22nd February 1999
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I will be at the AGM in Sydney this weekend covering the event.
Look forward to meeting many of the @notd readers for the first time... I will be selling and signing copies of "Murder by Media" on the day.
48 Hours it appears is a long time in the life of a newspaper. On Saturday The Courier-Mail was bleating away pathetically about the stupidity of the allegations being made in the Shreddergate affair. Concentrating not on the actions of the Goss Cabinet but deflecting the issue to the feet of the bureaucrats.
Their editorial on Saturday, available here, states, in part -
The Forde inquiry, due to report in the next few months, will go some way to opening such departments and institutions to greater scrutiny. But further measures are needed to prevent similar abuse from occurring in the future. The Government should now consider establishing an independent appeals tribunal to act as an arbiter and to handle complaints against the department.
Today it is demanding a full and open inquiry - even though Labor is trying to put up the shutters again. Why? Well....
The Sunday programme on Channel 9 yesterday confirmed that the entire Cabinet of the former Queensland Labor government headed by Mr Wayne Goss, and including five present ministers, may have committed a criminal offence by ordering the destruction of documents containing evidence of child abuse in the State.
The book "Murder by Media" has eight pages on Shreddergate discussing the Murdoch media's role in covering up this scandal for their Labor mates - becoming party to the alleged criminal act.
The documents containing evidence gathered by a former magistrate, Mr Noel Heiner, during an inquiry into allegations surrounding a Brisbane youth detention centre, were shredded in March 1990 at the behest of the then Goss government.
A barrister, Mr Bob Greenwood QC, told the Sunday program the ministers who ordered the documents to be destroyed might have breached section 129 of the Queensland criminal code which deals with the destruction of evidence.
"Any person who destroys documents or anything which is or may be required in a judicial proceeding commits a criminal offence liable to a period of imprisonment," he said.
The evidence contained in the documents concerned the John Oxley Youth Detention Centre, now the subject of the Forde inquiry into abuse of children in Queensland institutions. The shredding, which has since been the subject of a number of inquiries, was ordered after Crown advice at the time that staff who had given evidence to the Heiner inquiry were not protected from defamation actions.
A former Goss government minister, Mr Pat Comben, told Sunday the entire Cabinet knew documents from the aborted Heiner inquiry contained evidence of child abuse before the papers were destroyed.
"I think if any of us looking back on those decisions have any regrets at all, it is noy about us destroying the documents," Comben said, "It is about us immediately going back to the substance of it and having a proper inquiry there and then. Had we done that, we wouldn't be doing it eight years later (through the Forde inquiry)."
The Labor Cabinet included five members of the current Beattie Government - Treasurer, Mr David Hamill, Tourism Minister, Mr Bob Gibbs, Education Minister, Mr Dean Wells, Communication Minister, Mr Terry Mackenroth, and Employment Minister, Mr Paul Braddy. But Goss family services minister, Ms Anne Warner, denied Mr Comben's comments that ministers knew the Heiner documents contained allegations of child abuse before they were shredded.
"I find that impossible to believe," Ms Warner said. "I have no idea why any Cabinet minister would tell you that."
Mr Goss (now a merchant banker) not surprisingly said he did not watch the Sunday program and had no comment.
But today The Courier-Mail has nowhere to hide and has, therefore, changed its tune after years of telling whistleblower evin Lindeberg to go away... It states that opposition leader Rob Borbidge (who squashed the Morris/Howard inquiry into Shreddergate) has now called for a full inquiry... nearly 10 years after the event!
It quotes Kevin Lindeberg's statements on Channel 9: "The corruption (in Queensland state government) is so widespread and so high up, it requires nothing less than a special prosecutor. The stress and pain inflicted on my family over the past nine years as I have attempted to have the truth aired has been enormous, unrelenting and unjust."
Labor's view is somewhat different. State Premier, "travelling show" Peter Beattie, on his latest junket in Berlin said his government would not "waste any more money" on the Heiner affair.
"And even if what Pat (Comben) says is true, we have acted impeccably."
And here comes the classic re-write of history - remembering that it was the One Nation MPs who last year forced the formation of the Forde Inquiry when they used Shreddergate to challenge Labor's claims of being accountable...
"I am angry that through all this there is no acknowledgement that we said 'let's deal with the issue head-on (by establishing the Forde Inquiry') We set up the only inquiry properly established in relation to the real issue here - child abuse."
