22nd March 1999
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Here is an extract from the article by Peter Mackay
I'm exhausted, I've got a splitting headache, I'm sunburnt, my lips are chapped, my mouth burns from too much hot coffee drunk too quickly, my mobile phone battery is dead, my head is spinning from seeing too many people in too short a time and all I really want to do is have a nice cold beer, then curl up and sleep for a week.
I've just spent two days on the campaign trail with Pauline Hanson and David Oldfield, and I've only started to get a feel for what drives them.
Last night 60 Minutes ran an expose on Paul Keating and his piggery dealings. The allegations were quite stunning with his former business partner, Achilles Constantinidis, claiming that the ex PM made US$6.3 million from a shonky piggery sale - and owned shares in the business while telling Parliament he did not. Keating's initial investment was just Au$430,000
The piggery operation, now run by Danpork and an Indonesian group, gave Constantinidis just Au$100,000. Keating allegedly pulled out of a signed agreement to give him half of the profits - or over US$2 million.
The Commonwealth Bank, banker to the Brown and Hatton group, became involved in the negotiations - according to Constantinidis - agreeing to drop a claim of Au$11 million on the basis that he drop any financial claims against Keating.
What is interesting is that The Courier-Mail's coverage of a scandal involving the Prime Minister was less prominent and shorter than their hate article vilifying me on Saturday.
(For the record that article has been referred to the Australian Press Council as well - that makes two in one week).
I was invited to a Hawaiian do at Leichhardt north of Brisbane over the weekend.
Here are some of the images taken of this social do... Left to right: Heather Hill, Joan Gordon and partner; two mates; Di (who organised the fund raiser) and Ken Hill; some chit chat among friends.
Left to right... great entertainment; enjoying the fun; the raffle winners... with Heather Hill.
British retreat
Article in the Southampton Daily Echo on 21 January 1999
SCORES of British migrants who have set out for a new life and job down under are quitting Australia after finding their lives turned upside down by anti-British abuse.
At least 80 people a week who have gone to Australia to live and work are giving up their new lives to return to Britain, a survey of recently-arrived immigrants has revealed.
The survey, conducted among migrants in the Melbourne area, found that although nearly three-quarters of Brits were happy with their decision to migrate, half felt they had not been properly advised and prepared for the life in Oz.
An alarming 39 per cent said anti-British abuse, or Anglophobia, (an intense hatred or fear of England, or of whatever is English) was rife. The abuse is seen as an acceptable form of racism among Australians, ex-pats believe. Many also criticised the media for being hostile to British migrants and said it reinforced or created negative stereotypes.
The United Kingdom Settlers' Association, which conducted the survey, said the Australian government should give prospective newcomers more details of what to expect in their new home - particularly with regard to housing, education and medical service. It also urged the government to curb the media's stereotyping of the British and fund more research into the overall problem. A spokesman for the Association said: "Since most British migrants have skills or outstanding abilities that will contribute to the Australian economy, their loss is consequently a blow to the Australian economy."
Now isn't it interesting that Australia's racist, politically correct mainstream media have not picked up on this story?
You might recall how B'nai B'rith established the infamous and un-Australian "Racewatch"... seems like they upset a lot of people.
Extract from Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership (JPFO)
B'nai B'rith Anti Defamation League (ADL) LIE: Militias threaten you.
JPFO FACT: The ADL reports on militias offer virtually no facts - hard evidence, documentation - to support the ADL's allegations that militias threaten public order. Why are the ADL's reports nearly empty of references to newspaper articles with verifiable specifics as to date, place, time, participants, etc.? The ADL's reports suggest that a tiny minority of militias is run by neo-Nazis, racists, or other bigots. Why should the doings of a tiny, nasty minority be a reason to condemn the vast majority of decent, law-abiding militia-members?
From what I can see the famous ADL does not represent the views of the general Jewish population - it appears to be the front for an elitist group (dare I say extremists) with their own agenda to push.
Now why should we be surprised?
Your letter in yesterday's @notd was quite amuzing.
