20th January 1999
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Here is an extract from the One Nation press release:
The admission by Acting Premier David Hamill that he was in possession of information from the CJC denigrating an appointment to the PCJC and that an attempt was made to lobby the Leader of the Opposition against that appointment was defacto proof that the CJC itself was attempting to control a parliamentary overview committee for its own advantage and was up to its armpits in ALP politics.
Mr. Hamill's admission, and the issue itself should be picked up by Premier Beattie on his return from holidays, and closely examined with a view to relieving Mr. Hamill of his appointment.
The Acting Premier, by his comments at a media conference yesterday, has indirectly put the government's stamp of approval on some PCJC parliamentary appointees and removed his approval on others while overlooking the inference that the PCJC is no longer independent but under the thumb of his ALP Government and the CJC legal bureaucracy.
This press release sent to The Courier-Mail yesterday is totally ignored in their editorial today which calls for Paff's resignation from the PCJC:
The reasons Mr Paff should quit the PCJC have nothing to do with the sexual harassment allegation. They arise out of Mr Paff's comments at a function held by the Governor, at which he was overheard telling a police inspector of an occasion when a serving police officer, now an assistant commissioner, had sat on a suspect's chest and squeezed his testicles to force him to sign a false confession. A member of the Government's staff reported the conversation to the Criminal Justice Commission, which in turn questioned Mr Paff. Mr Paff allegedly told the CJC he had made up the story to shock the inspector.
Of course, now that Paff is in Murdoch's spotlight they are making an art of majoring in minors in all issues relating to Paff.
For example, Paff allegedly running a red light earlier this week to escape the media results in a four column article in today's Courier Mail compared to a single column article placed alongside headed "Molester's funding reviewed" - when reporting on a child sex abuser who evaded jail.
The Courier-Mail article "Besieged MP backed into corner over red light claim" by Michael Ware and Jacob Greber starts in classic form:
"Controversy over One Nation MP Jack Paff deepened yesterday with a police inquiry into alleged traffic breaches committed as he tried to elude the media."
Just like Charles Rappolt before him The Courier-Mail is now clearly targeting Jack Paff who apparently can do no right and is, according to Murdoch's lackys, a very newsworthy target....
The article, not surprisingly, makes reference to Charles Rappolt (The Courier-Mail's first One Nation victim)
Stablemate The Australian is quoted in the article as saying that "Mr Rappolt wanted Au$295,000 compensation for "massive psychotic depression" which he said was a result of not being given enough help by the State Government to fulfil his parliamentary role."
So there you have it the fruitloops in the One Nation party are continuing to be exposed by a concerned Murdoch paper who have nothing else but the best interests of the public in mind - of course nothing could be further from the truth... but then this is an area in which News Limited fall down quite dramatically.
The Press.
David Rockefeller, internationalist billionaire, CFR kingpin, founder of the Trilateral Commission, and One World Order Godfather, voiced his praise of the controlled U.S. media for keeping their oath not to divulge the Globalists' plans to the public. Speaking to the Bilderbergers at a meeting in June of 1991 in Baden Baden, Germany, Rockefeller said:
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years... It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
Richard M. Cohen, Senior Producer of CBS political news, stated:
"We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with issues and subjects that we choose to deal with."
Richard Salant, former President of CBS News:
"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."
Here is an extract from this document:
Crimes against United Nations and associated personnel
1. The following crimes constitute crimes against the peace and security of mankind when committed intentionally and in a systematic manner or on a large scale against United Nations and associated personnel involved in a United Nations operation with a view to preventing or impeding that operation from fulfilling its mandate:
(a) murder, kidnapping or other attack upon the person or liberty of any such personnel;
(b) violent attack upon the official premises, the private accommodation or the means of transportation of any such personnel likely to endanger his or her person or liberty.
2. This article shall not apply to a United Nations operation authorized by the Security Council as an enforcement action under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations in which any of the personnel are engaged as combatants against organized armed forces and to which the law of international armed conflict applies.
I am writing to congratulate Barry M on his message. We need more people like him around. He obviously has a great deal of scientific knowledge and he is prepared to share it for the good of the community. This is where there is a huge difference between the information thrust upon us by the commercial media (including the Internet) and the kind of information people with ethics and conviction can offer. The sad reality is that those who do the right thing by the community usually go broke. Thats the kind of society we live in if you are not selfish enough, you die.
I would like to add to his message. Back a few years, I remember using coke to clean my silver chain. Id leave it in a glass of coke for a while and it ll come out like new. So Ill subscribe to the car battery theory! Aside from the damage this stuff (and other soft drinks) does to teeth, it also is very bad diet to substitute that black sweetened shit to water. Guess why our kids are overweight There are many question marks over many of the products and infrastructure we consider safe. The most publicized in recent times is probably the mobile phones which are suspected of causing brain tumors. The PR people have managed to contain this one with promises of studies an so on., just like the way they have put the lid firmly on the Nutrasweet debate. Even back in the 70s they knew of an increase in primary brain tumors in rats experimentally exposed to aspartame. In 1985, a US Senate Hearing was told by a pathologist that the cancer-causing effect of that stuff had been established beyond reasonable doubts. So sure, you can have the sugar taste without the sugar but there could well be strings attached, and I am not prepared to volunteer my health to find out.
