27th January 1999
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Here is an extract from the leader of the Australian Republican Movement's glowing CV:
In August 1997, Mr Turnbull joined Goldman Sachs & Co as the Chairman and Managing Director of Goldman Sachs Australia LLC responsible for the firm's business in Australia and New Zealand.
Mr Turnbull was previously the Managing Director of Sydney investment bank, Turnbull & Partners from its inception in 1987. Turnbull & Partners was involved in many major transactions largely in the media and communications fields.
and the Kerry Packer link:
Trevor Kennedy has been a Director of OzEmail since December 1995. His career spans more than thirty years in Australian publishing and media sectors.
Mr Kennedy was the former Managing Director of Kerry Packer's Consolidated Press Holdings Limited. Prior to joining Consolidated Press, he served as editor-in-chief of Consolidated Press Publications, where he was responsible for more than 50 magazine titles.
His talent for publishing and editing was recognised by Kerry Packer after the successful establishment of the National Times in 1970, of which Mr Kennedy was the Founding Editor. Later he was appointed by Kerry Packer as the Editor of The Bulletin, Australia's weekly current affairs magazine.
Fascinating stuff this - Unity's political platform - it could have been snitched from One Nation bar a few freaky politically correct multiculturalist ideas.... love the one about "divisive and hate politics "....
Here is an extract from their policy document:
Proposed anotd upgrade
Hi Scott,
Regarding your feelers on Monday for feedback in relation to expanding the scope of @notd, I duly spent most of the night exploring the sites of Graham Strachan and J.G Estiot and found both to be very good.
Now your site is already very good Scott and it is surely the sign of a perfectionist that you continue to seek to improve it. I would like to make bold though and suggest that if your hit counter is anything to go by then the most important thing we need to do is increase the @notd readership. How about encouraging some of the sites you link to, to give the daily a bit more of a plug.?.
Does Antonia have a home-site?. Here's some feedback for her. I'm still awaiting your pleasure in filling us in on Canada's "Reform Party" Antonia but your letters are always so relevant anyway so that's not a criticism but a polite request.
Here's a bit of feedback for Paul O'Driscoll (Tuesday's @notd) I think the letter of Jon M Axtens directly below your's says it all Paul. The fact of the matter is we are not in the nappy of the British Monarchy we just don't want the current crop of slimy creepy slithering serpents in Canberra to make ANY more changes. I guarantee you every change they make will take more freedom from the people. From you and I Paul !.
Jon I am duty bound to leak to you, that the intent of the decisiomakersonthehill is to acquire a mandate to "install any regime that appeals to them". If they don't get this clearly from the Referendum, then they will attempt to use their corrupt media cronies to convince us all we gave them a mandate anyway!
Be afraid!.... be very afraid. We are in for a year of unprecedented silliness which will in fact be a smokescreen for an unprecedented year of evil.
Still looking forward to reading your book Scott. My order went off a couple of weeks ago. Any idea when it might arrive?
David Morgan.
For Carolyn Shaddak.
Regarding America's record of observance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, passed unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1948, Noam Chomsky wrote in The New Statesman July, 1994:
"Article 25, for example, states: "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well being of himself and his family" -- this is the terminology of 1948 remember -- "including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to secure that in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood."
"How are these principles upheld in the richest country in the world, with absolutely unparalleled advantages and no excuses for not completely satisfying them? The US has the worst record on poverty in the industrialized world. Tens of millions of people are hungry every night, including millions of children who are suffering from third world levels of disease and malnutrition. In New York City, one of the richest cities in the world, 40 per cent of children live below the poverty line, deprived of minimal conditions that offer some hope for escape from misery, destitution and violence."
NZ - A Police State
As that astonishing article on New Zealand demonstrated, increasingly governments are seeing themselves as above the law. The NZ goverment's response to an unfavourable court decision was to rush through the parliament more 'urgent' legisation to give the SIS retrospective powers (usually bad law) to break into private homes and remove documents, personal belongings and communications material, including computer hardware and software.
When a governement uses its prime intelligence organization to put under surveillance its own citizens who object to government economic policies, it is clear that the nation in question is a police state.
When the Wesminster system of government is corrupted by a permamnent bi-partisanship on most economic and social issues, democracy has failed. The buzz word 'consensus' is really a euphemism for elitist tyranny.
It's easy to see why any grassroots opposition such as One Nation gets smeared with a vicious labelling campaign: a genuine political opposition is a threat to the cozy understanding between the (laboural) government and big business, and their ever obliging quislings, the intellectual prostitutes of the media. The major parties seem to have learned their tactics from the master himself. I'm pretty sure it was Lenin who said: call them (your enemies) what you are.
