21st March 1999
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Here is an extract from the Sun Herald article:
The figures highlight the way the super rich were the great beneficiaries of changes introduced when Paul Keating was treasurer. He lopped 13 cents in the dollar off the top marginal rate of tax applying when John Howard was Treasurer in the Fraser government. Keating also introduced the dividend imputation system which slashed the amount of tax paid on income from shares.
The latest statistics, however, suggest that many wealthy Australians have been trying to reduce their tax even more by channelling money through vehicles such as trusts and private companies. The figures help explain why the Howard government's tax reform package is trying to extract more tax from trusts without cracking down so hard as to really upset its own constituency.
The Supreme Court of New South Wales has ruled that "Magna Carta can be and has been overridden by the Supreme Court Act and Rules" and, by so doing, they have taken away the inalienable right to trial by jury which is the people's last defence against tyrannical and oppressive laws government.
On Friday 16th April 1999, the High Court of Australia on the 19th Floor of the Law Courts Building, Queen's Square, Sydney will hear an Application for Special Leave to Appeal against that Supreme Court ruling.
Anyone concerned for their rights (free speech, self protection, to own property, etc, etc) should be at the High Court on that occasion to witness the High Court decision. If they rule to support the Supreme Court, then we have no rights at all and Bill of Rights 1688, Habeas Corpus Act 1640, etc., as well as Magna Carta are lost to the Australian people and their children. We will have been made slaves subject to the whims of the politicians and those who pull their strings, ie: the banks and the multinational corporations.
Friday 16th April 1999. The High Court of Australia, Sydney Office of the Registry. In the case of John Wilson v. the Prothonotary File No: 127 of 1998.
Here is the Magna Carta the basis of the Australian constitution:
King John of England agreed, in 1215, to the demands of his barons and authorized
that handwritten copies of Magna Carta be prepared on parchment, affixed
with his seal, and publicly read throughout the realm. Thus he bound not
only himself but his "heirs, for ever" to grant "to all freemen of our kingdom"
the rights and liberties the great charter described. With Magna Carta, King
John placed himself and England's future sovereigns and magistrates within
the rule of law.
When Englishmen left their homeland to establish colonies in the New World, they brought with them charters guaranteeing that they and their heirs would "have and enjoy all liberties and immunities of free and natural subjects."
The Magna Carta declares
No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, . . . or in any other way destroyed . . . except by the lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to none will we deny or delay, right or justice.
Once again the Courier-Mail stirs up racial division with another irresponsible bit of journalism. True to form the C-M used their trademark slanderous headlines against PHON. And did anyone notice how they emphasized David Morgan's retort to Do Peng's anti-whites letter? Of course Do Peng's racist and very stupid letter only got a very brief mention. Typical C-M journalism with extreme prejudice.
It is insulting that these PC journalists constantly put Aborigines, Jews and Asians on a pedestal above criticism. To criticise the extremists amongst these so called "minority groups" is to incur the wrath of the Political Correctness propaganda machine. As the C-M has displayed so often, lies and slander are the favoured tool to stop any debate.
The Australian Journalists Association code of ethics is regarded with contempt by these unethical journalists. Below is the first rule of the journalists code of ethics that the C-M regularly rejects.
"They shall report and interpret the news with scrupulous honesty by striving to disclose all essential facts and by not suppressing relevant, available facts or distorting by wrong or improper emphasis."
Much of the news in Australia could only be classed as extremist propaganda.
An article in yesterday's C-M, by Dr William De Maria, said:
"Without these facts we are slaves. With facts we are citizens; powerful, wise, critical, purposeful and, above all, democratically active. No wonder governments, corporations and powerful institutions do their darnedest to keep us in the dark and feed us bullshit."
Journalist Heather Brown of the C-M admitted that the news media were responsible for many of the problems in Australia because the media influence public opinion. Sadly, ordinary Australians often are intimidated or deceived by the propaganda/bullshit that the news media, major political parties and multinational corporations feed us.