I'm just curious about where your coming from. Do you have a naturally unquestioning mind ? Do you always prefer thoughtless acceptance of propaganda? If so then I guess this zombie like state is just your way of making it through the day.
Or are you one of these racist immigrants or Aboriginals who feel threatened by One Nation's call for equality and for Australia to be one nation instead of a racially/culturally divided one?
The apartheid that is Multi-culturalism is not wanted in this country.
Peter W
Hi Scott,
May I say that if my controversial letter offended anybody anywhere (apart from do peng) then I am profoundly sorry. I was speaking defensively. I was defending myself my family and my race from a fairly "viciously racist" attack by a person of Asian ethnicity.
In light of many of today's comments, I feel I should clarify further, regarding my views on mixed marriage. This is a subject well dealt with in the Bible and many other ancient works, and I believe my views to be not in conflict with those of my ancestors. Namely;
If a man or a woman meets and falls in love with a member of the opposite gender and that person happens to be of a different ethnicity then so be it. Fine if the choice is their's and their's alone. As far as my own daughters are concerned, my youngest is engaged to a fine young white Australian who happens to be of Ukranian ethnicity. After getting to know him and judging him on his behaviour alone I have decided I like him. As far as my older daughters are concerned they are grown up and can make their own minds up, but they know how I feel about frivolrous marriage and if they were going to marry an Asian or a Jew or even a Red- Indian for that matter they know I would expect that man to be special just as if they marry whites they have to be worthy of my daughters too, as they are all very special people.
So I hope that clears up my feelings about mixed and for that matter all marriages. I too have known couples of mixed race who are happy and I don't say it cannot work, but please, lets not all do it, No race benefits by it if we all hurl ourselves into a great big melting pot. I reiterate, I think my race and it's culture are worth preserving.
In closing I would like to pick up on something Bob (who writes rarely but profoundly) said at the bottom of his contribution, about how people become apathetic under the burden of oppressive beaurocracy and when given the option will increasingly "vote with their feet" by not voting. However I happen to think that under a real democracy people must have the right to choose. When a large number choose not to exercise their right to vote it should be a warning sign to our so called leaders that these people are indulging their right to a vote of no confidence in the whole lot of them! As a natural person I exercised that right here in Australia for the best part of twenty years until I saw a candidate who was representing someone I could finally see deserved my vote as a leader. What a shocking indictment on contempory male politicians that it took a woman to show the true courage of leadership!
I think I feel rather proud that I have been villified by the same racist press that have falsely labeled Pauline with that epithet for so long.
Have a nice day.
David Morgan.
Subject: David Morgan and the Do Peng diatribe/saga!
David: thnx for yr kind comments re: my reply to do peng's little missive about being the product of a 'well-ordered' mind. Probably my technical background showing through(although the old 'mind' tends to get a little less ordered after consuming a few cans of "Boag's Classic Bitter"!). However, I don't think I wrote anything that a person of average intelligence with even a modicum of debating/common sense/logic skills could not have done equally as well. The problem is that the mainstream media now directs its propoganda to an audience that has about the same mental capacity as the average 10-year old did 40 or 50 years ago... that's the 15-35 age group, or 'Generation X-ers'[and after!] (*It's called "dumbing down"*)........ All the result of a 'Progressive Education' system......come to think of it, maybe 'do peng' _was_ a Generation X-er masquerading as a disaffected Chinaman?[knock off the 'ng' and you've got "dope"!] The comprehension, logic and debating skills seemed to be about on a par[?]
Update on over-regulation
In response to the regulatory requirments of the responsible serving of alcohol, the manager of Armidale Tattersal's Hotel has introduced a yellow and red card system to warn drinkers when they are approaching intoxication.
After the issue of a yellow card, patrons will only be served light beer, soft drink or water. After the issue of a red card, the patron must leave.
Subject: Warning! Freedom of Speech Endangered...
*A fitting sequel to the report in yesterday`s @notd about the Laboral-attack on our traditional freedoms outlined in the Magna Carta is this........
