25th February 1999
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I will be flying to Sydney early tomorrow morning (26th) - and will be returning on 1st March... so the @notd will be updated on that day - together with news of what transpired in Sydney and the meeting.
It doesn't take long for Labor to act...
Following the reduction of One Nation MPs in Queensland to five Labor have foreshadowed that the party's status will be changed and that a large portion of its Au$1.6 million in funding over the next three years will be removed.
Biggest losers are the staff who worked there - they will lose their jobs and party leader Bill Feldman will face a reduction of Au$18,000 in his annual salary.
Acting Premier Jim Elder (God what is this state coming to....) said, "There's every likelihood some of that money will go. They're not entitled to party status and the resources that go with party status, and it's about time he (Bill Feldman) knew that and understood that."
Personally I detest McDonalds. Every since I heard what they paid the kids who work there I have boycotted the outfit.
Now McDonalds have joined other child labour heavyweights Coles Myer and Woolworths who have sent submissions to the Australian Industrial relations Commission advising that the removal of junior pay rates will see them stop employing young people.
Now this, of course, has nothing to do with McDonalds having to pay their 50,000 young staff a few extra cents an hour - or so their bright and glossy ads (including McDonald's house charities) would have you believe...
McDonald's corporate relations director Julie Owen, who delivered the submission, said that the company was giving kids a "headstart" while they were sill at school - but that this would change.
"But if we are given the choice between a 15 year old and a 25 year old and have to pay them the same wage, then we will take on the older person because they presumably will be more mature and have some work experience.
"The proposed changes will make it more difficult for many of Australia's young people to enter the general workforce, in making this whole school-to-work transition.
"Working at McDonald's is not just about flipping hamburgers, it is about acquiring general competencies like responsibility, communication and teamwork skills and a work ethic."
Oh and McJobs?... that stands for jobs with little pay and no future.
I read about Jim SOORLEY increasing security at City Hall because of his luncheon with the terrorist Gerry ADAMS. Is this the same SOORLEY who wouldn't allow Pauline HANSON the use of Council property to hold meetings because of security risks.
Maybe I am just being unfair because I don't like SOORLEY
Hi Scott
It is amazing, that people like MrJohn Pasquarelli keep popping up. I have no doubt that JP had only the best interests of Pauline Hanson and One Nation in mind when he came to give One Nation a hand. However he did exactly the same thing the five Quennsland elected reps. did. Forgot about the easiest thing and that is, who join who and got a big head. I can not see Graham Campbell asking him to come back. Funny that.
Martin Lebedinsky
Pasquarelli replies to criticism
I reiterate that David Morgan is a mealy mouthed coward who made blustering threats and is now trying to scuttle away like a mudcrab back into the mangroves. He doth protest too much. It is people like him that have chased away ordinary Australians who wanted to vote for ON but who have become disgusted with all the childish and ignorant infighting. 'Jimbo' with his puerile and gutless mouthings about internet nicknames is a classic. Why can't he take off his skirt, be a man and use his proper name? Then there were five. Queensland's ON parliamentary wing is now a shattered and ridiculed rump with members saying that they didn't know how to contact Hanson and some saying that they had never received ONE telephone call from their leader! Didn't the great adviser tell his boss about the need for communication and networking? A political leader has to be on call 24 hours a day to keep a finger on the pulse and the troops happy. The antics of ON is making the other politicians look good when of course they aren't, generally speaking. ON's accountability is a serious mockery of Hanson when she was preaching the virtue ad nauseam. She has done absolutely nothing about ensuring that the reimbursement of candidates is carried out in a fair and accountable way. Candidates in Victoria are complaining about being ripped off. While the ON rabble carry on with their tribal nonsense, the real issues roll by, totally ignored. The whingers complain about multinationals taking Australia over but Australians continue to squander $40 billion a year on poker machines and a further $40 billion on other forms of gambling. Bread and circuses keep the masses entertained. We really do deserve the government we get. Hanson's betrayal of those who initially stood behind her is a disgrace but I doubt that Pauline will ever be possessed of the humility to acknowledge that all responsibility does rest with her. It will always be somebody else's fault. Just for the record. In 1964 I was the youngest member of a Commonwealth Parliament and in 1970 I started construction of PNG's finest tourist resort on the Sepik River.
John Pasquarelli
The great deabte
Ian Batchelor seems to have take up the 'baton' from Mr Pasquarelli.. his comments, also, cannot be allowed to go unanswered...
>I can't believe some of the no-brained comments
on @NOTD. Have
>people already forgotten how One Nation came about and what the
>goals of this Party were? It seems to me that this is clearly the
Which particular 'no-brainers' would you be referring to?
>Stupidity now abounds. One Nation has no vision,
no drive and almost
>no respect in the community.
Hmmmm: proof? evidence? Just saying so doesn't make it so!
>We see One Nation's Parliamentary presents in
Queensland more than
>half in less than one year. We see destructive squabbling between an
>unelected executive and these Members of Parliament. And for what?
>So that the new One Nation "Elites" can maintain their positions in
>a crumbling and decaying organisation?
