25th January 1999
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I will be putting up a full report on the launch of the book in Sydney on Friday - once I get my digital camera back with the all important photographs.
As you will see there was a media black out and the big loser was media credibility - while the big winner was my argument that there is something very sick with the polarised media of today.
Special thanks to Shondra Briton for her hospitality and co-ordinating the launch.
Flight QF522 from Sydney to Brisbane left nearly an hour late yesterday - I know I was on board. The 767 was full with several hundred passengers.
When I went to pick up my suitcase it was missing. Of the several hundred passengers on board only one suitcase went missing and it was mine. Now I am not a conspiracy theorist but it was a trifle coincidental... I reported the loss to Baggage Services. If anyone out there is from Qantas here are the relevant details:
Baggage ID: QF 554752
Lost baggage ID: BNE TN 58001
The suitcase has still not turned up.
UPDATE: 1.00pm
Qantas delivered the suitcase at 12.30pm this afternoon. The case has definitely been searched. A large bag of books carefully sealed in a strong box now has a large irregular tear down one side - allowing whoever searched the case to view the contents (about 30 Murder by Media books) without ripping the seals.
The case itself has a number of small tears on the outside - as if someone was trying to check in the lining.
Very interesting. ASIO? If so, why?
If someone from Qantas is able to maybe they cam trace where the suitcase re-appeared from.
I want to expand the involvement of selected third parties on the anotd to give the paper more diversity and flavour - whether this be by links to third party sites or through articles carried has yet to be discussed.
Issues like globalisation - Graham Strachan; the media - JG Estiot; Canada and issues - Antonia Feitz etc.... need to be discussed and floated.
I am speaking out
aloud and looking for feedback because I think that right now we stand on
the crossroads of taking the anotd to the next logical stage - evolving
into a people's paper with several regular contributors - a major diversion
from the traditional newspaper whose credibility and ethics are dying on
the vine.
Here is an extract from Graham Strachan's article:
In 1994, after the Keating government committed Australia to the Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC), an editorial appeared in The Australian newspaper warning people what to expect from economic change. There would be adjustments, industrial, cultural, and economic, rationalisations of whole industries, job losses, social dislocation as unemployment forced families to relocate. People were to be retrained. Impediments to growth and competitiveness were to be removed. Community sacrifices would be required [The Weekend Australian, 19-20 November, 1994].
The warning came a bit late. The things described had been going on since at least 1985, the result of economic change brought on by the globalisation policies of the Hawke government. Late though they were however, the editorial's predictions were accurate.
Between 1985 and 1997, over 3.3 Australians million Australians were retrenched and forced to find replacement jobs [Sydney Morning Herald, October 20, 1997]. More than 25% of the jobs they found (if they did) had been downgraded to part time, so that while the government unemployment figures continue to look good, now two and sometimes three people are doing a job previously done by one. On top of that, unemployed people who have given up looking for work are excluded from the figures. Its all a sham and everybody knows or suspects it. Youth, mature age, and long term unemployment are major problems and getting worse.
The example of the United States where slavemasters two centuries ago took over the government, and used it to their financial benefit now appears to be having an impact upon Australia. Due to high-level manipulations by the most powerful members of Australian society, Australia will be asked to choose on 1 January, 2001, between its ancient constitution, and a new republican constitution the politicians of Canberra (the capital city) are cooking up. Republics are portrayed as modern and progressive, yet they have existed since the time of ancient Greece. What they are not portrayed as, on the other hand, is predatory and pernicious, for what the implementation of a republic really represents is the stealing of the national wealth of a country, by its most influential members.
The most outspoken supporters of a republic for Australia are men like billionaire media-mogul Rupert Murdoch, who is not even an Australian any more, having applied for and accepted American citizenship, and Malcolm Turnbull, chairman of Goldman Sachs Australia, the local branch of the major international stock brokerage firm. Another stout supporter of a republic in Australia is the former prime minister Paul Keating, who was humiliated nationwide when he failed to observe the complicated protocols relating to the Queen of Australia, on one of her visits. These men are not supporting the erection of a republic in Australia for the good of their country, they are doing it out of narrow self-serving motives of personal enrichment and vindication.
The Australian public, however, is still undecided on the issue. Opinion polls last year showed that if the election had been held in 1998, Australia might have abolished the Crown, and let loose the politicians of Canberra, in the same fashion that the politicians in the United States have had liberties in Washington, D.C. But that majority has been slipping as the Australian public has come to understand the real terms of surrendering the ancient constitution, that protects the rights and liberties of all Australians, in favor of a political arrangement of the politicians, who could pretty much write the rules as they go along, much to their own financial enrichment.