Federal Communications Minister Richard Alston has just announced that the Australian Broadcasting Authority will have the power to 'shut down' ISPs that have 'offensive'['pornographic'] and illegal[translation:'politically incorrect'] material on them or that do not 'block access' to overseas sites containing such material.
*Just like that: no consultation, no referendum, not even a by-your-leave! So much for democracy! One wonders where the _real_ pressure for this has originated? (the mainstream 'media' perhaps?) The self-righteous 'censoring' of pornographic material is just so much bollocks! The _same_(or similar) material can be acquired with a minimum of effort from: newsagents, 7-11s,'adult bookstores' and/or by interstate/overseas mail-orders.
*One would have to assume that the _real_ agenda is the muzzling/ stifling of free and open debate and/or information access!
Political Bias
Dear Anne,
I have just been surfing the net and have come across your web sites. Of note, I looked at a couple of your articles on Pauline Hanson and the personal page of your interests. I find art of interest too. It would be hard for me to avoid an interest in art with dozens of my relatives being artists and my Great Uncle being the notable Australian artist, Arthur Boyd. In fact, my interests appear to be nearly identical to yours, with the big exception of politics.
After reading your articles on Pauline Hanson, I felt dismayed at your ignorance. You have obviously swallowed the propaganda from our mainstream media, hook, line and sinker. Sure, One Nation is not free from fault, but by latching onto some specially selected pieces of media dribble, you give the reader a false perception of what One Nation really stands for. I'll make reference to your article while identifying your extreme bias. It is analogous to a critic viewing a beautiful painting and dismissing it as amateurish, upon the observation of one small brush hair stuck into the paint. I am sure Pro Hart would be offended. He has supported One Nation and even donated two of his paintings to the party.
If One Nation is a horrid racist party, please explain the following:
Ron Holten, a 63 year old Aboriginal is standing for the central coast seat of Wyong in the upcoming 1999 New South Wales state election. Holten calls for the abolition of special funding for indigenous people. He says that One Nation and the teaching of Aboriginal elders have several parallels: "They both teach community responsibility and faith. I was taught, at a young age, respect and how to be part of a community." Holten is a member of the Darkinjung Land Council that oversees the Wyong area. "I hope I set an example that if you want something you can go out and achieve it", he said. "No one gave me anything and I worked and paid for my land."
Pauline Hanson employed Lilly Vichitthavong, a woman with Asian ancestry who has described Pauline as "very blunt and frank, but fair, trusting and totally lacking in any racist behavior". She said if she saw Pauline Hanson now, she "would want to give her a big hug".
Former Queensland One Nation MP, John Kingston, has a wife with Asian ethnic origin.
One Nation has called upon our government on two occasions to help supply starving famine struck North Koreans with food aid.
Amelia Campbell, an Aboriginal from the Ngarrindjeri tribe embraces Pauline Hanson describing her as a leader of Aboriginal people.
And the list goes on
John Howard's condemnation of Pauline Hanson's social policies was not heart felt. He has nearly identical views to Hanson on the social policy front. His opposition to One Nation mainly concerns economic rationalism. Howard's 1988 policy blueprint, Future Directions was socially very similar to One Nation policy and called for a "One Australia", with Aboriginal Australians being treated equally with everyone else.
Do you really believe One Nation has little to offer Australians? Yes it is true that "the big boys" have failed us, but One Nation offer resistance to "economic rationalism" and a return to giving everyone a fair go.
You refer to Pauline Hanson's book, "Pauline Hanson - The Truth". Hanson did not write this book. There were a number of authors and it was realised shortly after publication that it was amateurish and not suitable for further publication. One Nation policy does not source from this book. Hanson is not an intellectual and left school having only completed year 10. She lacks some skills in diplomacy, which the media uses to their advantage in selectively quoting her, making her appear racist. However, actions speak louder than words. I think Lilly Vichitthavong's, comment describing Hanson as "very blunt and frank, but fair, trusting and totally lacking in any racist behavior", sums up the truth.
One Nation does not have any links to the Aryan Nation Party. Our mainstream media paints such a false picture of One Nation that it's no wonder extreme organisations praise Pauline Hanson. If you throw enough mud, some of it sticks in the form of an ill-informed public perception.
