23rd February 1999
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The dithering of ex-One Nation MPs Jeff Knuth and John Kingston has seen their removal from the party.
One Nation party leader Pauline Hanson yesterday gave them the ultimatum that they make up their minds or go it alone yesterday.
Knuth yesterday called Ms Hanson's ultimatum "childish games" while rumours were spreading that the three MPs who resigned earlier were considering establishing a party called the Queensland Independent Alliance according to Ken Turner.
Feldman said yesterday in response to the claims about a new party, "I do not intend to dignify that with any response whatsoever. We haven't attacked Mr Turner at this stage nor do I intend to, but if he persists then I might have to."
Kingston meanwhile reportedly said, "I haven't made up my mind yet, but it looks like its been made up for me."
Yeah... goodbye fellows have just removed you from the One Nation MPs on the net...
What a difference a political party makes in the relevant reporting of an issue.
With Shreddergate flaring under the noses of Labor reporters ensconced at The Courier-Mail they had little choice but to make a half-hearted attempt to appear balanced they did this yesterday... but then as quickly as the bush fire broke out it was extinguished. Coverage of an explosive story has been virtually ignored by today's Courier-Mail with a tiny piece headed "QC blasts inquiry inaction".... the piece refers to the delay in re-opening the child abuse allegations... stoically ignoring the major issue raised by Channel 9s Sunday Program... the criminality of the action by the Goss (Labor) Cabinet in shredding the documents back in March 1990.
Now compare the daily front page coverage in The Courier-Mail dedicated to trying to smear One Nation MP Jack Paff over a "life-shattering" allegation by Channel 10 television of going through a red light - subsequently proved to be false by the police.... and you will start to get the picture.
Yesterday the shutters were being drawn up by a shell-shocked Labor party who have denied a cover up.
Pat Comben, who had said he knew before the shredding the nature of child abuse allegations in the report, claimed that he had been misquoted by the Sunday program and David Hamill chortled on about the shredding being authorised because those giving evidence did not have legal protection against defamation action - a false presumption as they did have legal protection.
One Nation member for Lockyer Peter Prenzler yesterday said that the Channel 9 program vindicated the party's claims last year.
"At the time we were ridiculed by Parliament, but it appears that the truth is slowly coming out," he said. "The whole thing has been a huge cover up. We can't have a member of the government interfering with natural justice in this country."
The Courier-Mail has conveniently forgotten how or why the Shreddergate case raised its ugly head again.
The fruits of Labor's multiculturalism policy are now coming home to roost.
Thanks, largely to the Labor party, the policy of allowing wide scale Asian immigration has opened the doors for criminal elements to set up home in a country which was previously free of organised crime. Unfortunately, like a cancer, once it has taken a foothold getting rid of it is well-nigh impossible.
In a land gone mad with politicians who have about as much credibility as a drug pusher in a school yard Australia has now become the crime backyard for those Triad and other Asian organised gangs thanks to Laboral policies.
And while this is all happening fair-dinkum Aussies have had their guns taken off them....
Channel 10 interviewer, "What can the community do to stop this?" (Stop the spate of shootings in Australia).
There is a simple answer - kick out the major parties and put in independents and minor parties like One Nation. Parties free of the well-established organised corruption in the halls of power where media barons, power brokers, bureaucrats and ministers gather like vultures over a dying body.
By Barry Chamish
PHOENIX, Feb. 21 - Here is an update to a piece, "THE BRONFMANS - THE CFR'S MEN IN ISRAEL,"
JERUSALEM, Feb. 21 - First we were told Ronald Lauder was a real right-winger, and that's why he and Bibi (Benjamin Netanyahu) were such pals. Then we were fed the line that Charles Bronfman is a real pal of Israel, 'cause he puts up so much money for Jewish causes.
In the last two weeks, Bronfman and Lauder took over 90% of American Jewry by assuming the leadership of their biggest organizations. Bronfman melded the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), United Israel Appeal (UIA), and the Council Of Jewish Federations into one supra-national entity of which he was just appointed president.
