25th March 1999
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For the record The Courier-Mail did not report on either of these One Nation press releases.
The One Nation Member for Caboolture, Bill Feldman, has challenged the "shadowy forces" within Labor and the Government to stand up and take responsibility for a program to cultivate and promote homosexuality within the Queensland school system under the guise of promoting "diversity".
Mr. Feldman issued the challenge yesterday in State Parliament following weekend newspaper reports that plans were under way to create homosexual role models in the classroom, desensitise teachers to teach homosexuality, flood the schools with homosexual posters glorifying perversion, and push plans to celebrate homosexual holidays.
"Let them stand up and be counted so that we can identify where this child abuse is coming from," declared Mr. Feldman, who is the One Nation parliamentary leader and spokesman for Police and Corrective Services.
Mr. Feldman identified the immediate push for homosexuality as coming from an anti-life group calling itself the Family Planning Association---a group promoting abortion and homosexuality under the guise of teaching sex education .
The Queensland Parliamentary Commission has been asked to investigate leaks from the Criminal Justice Commission following complaints that confidential information was leaked last week to the media about Children's Commissioner Norm Alford.
This was revealed when the One Nation Member for Caboolture, Bill Feldman, challenged the Premier in Parliament to expose the source of leaks to the media and then charge the persons responsible for leaking confidential information.
Mr. Feldman said the Member for Ipswich West, Jack Paff, had been subjected to vindictive attacks for exposing the chronic leaks from the CJC, and he asked the Premier what action he would take following new complaints that confidential information had been leaked to the media about Mr. Alford.
The Premier told Mr. Feldman that the issue of leaks had been referred to the Parliamentary Commissioner, and that this was the "appropriate way for this matter to be handled".
Sorry... got that heading wrong. It was actually some Labor party members who are now being questioned by the police.
Apparently those caught are claiming that they were instructed to do so by the Paramatta office of the Labor party.
Now can you imagine if it HAD been a One Nation member? Headline news... Labor - not a sniff of a story. Good old media ethics at work yet again.
Kerry looked very sick last night on television, having to catch his breath between sentences as he laid out the policy for the Coalition on media ownership.
His words mirrored those of heir-apparent Jamie Packer the night before. Get rid of cross-ownership laws and open up Australia's media to foreign ownership. Read that as - Murdoch takes Channel 7 and Packer takes Fairfax.
This brings me to 60 Minutes' expose on Paul Keating. Now old man Packer is saying, "I think it was a major story, and I think that it is a story that had to be told. I hope it doesn't go any further. I don't think digging around in prime ministers' past is beneficial to the country. I don't want to see anything that downgrades the position. I don't think 60 Minutes went too far. I think it did a good job, but I think its done enough."
Just what does Packer mean and let's look skeptically at the timing of the story.
Keating is a high profile ex-politician. It is known that the media barons have dirt files on all the major politicians from John Howard to Kim Beazley to Peter Costello. All the Keating story demonstrated is how a dirt file can ruin the reputation of anyone who has been or who is in office. Keating was an easy target he is no longer involved in politics.
However, Packer's drive for the complete ownership of Australia's media by himself and Murdoch is now no different to what is taking place in Serbia. This is a media-war.
Keating's reputation was just a missile fired across the bows of Senator Alston and Peter Costello. Which makes Costello's public words that, "What motivates us is not what is in their commercial interest. What motivates us is what is in the national interest," sound very hollow.
It is quite clear that old man Packer is very sick and before he goes he wants to die in the knowledge that he has acquired the Fairfax empire.
Even in death greed is good for some so it appears.
Extract from this link: The Kernot-Lees Ambush of the West Australian Democrats
This is a key episode in the history of how the Australian Democrats' 1993 National Executive established top-down control over the party which had practised participatory democracy since 1977 and which boasted the watchword "honesty, tolerance and compassion".
A generation of officers of the party's Western Australian division was purged in two stages--by prohibiting selected persons from nominating for party office, then by a mass expulsion (in July 1994), resulting in detrition of the statewide membership to fewer than 50 individuals. [In 1993, WA Democrats had fielded 55 State-election (6 February) and 16 Federal-election (13 March) candidates.]
The turncoat party leader Cheryl Kernot defected to the Labor Party in 1998, but most of the backroom architects of the betrayal of the Australian Democrats' founding principles are still in positions of power. All are named in this revealing record of how Keith Lees (former partner of Meg Lees) came to Perth to explain how and why WA members were not allowed to conduct a constitutional annual election of officers.
