24th February 1999
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If some ex-One Nation MPs had shorter memories they would be brain dead. Political careers launched on the back of Pauline Hanson's popularity has now, just months later, become an avenue in which to slam the person who made this possible.
We read today in The Courier-Mail that ex-One Nation MP Jeff Knuth received a lawyer's letter threatening him with legal action. The article is, of course, headline news "One Nation bid to sue sacked MP".
The lawyer's letter to Knuth was sent by the party's lawyers Watkins Stokes Templeton (who helped formulate the One Nation constitution).
The letter allegedly accuses Knuth of saying on February 15th at a Townsville Branch meeting attended by 30 people:
The letter demands that Knuth apologise by writing to each person who attended the meeting.
The letter states, "Having regard to our clients' personal and public reputation and the gravity of the allegations made, our clients are clearly entitled to a substantial compensation as well as an apology."
Knuth claims that the letter was "blackmail and standover tactics" to stop him resigning. He claimed that comments he had made had been taken out of context and that a One Nation "spy", Ted Ive, had misreported him.
Funny, I though he was addressing a One Nation meeting... anyway.. the story continues...
Oldfield confirmed that Kingston and Knuth had been disendorsed saying, "It's hardly an ultimatum when you've been pussy footing around for three weeks trying to work out whether you are out or in."
Knuth claims he said the following at the Townsville meeting, "I said I was sick and tired of having to defend allegations of accounts in Vanuatu, the hoarding of money, book not being opened up, etc...
"I said I just wanted it fixed up once and for all... because it is pulling us all down."
Asked if he said Ms Hanson could not be trusted he said, "After lying about saying she did not know about the concerns of the members when Dorothy Pratt (ex-One Nation MP for Barambah) had invited Pauline up to her place to explain the problems we were all going through... When they asked me don't you trust Pauline, I said....'I don't trust anyone at the moment Pauline Hanson included'."
Now compare that to the minor article about Shreddergate in The Courier-Mail headed "Youth warden defends handcuffing" which again totally ignores the criminality aspect of the shredding of the Heiner documents - but blow me down it carries a classic sub-heading: "One Nation accused of undermining Forde inquiry"..
Yesterday an assistant counsel for the Forde inquiry chief Leneen Forde, Paul Gaffney, told the inquiry that an agent for the family of a former John Oxley Youth Detention Centre inmate said that comments made to a former One Nation chief adviser, Geoff Moss, "may have been an orchestrated attempt to subvert the process of the public hearings".
Note the little word "may"... and the later quoted relevant comment that Moss had never been a chief adviser.
Press release by publishers "Murder by Media"
When One Nation web master Scott Balson wrote the book "Murder by Media" it was distributed nationwide exclusively by Dymocks for a few weeks. This was arranged with Dymocks prior to the launch.
The book details the manner in which Australia's media barons, through polarisation and control of the industry, manipulate the political scene in this country. It looks behind the scenes on a number of issues like political correctness.
On the 9th February the Chairman of Dymocks, John Forsyth, unilaterally instructed all stores to withdraw the books from sale "for legal reasons".... On the 12th February the Managing Director of Dymocks, Keith Perkin, wrote to the author and said that the book had been withdrawn because "we have been advised that truth alone is not a defence to defamation actions in Australia".
The fax also warned the author, "I put you on notice that any statement which you make which suggests that Dymocks' decision resulted in any way from an attempt to censor your book and the views expressed in it from being circulated, will result in the commencement of legal proceedings against you without notice."
Now it is important to note that despite a number of Dymocks stores now saying that the book has been withdrawn because of "legal action" the author, distributors and publishers of "Murder by Media" have, to date, received no complaints - legal or otherwise. On the 9th February at the time the book was withdrawn Dymocks confirmed to us that it had received no complaints.
On Monday the 22nd February Dymocks hosted Irish terrorist and Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams. He signed a number of his books carried by this nationwide chain of book stores. These books by Gerry Adams include: "The Irish Voice", "Selected writings" and "Cage 11" (written about his time in prison).