No Mr Beattie you very obviously ignored the major issue - which was not in the Forde Inquiry's terms of reference - and that was the shredding of the documents by your Labor mates.
In fact, in Australia today, one third of all households are dependent on welfare as their primary source of income. As Kelly is not a stupid man, it would seem worthwhile to try and understand what he means. The only rational conclusion is that in the Kelly cosmos, globalization's 'losers' - all those who have lost their jobs and their businesses, all those whose wages and conditions have been reduced, and all those living on social security - just don't count anymore. They are invisible as people. They are just statistics. For Kelly, the economy is figures: if the figures come in as a Keatingesque 'lovely set of numbers' the economy is in good shape. It seems he has no conception that the national economy is really about people. Or should be.
Our staff has completed 18 months of work based on the specifications your team has submitted to R&D. We have gone through every line of code in every program in every system. We are proud to report that we have completed the "Y-to-K" date change project, and have now implemented all changes to all programs and all data to reflect your new standards:
Januark, Februark, March, April, Mak, June, Julk, August, September, October,
November, December
Sundak, Mondak, Tuesdak, Wednesdak, Thursdak, Fridak, Saturdak
I trust this is satisfactory, because none of this "Y-to-K" conversion has made any sense to the us. However, your team has stressed that this is a global problem, and our team is glad to help in any way possible. By the way, what should we do next year when the two-digit year rolls over from 99 to 00?
Prime Minister excludes Monarchist league
The Prime Minister has appointed two committees to plan and run media
campaigns in the final three to four weeks of the campaign and has allocated each $7.5 million.
The Australian Monarchist League, which has never compromised its position on The Crown, was the third largest group to be elected to the Constitutional Convention but we have been totally excluded from the YES Committee although the Prime Minister has seen fit to include on it two (direct election) republicans.
Below is a list of email addresses of Coalition Federal Members and Senators. I appeal to you to email these people to protest at the fact that representation from the League has not been included on the "NO" Committee.
We are establishing Monarchists Emailers (ME) to help us mobilise people power efficiently and expeditiously to target politicians, media and others on issues such as this. Please contact your friends and see whether they will join ME and let us have their email address for direct contact.
Many thanks,
Philip Benwell
National Chairman
Australian Monarchist League Writing from Toronto, Canada.
I normally don't bother to respond to people who cower behind pseudonyms and if you knew your job, you would refuse to publish material from those who do. 'Kenny' from South Park is a dill and that will suffice for him.
'Jimbo' can't spell and glaringly demonstrates his political ignorance. It is 'whingeing,' NOT 'whinging.' He obviously doesn't understand any of my comments re Peter Andren so it would be futile to try and educate him at this late stage of his development. Andren demonstrated that a good non-party candidate can still beat the present system, which despite all its faults has served us well but now needs review-difficult because Hanson in her ignorance threw away any chance of her controlling the Senate. Oldfield made such inflammatory statements about the coalition having to come to him to do deals over preferences that any chance of doing so went out the window. Re Oldfield and Hill. A careful reading of the AEC handbook would have alerted them to Hill's citizenship problems and she would now be secure in her Senate position. Oldfield's stupidity was a sacking offence but how can the boss sack himself?
How do Kenny and Jimbo explain the rockbottom polls for ON? London to a brick on they'll bleat 'CONSPIRACY.'
John Pasquarelli
To the Staff of the Sunday program.
Dear Sirs,
Watching your 'Shreddergate' exposure today I must congratulate you. However, having become cynical about the Australian media as a group, I cannot help but question the reason behind the decision to air this otherwise excellent program.
Was it driven by
(1) A desire to expose the incredible level of corruption in the Queensland
government, or just
(2) A desire to create some anti-Labor feelings?
If the reason was
(1) : Again, congratulations, there might be hope for this country yet. If
the reason was
(2) : Still commendable as to exposing government corruption, although the
drive behind it would be as corrupt as the subject of the program.
The media should have one and but one duty only: To report the news without fear or favour. To collude with any side of politics is in itself corrupt. I was glad to note that at least you did mention that the One Nation party had some input in bringing 'Shreddergate' back into public scrutiny. Perhaps you would now consider exposing the conspiracy against One Nation by almost the whole Australian media prior to the last Federal election?