So the US are "defending their interests" in the Balkans. What are "their interests?" and what happens if Australians decide to start reclaiming their country from the multinationals?
Do we become their next target.... somehow I believe that the NATO and UN inspired wars are all about removing the military might of nations which refuse to play ball with the money power.
We are moving towards world government.
Drop Clinton, Not Bombs!
"Mark this day - March 24, 1999! It may be remembered in history as a new Day of Infamy. Just as was December 7, 1941, the day the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Except that this time, it will be the NATO American-made missiles and pilots that will be delivering hell to Serbia for the forces of Evil.
By its order to launch the air strikes against Serbia, NATO and President Clinton has entered into an uncharted territory in mankind's history. Not even Hitler's grab of the Sudetenland in the 1930s, which eventually led to WW II, ranks as a comparable travesty. For, there are no American interests whatsoever that the NATO bombing will either help, or protect; only needless risks to which it exposes the American soldiers and assets, not to mention the victims on the ground in Serbia.
Bombing Serbia is an act of raw, wanton aggression and violence by a power-hungry Clinton administration. No wonder most Americans who write to us say they are ashamed of it. But shame may quickly turn to blame (of Clinton), if the flames of war in Serbia engulf other nations, possibly even Russia.
May God help all innocent people whom Clinton and his neo-colonial NATO allies have put in mortal danger!"
Bob Djurdjevic
Founder and editor of the Truth in Media
Phoenix, Arizona
See this report on the American Death Camps.
A few years ago, I was called to a meeting in Fort Mead to join the augmenting of a unit which would report directly to FEMA in the event of national disaster. Did we discuss earthquakes, tornadoes, or flooding?
Not on your life. After obtaining several new written security clearances and after having signed no less than eleven documents-all giving away my life and liberty should I ever speak out-I was let in on the following plan.
Before out give out the structure of this plan, I beg anyone who reads this document to share with as many people as possible what I consider our last, best chance to reverse the horrible course this country is going to take in the next twenty-four months. The outline is as I remember it, as everything was verbal-nothing was ever written down. Troop movements, orders, and materiel was all coded with words that meant something other than what they were. For example, if we needed 150 new prison cells, we didn't call them prison cells.
Here is an extract from Wiltshire's book:
By 1985 however, tests carried out by researchers at the Pasteur Institute in Paris had demonstrated that the AIDS virus was actually quite robust, in that it was able to infect human cells after being left in the open, at room temperature, for up to 15 days. Despite this information being widely disseminated to the medical profession by its appearance in the prestigious British medical journal, The Lancet, for almost 8 years the authorities insisted that the virus (later known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus -- HIV) was so fragile that it could not "live" outside the body for more than about 20 minutes.
Why are we getting involved in this debate? This is designed to impart to the public mindset that a republic is a forgone conclusion.
As far as I am concerned, the only thing wrong with the present constitution is that Governments are breaking it and not going to jail for it.
This can be fixed when enough people wake up, exercise their rights, and commence the treason trials. No need to change the constitution to implement the law. Of course the first to go on trial would have to be the Judiciary.
Before some one starts on me about the British throne, I will stop that one in its tracks now. The CROWN first and foremost is the PEOPLE, vested by popular consent in a family, a ROYAL family, consecrated to and by Almighty God, and bound by oath to observe the rights of the common people, within the laws of God.
If the British Isles and all the Royal family sunk below the sea today, nothing would change in Australia as far as good/bad government was concerned. Simply put, we would need to choose (dare I say it tongue in cheek) a blond headed blue eyed couple. All right then a mixed couple; it doesn't matter so long as they are fertile, and elevate them to the throne using all the standard oaths and procedures.
The point about this is that this family is guaranteed in perpetuity an attractive future, careers if you like, so long as they honour the prime order of always being there for the people, remaining popular. How could a corrupt politician buy out people like this, when they have everything in perpetuity for themselves and their children.
Of course, there will be discrepancies, and abuses; they could take bad advice. BUT these would be less likely, and more easily corrected (the hand of God. The king dies. The son takes over-) than would be the case with regularly elected heads of state. We have no need to look hurther than our latter day Prime Ministers for evidence of this. Look also at how latter US Presidents have ignored what must be the safest constitutional republic in the world.
The reason the Queen no longer uses her powers today, is because the media have come between the people and their Sovereign. The Royal Family no longer is gauranteed a future in perpetuity. The mind benders are in control. Viva the Revolution.
No crown will be effective until the people regain economic democracy with a truly free and honest press; which seems highly unlikely given the control that the powers that be have over the whole world today. The goyim are indeed happy at the feed troughs.