The Australian press, under the influence of men like Murdoch, has been offering tabloid-level arguments in favor of the constitutional change, but the public has been distrustful. There is a large conservative majority in Australia that is being moved from complacency by the efforts of the politicians to, in effect, carry off a coup. Once the guarantees of the ancient constitution are removed, there really is nothing protecting average people from the power of the politicians. All measuring sticks are removed, and the political system becomes something that is not anchored, but a free floating bulwark under the complete control of the politicians. This is not completely understood by many of the countries less educated people, but where they lack intellectual arguments, they are moved by the sense that the politicians are up to no good.
Australias background as a penal colony of the British Empire has also facilitated the republics supporters in their grab for power, because many of the countrys people have backgrounds of ancestors who came to Australia as criminals. This has not endeared them to the English legal system, but for many, the benefits of British common law outweighs the lack of social distinction of their ancestors. On the other hand there are the aborigines of Australia, the native people, who have been treated shamefully by the government of Australia, which assumed the same stance towards the natives as the United States, or any other modern country that has been built upon a foundation of colonial subjugation. Basically, this was to bury the natives, so that the white majority would not have to face the unpleasantness of its predecessors, in their treatment of the native population from whom they stole the land. (This is often justified with a pseudo-Darwinian theology, justifying the strong in its overcoming of the weak, without understanding that the principles of evolution observed by Darwin involved thousands, even millions, of years, instead of mere centuries.)
Of course, Australia will have to come to terms with its past, as will America, regardless of whether it stays a monarchy, or becomes a republic. The only difference is that the monarchy is restrained by a rigid constitutional order that protects the rights of individuals, whereas the republic is a crapshoot. And like all gambling, the odds favor the house, and in the case of Australia, the "house" is the politicians. In the campaign for the republic the politicians are using their control over the wealth of the country to buy support from jet-setter celebrities, all of whom sell their appearances at events for fat fees. These celebrities have no problem supporting the republic, because most of them dont even live in Australia. Whats more, most celebrities are paid to have a pretty face, and to read the lines of a script, they dont tend to be educated. So they are easily convinced by tabloid-level "journalists" that republics are the only modern and progressive form of government "reasonable" people should seek to implement. To these people, commerce is self-justifying, and anything that might interfere with commerce, like the ancient constitution of the country, should be set aside.
In the United States, the Republic of Australia is being touted as a "Done Deal." The prejudice in the United States towards the republican system of government is taught in grade school, so that Americans are never given a balanced view of the constitution they gave up in 1776, when the slavemasters of the New World overthrew the monarchy of America in favor of a republican experiment that has turned the whole country into a plantation. When the republic "gives" people civil rights, it behaves like a philanthropist, as if human rights are within its gift.
The inalienable and immutable legal rights of individuals under the ancient constitution are subverted by a theory of constitutional law that essentially turns these rights into privileges, that people can only enjoy upon their surrender of their common law rights. Some will argue this, saying that most of the principles of common law were incorporated into statutory law, but the very substitution of common law by statutory law takes away the rights of the individual, and vests those rights in legislators. Then, when you address the two-party system as it exists under the republic in the United States, you are entering truly strange territory, for the beasts gerrymandered into existence under these closed-door arrangements have no natural life, but are akin to Frankensteins monster. A monster that has turned the United States into a police state that has more of its own nationals in prison and jail than any other nation on the Earth.
America has a slick appearance under the proprietorship of the billionaire class who control the political system, but underneath that Vanity Fair cover, there are tens of millions living in abject poverty. The only reason there are any social welfare programs at all is that the ruling caste lives in mortal fear of the poor, who they have segregated themselves from by removing themselves behind the walls of armed enclaves. America is a lovely country, so long as you go along with the police state, which individuals are given entry to by a college education. This guarantees that people who are allowed to advance are sufficiently republican in their sentiments, that there is no hope of a revival of constitutional government. It also explains why so many Ph.Ds are virtually illiterate, but are still able to manage a lifestyle on $100,000 a year. The real point, however, is that a college education trains individuals how to submit to the bureaucracy of the republic, because that is where power ultimately resides. When elected officeholders are all temporary, it is the civil service that holds all the cards.
