27th March 1999
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A visit to the One Nation offices
at Parliament House on Thursday was fortuitous.
You see I was able to bump into a lot of friendly faces including the rebel MPs - Pratt, Knuth, Turner, Kingston and co.
If you are to believe that discredited paper called The Courier-Mail "tensions are rising on the ninth floor" between the One Nation MPs and the rebels. The pictures taken on Thursday (right) tell a very different story. Top Knuth (rebel) embraces David Dalgleish (One Nation MP); lower pic Dorothy Pratt and Ken Turner (both rebel MPs) join in on the joke.
In fact the only person who I did not see there was one Shaun Nelson - the rebel MP from the seat of Tablelands.
Ian Petersen put it so succinctly when he said that apart from Nelson the MPs worked well together.
Here is an extract from this report:
8.14 Regardless of what efforts Treasury said that it made, many Australian citizens were outraged by what they saw as a secret process in which information was not made available to those who had concerns. Organisation after organisation told us that they had not been approached, and how they had found out about the draft Agreement by accident.
8.15 One example should be sufficient to make this point. As late as August 1998, Major-General Glenny (Rtd) of AUSCARE made it clear that while Treasury officials had listened to his concerns, he did not believe that there had been an exchange of information.
8.16 We support this view, taken by many of those who participated in this inquiry, that the consultation process was inadequate. Too little information was made available publicly until too late in the negotiation process.
The JSCT final report on the MAI shows quite clearly that the only people who were misinformed, ignorant and ill-educated about the treaty were:
Interesting how, despite the public outcry, The Courier-Mail has totally ignored the JSCT's findings on the MAI.
Motion M-239 was passed by Parliament last night with a vote of 164 to 83.
It read:
"That in the opinion of the House, the government should enact a tax on financial transactions in concert with the international community".
ON THE NEAR HORIZON lurks a date the arrival of which could have serious implications for the U.S. military. No, it is not Jan. 1, 2000. The date that I mean will come five months earlier_June 30th of this year. That is when the commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. Charles Krulak, will retire, and one of the last practitioners of common sense left among our military leadership will enter private life.
Aside from his visionary efforts to prepare the Marine Corps for the next century, and his outspokenness with regard to budget inadequacies (unique among the service chiefs until their denial of reality finally became untenable last September), he has been condemned by many at the Pentagon for another reason.
This past decade has seen the evolution of policies_first implemented before President Clinton but embraced by him with frenzied enthusiasm_that have all but wiped out what is now nostalgically referred to as the warrior culture. Allegiance to this shrinking creed requires nothing more than the embrace of a particular ethic, essentially a devotion to the belief that a soldier's singular purpose is to fight and win his nation's wars.
Today, believer and apostate have switched positions. Thus do we witness a service secretary prioritizing his service's missions as "one, that everyone in the country is entitled to a chance to serve and should be given it, and, two, that our job is to fight and win our nation's wars."
The effort to legitimize that perversion produced soon thereafter a Pentagon adviser who explained in his report that the military's biggest problem is its excessive masculinity and, by extension, its oppression of women. To repair this failing, she advocated the dropping of all combat exclusions of women, as well as the purging of such soldierly qualities as assertiveness, aggressiveness, and the willingness to take risks.
Gen. Krulak is an old-fashioned warrior whose father was also a great combat Marine. He harbors fond childhood memories of such Leatherneck legends as Chesty Puller eating breakfast at his family's kitchen table.
But many are those in today's Pentagon who would consign him to the status of anachronism because he clings to the quaint notion of the warrior ethic and views with suspicion anything extrinsic to that basic premise.
That the maintenance of this ethic has proven entirely conducive to a healthy military service is added nectar the rest of our defense establishment seems determined not to imbibe. Because Commandant Krulak forbids the mixing of genders in basic training, the Marine Corps does not experience any of the inbarracks sex scandals that have blotted the other services. Because he keeps physical standards high, his Marines experience a pride of accomplishment_morale, if you will_unique in our armed forces today. This translates into recruitment and retention statistics that have the other services salivating.