We ask the question why "Murder by Media" is withdrawn from circulation when it alerts the Australian population to the undemocratic control that the media barons exercise over this country - while, in comparison, they not only personally entertain Gerry Adams, but sell the books written by this convicted terrorist.
For full background on the treatment of "Murder by Media" at Dymocks
Interactive Presentations Pty Ltd
Publishers "Murder by Media, Death of Democracy in Australia"
Large numbers of long term members of Brisbane's Irish club resigned yesterday when they heard that the club was hosting Sinn Fein convicted terrorist Gerry Adams.
Adams' host was none other than the man somewhat hopefully referred to as the Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Jim Soorley.
The terrorist yesterday apologised to the Australian family of murdered Brisbane solicitor Stephen Melrose who was killed by the IRA n May 1990.
A hurricane came unexpectedly. The ship went down and was lost. The man found himself swept up on the shore of an island with no other people, no supplies, nothing. Only bananas and coconuts. Used to 5-star hotels, this guy had no idea what to do, so for the next four months he ate bananas, drank coconut juice and longed for his old life and fixed his gaze on the sea, hoping to spot a rescue ship.
One day, as he was lying on the beach, he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. It was a rowboat, and in it was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. She rowed up to him.
In disbelief, he asked her: "Where did you come from? How did you get here?" "I rowed from the other side of the island," she said. "I landed here when my cruise ship sank."
"Amazing," he said. "I didn't know anyone else had survived. How many are there? You were lucky to have a rowboat wash up with you." "It's only me," she said, "and the rowboat didn't wash up; nothing did."
He was confused. "Then how did you get the rowboat?"
"Oh, simple," replied the woman. "I made the rowboat out of materials that I found on the island. The oars were whittled from Gum tree branches. I wove the bottom from palm branches and the sides and stern came from a Eucalyptus tree."
"B-B-But that's impossible," stuttered the man. "You had no tools or hardware. How did you manage?" "Oh, that was no problem," replied the woman. "On the other side of the island there is a very unusual stratum of alluvial rock exposed. I found that if I fired it to a certain temperature in my kiln, it melted into forgeable ductile iron. I used that for tools, and used the tools to make the hardware.
But enough of that," she said. "Where do you live?" Sheepishly, he confessed that he had been sleeping on the beach the whole time. "Well, let's row over to my place, then," she said.
After a few minutes of rowing she docked the boat at a small wharf. As the man looked to the shore he nearly fell out of the boat. Before him was a stone walk leading to an exquisite bungalow painted in blue and white. While the woman tied up the rowboat with an expertly woven hemp rope, the man could only stare ahead, dumbstruck.
As they walked into the house, she said casually, "It's not much, but I call it home. Sit down, please; would you like a drink?" "No, no thank you," he said, still dazed. "I can't take any more coconut juice."
"It's not coconut juice," the woman replied. "I have a still. How about a Pina Colada?" Trying to hide his amazement, the man accepted, and they sat down on her couch to talk.
After they had exchanged their stories, the woman announced, "I'm going to slip into something comfortable. Would you like to take a shower and shave? There is a razor upstairs in the cabinet in the bathroom."
No longer questioning anything, the man went into the bathroom. There in the cabinet was a razor made from a bone handle. Two shells honed to a hollow ground edge were fastened onto it's end inside a swivel mechanism. "This woman is amazing," he mused. "What next?"
When he returned, she greeted him wearing nothing but vines strategically positioned - and smelling faintly of gardenias. She beckoned for him to sit down next to her.
"Tell me," she began, suggestively, slithering closer to him, "we've been out here for a very long time. You've been lonely. There's something I'm sure you really feel like doing right now, something you've been longing for all these months. You know..." She stared into his eyes.
He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You mean--?" he replied, "I can check my e-mail from here?"
Well I've sometimes wondered why you give people like John Pasquarelli a voice here Scott, but I guess since he rose to my bait I'll have to rise to his.