I had a good laugh at the Democrats PC zealot Senator Woodley wanting the government to prosecute Scott Balson. The Democrats are amongst the most irresponsible groups of extremists creating racial tension in Australia.
Peter W
Yes. its an interesting fact Peter that the @notd has got nothing to do with One Nation just as Murdoch's sleazy Post in the UK has got nothing to do with The Courier Mail, but their headline promotes a different story.
The Courier-Mail headline yesterday: Web of Racism traps One Nation
We have got to realise that the Murdoch media have absolutely no journalistic ethics... Heil Rupert.
Reverse Racism
Dear Scott,
It really stinks that the mainstream media, many academics, our discrimination watchdog: the HREOC and the like downplay racism towards whites. Ironically, these same power elites are eager to point out controversial comments made by average Australians opposing any ethnic minority or particular interest group.
Sad as these double standards may be, we have to live with them and work around them with societies best interests at heart. Having this in mind, I think it is right to censor David Morgan's letter. I found Morgan's comments regarding Jew boys offensive and I have no doubt others would feel the same. Morgan's other comment regarding Asian/White intermarriages was also going much too far.
We should indeed have rigorous debate, but when this degenerates into condescending content, much of the original argument is weakened and credibility is lost.
As I have said before, (refer to my letter in ANOTD, 13th February 1998) comments such as those made by Morgan only help feed anti-One Nation sentiment. This is the type of material that the "politically correct" are searching for to belittle Pauline Hanson and her supporters.
Morgan's comments are not representative of One Nation policy, but unfortunately, although they appeared in the letters to the Editor section, the Courier Mail leads the reader to believe that One Nation's webmaster is fostering anti-Semitic mind-sets.
No matter what direction you take Scott, fairness will not be a word in the mainstream media's dictionary. The establishment will paint you in a poor light if they get half the chance. I hope you don't give them any opportunity in the future.
If the Courier Mail reported fairly, they would run a page 1 story condemning Charles Perkins for his recent comments advocating physical violence against John Elliott when he said: "if I had my way, with John Elliott, personally I would take a big stock whip and flog him." Do Peng's comments could also be added as a feature story on discrimination against white Australians.
It is perfectly normal for us to feel passionate about the injustices in society, but we must be careful not to allow this passion to backfire. It can easily happen. One only need look at the violent anti One Nation demonstrators. There is no doubt the passion for their cause backfired on them. Many sensible Australians voted One Nation because of their disgust with this violent and unrepresentative mob. With the media out to destroy One Nation, only a fraction of this passion may induce a community backlash.
Scott, I praise you for providing a forum in which discussion is not stifled. The letters published allow the reader to grasp a magnitude of differing views, including even those critical of you. I understand your passion but please be careful of what views you allow to come to publication.
Jeremy Beck
That letter
Hi Scott,
Sheesh.. I hadn't realised my response to do peng had even been published, let alone stirred up a kerfuffle in the conventional media!
First let me say that without wishing to apologise for "that letter" in any way, that I responded with my heart ruling my head. As if do peng had said those things to me in a pub or at a barbeque. You see I have blonde haired white skinned daughters and that is why I get emotional, and I guess that's why I didn't write out an excellent response like Jimbo's. Well researched and laid out in logical point by point sequence. The product of an orderly mind.
It seemed to me when I finished reading "that other letter" that if I wanted to respond there and then (and I did) it would either have to be a well thought out intellectual response which would have taken some time (and I don't say it would be as good as Jimbo's anyway) or it would have to come straight from the heart, just as it would have flowed from the lip at a barby. Afterwards I had thought it ill considered. But why? you may ask.....