Because he does not view the gender integration of units as an end in itself, gender animosity is kept relatively low. No "unisex field tents" for fusty Gen. Krulak_and no 7 percent pregnancy rate among deployed female Marines as experienced by the Army in Bosnia. But just as China, long insistent that democracy is incompatible with its ancient culture, cannot tolerate a democratic Taiwan whose success belies that position, neither can the "new and improved" Pentagon tolerate an obstinate Marine Corps. Hostility toward the general finally flared when the Army's former chief of personnel, Sara Lister, publicly accused the Marines of being "extremist" and dangerous."
As long as the Pentagon (and Congress) is forced to confront the success of a contradictory baseline, the failure of the administration's social engineering policies will continue to be glaringly highlighted. This baseline is currently being drawn by Gen. Krulak alone.
And there lie the rocks upon which our military may founder after June 30: The administration, courting the left these days, could well replace him with a team player willing to fix what isn't broken. When that happens, Commandant Krulak's baseline will disappear, and the Pentagon's last spark of sanity will have been extinguished.
June 30 looms. On that date, black arm bands may be appropriate.
PAUL BURGESS of Fredericksburg is a legislative staffer on Capitol Hill. He frequently writes on national-security and defense issues.
PHOENIX, Mar. 25 - Time after time today, retired generals and active-duty high brass of the "world's most powerfully military," which the trigger-happy Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Sam Berger, William Cohen and other Washington warmongers began to use yesterday against a small European predominantly Christian country, expressed their bewilderment as to why the Serbs have not so far used their sophisticated air defense systems.
Instead, for the second day in a row, the Serb military lay low, pretending to be taking it on the chin, as the NATO cruise and tomahawk missiles pounded the country, destroying its surface military targets and killing mostly Serb civilians, but leaving the country's underground military structure largely intact. They used only the traditional AAA (anti-aircraft artillery). And even that, it appears, was sufficient to hit some NATO planes, as you saw from our earlier reports.
Guess someone forgot to punch in the "playing possum" scenario into the Pentagon war games computer models? That Serbs won't waste their missiles against unmanned NATO missiles, and will instead wait for the NATO pilots to come calling before sending them home in body bags, or taking the survivors prisoner.
Meanwhile, the Belgrade TV kept broadcasting to the nation the images of the wanton and needless destruction of civilian structures which the NATO "smart bombs" had hit. In the Belgrade suburb of Rakovica, for example, two elementary schools and one junior high school were damaged by the NATO bombing, our Belgrade sources report.
A Novi Sad-based correspondent reported to the Truth in Media today that, NATO had "also bombed Vrdnik in Fruska Gora, which is not very far from where I live." The target was close "right next to the Ravanica Monastery, where the nuns still keep the collar bone of Prince Lazar" (the Serb leader in the battle of Kosovo against the Turkish invadors in 1389).
Earlier on, we had also reported to you that "several civilian areas have already been hit by cruise missiles, including the village of Gracanica, where one of the most sacred Serbian Orthodox monasteryies is situated," according to a report by Father Sava Janjic of the Decani Monastery.
Meanwhile, anti-NATO and anti-American protests are erupting around the world, including in the NATO countries. If you have any doubts that this is Vietnam all over again, only worse (because it may lead to WW III), read on...
In Toronto, Canada, America's neighbor and closest NATO ally, more than 1,000 people - many of them Serbs with young children in tow - gathered in front of the consulate, shutting down University Ave, according to today's Toronto Star report. When police finally managed to clear protesters and reopen the major city artery 3 1/2 hours later, many of the U.S. Consulate windows were broken, and debris, broken eggs and rocks littered the street.
"Hey, hey U.S.A., how many Serbs have you killed today?'', chanted the crowd, refreshing a Vietnam war protesters slogan ("Hey, hey LBJ, how many have you killed today?'').
Truth in Media's (non-Serbian!) Toronto sources report that many Canadians joined in the protest, outraged by the fact that four Canadian CF-18 fighter jets were among the planes that dropped the bombs on Serbia. "I can't believe Canada is standing for this. I'm so ashamed,'' a 27-year-old Toronto woman, holding small baby in her arms, told the Toronto Star.
