30th January 1999
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The open bias and dishonest reporting of Murdoch's Courier-Mail is now leading to open derision from the Queensland State Parliamentarians in the One Nation party.
Yesterday the following official press release was faxed to the media. The Courier-Mail ignored it of course.
That's okay Courier Mail your credibility slid into the great dark abyss a long time ago.
Extract from One Nation press release:
The Ware article even took interview material with One Nation Leader Bill Feldman out of context to make their agenda look good and repeat their discredited dirge.
What must be of concern is that some media are prostituting the profession of good reporting by receiving a flow of vilification from political, police and other sources which are now conducting an obnoxious trial by media. Some media continue to be the recipients of inside information that is not available to others. This might indicate that they are playing politics with truth and facts to suit their own perverse agenda.
The Murdoch media is so intent on destroying Jack Paff, and One Nation, that it persists with the "story" when in fact they are hung up on their own petard for receiving stolen information from inside the CJC. The CJC, and its politicians, have all the information they need to spring the "sting" directly triggered by the "story", but the Courier-Mail refuses to address this because it doesn't fit in with the "story" their leakers are feeding them.
Here is an extract from the trashy Courier-Mail article by Michael Ware (28th January 1999):
And the former police officer got little help from his parliamentary leader Bill Feldman, also an ex-policeman, who said former police officers often told "whoppers".
The One Nation leader said Mr Paff had told him many "war stories" but he "chose not to be part of that conversation".
"Why? Because it's easy to tell whoppers when old police get together and talk, and that's what they are, old whoppers," he said.
Mr Paff is facing expulsion from a parliamentary committee over his falsified claim that senior police tortured a suspect to obtain a confession.
In a document headed "Red light fabrication", Mr Paff this week claimed police had discovered Channel 10 had doctored images of what had appeared to be his car running a red light outside Parliament House.
And this is what a correspondent wrote:
Dear Scott,
My grand father worked for the Courier-Mail for many years as an advertising salesman. Did well on the basis of his excellent contacts on Brisbane 35-50 years ago. Of course it was a different time with a different kind of people. The campaign against One Nation is of course a little smarter than it was. But not by much as it is amazing to me that everywhere in the world the people do not accept a yoke. Be it Indonesia, Russia, China, the West or anywhere else. They only take so much crap!
Talking to people I get the clear message they generally are unhappy with the way things are. The use of electronic communication is just dawning now. The point? I haven't bought the Courier-Mail for donkeys years. It is held in extremely low esteem in my view. That is saying something. I doubt it is the same paper my grandfather worked for! The alternative media avenues are opening with less stranglehold by a handful of modern "benign" tyrants. I don't think you need be so defensive. However, a healthy debate is essential! The forthcoming NSW election will be very interesting.
David Miles.
Here are extracts from The Courier-Mail article
The university taskforce is comprised of Aboriginal, Asian and feminist educators as well as researchers from other fields....
Ms Huggins said the rise of One Nation had increased racism.....
He said the ultimate solution lay in changing the culture of schools and ensuring multiculturalism was an integral part of education from early childhood.
Seems like Liberal power broker and merchant banker Michael Kroger has struck it big this time with the creation by the government of the financial services ministry fuelling speculation that Australia's big banks will soon be allowed to merge.
There is a simple philosophy underwriting this prediction - have you noticed how quiet National Australia Bank's Don Argus has suddenly become - this is the time that deals are being done behind the scenes. And you - forget it - the effect on your services in the banking area aren't worthy of consideration when you consider the 30 pieces of silver that Kroger will make.
While all this is going on banking services to the less fortunate in our community have deteriorated to a state of decay that would have long since been categorised as cancer - which it is - but, in this case, the cancer of greed.
The overseas owned banks profits continue to soar while the rural sector's debt blossoms.
It has now reached a stage where every dollar of turnover is backed by 79 cents of debt...
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) state that rural debt is now Au$21 billion while rural turnover is just Au$27 billion.
Commodity | Turnover | Cash Surplus |
Fruit | -2.7% | 4.6% |
Vegetables | -12.8% | -32.9% |
Grain | -11.6% | -15.8% |
Sheep | 4% | 7% |
Beef | 3.2% | 29% |
Dairy | 5.9% | 14.4% |
*Pigs | -11.2% | -60% |
Sugar | 10.3% | 29.8% |
Cotton | 11.5% | 74% |
*Killed off by the big retailers (Woolworths and Coles) buying cheap pork from Canada.
Associated reading: See Financial Services Industry Agreement
Here is an extract from the article by Cec Clarke on MIGA:
I may, of course be wrong, but it seems to me that there is plenty of scope for financial skulduggery, all at our expense, not the Banks. When you look at the structure of this organisation and the numbers of the Council of Governors and Board of Directors, a President and his staff, and see that the President of the International Bank is the ex officio Chairman of the Board, it begins to look as if the Bank will control the Agency anyway. The huge overheads of such a giant outfit will be an added burden to us taxpayers who are about to be slugged with a GST. (Is that why we had to have it?) The IMF insisted on it?