Well because under our unconstitutional laws it is quite all right for people like do peng to villify my race but it is not okay for me to even call do peng a c****y - c***k which I would have gladly said to his face (whilst smiling). Hey maybe that's the problem, maybe I should have put in a [|:>) !. Maybe that's why it's OK for us to say it at a barby but (supposedly) not on the net. I always keep right on smiling through every misfortune life can throw at me, right up until my family or my person is physically threatened. That is why I was still smiling even when I responded to do peng, he didn't physically threaten me after all, but if his sort of hatred of whites was widespread among Asians and I don't believe it is (I hope!) my family would be under threat, at least eventually. That is why I think I am at least entitled to the same rights that are forthcoming to do peng, but which, as evidenced by "that letter" of mine, I still wish to use with more decorum than "d.p" and dare I say it "a little more sense of humour".
As for the suggestion that I am anti-semitic, I deny that entirely. Just because someone accuses somebody of a crime and they happen to be Jewish and that person refers to the "Jewish Criminal" is that anti-semitic? I am certainly not against Jews or anyone else just because of their race. I judge a man by his behaviour.
It seems to me that it is us (whites, O.N supporters) who are crying out for reconciliation, whilst we stand villified at every turn, we seek only equality for ourselves our race and ALL others. Our opponents seem happy for everyone to be treated equally provided they are not white or a Pauline Hanson supporter.
Meanwhile people such as do peng, and extremists from every race no doubt, are indulging in "real racism" which goes unnoticed by our denisons of media, always providing it is only directed at whites.
Have a nice day.
David Morgan.
Do Peng's comments which Morgan refers to (extracts):
Whites' skin qualities are very poor, that's the main reasons why they become an easy target to get skin cancer. white skin is the worst attractive color to other races, all whites are aware of their skin colour's inferiority, that's why all whites love going to beaches, having sunbath just to change their skin color into brown so they would not look white anymore, nor unhealthy, nor inferior anymore. Blond females are the worst attractive women compare to other colored females. Blond females look pale, old and unhealthy.....
I do not mean to change your opinion about your race, you have 1001 reasons to be proud of being whites, I have my own 1001 reasons to be proud of being colored. I totally agree with your idea that seperation is the best way to keep peace in race relationship. The dignity of color race must not be spoilt by the aggressiveness of whites, that's why we have to continue to educate our people to avoid mix married (interacial married). I am sorry if my opinion has offended you, as a matter of fact I do not mean to spark hatred. I am just expressing my honest opinion.
But of course The Courier-Mail would never publish remarks by any racist Asian. That would destroy the fallacy that this nasty attribute is only found amongst One Nation supporters or extremist "white" elements. Thank God more and more Queenslanders are waking up to the fact that it peddles trash.
For the record I have absolutely nothing against marriages and or relationships between different races. I have many friends who fall into this category and they are lovely and happy couples. Why shouldn't they be?
Courier Mail
It's a sad fact of life that no matter what you do or say Scott you will be villified by the mainstream news media.
You dare (like a lot of us) to express an opinion that doesn't tie in with what is considered to be politically correct and therefore you (and the rest of us) will cop it no matter which way we turn!
The only thing all of us can do is continue to point out to those with a brain to listen what is happening in Australia.
I'm a card carrying memeber of One Nation and (most of the time) proud to be Australian. I can only hope that in the long run the general population will wake up and smell the multinationals and corrupt politicians, media bosses etc in time to save this once great country.
Were fighting the good fight, always keep that in the back of your mind.
Geoff Stanley
Iron law of Oligarchy
The article by Antonia Feitz on bureaucracy was well worth reading,.and it offered some good solutions. I migrated to Australia in 1952 so that I could escape from a stifling bureaucracy imposed by the socialist labor government of post-war England. So this is not a new problem to me, as I see the same situation developing here. This problem was identified at the start of this century by a German, Robert Michels, who wrote a book "The Iron Law of Oligarchy". Here is a summary of that book. "...Robert Michels, a friend of Weber's, also was concerned about the depersonalizing effect of bureaucracy. His views, formulated at the beginning of this century, are still pertinent today.