Meanwhile Ronald Lauder took over as chairman of the Presidents Of Major Jewish Organizations. In his first interview since assuming power, according to Maariv last Friday (Feb. 19), we learn that, lo and behold, Lauder is a strong advocate of the "peace" process and admires Rabin more than Netanyahu.
And what unites these new leaders? They are brothers of prominent CFR members. Look at the CFR membership list, and you will find the names Leonard Lauder and Edgar Bronfman prominently displayed. Keeping it all in the family, the CFR now has utter control over the American Jewish media, charities, synagogues, federations... The works.
I wonder why I bother. ON has some real rippers that come crawling out of the woodwork. First the heroes that hide behind nom de plumes and now David Morgan. His bluster and bombast concluded by his cowardly threat of 'watch your back buster,' is typical of the sort of behaviour that has chased away ON supporters in droves. People like Morgan with their inadequacies and dysfunctional behaviour that prompts them to say silly things have contributed in a major way to the ON nose dive. You don't need media or other conspiracies around to do the job. ON will NEVER 'get government.' What a joke! David Morgan and the 'others like me,' can cling pathetically to their dreamtime. I am shivering in my shoes waiting for David Morgan to turn up on my doorstep. Any time, any place 'buster.'
John Pasquarelli
Pasquarelli. It's a wonder that you are not the Prime Minister. You are the most politically correct person I know. You have all the answers, your are always right and everybody else is wrong. I can't understand how you have never been elected to sit in Government. I am trying to think of a word that means "A person who lives of others and gives nothing in return" Can you help me.
Go back to New Guinea loser.
>I normally don't bother to respond to people who
cower behind
>pseudonyms and if you knew your job, you would refuse to publish
Then why _are_ you responding, Mr Pasquerlli? In case you didn't know, this is the _INTERNET_. Every man and his dog uses pseudonyms, aliases and nicknames. It's called 'freedom of speech'. Scott is satisfied with my bona fides...if he wasn't,it is unlikely he would post my material on his Web Pg. OTW: how about addressing the actual arguments[point by point]? It seems Mr Pasquerlli likes to play the man rather than the ball; it should be irrelevant where the post is originating from: the name of the game is _debate_.
>material from those who do. 'Kenny' from South
Park is a dill and
>that will suffice for him.
>'Jimbo' can't spell and glaringly demonstrates
his political
>ignorance. It is 'whingeing,' NOT 'whinging.' He obviously doesn't
Ouch! A spelling 'flame'!
>understand any of my comments re Peter Andren so
it would be futile
>to try and educate him at this late stage of his development. Andren
>demonstrated that a good non-party candidate can still beat the
>present system, which despite all its faults has served us well but
>now needs review-difficult because Hanson in her ignorance threw
>away any chance of her controlling the Senate.
Andren's performance demonstrated _exactly nothing_. Let him endure even 1/4 of what Mrs Hanson had to and _then_ we could say that: "Andren demonstrated that a good non-party candidate can still beat the present system".
As for Mrs Hanson's decision not to run for the Senate, I happen to think she was badly advised....just as ONP made a disastrous mistake fielding a candidate against Mr Graeme Campbell in Kalgoolie. Still, no political organisation is perfect. Compared to the hideous blunders the Laborals have(deliberately or accidentally) made, these are minor errors.
>Oldfield made such inflammatory statements about
the coalition
>having to come to him to do deals over preferences that any chance
>of doing so went out the window.
Perhaps it could have been handled with a bit more finesse. Seems to me, however, that the Laborals 'jumped the gun' with inflammatory remarks concerning:"no deals _whatsoever_ with One Nation". In fact, courtesy of their media masters, the Laborals _take the cake_ for inflammatory (anti-One Nation) remarks by a country mile!
>Re Oldfield and Hill. A careful reading of the
AEC handbook would
>have alerted them to Hill's citizenship problems and she would now
>be secure in her Senate position. Oldfield's stupidity was a
>sacking offence but how can the boss sack himself?