John, I don't make threats mate, and you have no need to concern yourself that I might arrive on your doorstep! The fact is John people like you are exasperating. Here we are, the closest Australia has ever been to having a real people-power party and all your ilk can do is wallow in negativity and sow the seeds of discontent, when you should be throwing the weight of your loyalty and trust behind Pauline. We don't need it mate and my warning (it wasn't a threat) the other day, was merely an attempt to draw your attention to the level of disgust some people feel for your sort of s?*^-stirrer. I am a peaceful man John, but in being that I am not part of a majority.
As to the state of Australia's democracy Antonia, I think it matters little whether John Howard meant "No worker will be worse off" or "No existing worker will be worse off", since when he makes good on this promise to NO worker, he will simply say that it was not a "core promise" anyway!.
Finally, Jimbo I understand what you are saying, that America is much worse, and we're heading that way fast. I am not too sure what link you see in my letter of the previous day though. All I can say is, the Aboriginal family I spoke of in that letter are commiting hate crimes against their White neighbours, all be it, in a less extreme way than such things occur in the U.S of A. I take your point also about more blacks than whites commiting these crimes. However despite all that, we should all know by now that the media in Australia is totally corrupt, and hey folks surprise surprise it's just the same in AmeriKa.
Thing is Jimbo all the folks in this street have had a gutfull, but I can tell you that the family most affected (next door) do not want to see any violence done to the Aboriginal people. I know and love this man like a brother, and I can tell you that he is more than capable of having violence done to them, but I understand where he is coming from. These black folk are "real victims" of the white guilt industry, ATSIC et al, and they think the white man owes them a living and that it is only a matter of time before we leave "their" country anyway!
Now they need a good shake-up and a fair bit of attitude-adjustment wouldn't go astray, but Brian (not his real name) and I, feel that it is part of our heritage as proud White men not to be dragged down to violence as the lowest form of communication. We proud Whites must fight back (verbally-you-idiots-at-the-back!) but never forget the real enemy we are fighting.
It is not the brainwashed "suburban-Aboriginals" it is the anti-White forces working in our Government. We could each do a lot worse than to make just one new person a day aware of our "real enemy". I think that would be good advice for John Pasquarelli also, rather than go around rubbishing the one party that stands a cat's chance in hell of making peaceful democratic changes! Think on Bro.
David Morgan.
Pasquarelli, give us all a break and don't bother.
I can't believe some of the no-brained comments on @NOTD. Have people already forgotten how One Nation came about and what the goals of this Party were? It seems to me that this is clearly the case.
Stupidity now abounds. One Nation has no vision, no drive and almost no respect in the community. We see One Nation's Parliamentary presents in Queensland more than half in less than one year. We see destructive squabbling between an unelected executive and these Members of Parliament. And for what? So that the new One Nation "Elites" can maintain their positions in a crumbling and decaying organisation?
The Executive should have seen the MP rebellion coming. They should have been more open to the concerns of the MP's. The executive should have realised that the MP's are not accountable soley to the One Nation Executive. Their primary responsibility MUST be to their Constituents, their State, their Country, and then their Party. The Pauline Hanson that once had whole nation talking would have had it no other way.
One Nation was formed in the wake of the popularity (or notoriety)created by the intellect of John Pasquarelli. Since his unceremonious dismissal as Pauline Hanson's Advisor, One Nation, whilst continuing to enjoy its 'Pasquaresque' popularity, has progressively diminished in appeal. John Pasquarelli provided the vision, the drive, and the appeal of what was One Nation - the so called "Peoples Party".
There was once a time when the ideas and vision of John Pasquarelli set the media flapping, and One Nation or Pauline Hanson were talked about because 'dangerous' ideas that literally scared the establishment. Now we see One Nation or Pauline Hanson talked about in the media because the ideals have been forgotten and the organisation is falling apart.
If I were one of the Rebel MP's, I know who I'd be turning to for advise and to keep the vision alive - and it wouldn't be David Oldfield.