The Iron Law of Oligarchy
"Michels (1911) came to the conclusion that the formal organization of bureaucracies inevitably leads to oligarchy, under which organizations originally idealistic and democratic eventually come to be dominated by a small, self-serving group of people who achieved positions of power and responsibility. This can occur in large organizations because it becomes physically impossible for everyone to get together every time a decision has to be made. Consequently, a small group is given the responsibility of making decisions. Michels believed that the people in this group would become enthralled with their elite positions and more and more inclined to make decisions that protect their power rather than represent the will of the group they are supposed to serve. In effect Michels was saying that bureaucracy and democracy do not mix. Despite any protestations and promises that they would not become like all the rest, those placed in positions of responsibility and power often come to believe that they too are indispensable, and more knowledgeable than those they serve. As time goes on, they become further removed from the rank and file... "The Iron Law of Oligarchy suggests that organizations wishing to avoid oligarchy should take a number of precautionary steps. They should make sure that the rank and file remain active in the organization and that the leaders not be granted absolute control of a centralized administration. As long as there are open lines of communication and shared decision making between the leaders and the rank and file, an oligarchy cannot easily develop.
"Clearly, the problems of oligarchy, of the bureaucratic depersonalization described by Weber, and of personal alienation all are interrelated. If individuals are deprived of the power to make decisions that affect their lives in many or even most of the areas that are important to them, withdrawal into narrow ritualism (overconformity to rules) and apathy are likely responses. Such withdrawals seemed to constitute a chronic condition in some of the highly centralized socialist countries. However, there are many signs of public apathy in the United States, too. For example, in 1964 about 70 percent of those eligible to vote for president did so. In each of the succeeding national elections this figure has dropped, and in 1988 it was only 50 percent."
Subject: Martial Law for Oz?[!]
The US military is already conducting operations to subdue a recalcitrant and politically incorrect (gun-owning) population according to this:
Can Australia be far behind? We have already seen a blatant bastardisation of the political process by the Laborals at the last Federal election to keep them and their multinational/multicultural mates in power and wealth. What will happen when people take to the streets demanding action on a whole range of issues:repealing of gun 'laws',globalisation and the destruction/decimation of small businesses, UN treaties overriding local laws, privatisation of public assets and economic irrationalism?
What will these jackals stop at to hold on to power? Military Dictatorship?
Interest free loans
According to the Australian (20-21/3/99) NSW aborigines will receive interest-free first home loans under a multi-million dollar "First Homes for the First People Fund" - never mind that the all these people have varying percentages of white ancestry, most in the high range.
The Fund will draw on the $492 million the NSW Government has paid since 1983 as compensation for "the seizure of land" - in other words for history. This $492 is "part of 7.5 per cent of all land tax collected between 1983 and 1998" which has been paid to the NSW Aboriginal Land Council under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act.
Evonne Goolagong-Cawley said "owning a house was central to a family's sense of pride and security, but was a privilege denied to most Aborigines.
Indeed it is, and it is also a privilege increasingly being denied to many Australians, no matter what their ancestry. This blatant racism will fuel the anger of poor whites who will never have any such opportunity to own their own homes. How demoralized they will be to see their neighbours so advantaged over them, purely because of race.
Out of Date
I read your web page...such a pity that is way out of date.
Could we please put on there that Pauline was rejected by the voters at the next election.
How bout the One Nation members of the Legislative Assmebly in Queensland that have resigned and are sitting as Independents.
And also the most important...One Nation has never been nor will ever be a force in politics in Australia. The majority of Australians will not sit back and see a minority espouse diatribe of racism and selective policies based on peoples origins and colours.
As a matter of fact, One Nation is not an apt name for the party as most of us have no inclination to be a part of the nation that this party talks about. The sooner One Nation disappears from this country the better. It is just one of the biggest blights in our short history that can be imagined.
Updated the ON web page just yesterday.
If you want to see out of date web pages try these!
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Inverell 1999 -
15th March 1999
Pauline Hanson
in Penrith - 5th March 1999
One Nation 1999
AGM - 28th February 1999
"Murder by
Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.