I find it ironic that some people portray One Nation to be anti-Aboriginal. Under One Nation policy, the average Aboriginal would receive more social security than other Australians would. Quite simply, on average, Aborigines are poorer and in more need than other Australians. That is why One Nation's policy of treating every race equally on a needs basis is fair. Any addition handouts locks Aborigines into a poverty trap as we are already witnessing today, while increasing racial tensions between other Australians on an equally low socioeconomic level.
Anne, some One Nation members don't have the same mental capacity as our cunning leaders in mainstream politics and business, but in ridiculing David Ettridge, the last laugh is on you. Ettridge was proposing printing money to finance a low interest $150 million dollar loan scheme designed to assist our Primary Industry. This amount of money is a drop in the ocean compared to our GDP and would have no noticeable affect on inflation. Governments print money on a regular basis and when kept in check it is a legitimate form of fiscal policy. Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the US Federal Reserve Board confirms this with, I quote: "Central Banks can issue currency, a non-interest bearing claim on the government, effectively without limit." In fact, printing money is the preferred method that economists use to avoid rising interest rates and a reduction of capital in the private sector, commonly known as the "crowding out" effect. If borrowing money by selling government bonds finances a government deficit, interests rates must be raised in order to make these bond attractive to investors. Hanson was only cross at Ettridge, because advocating printing money to the media was a silly slip that shadowy characters would cash in on in ridiculing One Nation.
Economies like Thailand, South Korea and Brazil have been victims of currency speculators and laissez-faire "free markets". These policies are what One Nation is fighting. The powers of the world are not stupid; they just lack decent moral standards. By mocking One Nation's economic policies, the elite is ensuring the masses are kept in their place, while the wealth expands at the big end of town.
Multiculturalism has given us some benefits. Many Australians have embraced some cultural elements from our migrants. However, mostly it is a very dirty and divisive venture setting Australians against Australians in a war of which community receives the most special funding. Please consider the following:
Des Moore, a former deputy secretary of the Treasury estimates that in Labor's last full year in office, the Federal Government spent at least $143 million in direct grants to ethnic communities. Ninety-seven percent of these grants went to organisations in Labor electorates.
Journalist, Michael Duffy quoted from sociologist, K. Betts' book, "Ideology and Immigration" the motives for increased immigration and support for multiculturalism. The motives were:
Governments would have us believe immigration policies are non-discriminatory. Whitlam opposed Vietnamese refugees, based upon domestic political legacies. Whitlam believed that the Vietnamese would provide the right wing with another influx of rabid anti-Communist recruits to torment another generation of Labor, similarly as the post war Eastern European immigrants had done.
Although most immigrants have been decent law abiding citizens, we have imported far too much crime. Suburbs such as Cabramatta and Springvale foster our worst criminals. Cabramatta has the highest homicide rate in Australia. It has the highest number of foot soldiers in the drug trade. It has the largest number of people who die in the streets from heroin overdoses. It has the highest concentration of cases of Hepatitis C. It has the highest incidence of drug related arrests. Fifty-seven percent of drug related arrests in New South Wales are Indo-Chinese. Cabramatta is the largest retail outlet for heroin in Australia.
I hope this letter has been a revelation to you. Maybe you would like to do some reading to find the hidden truth that the establishment does not want you to know. I recommend the following:
"Murder by Media Death of Democracy in Australia" by Scott Balson, order at:
"Among the Barbarians the dividing of Australia" by Paul Sheehan, ISBN 009 183636 0
"Globalisation: The demise of the Australian Nation" by Graham Strachan, B.Sc., LL.B., order at: or for fast service call (07) 5546 9210 and use your credit card.
"The Hanson Phenomenon" by Dr Helen Dodd, Boolarong Press, (Brisbane), 1997.
Yours sincerely,
Jeremy Beck
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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15th March 1999
Pauline Hanson
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One Nation 1999
AGM - 28th February 1999
"Murder by
Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
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Dual Citizenship
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Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
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