Philip Madsen.
Dear Scott
It has always been Mr Howard's ploy to present himself as a decent, reasonable man, virtuous and honourable, but in my experience, these qualities never got a politician anywhere. Those at the party pinnacle got there by the shrewd use of elbows, knees and teeth. The natural selection of politics soon weeds out those with scruples.
Our present Constitution imposes a check on outrageous ambition, a check never to be abandoned. Mr Howard presents himself as a moderate monarchist, but ready to surrender to a force majeur. Thus he keeps himself onside with both sides.
He who attributes virtue to a politician with respect to a seeming virtuous act or utterance, when any other explanation is available, is self-deceived.
The Lib/Lab cabal (it is only the spoils of office that are in dispute, the rest is pantomime) has, over the past 40 years presided over the calamitous moral rot of the nation, and the reason for this is the (unwritten) doctrine of Party uber alles. Men 10% homo? Their votes could swing an election, for men prize their vices above their virtues. Encourage them. Fund Sydney's capering queers. Gambling? Get pokies into every bar and club; and so on, anything that improves the party's chances is licit.
The cabal takes no chances with its candidates, they must have a long appraisal period, and a demonstrated sycophancy rating that will ensure that conscience shall never prevail over party expediency. One Nation is so new that it had practically to pull its candidates off the street; that is why its choice of candidates was, in many cases, unwise.
When one examines the status of MPs, the reasons they cling to office like grim death are clear. The phrase 'a political career' is a gross impertinence. It implies that once in, a pollie is there for the rest of his 'working' life, that the electorate shall have him thrust upon them. He will not readily give up his huge salary, his perquisites, jaunts, 'study tours', free this and that, golden handshakes and a gilt- edged twilight. And for all this, he has only to keep his mouth shut and his nose clean, and of course, vote with the party, right or wrong.
Since there is only one side of any matter presented by the two formers of opinion, whose only contention is in the matter of circulation, and the battle of the box, we have, as a system of governance, pseudo-democracy. There is never any rebellion, because the party in office can always say "The will of the majority put us here". The teeth of the intelligent minority are drawn before they can even snap. Unless things change soon, the momentum of our descent into degenerate ruin will be beyond halt, and future historians will say of us "Australia passed from immaturity to noissome decay without any intervening episode of maturity".
Frank Baynes
Subject: Votes!
In yesterday's @notd, Josh Stronach informed us that a number of candidates had gained over 51% of the Primary Vote... thnkx for enlightening us on that Josh. I think I quailified my assertion with:"as far as I know....". Well, now I _do_ know. I stand corrected. Whatever,I would maintain that it is still a rare occurence. As for Ferguson, I thought he only got 65% of the vote _after distribution of preferences_. Nevertheless, particularly in his case(and considering the:[deliberate]composition of the Batman electorate,lack of an opposing candidate of equal stature, lack of unbiased media coverage of the issues[an un-informed debate is no debate],bottomless resources of the Laboral Party), one would have to question how legitimate such a result is.
In fact: on that basis, let's question the legitimacy
of all of them (i.e: the ones mentioned.....Ferguson, Ruddock and Hatton).
Even if One Nation Party had comparable electoral funds, it is doubtful that
a Packer/Murdoch-controlled media would allow a free, fair and unbiased exchange
of views. I'll believe in the legitimacy of such results when there are regular
and comprehensive televised debates between the likes of Mr David Oldfield
and/or the respective One Nation candidates and those mentioned. Let everyone
state their case fully and each candidate be judged wholly and solely on
the validity of their arguments. Of course, such a scenario presumes that
we are actually living in a democracy........
Dear friends and anti-MAI campaigners,
At the meeting of Anti MAI Coordinations and Third World Network, Geneva 18th-21st March, we all racked our brains to find the weak points to enable us to stop the transfer of the MAI to the WTO Millennium Round.
The most glaring one is the absence of authority of the European Commission, even if a provisional one was to be appointed shortly, to negotiate such far reaching and dangerous trade agreement. This is why the Belgian coalition, represented by Gerard Lambert, and the French one - now renamed "Coordination Contre les Clones de l'AMI" - represented by Agnes Bertrand and Vincent Espagne, came up with the following idea: Issue a common presscommunique asking for a moratorium on all trade negociations (Transatlantic Economic Partnership and Investment Agreement in the Millennium Round), until a new commission is named. According to the Amsterdam treaty, such a nomination can only be valid in January 2000.
Of course this demand will also be forwarded to candidates for European elections, asking them could take a formal stand on the mather.
