.
I have never suggested that people send "gratuitous" complaints. I suggest that you re-read my email - and the comments regarding abiding by your guidelines.
It is interesting to note the manner in which the press regulator the, Australian Press Council, are responding to VALID growing concerns about the concentration of media ownership and biased reporting.
Perhaps you should get a copy of my book "Murder by Media".
I will let the large Internet community to whom I correspond know about the flippant manner in which you appear to be treating this serious issue.
Yours sincerely,
Scott Balson
Now I don't know about you, but I would feel that the Australian Press Council would be delighted that a group of Australians concerned about the bias and lies in the mainstream press are taking an active role in helping them achieve their stated goal.
To call the campaign of education nothing more than "anything other than confected outrage meant for partisan political ends" is completely ludicrous.
The Labor Party were yesterday having a go at 60 Minutes, last year the Liberal Party a go at the ABC. When One Nation, the most inaccurately reported take the media to task through the APC - can it be any wonder?
After all Courier-Mail reporter Peter Charlton (who is no friend of One Nation) said yesterday:
Oldfield had a crack at the media, because elements were "out to get" One Nation.
At the risk of agreeing with Oldfield he has a point.
And now the Australian Press Council are saying that our complaints are "gratuitous"....
QUOTE from APC web page:
"The Australian Press Council is the self-regulatory body of the print media. It was established in 1976 with two main aims: to help preserve the traditional freedom of the press within Australia and ensure that the free press acts responsibly and ethically.."
BUSINESS migrants are failing to deliver promised jobs and investment, undermining a core plank of the Howard Government's immigration policy.
Research based on official Department of Immigration figures shows the annual turnovers of migrants who entered Australia in 1994-95 in the Government's business skills program have stagnated three years after their arrival.
The research by the Centre for Population and Urban Research at Monash University raises doubts about the aggressive campaign by business groups and the federal Labor Party to nearly double the immigration intake.
Centre director Bob Birrell said the department figures "did not provide justification" for an increase in the business skills migrant program.
PARIS, Mar. 29 - Today's issue of Le Parisien gives a prominent place to a story about the downing of an F-117A Stealth fighter in NATO's war against Serbia. What is strange though is that the photograph accompanying the article shows American soldiers guarding the wreckage of the plane.
"TEOCAK (BOSNIE), HIER. Des soldats américains gardent le site sur lequel s'est écrasé leur avion F-117-A dans la nuit de samedi r dimanche."
In English: "Teocak (Bosnia), yesterday: American soldiers guarding F-117A downed at night between Saturday and Sunday."
The story also says that the plane was downed over Serbia (see the map). Does this mean that TWO "Stealth" F-117 planes were shot down and that one of them fell inside Serbia, and the other crashed in Bosnia? Is that also how the "rescued" American pilot ended up at the U.S. base in Tuzla, instead of at some military hospital in Germany or Italy?
The things the Washington "lie and deny" artists don't tell us... At the very least, the preceding story repudiates in black and white (literally) Pentagon's and NATO's repeated statements that the F-117 which the Serb TV showed on Saturday was the only NATO plane lost so far.
LONDON, Mar. 27 - While the American public is supposedly evenly divided in its support or condemndation of NATO's war against Serbia, the British public is decidedly against it. In a phone-in poll on Teletext, 72 percent of more than 10,000 callers said they DISAGREED with Prime Minister Tony Blair when he said the air strikes were justified, even if they meant British casualties. In another phone-in poll, on Talk-Radio, 65 percent of the nearly 3,000 callers said they did not back the action. The euro does not like miltary action either. It hit an all time low against the dollar yesterday.
BELGRADE, Mar. 29 - A spokesman for the Serb Air Defenses wing of the Yugoslav Army said at a press briefing today in Belgrade that his organization shot down seven NATO airplanes, three helicopters, three pilotless remote controlled aircraft, and more than 30 missiles. Keep in mind that that's ONLY the alleged scorecard for the YU Air Defense. These numbers do NOT include any hits scored by the YU Army's ground troops.
If even half of these claims are true, that's quite a few human casualties which NATO is hiding from the public. Will the relatives of these American and other NATO soldiers killed in action have to wait for the YU Army to tell them the awful news, while our Supreme Traitor-in-Chief and the warmongers around him "lie and deny" everything? No wonder even the establishment press are fed up with them (see the next story).
In a related event, the Yugoslav Army decorated and promoted today to higher ranks five Air Force pilots and three Air Defense air defense officers.
WASHINGTON, Mar. 28 - Even the establishment media are fed up with the disinformation campaign launched by the Clinton administration and NATO. Check out the story, "U.S. Tack: Demonize Enemy, Tightly Control Information," in the Washington Post:
COMMUNITY concerns about the costs of economic reform, plus a desire for greater stability and security, could block changes offering overwhelming benefits, Productivity Commission chairman Gary Banks warned last night.