Given that, what they call us says heaps about them, dosn't it.
Missing Baggage
Dear Sir,
I am an avid reader of your ANOTD page and enjoy it for it's candid comments on the issues that you feel need to be bought to our attention. With this in mind, I fail to see the significance in detailing the saga of your baggage going missing en-route from Sydney to Brisbane. I am sure that it was an honest mistake on QANTAS' behalf, I myself have had boxes searched and queried when checking in. Which is why I find your comments about this rather strange. Whenever I travel, which is quite frequently and if I have a box of goods which I am transporting with me, I am asked at the check in counter as to the contents of the box. Where you not asked this question at the check in counter?
I have read from time to time that you and your family are under surveillance by ASIO because of you political allegiance. I don't see why ASIO would simply intercept your luggage, if they wanted to know what was in it, they would have taken you aside as well and asked you to open it for inspection. I can't help thinking that the majority of this is self driven paranoia on your part, and that maybe you association with the paranoid set from the PHON party has clouded your thoughts. If you want to run with the big boys then expect to get a little burnt. Make comments about the way of things and expect to draw the heat. ASIO did not search you bags nor did they have anything to do with it going missing, it was a simple mistake on QANTAS' behalf and you have made it out to be something out of fantasy island.
Which Republic
Like the Commonwealth Bank advert - "Which Bank?" - we can just as well say - "Which Republic?" The world is full of them - take your pick
The constitution does not mention a "Head of State". The Crown (representing the people)is a symbolic Head of State. A Head of state is a term without meaning unless applied to a function. The Queen has no function under the Constitution, and in 1953 on her visit here, special legislation had to be passed to allow her to perform a function. The Constitution does provide a function for the Governor-General and as such is the Head of State for ALL Constitutional matters. The Governor-General (the Head of State)is, and has been an Australian for a longer period than most of those now espousing nonsense about the issue,have been born or lived in this country.
To the writers to your column who mix politics with a constitutional matter suggesting that a Head of State has done nothing to redress certain items of political issue I suggest that they learn a little more about our constitution. As for Australians stepping "out of the British nappy" it may be pointed out that this occurred in 1901. This can easily be disproved by providing evidence of any British legislation that has had jurisdiction in Australia since that 1901 date.For the want of a better term - we are already a Crown Republic and our system is better than all the rest including the USA and their Head of State.
Australia day awards
The Hon. Tim Fischer, MHR
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister For Trade,
Parliamentary Leader of the National Party of Australia,
Parliament House,
Hon Sir,
A couple of Principals have instructed us to write to you to seek confirmation that the Coalition will continue the practice, established by its predecessors in government, of unquestioningly adopting the recommendation of the "experts" and declaring, each year, as the Australian of the Year some sporting identity.
Sport, now a ruthless, profit-motivated, media promoted, and potentially drug-debased and corrupted industry, is indeed able to claim to be a true representation of perhaps the only major success "reality" in today's Australia given the rush, by government, to drive most initiative in all other activities offshore or, as in the Pigmeat industry, to bankrupt the participants.
Some recent media publicity has been given to suggestions that, instead of heaping such honours on members of the entertainment industry, due recognition should be afforded to those who are actually delivering long term material benefits to more than a mere handful of the people of Australia.
Undoubtedly the sporting greats deserve to be acknowledged and it may well be appropriate to recognize them with honours of this kind which are by their very nature ephemeral and transitory.
Many wonder whether there is a future for Australia Day, with its Australian of the Year Awards, in view of the objections of significant numbers of the indigenous citizens to perpetuation of evidence of invasion of their land. Bearing in mind your advocacy of a new regional currency, and your government's enthusiastic willingness to embrace Treaties, Agreements, Declarations and a wide variety of other interferences in the Sovereignty of Australia.
Early and comprehensive acknowledgement of the concerns of these particular Principals would be appreciated. They can be reached promptly through this office.
J o n M. A x t e n s
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
A time with
Heather Hill - exclusive interview with One Nation's first Federal
Representative - 25th October 1998
A day with Pauline
- exclusive interview after the Federal Election - 22nd October
YOUR ABC? - 17th October 1998
The Federal
Election - 3rd October 1998
One Nation launch
- the day the media snapped.- 29th September 1998
Pauline Hanson
defeats the politically correct lobby- 28th September 1998
Fairfax on
trial- 23rd September 1998
Where the politically
correct hang out - 20th September 1998
A brief lunch time
controntation with Jeff Kennett- 8th September 1998
One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.