Oh, and bye the bye, authorised capital in the Agency will be One Billion Special Drawing Rights. (SDR 1,000,000,000.) It says: "The Capital Stock shall be divided into !00,000 shares having a par value of 10,000 on the average value of the SDR in terms of the US dollar for the period 1st January 1981 to 30th June 1985, such value being 1.082 US Dollars per SDR. Also, surprise, surprise, "The IMF are the final arbiters of the value of one currency against another." Convenient for devaluation of a currency from which the Bank will make a profit. One wonders why those particular dates were set and why were they working on this MAI thing way back then, without telling us?
Radio 2FCR is promoting a CD Titled, "Romancing the racist" (Referring to Pauline Hanson) The name of the Ethnic rap group is "Ethnic Tribe."
The lyrics are very violent, full of foul language, and vilification towards Pauline, and One Nation. This CD also promotes Ethnic groups to unite and rise up against Pauline Hanson and the One Nation. It also refers to Pauline as a "Racist Bitch." This CD is due to be released next week at a music shop called, Fresbo records, which is situated in Surry Hills.
Shortly after this, the CD will be released Nation wide to all music shops.
I believe that there are good grounds to sue this radio station, the record producers, and the group, for defamation of character, and vilification.
I am of the opinion, that an injunction should be taken out immediately to stop the release of this record.
Chronicle carried a story, originally published in the Los Angeles Times, detailing the plans of U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to establish "a new international order, one that would revamp existing global institutions and spawn entirely new ones." According to the L.A. Times, Albright is referring to "the new order" as a kind of "international democracy club" where the U.S. would be the "organizing principle." "The 21st century ... ought to be the century of democracy," Albright told the L.A. Times. "We're going to be putting an awful lot more emphasis on organizing the democracies, working with them ... so they can work with each other better." Only those who understand what kind of "democracy" she's talking about know what this means for the world.
Good luck for Australia's future
Good on yer,as you Australians say.You really have got to fight to keep your country in these times of easy travel,and hords of immigrants invading to take your identity away and ruin youre economy,and you natives will be treated as second class citizens in your own country.I should know I live in England,and am very proud of my country,but we are being continuosly sold out by weak leaders,and lefty do gooders.Blacks in this country have more rights than us White true blooded English.Some of us"Ime a member of the British National Party"are trying to make a difference,so we understand your plight.Good luck in the future,and i will observe with interest your progress.
Stephen Davies, UK
Hi Scott,
With all the talk of ASIO's possible spying activities of late I would just like to say first of all that ASIO stands for Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation. It does not stand for Global Security Intelligence Organisation.
Of course that doesn't mean that just because you aren't paranoid that they didn't search your bag. \\:-) and nor does it mean that we do not have a GSIO lurking within the bowels of ASIO. My father was a Lieutenant Colonel in the British Military Police during WW2 and worked closely with MI5 after the war. A more patriotic man you would not meet anywhere. He used to say to me David, we are not at war with Germany now, the real enemy lurks within our own Nation! and this in 1960.
Later in the '60s my Grandfather and an Uncle filled me in on a conspiracy that had been in operation for 200yrs! that conspiracy is now in 1999 almost fully fruited. The external signs and symbols of it are of course the familiar enemy we all now, globalisation, economic rationalism. level playing field, mammon worship etc. This is not something new.. Only it's obviousness is relatively new.
I think it is timely then to warn ASIO operatives and indeed anyone else who works for an AUSTRALIAN Government Agency that their moral and legal obligations are to Australia and it's people ONLY. Don't for one moment assume that if you are working for the unseen hand of House Rothschild you will get away with it.
Just as old Amschel was hatching his Illuminati / Modern Zionist Plans so too ancient Anglo Saxon families have organised resistance over an inter-generational time frame.
After this year you will all have to choose sides (maybe sooner) and I for one assure you that the One Worlders may win some battles but in the end they cannot win the War.
David Morgan.
Parliamentary Commission
This is an article that appeared in the public notices section of the Melbourne Age newspaper on Saturday, 23rd January.
To stop the usual bias of the majority of the submissions coming from groups such as "lefty femmo nazis" (the Democrats as David Oldfield knows them, or any other noisy minority group), it is advisable that anyone pissed off with the last election must make a submission. I have typed it in exactly as it was:
**** Inquiry into the 1998 Federal Election ****
On 19 December 1998 the Special Minister of State requested the Committee, chaired by Mr Gary Nairn MP, inquire into and report on:
all aspects of the conduct of the 1998 Federal election and matters related thereto.
The Committee invites interested persons and organizations to make written submissions on the above reference. The Committee will consider all submissions and may invite individuals and organizations to give supporting evidence at public hearings.