The commission's latest contribution to the economic reform campaign follows fresh evidence, in the strong showing of One Nation and other dissident candidates in Saturday's NSW election, that the public's mind remains bedevilled by fears of change.
Mr Banks acknowledged that economic reforms "inevitably impose adjustment costs" on some members of the community, but he added some of the vocal opposition came from people whose current privileges were threatened by change.
"Much of the resistance to reform stems from disquiet about the effects of change and a heightened sense of uncertainty about the future. Many are worried about jobs and job security," he said.
"Some in rural and regional areas see their services declining and the viability of their towns under threat."
Dear Scott,
I have just finished your book and I hope that you can market it far and wide, so that every Australian can access the information supplied. I congratulate you to the painstaking work!
Living in Cairns, many of us are asking ourselves what will happen should Indonesia get out of control. What is the truth about the 'Brisbane Line"??? Is it true that our government is willing to write off the northern part of Australia, i.e. Darwin, Cairns, Townsville (army base?), etc. How do you rate our chances up here?
Thanks for taking the time to address this important question.
Warmest regards
Dr. Veronica Griffin, Ph.D.
Serbian atrocities
It seems everyone is upset by the NATO attack on Serbia. Here's an example from yesterday's @notd, "..supporting the declaration of war on a peace-loving, non-aggressive country[Serbia].. "
Ummm!!!! Has everyone forgotten about the civilians being slaughtered just because they happen to be Ethnic Albanian??? I don't care what NATO's motives are but this 'Slob the Serb' guy has got to be stopped from having these people killed.
I've watched the footage of these refugees pouring out of Serbia. I've also watched the footage of the 'Bumheads' protesting and causing damage here in Australia.
This leads me to a simple solution..... Give all the wankers free airfare back to Serbia (they obviously have no love for their adopted country, Australia), and they can go toe-to-toe with NATO. As for the houses they leave empty when they go, why not give them to some refugees that Slobbo missed out on killing.
Mick Daniels
Hi Scott,
I am more than happy to help. I was a bit put out by the article in Saturday's courier mail by grace knight, where she stated Pauline believed some people were worth nothing. If you didn't see it I can send you a copy. It was on page 22. I believe if One Nation take things steady and not rush at it the next election will be very pleasing.
Bye for now.
Natural medicine - threat to all that is orthodox
One month ago, I began to get quite debilitating symptoms - Identical to those of an incurable STD. The Doctor prescribed the most common drug used, Valtrex. I took that for 10 days, and the lesions healed. Of course, it is all very doubtful as to whether or not the lesions cured themselves over time or the drug did the healing. I was then told to apply three different types of cream (later it was figured out I was most likely allergic to one of them.) These were all unsuccessful. I was then prescribed with anti fungal tablets (which ultimately invade the liver.) Still in a great deal of discomfort, I contacted the Doctor, who told me to keep taking the tablets for "a bit longer." (I was taking six tablets a day, and after four days, there was no sign of any improvement.) The symptoms were so severe by this stage, I couldn't sleep at night. The Doctor's solution was to prescribe sleeping tablets... Absolutely desperate and quite depressed, I sought alternative options. My fear was this was never going to go away, and I would be in this state for the rest of my life.
I was lucky enough to find a Natural Medicine Practitioner. I first visited her on Friday, and have improved dramatically. By taking about twenty vitamins and a herbal tonic every day, I am on my way to recovery.
The point of my story is this though. The world of
medicine is highly corrupt in my opinion. Orthodox medicine has a stranglehold
on Australia and the world. Take cancer for example.
How long have they been looking for a cure for cancer? How much money has
been poured into cancer research? Are they REALLY any closer to finding a
Too long, millions, and definitely no.
If you are unfortunate enough to get cancer, you have no other legal option
except orthodox medicine. By law, natural medicine plays no part in the cure
of cancer. If a Natural Medicine Practitioner, Naturopath or similar, is
found to be treating a patient specifically for cancer, they can lose their
license or be fined extraordinary amounts. Some will take the risk, and treat
illegally. Of course, they can't keep the information on record, and it's
fairly high risk. There will always be a GP or similar, who would only be
too happy to blow the whistle. Natural medicine is a threat to their profession
- Probably because the theory of it is too simple. The body needs to be given
the correct internal environment, and then it is a self healing
Medicine is just another business, and they will do whatever they can to make the money. Cancer is a revenue builder. If they were to find a cure, it would be counter productive. I am sickened and saddened that we are being TOLD who can and can't treat our medical problems.
I urge everyone to seek natural therapies - Orthodox medicine has a place in the world, but it also needs to be put in its place.