Australia is sitting on a precipice, as its billionaire class makes a bid to seize control of the nation, the patrimony of all Australians. What is not readily apparent to people who are not afflicted with a republican system of government, is the real level of divisiveness it causes. Power and wealth become the deciding factors of political influence, to which legal notions of traditional rights and liberties must yield. When that power and wealth collide with the rights of individuals, rights which those individuals believe they possess, it leads directly to social disorder. The first disorder is the commotion made to overthrow the monarchy, and to implement the republic; the second commotion comes when the politicians start to wield their newfound power to the benefit of the people who paid for the campaign to establish the republic. Additionally, the supporters of republics have no compunction about fairness, because they refuse to play by any rules. But once they get their republic up and running, then the rules they make up become ironclad, and their real colors come out. And the prisons go up.
In the U.S. the biggest landowner is the Federal Government, but the American people gain no benefit from the "public ownership" of this vast wealth. Instead, the republic hounds the American people for income tax, a tax that gives the government a pre-text for invading the privacy of every American, to determine whether or not they are telling the truth when they disclose their income to pay their tax. The republic gives the politicians a no-holds-barred power over the people, which they can change any time they choose. In the United States, no sooner had the Founders secured the Constitution of the republic on promises that because the powers it would be vested with were enumerated that its power would be limited, than those powers were expanded on such flimsy grounds as the notion of "implied powers." This is the future Australia will face if the people there are tricked into giving up their ancient and traditional rights and liberties, in favor of a republic. They will turn over their hard earned wealth, and in return, they will be given a bag of magic beans. Beans that will only grow into a viscous weed that will choke the life out of the Australian nation.
The New South Wales education site "teaching" schoolkids on the preferential voting system on-line is fatally flawed and wrong. See this page in the NSW State Electoral Office advises that all boxes must be numbered!
This is shown under a section of the NSW State Electoral Office web site explaining a "Optional Preferential System"
A book on the sins of the banks.
The swindle has led to countless thousands losing businesses, homes and farms. The unnecessary misery and hardship has destroyed many families and undoubtedly led to many suicides.
The crime has been quite deliberate, thoroughly planned and implemented. Abraham Lincoln said, "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.". It is now time for the banks to face the consequences of their treachery.
Some people read comic books for laughs. I read a newspaper trade journal called Editor & Publisher. It's a habit I picked up during my nearly 20 years of experience running daily newspapers. Editor & Publisher is the only place to turn to find out which old news people have turned up dead or been arrested on morals charges. But mostly, I read it for laughs.
Editor & Publisher is chronicling the suicide of an industry. And as much as I loved the old media while I was a part of it, it's gone now. It is a mere vestige of its former proud self. It is little more than a corpse that doesn't know it has died -- that its time is past. Editor & Publisher presents the industry with first aid tips when what it really needs is electro-cardio- pulmonary resuscitation.
Here's a recent example.
Under the headline, "Making newspapers more open to minorities," Editor & Publisher lectured the industry about hiring practices.
"News organizations have had difficulty balancing the desire to have a diverse work force with the myth of equal opportunity," explains Keith Woods, an associate in ethics at the Poynter Institute for Media Studies. "They are constantly in this conflict with themselves, trying to do something that bolsters the hiring and employment numbers of racial and ethnic groups while at the same time holding to the idea that this is a meritocracy, and everybody should be treated equally."
In other words, this pointy-headed racist suggests blacks and other members of racial minorities can't compete on an even playing field for jobs and promotions, so they need special treatment, kid-glove handling, affirmative action, racial preferences.
Woods, who I bet has never worked in a real, competitive newsroom in his life, says newspapers have to stop thinking of "diversity" as a luxury and begin considering it a basic journalistic necessity.
"The attitude that you don't need any other understanding of your world beyond the one you have is asinine," Woods says. "Every single day you are reporting on a diverse world. If you don't have examples of that diversity in your world, then it is all the more important to seek it out. ... If you want to tell people the truth, if you want to give them an authentic rendering of news, then you must acknowledge the differences. You can't accomplish truth and accuracy without diversity."
One more quote from this genius: "If you go to a minority job fair and find that only three people measure up to your standards, then ask yourself, 'What's wrong with my standards?'"
Now, to be honest, there's a grain of truth in what Woods and his agenda- driven collaborators at Editor & Publisher have to say about diversity. One of the reasons newspapers are dying is because they are not reflective of the communities or the nation they cover. But it's not a question of having enough black or brown faces in the newsroom. It's a question of philosophical and ideological diversity. There is none. In most newsrooms today, everyone thinks alike -- white, brown, black, red, yellow or mixed.
The only kind of affirmative action program that might have a chance of succeeding in the modern corporate newsroom would be one in which conservatives, libertarians, Christians, Republicans and other endangered species in the media world were actively and respectfully recruited. It will never happen. Most news agencies would rather close down -- and they will.