Submissions should be received by 12 March 1999. Submissions may be lodged by using the Committee's email address or by mailing to:
The Secretary
Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters
Parliament House
It is advisable for people intending to make submissions to visit the Committee web site at or contact the Committee secretariat for information on the preparation of submissions and details about the inquiry. The Committee secretariat can be contacted on telephone (02) 6277 2374, facsimile (02) 6277 4710 or email
The truth
It is a pity that the whole truth is not exercised by the media and other writers. When Britain declared war on Germany on 4 August 1914 it is irrelevant for Australian citizens who pronounced the declaration in Britain - King George V, The British Prime Minister or anyone else. After Federation in 1901 Australians were at the same time British subjects and Australian citizens. The decision and responsibility for Australia to become involved did not rest with the King or the British Government. It rested entirely on the shoulders of the Australian government of the day. At the time of the declaration 4 August 1914 a federal election campaign was being waged. Like all elections that rely on the duplicity of the electors as is current today the electors were given the choice of voting for tweedle dum and tweedle dummer. The leaders of both major parties vied with each other in making patriotic promises to the electors. Publicists and public men proclaimed, almost unanimously, that honour and interest alike abound in Australia to fight for the mother country. In a speech on the very eve of hostilities, the Labor leader, Scottish-born Andrew Fisher, promised to help defend Britain "to our last man and our last shilling". Labor came to power with a large majority in both houses.
I do not normally reply to suggestions questioning my veracity but prefer to let the uneducated, ignorant or those with some other motive, discover the truth themselves. The act of sending men from Australia to suffer a higher casualty rate (65%) than any other English speaking country was not the result of British legislation but the act of Australian politicians elected by a gullible public. Times have not changed.
Health Care Rebate
WHY is the Australian Government discriminating against
one sector of its people.
WHY is the rebate so freely touted available to some BUT not ALL.
WHY is the Australian Government allowed (what I percieve as) misleading
advertising SMHJan.l7 "every person with private health cover will get the
new 30% rebate.
I notice after e-mailing ACA this ad didn't appear in last weekend's paper!
WHY does the government consider MMI unsuitable as
a health cover company and
WHY were we allowed to join companies in the past but now find they are excluded
from the government's "special group".
For some l5 years now my family has had private health cover BUT now find we are not eligible for the much taunted government rebate - apparently only those who belong to the "chosen few" companies or HEALTH FUNDS will receive the rebate. As we have always been covered by a Health INSURANCE company I believe our own government is discriminating against its own people (so much for their Anti-discrimination laws) by only allowing those selected by them to receive the rebate - from what I can see those who do not receive the rebate will be paying through taxation for those who do and in turn bring their exhorbitant premiums down to the levels paid by us. The freedom to choose a health cover is thus taken from many Australians who will be forced to join the major funds chosen as acceptable by the government In other words, again from my interpretation, the federal government want a MONOPOLY of only large companies controlling the health FUNDS at the exclusion of Insurance companies. Maybe you can clarify the situation for many of us.
Del. Nickols.
Post on aus.politics yesterday
>The author of "Murder by Media, Death of Democracy
in Australia" will be on
>Howard Sattler's talk back programme (Perth - 6PR) on Moday at 10am WA
Scott, which mainstream media people will you be challenging on 6PR?
>Sales of the book exceed all expectations despite
the media blackout... by
>Fairfax (Packer) and Murdoch.
How many of those books sold were bought by PHONie members?
>and to Sue Lowe the self-opinionated "Technology
Writer, Sydney Morning
>Herald" (who monitors this newsgroup) what happened to you at the launch
Perhaps she had something worthwhile to report on... (just a guess)
>I sent you a personal invite after receiving this
email from you on 8
>January 1999 12:55
>Sue Lowe's Message starts:
>So I guess you wont be allowing the media in ????
>At 03:19 AM 1/7/99 +1000, you wrote:
>> G'day If you would like to attend the launch of the above book
>>turns the spotlight from One Nation back on to the mainstream media
>>Australia please send me an email and I will send you details on
>>January giving you the controversial venue. You can set aside time
>>1pm on 22nd January (launch time) - location about 20 minutes north
>>Sydney. Pauline Hanson has been approached and is a 50-50 chance
>>attending (depending on her schedule). Scott Balson Overview of book
>Sue Lowe, Technology Writer, Sydney Morning Herald
, >
>Level 26, 201 Sussex St, Sydney 2000, AUSTRALIA
>Phone: 612 9282 3420
>Fax: 612 9282 3543
>See how the media boycotted the launch at:
>Scott Balson
Josh Stronach
Cost of living
Could you please ascertain for all Australians (as no-one seems to be able to) the EXACT items taken into the cost-of-living figures - on a programme last year Alan Jones asked the same question and listed items which are NOT taken into account viz.(as I recall), insurance, health costs, registration, electricity - as he said "What do they class as living expenses". I for one cannot understand why the cost of living supposedly keeps falling or rising little, when every year every item I've mentioned, and a lot more, keep rising sharply. Can someone please let us all know- are these quoted figures just a figment of someone's imagination when so many essential items are NOT included. I would be grateful if you could get someone to "come clean" for us all.
Del. Nickols.
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
A time with
Heather Hill - exclusive interview with One Nation's first Federal
Representative - 25th October 1998
A day with Pauline
- exclusive interview after the Federal Election - 22nd October
YOUR ABC? - 17th October 1998
The Federal
Election - 3rd October 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.