Name Withheld
PS An interesting read is 'A World Without Cancer.' Could be hard to get a copy of though... For obvious reasons. Censorship at its finest.
New South Wales elections
Though it is the last thing I want to do is discourage you I must tell you that you still have a long way to go on the campaign trail.
Last Oct 3 Mr and Mrs Sonny got up at 6am and delivered Pauline posters to more than a dozen booths before 8am.Then Mrs S took over a booth and he went on to man another. He is 77 years and she isn't far behind him. They stayed ALL day and he scrutinized afterwards. Oh and he has a bad heart condition.
Mr and Mrs Syd had walked to every letter box in Waroona, Harvey, Yarloop, Brunwick, Boyanup and Australind in the months leading up to the election,not once but sometimes two and three times as new material became available.Backed up 3 branches during that time.Election day they too were up at 5am and running tables , chairs, posters and people to booths over a 100 km range.THEN they manned their booths right through to scrutineerings finish. SO-- He has a heart clacker valve, and every step he takes is agony with a hip problem. He is 73 years old.
Mr Ted was recovering from a quad by-pass and had come down with the flu that day, but when he found one booth needed manning he got up and went there at noon and stayed to scrutinise.He is 72 years old.
As for myself I carted all the paraphenalia, including a thermos and lunch box to my booth and stayed there on my feet all day. I intended to stay to scrutinise, but when the ground started to move I decided to get home.All the paraphenalia had to be packed into the back of my van, parked some distance away.Not unusual. Well I'm 73 and had not long before had a shoulder broken. We here in the West really are dedicated.. Post Poll Party---- Had to wait for Monday-- We were all too done-in.
Bunbury WA
Jimbo and cancer
I have been fighting this cause for over 20 years. The reaction is on a par with One Nation. There is none so blind that will not see, or even bother to look. So Jimbo, I look after Number ONE. I have found a way to smuggle, yes you have to smuggle them, the seed of the apricot. My wife wears out her fingers and nutcrackers, and we put the product in our bread and biscuits. They have been part of our diet almost continuously.
The bloke I get them from through a devious interstate route is actually frightened of going to JAIL. Can you believe that in FREE Aus?
A rare lax time recently I proved their worth again. " That will have to be cut off !", says the Doc.
"Ill try overdosing on the seeds first thank you all the same. Thanks for the diagnosis, and put it on my record please."
"The seed wont work on this one. Dont leave it too long" Doc confidently replies. So I upped the daily dose from the normal required 12 to 30/35 seeds for about 20 days, during which the little beastie shriveled up and fell off. Not a sign of it now. Hey and they banned these to protect me from the "poison".
The site advocated by Jimbo is excellent for the layman. But for the technical minded person able to understand basic organic chemistry, biology, etc. who wants proof, plus a lot more articles, case histories, and the story of government FDA coverups you cant go past the Robert Cathey Research
Source . This is a large detailed technical site. Be ready to follow a lot of links . Leave them in your history and read later. Sample:
"....In view of the importance of magnesium to normal functioning of the enzyme systems and related physiological operations in cancer as well as normal health, I am re-forwarding an interesting article sent to me by an internet associate, found below after the references. Thus goes the exponential relay-cascade of information on the internet. Let me just briefly lay out the rationale for a three mineral accentuationin cancer therapy: the enzyme degradation of the pericellular coating of cancer depends upon the activity of amylase to attack the sialic-acid sidechain bearing carbohydrates which give the cancer cell it's strong electro-negative charge which repulses the white blood cells as well as various chemotherapeutic radicals. Calcium ions are specific to the activation of amylase[1]; magnesium ions, besides being involved in hundreds of enzyme processes, activates trypsinogen to trypsin[2], which along with carboxypeptidase and chymotrypsin, sequentially break down the protein backbone of the cancer membrane [3]; chromium-3+ is essential for the fullest activity the protease trypsin, and also for the proper function of the pancreatic endocrine secretion or insulin, which regulates blood sugar but also insures the delivery and concentration of the amino-acids into cellular systems [4].These amino-acids of course are the basis of protein-enzyme synthesis, both in the pancreas as well as in the cell. And finally, as both a co-factor or co-enzyme and specific anti-neoplastic cytotoxin, the hydrogen cyanide of nitrilosides acts both as a preserver of the enzyme pathways involving cysteine and glutathione[5], but as an accelerator of proteolytic action[6].The cytotoxic function of nitrilosides in cancer is reviewed in several papers on our web site [7]. Calcium, magnesium and chromium are key requirements in successful nitriloside (Laetrile) and immuno-enzyme cancer therapy."
Some basic considerations:
Cancer IS a deficiency disease.