And look at the rest of this drivel from Woods: If you can't find racial minority applicants that meet your standards, lower your standards. What a patronizing, plantation viewpoint. This guy does need help to distinguish fact from fiction, truth from falsehood.
No wonder the old media are losing viewers and readers.
You might think a trade journal would try to provide an occasional reality check for an industry in as much trouble as the news business. Instead, Editor & Publisher simply reinforces all the conventional wisdom that has been the ruin of one newspaper after another.
And that's why Editor & Publisher is such a source of amusement for me. I look forward to each and every issue the way kids once waited eagerly for Mad magazine to arrive in the mail. In fact, maybe that's an idea for a future Editor & Publisher cover illustration -- Alfred E. Newsman. What, me worry?
The leasing of U.S. military bases to foreign countries for supposed training purposes appears to be widening in scope. The Pentagon has established a lease agreement with the German Luftwaffe (air force) for a large part of Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, where a German Tactical Air Center has been established. Hundreds of German support personnel are currently at Holloman to service 12 European-made Tornado jet fighter-bombers and a fleet of seven German F-4 Phantom fighter jets based there.
"Edgar, Wallace, Hanford and other eye-witnesses are uneasy over the ongoing aerial "experiments and the secrecy surrounding them. "They're gettin' ready, practicing," Edgar believes, for some kind of mass population cull."
Proportional Representation
There is something in my column today that may be of interest to your readers. It's called "New Voting System?" it is at You can reproduce that section of the text on your site as long as you give a link to the page. You may also want to mention the (non) coverage of your book's release that I did the day before
Pauline Hanson
It was with disgust that I read of the methods of the major parties in Australia during the election that resulted in Pauline Hanson losing her seat. It sounded like the kind of thing we have had to put up with here in Canada for decades. Please put my name on your mailing list because there are many people that I know here in Western Canada who feel just like the members of One Nation, because our country is going through the same things you are. We must stay in contact and work together, support each other, otherwise the evil ones will have their way, and true freedom will disappear from the world. Pleas stay in touch, and all the best from your friends in Canada. Sincerely,
John DeRinzy
Heather Hill
Ken Hayne
c/o "The High Court of Australia"
Canberra ACT 2600
Ken Baby,
Today, on the anniversary of the death of Queen Vicky, I have to tell you, you have caused me so much mirth, since December 21st 1998, that I cannot remember when I have laughed so long prior to this "decision' of yours which set you on the path to the treason trials.
I spent some time with a new client last night, and his children were fascinated to listen. The result was, that after I had told the 12 year old, of the comic opera taking place at the moment, regarding a "Senator Elect" and the elitist parasites and predators who would like to see her prevented from taking up her "seat' in the "Senate", she could not stop laughing whilst thinking about the it.
She said, "You mean that the High Court of Australia, which owes its allegiance to a foreign power (Great Britain), is trying to tell a person elected by the people (albeit under an invalid system), that she cannot take up her "seat" because she owes allegiance to the same foreign power? No wonder our country is in such a mess."
Talk about out of the mouths of babes.
I must confirm that you write your own material. Do you, or have you a highly trained, taxpayer funded, team of script writers? Some of them must be humourists, as I doubt the lads of "Monty Python" or "Goon Show" fame could have come up with a better skit.
Len Clampett.
To all the @notd readers,
Yesterday in President Clinton's State of the Union Address Clinton stated, "No nation in history has had the opportunity and the responsibility we have now to shape a world more peaceful, secure and free." He spoke of Federal Checkpoints to be set up in the USA, he spoke of a Brady Bill II Gun Control bill with stronger content than the first. Basically he announced more police state and more big government will look after you.
He also spoke of a new round of US backed trade talks as a solution to the current global economic collapse (a collapse is the best word for it). In 'The Australian' today it stated that Tim Fischer as acting Prime Minister supported this move and that it was a great relief for Australia. More globalism as a solution to the problems caused by the same globalism.
I see in Australia many people who are questioning events in the world and who are doing some research in order to gain a truthful perspective of events. I also see many Austalian's who are currently trying to awaken other Australian's to the treason which is occurring and has occurred in this country. Yet I also see that few people understand the true scope of what is going on.
We are in the year 1999. We are on the razor edge of a preplanned global economic collapse which is being implemented in order to destroy the middle class (what is left of it anyway) and also to bring in a new money system based of the United States private Federal Reserve System. In other words a one world debt based currency controlled by a privately owned central bank. George Soros and Alan Greenspan among others have been speaking on this over the past few months as the solution. This has been the long established goal of the international financiers.