The (unofficially) banned book by Scott Balson:" Murder by Media, Death of Democracy in Australia." will give you enough material to produce 3 'Sunday' Programs. If you cannot get the book, please let me know and I will gladly get you a copy. The fact alone that this book has been banned should be reason enough to investigate. One book retail organisation which finally also banned this book using the feeble excuse of 'possible' defamatory statements in this book wrote to the writer:
"I note your comment that the book cannot be the subject of legal threats because "it is based on fact and what reporters have written over the last three years." Even if that is in fact the case, we have been advised that truth alone is not a" defence to defamation actions in Australia." (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) And:
"I put you on notice that any statement which you make which suggests that Dymock's decision resulted in any way from an attempt to censor your book and the views expressed in it from being circulated, will result in the commencement of legal proceedings against you without notice."
The question arrises: Whoever is behind banning this book, what is it they are afraid of? The truth perhaps? History has a nasty habit of repeating itself: Most dictators at on time or another banned books that told the truth! Hitler did it, Stalin did it, Mussolini did it, etc., etc. The only difference is that now we don't know who is really behind it. You can bet your bottom dollar that Mr.Howard publicly will Abhor book banning! Banning books for political reasons is going way past the description "Slippery Slope", it's getting into the realm of "Free Fall".
And remember, your opinion could be on the 'Banned List' next.
Karel Zegers
Keep the faith
Hi to all of you Down Under!
I just wanted to drop a few lines to say that we are, in Europe, aware of your successes, even if the politically correct press keeps on saying that you are soon just history. As in Europe, the supporters of a multicultural and multiethnical Western world seem to be very aggressive in Australia. They call us undemocratic parties but they try everything to forbid our meetings! and they use all possible undemocratic means to prevent us from talking, especially violence...
Keep on defending our Western values! We'll support you as much as we can. I'm really glad indeed that things are moving in Australia because I'm very fond of your country. We love you Pauline!
Best regards,
Thierry Tramoni, french militant of "Le Front National" living in
Australian Story
Hi Scott,
Saw Pauline on Australian Story. She was terrific. I think John Pasquarelli should go crawl back into the dark corner he obviously escaped from. John, I and others like me will hold you and others of your ilk personally responsible if O.N fails to get government in the longer term! Watch your back buster.
As for Jimbo's letter today, re; the breakdown of law and order in W.A. I think I mentioned before in this place that a close friend here in Perth suffers from the constant harrassment of the Aboriginal family next door, including the firing of guns into his back yard from their yard!
Lately they have been smashing and stealing the fence pickets from various neighbours (other than my friend's whose fence has been replaced an uncountable no of times over the last eight years or so) and now they too, are discovering that there is no such thing as "Law and Order" here in W.A. The police do nothing because they are too gutless to challenge their political masters and uphold the law! I warn senior Police now that their responsibility is to be accountable to the citizens for the upholding of the law as it stands, and not to take illegal orders from interfering politicians, (Yes I know who they are!) to uphold the law as THEY think it SHOULD be!.
It is sickening to watch the daily plethora of beatings, bashings, robberies and so on while our dearly beloved premiere Richard (how many eees in Court continues to think of nothing but getting a bell-tower with his name on it erected before we all vote him out next time.
Trouble is, last thing we need is Dr (do-little) Gallop, (Rhodes Scholar and friend of mental-retard Tony Blair) to replace him. I think West Australia can definately become a One Nation state at the next State-Election. If not there will be war in this state as more than a few have had a gutfull.
That goes for me too.
Have a nice day.
David Morgan.
P.S. BTW Scott, Murdoch has had controlling interest in the "West Australian"
since just after your book went to press.!.
George Soros and control
Dear Scott,
I unfortunately managed to catch only the last few minutes of Dateline (SBS 7.30 pm SAT ) during which a Timorese spokesman, on being questioned on Timor eventually gaining independence from Indonesia, stated that financial backing for a new government had been obtained from George Soros and David Rockefeller.
With Indonesia financially crippled following the Asian meltdown and under pressure from the international community to grant Timor its independence, one can only assume that the vast Timor oil reserves would be sufficient collateral to ensure the continued interest from Mr Soros and Mr Rockefeller.
One hopes that the long suffering Timorese will benefit from the alliance.
If anyone managed to hear the full report could you please confirm if I correctly heard the statement of a proposed Timor / Soros / Rockefeller alliance.
Have a good day
Steve Milson
PS Scott, I liked the editorial in Sundays @notd.
The Channel 9 Sunday " investigation " into shreddergate ( they did a good job even if the groundwork had already been done for them ) shows that through perseverance the truth will eventually surface. Keep up the good work and the cracks will eventually appear. Its been a good week for ON.
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
"Murder by
Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.