(a) deficiency in diet of Vitamin B17 Laetrile is a registered trade
deficiency in digestive enzymes through pancreatic malfunction. This organ is also responsible for sugar diabetes. I always take some enzymes as well (during a treatment phase) just in case. 12 apricot seed is sufficient for normal daily needs. (preventative) simply because the other foods (like scarlet runner beans) are harder to come by and control. Like Jimbo I consider all agencies of the American Government, the FDA and their fellow travelers, who have denied and even taken away this treatment from the people, have the blood of millions who have died of cancer on their hands. I will not give a single cent to the cancer fund. People in the know (and have the money) can still travel to countries like Mexico, last time I looked anyway, to obtain treatment in real hospitals.
Sorry for the outburst, but this subject gets me as close to hate as I can ever get.
Philip Madsen.
Good shot jimbo!
Hi Scott,
I just followed Jimbo's url to the World Without Cancer site, .. phew....
Not only is this great news for anyone with cancer or a family history of cancer (it got my Dad), but here we have an absolutely classic illustration of how our "medical industry" in cahoots with the TNC pharmoceutical giants work with our puppet pollies to bring in their totalitarian NWO.
Does anyone think the MAI would help this appalling situation?
If one were cynical one would indeed wonder why the media would appear to prefer to keep this vitally important matter of public interest from us gismos!
Jimbo 1. New World Order 0.
David Morgan.
I recently heard Australia First leader Graham Campbell speaking at Mornington,Vic. He attracted a crowd of almost 300 which is far more than any politician except pauline could have drawn.
The subject of a coalition of all anti-multicultural parties was raised but Campbell said we would all do better by working to influence the main partys to change their policies.
Also, it was hinted that there are too many big egos involved to make a coalition workable. Campbell is still sad that ON ran a candidate against him in his seat at last elections,splitting his vote and possibly causing him to lose.
Arthur Hawley
Mary McKinnon
I can't believe you aren't pulling our legs Mary, but if you are real then by your own rules you have just got yourself thrown out of the " organisation" (Party)
Two quotes from you interest me.
1. "Last night WE decided the stunning --etc etc of
the Sydney Exectuve." Who are WE? Who keeps "We" there?? If you happen to
really be in the Sydney office then I am applying for your job today
2. "DAVID WANTS" What David NEEDS if this is true of him, is a good kick
up the behind. I still can't beleive you are real !!
GOODBYE Mary (PS Don't come back)
Barbara Shier
Bunbury WA
Republic no thanks!
Hi Scott,
I have a confession to make. I have kept away from the temptation to enter the Republic debate up until now, and I guess you could say I've been in the closet. So I'd like to "come out", and confess that I am a Monarchist. That's Monarchist all you NWO corrupters not Monarkist.
You see I have always been rather fond of Her Majesty, and yes I know this may sound corny to the multicultural generation-x-ers but I rather like the pomp and ceremony associated with it, as it is part of my culture, and like it or not it has a good bit to do with our Australian culture as well.
Now if this push for a republic had come from the people I might be inclined to trust it more, but I would suggest the reason it is coming from the treacherous Laboural Camp is because it suits their plans and those of their NWO mates and I would therefore suggest it is treasonous and against the people of Australia. As I am a subject of the Queen and not only by birth but by choice, when I also chose to become an Australian Citizen in 1982, and as I do not take oath taking lightly and would not have given it, other than freely, I commit myself to support the Monarchist view and to vote accordingly.
If someone would like to suggest a "Republic" even from anywhere in History that might be a good model to emulate?. If someone can tell me if this NWO republic is better than our last legitamate claim to Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights that my forefathers helped fight for in perpetuity?, and if they can convince me of all that, and to vote for it would not be treasonous under our current "supposedly legal" constitution?, then I might. Just might!, look at the Idea.
Meanwhile if we want an Australian as head of State, and personally I fail to see how our Queen is not also a citizen of Australia then why don't we offer Queen Elizabeth II an Honorary Citizenship of Australia and ask her if she would be good enough to honour us with her presence for a Grand Opening Ceremony at Sydney 2000 !!
Have a Nice Day.
David Morgan.
Immigration Data
1. AUSTRALIA'S population reached 18.8 million at September 1998 thanks to a 30 per cent increase in net migration, official figures show.
2. Australia's highest-ever trade deficit has re-inforced fears of a worsening current account shortfall this year. The February deficit was expected to fall, after January's record number. Instead, stronger imports and weaker exports led to an even worse shortfall of $1.51 billion.
3. Business migrants fail to deliver (see attached story - and remember that even the Labour party admits that family reunion migration causes a huge welfare drain)
Isn't the link obvious? When will people open their eyes and take notice. One Nation's immigration policy is the only answer!
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Name site is owned by One
exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Inverell 1999 -
15th March 1999
Pauline Hanson
in Penrith - 5th March 1999
One Nation 1999
AGM - 28th February 1999
"Murder by
Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.