The economic problems brings with it the threat of war. The middle east is really heating up with the Russian's continueing to arm the arab coalition nations. The Arab nations do not want anypart of the United Nations one world government. They are a proud people and will fight. Therefore the United Nations intends to neutralise them. Remember when significant war breaks out in one area other hot areas will most likely not let the opportunity pass.
The United Nations restructuring is approaching in 1999 and 2000. This is to give the United Nations more power. In 1998 we had the foundation of the International Criminal Court laid. The same world court which had been previously laid out in such documents such as 'Our Global Neighbourhood' which was a report written by the United Nations supported Commission on Global Governance. The legal framework for the enforcement of international law is being set up.
We see the United Nations peacekeepers becoming ever so more active, they are the enforcement arm of the United Nations world government. All preplanned and documented under such documents as 'Freedom From War State Department Publication 7277' and the 'State Departments Blueprint For Peace.'
We have the Y2k millennium bug computer problem with many governments around the world annoucing contingency plans by the use of the military to contain chaos. In the USA President Clinton has in 1998 signed through several Executive Orders which enhance and group together the powers of previous Executive Orders. Executive Orders which basically cancel the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Canada has announced military operations as well as Britain, France and others.
Y2k is a classic case of Hegelain philosophy whereby a crisis is created in order to bring about a desired solution.
On new years eve 1999 in Egypt many world leaders are gathering at the Great Pyramid at Giza to participate in a capping of the pyramid with gold. This may not seem very significant to many (or to the 'profane' which is us) but it is very significant to those who practice the Mysteries. This ceremony is symbolic of the fullfillment of the 'Great Work' by the Illuminati. The 'Great Work' is their New World Order.
It is ironic that most live in the greatest deception ever in what is called the "information age".
So what am I getting at here? Things are coming down folks. It is real and it is a harsh reality. We need to seriously consider what we are doing. Many of us are working hard to awaken others but we need to redouble our efforts. Many I see seem to think that voting for a political party in the next election is what they see as being useful in saving this country and keeping the people free. We live in serious times and we need to EDUCATE. We also need to get prepared to take care of our families in difficult and chaotic times.
Many of us go to meetings and sit around and talk. We discuss the nuts and bolts of what is happening. This can be a good thing but this alone is not going to save us from the predicament we face before us. We need to get out into the streets and educate people. We need to make a big noise. We need to rally. We need to be proud of who we are and not allow ourselves to be shamed into silence. We need to get in the faces of the politicians and public figures of this country and let them know they will be held responsible for setting up their sick pecking order so they can sell us out. Many in our government don't understand the true scale of what is going on but they are still responsible simply because they could know. They are in office to represent us and to do a job. The information is out there and they could dig it up and learn. We have to let them know that they either choose to represent the rich elitists who want a one world socialist government or the Australian people who want to live free.
God bless you all.
Scott Wilson
The Sport Business
Dear Minister,
Our Principals' instructions are to seek from, or through you, confirmation that your government has realised that organized Sport is now merely another ruthless, cut-throat, amoral revenue-raising business.
Much of it is already governed by bodies which are incorporated (and so subject to the business corporations laws).
Already, in the United States of America and possibly elsewhere, participants in Sporting activities have succeeded in their demands for lavish payments - perhaps because the media have effectively sold substantial sections of the community at large on the legitimacy of forking out lots of dollars either to watch sporting events, to pay for advertising time/space in the sections of the media covering sport or to sponsor sporting equipment or "health" products.
Given the above, where is the real justification for denying participants and their coaches the use of drugs - surely they are simply that industry's rorts and all the alert people in the electorate know that such goings-on in other fields of endeavour, if not actually fully approved are certainly only treated as very minor naughtiness to be condoned or punished by something no greater than a slap on the wrist.
Should you by any chance have a logical explanation about why your portfolio responsibilty could continue when its functions are now more appropriately those of the Minister for Industry and Commerce, our Principals ask that you provide them with a copy.
In anticipation of your prompt attention to the issues raised, our Principals thank you.
J o n M. A x t e n s
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
A time with
Heather Hill - exclusive interview with One Nation's first Federal
Representative - 25th October 1998
A day with Pauline
- exclusive interview after the Federal Election - 22nd October
YOUR ABC? - 17th October 1998
The Federal
Election - 3rd October 1998
One Nation launch
- the day the media snapped.- 29th September 1998
Pauline Hanson
defeats the politically correct lobby- 28th September 1998
Fairfax on
trial- 23rd September 1998
Where the politically
correct hang out - 20th September 1998
A brief lunch time
controntation with Jeff Kennett- 8th September 1998
One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.