"a crumbling and decaying organisation? " _thatz_ a bit rich! A [political] 'organisation' that has been around for less than two years is now 'crumbling and decaying'. Get real, pal! Do political organisations/parties simply drop out of the heavens fully formed and functioning? Hmmmmm? Name _one_ political organisation in this country _or elsewhere_(over the last 200 years) that hasn't had initial structural/teething was my understanding that the Australian Labour Party, for instance, wasn't an effective political force until nearly _10 years_ after its formation. Even the Russian Bolsheviks(an armed revolutionary party) took over _five years_ to consolidate their strength and that was with a:[a]millions of dollars of external aid and [b]a disintegrating society shell-shocked from War, economic chaos and internal upheavals. Incidentally, if you want to see a case study in a "crumbling and decaying organisation? ", look no further than the National Party and the dribbling idiot who runs it[!]
>The Executive should have seen the MP rebellion
coming. They should
>have been more open to the concerns of the MP's. The executive
>should have realised that the MP's are not accountable soley to the
>One Nation Executive. Their primary responsibility MUST be to their
>Constituents, their State, their Country, and then their Party. The
>Pauline Hanson that once had whole nation talking would have had it
>no other way.
Granted! However, what evidence exists to say that ONP demanded the MPs have loyalty first, foremost and last to the One Nation Executive? When and where were the MPs ever told to _totally disregard_ "their Constituents, their State and their Country". I'd like to see that _in writing_. If you can produce that evidence, then I will resign my ONP membership tomorrow. I don't fancy being a member of the Nazi Party[!]
>One Nation was formed in the wake of the popularity
(or notoriety)
>created by the intellect of John Pasquarelli. Since his
>unceremonious dismissal as Pauline Hanson's Advisor, One Nation,
>whilst continuing to enjoy its 'Pasquaresque' popularity, has
>progressively diminished in appeal. John Pasquarelli provided the
>vision, the drive, and the appeal of what
was One Nation - the so
>called "Peoples Party".
Was Mr Pasquarelli sacked or did he quit? Please refresh my memory. If he was sacked: why? What detailed reasons were given? Mistakes are made by any political party/organisation. Particularly a fledgling one. I, for one, tend to think that there was insufficient intellectual background and depth prior to ONP's formation. A political party must consist of theoriticians _and_ tacticians. (Lenin). It must have an intellectual powerbase. Actually, that should be _first and foremost_. The actual party _structure_ is built _on top of_ this powerbase. The formation of ONP was, in some respects, _too_ spontaneous. There are a multitude of conservative intellectual thinkers in this country who should have been utilised and consulted either before or during its formation. An oversight! However, this can be remedied.
>There was once a time when the ideas and vision
of John Pasquarelli
>set the media flapping, and One Nation or Pauline Hanson were talked
>about because 'dangerous' ideas that literally scared the
One man(Mr Pasquarelli) does not an intellectual powerbase make. I think you may have just given the game away....perhaps Mr Pasquarelli had visions on 'John Pasquarelli's One Nation Party'? So: wotz the difference to wot you're accusing the ONP 'executive' of? Whatever spin you want to put on it, ONP was a 'revolutionary' political organisation/party. As such, you can't have individual people vying/contending for power(this doesn't preclude one prominent spokesperson, however). OTW, the whole thing disintegrates. I agree that the ONP 'executive' is too small. What is needed is a 'central committee' or a 'cabinet'. That 'central committee' or 'cabinet' should have direct input from party fact, it should have representatives of party branches sitting on it. In turn, the party branches should have direct input from their grass-roots members: who, basically, tell the party branch what direction to go. In turn, the grass-roots members get feedback from the community and the constituents.....the aim is a flat, horizontal organisation consisting of mutually independent but equally legitimate 'cells'(each of which can exist apart from the others). _Not_ a vertical, hierarchal structure which can be 'knocked off' at leisure!
>establishment. Now we see One Nation or Pauline
>If I were one of the Rebel MP's, I know who I'd be turning to for
>advise and to keep the vision alive
>-- and it wouldn't be David Oldfield.
ONP needs a hundred, if not a thousand, David Oldfield's. The Laborals are supported, directly or indirectly, by an 'intellectual elite' [the media, the globalists, the internationalists, the economic rationalists, the university academics]. The only way they can be combatted(short of physical violence!) is by _opposing_ ideas. It is up to ONP members to take it upon themselves to infiltrate all levels of society where these characters operate(in the: media, churches, schools, universities, unions, courts, local/state/federal government, institutes of higher learning&c) and _take them on_ with a tidal wave of argumentation, disputation and debate. Once you cut the intellectual ground from under them, they have no foundations. "As a man thinks in his heart, so he is" [Proverbs 23:7]
**"Mightier than the tread of conquering armies, is that of an idea whose time has come"**
(Victor Hugo)
The return of the Feudal lords
Peter Costello and some of his mates belong (Physically and mentally) to the Mount Pelerin Society - an organisation dedicated to bringing back to power, the Feudal System of yore. In case you still do not believe that, here is an extract - that the Corporate Media has no intention of telling you about - from a guide to the GST, put out by The Australian Society of Chartered Accountants: Section 165. 55 "For the purpose of making a declaration under this sub-division the commissioner may: (a) Treat a particular event that has actually happened as not having happened; and (b) Treat a particular event that did not actually happen as having happened; and (c) Treat a particular event that has actually happened as: (i) Having happened at a time different from the time it actually happened, or (ii) Having involved particular action by a particular entity (whether or not the event actually involved any action by that entity)."
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
"Murder by
Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.