Really? Which particular section? How many other MPs have dual citizenship? I can't recall any High Court challenges to their legitimacy. Isn't it also a fact that _every member_ of Parliament(State _and_ Federal) has taken an Oath of Allegiance to the Queen? As such, they could be classified as having 'allegiance problems' to a foreign power. Maybe the entire State and Federal Parliaments should be sacked and we should start again(actually, not a bad idea!)
>How do Kenny and Jimbo explain the rockbottom polls
for ON? London
>to a brick on they'll bleat 'CONSPIRACY.'
I can only speak for me.....simply: I don't believe them. They're _just plain wrong_: statistically and logically!
Who are Labor looking after?
Scott, I wrote this to the editor of the Australian - maybe you can push this issue.
"When I heard Peter Beattie and then Kim Beasley, promise 5% unemployment I could not help but admire their loyalty to those struggling, who are hanging out for real jobs. But when they joined the current wave sweeping the country that is promoting higher immigration levels - they lost me. Are new migrants the ones who have replaced the working class in their unquestioned loyalty to labor? It is obvious the power in the party is shifting - the right wing group from Victoria have taught the rest what great assets the non-english speaking migrants are. They could be an ever increasing group and are more easily intimidated into voting labor. Look out though, if you chase after another minority group you may just loose the majority of those who now vote for you.
Get back to your roots - give our unemployed a job first!
Ken Hill
Ipswich, Qld
The state of Australia's democracy
Well if we didn't know it before, we know it now, and 'it' is the utter contempt our politicians hold us in. Consider these two telling stories from yesterday's Australian:
1. Favourably commenting on Peter Reith's draconian propoals for labour market deregulation, the Australian's editorial said without a metaphorical blush: "John Howard once promised that no worker would be worse off under his industrial changes. Presumably, that promise applied to existing workers. Now, some new workers might be worse off ..."
Whoa --- Nelly!!
Most people think that when somebody says, "no worker would be worse off under his industrial changes" it meant that "no worker would be worse off under his industrial changes". Full stop. So let's forget this BS that Howard really - sorry, presumably - meant that the promise only applied to 'existing workers' and that new workers would not be covered by the promise. Try pulling the other one, editor. Try and weasel out, 'honest' John Howard.
Honest John Howard? Give us a break, as Scott used to say.
2. The major parties are getting so very annoyed with the minor parties' 'obstruction' of their globalist policies they are planning to change the Senate voting system. Even the Australian's Glenn Milne cheerfully acknowledged that Peter Reith's proposed 'reform' is "in effect a plan to wipe out the minor parties that continue to frustrate the Government's election mandate."
It dosn't get clearer than that, folks. They are utterly contemptuous of democracy. And they are increasingly fearful too, because since 1983 the vote for minor parties has increased from 6.9 per cent to 20 per cent in the lower house, and to 25 per cent in the Senate. And rising.
Australians aren't as stupid and apathetic as their self-styled masters think they are. As we are increaingly becoming outraged that our transfer of votes has not been translated into seats, our 'masters' are becoming very scared indeed.
One Nation candidates in NSW Elections
Dear Sir,
There are some disgruntled voters in the north coast seats of Lismore,Tweed,Ballina,& Clarence.
Somehow one would have thought that someone would put his/her hand up to stand in all of the aforementioned electorates.
An interesting analysis from the Federal election campaign in Page was that in areas around Urbenville,Liston,Woodenbong,Legume,& Bonalbo more than 20% of the primary vote was obtained by One Nation's candidate.That performance was done in areas where the National Party invariably achieved greater than 70% of the primary vote in previous Federal elections surely should encourage someone to stand for the State seat of Lismore which takes in those townships.
The seats of Clarence & Tweed may be electorally marginal but they are getting maximum attention from the Coalition & Labor.
The seats of Lismore & Ballina look safe on paper but the mood of the people in timber industry areas like Urbenville have lost faith with the major parties' inaction in tackling the environmental vandalism of timberworkers' jobs.Ballina is held by Sir Earle Page's grandson(and shadow Water Resources spokesman) Don Page.