In Prague, the capital of one of the three new countries admitted to NATO membership, about one hundred Serbs, some of them wrapped in Yugoslav flags and waving banners condemning NATO air strikes on Yugoslavia, staged a protest march past the embassies of the USA and Germany today. The march ended outside the Yugoslav Embassy. That's where about one thousand people, most the newly-minted "NATO citizens" (the Czechs), signed a petition against NATO attacks in an hour.
In Moscow, thousands of protesters pelted the American Embassy with eggs, paint and stones throughout the day. Thousands of volunteers signed up to fight with the Serbs against NATO.
In Skopje, as we had reported earlier, several thousand Macedonians attacked first the western journalists' equipment, and then the American Embassy in that Balkan country.
In Canberra, the capital of Australia, demonstrators expressed their anger at, what they called, the "West's Mafia Tactics," according to the Australian, a national daily newspaper.
We could go on, but we'll stop here with reports of the world's outrage with the NATO bombing of the Serbs.
Meanwhile, amid all these examples of the world's common citizens' outrage against a wanton aggression by NATO against a sovereign country, signs of cracks within the NATO alliance have begun to show today.
First the Greek prime minister, Konstantinos Simitis, announced today in Berlin that Greece, a Balkan country, and one of the key components of the NATO alliance opposes the NATO air strikes. Then the Italian prime minister said the same. Even the French Chirac-cum-Vichy government has started to waiver, perhaps remembering what happened to the vassals, like Vichy?
All of which makes Madeleine Alibright, the U.S. secretary of state, who claimed today at State Department teleconference, that she had been in constant communications with the NATO allies, who were unified and 100% behind the bombing campaign against the Serbs.
In light of the above PUBLIC statements by the leaders of Greece and Italy, could it be that Madam Halbright has been consulting with alter-ego, perhaps even less bright than the Albright?
Finally, unlike Iraq during the Gulf War, Serbia today reportedly expelled all foreign journalists from its territory. So no longer will the American Joe-Six-Packs be able to snack on their beer and chips while entertaining themselves with scenes of the almighty Pentagon "smart bombs" destroying the designated targets without any "collateral damage."
But that's the least of the problems which this will pose for the warmongers in Washington. As a retired American general (Neal) freely admitted today in a live CNN broadcast, he and Gen. Schwartzkopf, the top U.S. commander during the Gulf War, had relied heavily on such CNN and other reports from the western reporters within Iraq.
In other words, by showing the likes of CNN's Christiana Amanpour (Albright's James Rubin's Iranian-born wife) the way to the door, the Serbs have now deprived the NATO bombers of their eyes and ears on the ground. >From now on, all the news the Joe-Six-Packs gets, will be from the Belgrade brewery (a far better brew than the Budweiser or Coors, by the way. For what it's worth...)
And so, tisk, tisk... The Pentagon thought they could "play a TV war" with the Serbs? How stupid! How did they think the Serbs kicked out the Turks from their lands after a 500-year occupation (no kidding - 500 years!)? Or the Austrian imperialists? Or Hitler's 20 divisions, supplemented with the local collaborators, including the Kosovo Albanians? By kissing up to the invaders?
So, c'mon Comrade Klinton and Madame Halfbright. Get real. Do you relally think you can intimidate the Serbs by killing their women and children with your "smart bombs?" That you can scare the people who had lost one-third of their male population in WW I, fighting foreign imperialists like yourselves? (Austrians and Germans back then).
Maybe Klinton-Halfbright should return to the Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service from which you had (miraculously?) graduated, and do a remedial course on the Balkan history? Maybe then they would learn that "playing possum" is a favorite Serbian pastime? And that, pitting our (American) fighting men against the Serbs is an act of treason against America and all the values our country stands for - such as liberty and justice for all.
As a triple U.S. veteran (China-Korea-Vietnam) recently put it in his recent letter to me, "I never would have believed I would say the following: we need to get our - kicked for being in Kosovo. You would think we would have learned in the above mentioned conflicts." (see the Wall Street Journal, Mar. 16, available at our Web site).
Bob Djurdjevic
Good luck today
I thank you.
I thank you. To Pauline Hanson, David Oldfield and David Ettridge, who made us strong.
I thank you.
Good Luck to all Candidates.
Ron Gardnir
With respect to the preamble to the republic referendum.