The general feeling in the meeting was that this was an excellent idea and opportunity and the national coordinations would adopt/adapt it as soon as possible.
The demand is certainly legitimate. But our movements work differently. So it is up to each coordination to decide if and when they can formerly issue this demand as a communique.
Friendly greetings,
for the French CCC-AMI,
Agnes Bertrand
What are UN's real intentions
Ever since Rockefeller and Carnegie founded and funded the illegal, unconstitutional United Nations NGO (non-governmental organization) in 1944, before the war had even ended, we have had no peace. As a matter of fact, this socialist, pro-communist organization has waged upwards of 200 killing wars in the name of 'peace'.
The predecessor to the UN was the league of Nations, another pet project of the Rockefellers and Carnegies, which, fortunately, was exposed by Senator Lindberg as the tyranny is was intended to be, and was dumped by the US Congress and Senate.
The pro-communists Council on Foreign Relations, the subversive organization pushing the UN and world tyranny, now has almost three hundred of their subversives permeating the present administration.
We need a major project of exposure of these criminals by name and by the positions they presently hold in this government and they must be asked to resign from government, the military, academia and the news media. They are all traitors to their country and to the people and are a hazard to the entire world.
Yours truly,
Cliff Hume.
Kosovo Crisis
Hi Scott,
Watching the various reports on the "Kosovo Crisis" on T.V tonight I got a strong sense of deja-vu. I seem to recall writing to @notd expressing my disgust at President Clinton's decision to attack Iraq just before Christmas, so it goes without saying that whilst I expected this it still disgusts me.
Watching those bulletins tonight only three truths spring readily from my recall out of the various commentators statements. They were;
1). "This is an escalation from a local conflict into
a war, and when wars start they tend to spread into neighbouring countries!"
2). "This could be the start of World War 3"
3). "I dont like this it worries me"
If I was asked to grant an award for propoganda lie of "this night on T.V" it would have to go to Kerry Packer who intoned in his best "favourite uncle" voice; "You're going to have to get used to the breaking down of local ownership anyway"..!
David Morgan.
A couple of years ago, on A Current Affair, Bill O'Chee made a statement to Ray "The Gullible" Martin that most cases of TB in Australia were brought into the country by the British. I knew at the time he lied and I found that it was practically impossible for those affected by TB in the UK to get to Australia. Why? Well simply because at the time the only group of people with rampant TB within their community were the homeless street people of the big cities. How the hell they could get over here is a mystery to me!
On further research through the Internet I found that on the contrary the most likely cause of TB spreading in Australia was due more to the large influx of Asian migrants who are allowed in here without proper screening.
But I suppose it's just another case of the utter contempt these PC people have for white Anglo-Saxons throughout the world.
Quote from article:
About 60 per cent of British cases come from those who were born abroad and have moved to Britain. Some 40 per cent occur in British people who spend a period working abroad.
Death ad
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
The advertisement regarding the death penalty bill for the NSW Elections is absolutely disgusting! Have you no regard for the parents and families of murder victims, particularly those of young children? I doubt very much that they would want to see a child being covered over by a body bag on their television sets every night, all for the sake of you 'people' getting a NSW seat. That ad has utterly convinced me that your party has no compassion, no intelligence and no common sense. I've never seen anything lower. Next time, think about the viewers and their feelings and try to think of a more INTELLIGENT way to get your message across.
YOU should be shot, before you go and do something even dumber!!!
Lyn and Matt
Newspoll on ON and Nats
Dear Scott,
todays Newspoll in the Australian has One Nation down to 5% in Queensland with the predictable headlines of our demise and the flow on to the NSW elections on the weekend. Sometimes you have got to take these findings with a pinch of salt - and it has been shown difficult to accurately measure One Nation support between actual electoral results.
What is very interesting in this report is that National Party support since the State (QLD) election has fallen by 2%. This is very serious for them becasue it means that they have not picked up support in the bush since their desasterous showing last June. With all the termoil in the Queensland Nationals they have had to promote inexperienced people and the old divisions that existed in Joh's time have resurfaced. So even if accept these figures of Newspoll its not all bad news for One Nation because it means we are holding support in the Bush against the Nationals. The agricultural policies of the Libs and Nats are actually causing a recession in the bush (the weather this last yeart has been quite good). This dissatisfaction will probably show up in next Saturdays poll in NSW.
Tony Price.
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Inverell 1999 -
15th March 1999
Pauline Hanson
in Penrith - 5th March 1999
One Nation 1999
AGM - 28th February 1999
"Murder by
Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
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