No seat is "safe" in this era of intense political cynicism.Lismore was held by the Nationals(& Country Party) between 1965 & 1999.Bill Rixon,the retiring member had a high profile in the electorate & a strong personal following having represented the electorate since 1988.
The Nationals & the Liberals are at loggerheads over who should succeed Mr Rixon's seat at the NSW election. Thomas George may be well known in the meatworks-employing town of Casino but he is not at all well liked by those who dealt with him in business circles.His membership of the Meatworks board at a time of worker downsizing makes him even more a target of an anti-National Party backlash. The Liberal Party has endorsed a media hack in the Prime Minister's namesake John Howard.The local Liberal Party MLC Brian Pezzutti is managing his campaign.
Mr Pezzutti is an avid believer that the North Coast is breeding territory for Liberal dry policies(economic rationalism) in tackling unemployment,the ecofascists(greenies),& the drug reform advocates in alternate lifestyle areas like Nimbin.He has been advocating the theory that the National Party left its supporter base in 1982 when the then National Party Federal leader,Doug Anthony(father of Larry Anthony,MHR for Richmond),renamed the party the National Party.Hence the Liberal challenges when sitting National Party members resign,retire, or die in office.Of course in Labor seats the 3-way tussle happens in earnest.Witness Page & Richmond in the 1993 & 1996 Federal elections. The Labor Party has appointed ex-school teacher & Duntroon Army officer Kevin Bell as its candidate.
The Greens are a split entity ever since Dr Caldicott(anti-nuclear protester) left the region after the 1990 Federal election.
The official Greens candidate is the nemesis of timberworking populace & former North-East Forest Alliance president,John Corkill.There is a candidate for an offshoot green organisation.His name eludes me right now. Not much of a list of quality candidates.
Hence the curiosity over why One Nation is not standing a candidate in the seats of Lismore & Ballina.
Will someone please inform Mr Oldfield of the present situation in North east NSW and make some showing in this region.The "safe" seats deserve equal attention as the "marginals".
The disenchanted,& retrenched workers deserve better representatives and better quality candidates.
Yours sincerely,
Adrian Mackay
Disenchanted voter
Independent Political analyst
Cricket fanatic
P.S. Despite of the current situation in Queensland the local Labor,National & Liberal candidates seem to believe that One Nation is a non-entity after its not so good showing in the Federal election.Hopefully a candidate presence & some indignant One Nation supporters will counter this complacency by the major party candidates.
Real hate crimes
Re: David Morgan's letter in yesterdays @notd....
The recent media uproar in the USA over the alleged
dragging of an itinerant black man to his death by two yobs in a pick-up
truck pales into insignificance when compared to the sort of HATE crimes
that regularly occur all over the USA. Trouble is, the media seems to have
collective myopia when it comes to this sort of stuff... Is this what awaits
Oz in the near future? Politically correct murders? WAKE UP AUSTRALIA AND
Blacks and Hispanics in the frenzy of a "212 Crips" gang initiation ritually
killed two White women at 3:00 a.m., Monday, August 17, in Fayetteville,
North Carolina. They then fled across state lines into South Carolina making
the entire tragedy a Federal offense. We imagine most Americans haven't heard
anything about the story, as the news media and government have thoroughly
covered up the murders. For details on this FEDERAL HATE CRIME, follow the
links below:
The Fayetteville (NC) Observer-Times
A friend forwarded us the following information: "Perhaps
the best place to look at interracial crime is in the South, because the
media depicts the South's Whites as a bunch of violent, gun-toting, Black-hating
rednecks. In one year, in seven Southern states, Blacks killed 226 Whites,
while Whites killed only 66 Blacks. After adjusting the data for population
size, it shows that a Southern Black is 11.2 times as likely to be a murderer
as is a Southern White. Table 2.8 of the FBI 1996
Uniform Crime Report
lists interracial crime figures for the U.S. as a whole. It shows
that adjusted for population size, A BLACK IS NEARLY 16 TIMES AS LIKELY TO
Reconciliation? I say TO HELL with it.......fiat justitia, ruat coelum **Let justice be done though the heavens should fall**
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
"Murder by
Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.