Custodianship---Is it inherited just like royalty ? No one seems yet to have publicly made this point as yet
My name is Peter.
I am a very strong supporter of One Nation.
I believe that ON stands for "real" equal rights for all Australians.....not special rights for *any* minority groups.....including the minority group that I am forced into.....Gays!
I am dissapointed to read the attached letter in which Bill describes homosexuals as "anti-life" and "perverted". Being gay is not a choice!! it seems as though people just refuse this is a fact.....the only way it can be by choice is if you are bi-sexual....or if you are just trying to make your life a hell of a lot harder to live.
I am gay and would do anything to be streight!! It is how I am born and there is nothing that I can do to chainge that! If there was, I would do it .....who in their right mind would chose to live as an "outcast" or live their life under a disguise of someone that their not. I hate being gay, but have to live with it.
What do you think a young boy or girl would be thinking of themselfs when they first start to realise that their gay or lesbian?? I can tell you first hand that it is a horrible realisation....I spent the last few years of high school contemplating suicide just about every day.
At school and in the general society you are tought that gays are perverts and not "normal"...twisted people. How do you think this effects a child that has no controle over his/her sexuality?
Educating young people at school that gays and lesbions are not to be abused is not "promoting" or "recruiting" people to be is about trying to stop children from being abused and even beaten-up for being who they are.
Gays are just normal, everyday people that just sleep with and love people of the same sex....that is the only differance between you and them.... the education recieved in school teaching kids that gays dont need to be abused WILL save childrens lives.....that is a fact! and that is the bottom line!!
Please write back with any concerns or questions you have about gay and lesbians and I will try my hardest to answer them.....Dont just look at the madi grais and think that that is what gays are....they are the extream.
This can be found on the Government site below, as part of the wonderful GST package.
Quote "165-55 Commissioner may disregard scheme in
making declarations For the purposes of making a declaration under this
Subdivision, the Commissioner may:
(a) treat a particular event that actually happened as not having happened;
and (b) treat a particular event that did not actually happen as having happened
and, if appropriate, treat the event as:
(c) treat a particular event that actually happened as:
Good Work
Keep up the good work!
The policies of one nation seem to have Australia, both as a nation and as a people in it's intrest. Well done with your forward looking policies that want to bring Australia back to it's days when we kicked ass (in all fields, politically, enconomically etc) instead of the Australia we live in today, an Australia that kisses ass. In regards to imigration, Australia needs imigration and the policy of screening people so that we only receive new Australians that want to be Australian is excellant. However I am yet to see a defence policy, have I missed it, is there one, and if so what is it.
My final point, is the one of leadership; even with your stance for everything that is good for Australia, I am yet to see any REAL leadership from Pauline Hanson (she comes across more as a puppet rather than a politican). I am afraid to say that until either Pauline receives some real direction as a politician or she is replaced by someone who has you will not receive my vote.
Nazis and Nationalism
I've been noticing how frequently comments appear that slag off the "Nazi's". I know a lot of people have swallowed the victor's version of history, but this demonising of Hitler and his party is almost pathological. After years of propaganda it becomes almost reflex to equate "Evil" with "Nazi" without ever really questioning the facts.
The National Socialists were not without sin, but why don't the atrocities committed by Stalin (mass execution of Polish officers at Katyn, mass starvation of the Ukraine) and Churchill (the bombing of civillians in Dresden) lead us to picture Satan at the very mention of their names. Maybe we haven't been programmed for that response. Actually when I think of Lucifer I visualise a draft dodging, cigar sniffing, liar.
Every time I read or hear the comments of contemporary Nationalists deriding German Nationalists of yesteryear it is another small victory to the Internationalists. I'm in awe of the mind control that can get a Nationalist to spit out the curse "Nazi!" (Nationalist!) It's like subliminal self hate.
I don't think my personal views are totally in accord with Hitler's Nationalism but I see common ground. The Internationalist forces that isolated and destroyed German Nationalism have been used in a measured dose against Australian Nationalism. How measured will those forces be when we achieve an Australian Nationalist Government? Ask Serbia.
David Miller
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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"Murder by
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Paff and the
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Launch of "Murder by
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