Ian Batchelor.
I'm really from the other side of the political spectrum to you but I have enjoyed reading your web site info, the diatribes against the media (who deserve every bit of it), and on the One Nation stuff. I respect that woman so much for putting her hand up and speaking out even if I didn't agree with it all.
Speaking from my position in the trade union movement, I can assure you that there are sectors of that body that do not like either political party, the ACTU, and the general direction of the country from the labour and employment side of things. In relation to the Media, I don't like the Media Union much either. It would be safer to sleep with rattlesnakes.
There has been a problem in this country for a long time, going back to Chifley with the nationalization of the banks and his idea for controlling the financiers. This was back in Kerry's dads time. There was a conglomerate of a dirty dozen that owned the country back then.
They (the Media) did it back then by creating that "big brother control of the banks mode" and lo and behold got Menzies and Fadden elected. The nationalization was a good thing though (like many of Chifleys ideas).
Menzies was a fine politician nevertheless, though he obviously had help at election time with the ALP being portrayed as a shambles by the press. Harold Holt (God rest his soul) an athletic, experienced snorkler - well they never found as much as a flipper did they. Still haven't ! There was a rumour the he was buried down in the restricted area somewhere. .
They couldn't avoid Whitlam becoming PM with the Liberals squabbling amongst themselves, but then they used the "constitutional" method to remove him in the finish. And so it goes on still. The "dirty dozen" still own and run the country using both sides of the house. The ALP no longer represents the workers and the Trade Union movement but the workers don't see it (aren't shown it either).
Anyway I'm digressing ! I loved "Beautiful Lies" as a book, and I would like to read yours so where can I get a copy in Melbourne ?
Gavan Anderson
Levelling the Playing Field.
Nations of smaller populations are at a disadvantage when it comes to supporting small innovative companies on the growth path.
One only has to read about various cases of the state and federal governments selecting overseas software companies for their IT needs over equally capable local outfits.
The main problem is that places like the US have a large domestic economy that can totally support a market segment, and any exports are a bonus. The easy domestic market can even be used to subsidize cheap exports to break into a foreign market.
I think a way to make the playing field level for any nation, is to force global outfits such as the IMF and world bank etc, to accept that nations should have an allowable tariff wall inversely proportional to the size of the population.
The formula could be like this:
y = p + k/(s+a)
y is the adjusted price after the tariff is applied,
p is the price in US dollars (or some global value measurement),
k is a constant to be worked out after some study of the world economy,
a determines the maximum tariff wall ( y(max)= p+ k/a for very small nations
), and
s is the size of the population of the importing nation relative to the
It is envisaged that the formula could be applied after a certain point, so that equal size nations can exchange at equal rates.
With some mathematical study to put forward a sensible proposal for all nations to adopt, many problems faced by the smaller nations would be solved!
Of course, a member nation can reduce a tarriff on a product if they desire. This could be for humanitarian aid or for a foreign company that is set up locally and imports components for value-adding to then export.
The formula is such that the tariff is equal for imports from large wealthy or poorer nations. The wealthy nations have more resources for subsidizing, and the poorer nations have more cheap labor for price undercutting and dumping.
In this era of ideology and theory pushing by politicians, this simple theory is not easily rubbished by anyone.
I hope there are no major holes in it, it was only 15mins work!
Russell Shaw
Hep C
Hepatitis C is rampant and growing in the I.V. Drug community. This virus, along with the strains of HIV are still alive and well within the homosexual community. According to the British medical journal The Lancet, Hep C and HIV is found in ALL body fluids of infected people.
The story on the ABC about Pauline Hanson showed an elderly lady who had been spat on. It looked like she copped quite a bit in the eye. I would like to suggest to this lady, as well as anyone else who has been spat on, that they be tested for Hep C.
When you view the animal life-forms that commit these filthy acts at so called "peaceful demonstrations", you will realise that having a test is not such a bad idea.
The Dumb White Aussie Voter
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
"Murder by
Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
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other world news.