Another problem that I have noticed is the way the media never question the amount of salt found in processed food. I remember writing a Media-Watch Interactive article called The Salt Conspiracy where I explained how an eminent Professor who came to Australia to warn us about salt levels in our diet was basically ignored by the media. He said that in a lot of supermarket products and junk food, the salt level is equal to that found in seawater. Look at the floor space taken by frozen foods in supermarkets today compared to ten years ago. The shift is away from fresh food and it will impact enormously on the health care costs in 10 or 20 years time. You wont find the media getting hyped up about this, they are too busy cashing in. Similarly, you will not find TV stations questioning the extraordinary high levels of phone-sex advertising late at night on TV. They exploit the lonely, those who have trouble forming relationships. Instead of developing social skills, they pay five bucks a minute to talk to an ugly old woman with a sexy voice.
JG Estiot
Media-Watch Interactive
Diversionary tactics
All this debate about whether Australia should or shouldn't become a republic is a bit futile. A more important debate would be on whether Australia should remain an independent and sovereign nation. As Mr Camdessus of the IMF seems to be dictating Australia's economic policies - congratulating Howard for his GST, chiding him for Australia's tardiness in labour market 'reform' - what label we give our 'democracy' is becoming increasingly irrelevant to many thoughtful Australians. Frankly I'd prefer Australia to be an independent constitutional monarchy over a republican vassal state of the UN anyday. But an independent republic shouldn't be ruled out if that's what people want. You never know; pigs might yet fly.
Who among us ever agreed to the selling off of our country without our consent? Who among us ever agreed to have our domestic law subject to UN law? Why can't we put Keating and Hawke, Fraser and all of them, including the traitorous bureaucrats in Treasury and Finance on trial for treason for what they have done to a once proud and independent nation? In less than one generation Australia has become hopelessly mired in debt. Our forefathers who built this marvellous country would turn in their graves if they knew.
Some might argue that as we elected those governments, we have to live with the consequences of their actions. But as the two 'sides' of politics were bi-partisan on all important economic and social issues, it was surely a Clayton's choice for voters over that 15 or so years. Remember the almost audible sigh of relief across the nation after Hanson's maiden speech? At last somebody had said the unsayable: that the Australian people should be able to discuss immigration, needs-based as opposed to race-based welfare, multiculturalism and the disastrous effects of economic rationalism on Australia. Someone publicly said that such important issues were not the exclusive preserve of PC academics, bureaucrats and politicians who knew what was best for us. No, the Australian people had the right, as citizens, to have their say and to be listened to.
Well if people were so unhappy, why didn't they vote for minority parties, some might ask? Minority parties, by definition appeal to minorities. The disaffected mainstream voters who voted for One Nation would never vote for the Democrats (too socially 'progressive' i.e. decadent) or the Greens (environmental zealots), let alone crazies like the Marijuana party, even as a protest vote. There has been no real opposition party in Australia for years. The media made sure that nobody even knew about Graeme Campbell's Australia First party.
No, it's clear that Australia has been pretty-well a de-facto one party state for at least fifteen years. And that's not too harsh a judgement. Considering the treatment meted out to the genuinely grassroots One Nation party - ruthlessly stomped on with the greatest campaign of vilification in our history - it's clear that the major parties will tolerate no real opposition. So much for democracy.
Commenting on Australia's political scene, a Canadian
who fled Hungary after the 1956 uprising yesterday wrote to me saying:
Over there is worst than the communist with rotten voting system!
That's lovey isn't it: a man who lived under a brutal and corrupt communist regime says Australia's political system is worse than very ones we used to so self-righteously condemn as rigged and anti-democratic.
The secret country
Hi Scott,
I have just completed an excellent book written by the author John Pilger and titled Secret Country. Although it was last published in 1992, it is a very accurate expose' of Australia's political past and in particular has some very good warnings about are political future. The following quote I thing says it all:
Australia is the big one, the jewel of south-east asia, the former CIA Strategist, Victor Marchetti, told me. What with the way things are going in the Philippines, What may happen in Formosa...looking down the road Australia is going to be increasingly important to the United States, and so long as Australians keep electing the right people, then therell be a stable relationship between the two countries.
John Pilger, (1992) A secret country Random House Australia Pty Ltd. p.362
Glenn Simonsen
Making a difference
Dear Shadow Premier,
Our Principal has brought to our attention a document collected from the office, in the Strand Arcade, Molesworth Street, Lismore NSW, of Mr. John Howard, your Party's candidate for the electorate of Lismore the up-coming State election.
It appears to be a couple of your media releases and a reprint, from the NSW Parliamentary Library dated 8 December 1998, of an article titled "Here to make a difference" from The Sydney Morning Herald.
What is concerning this particular Principal is the reference in the newspaper article to one of the "Yes, Minister" television programmes recently re-screened by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Surely it cannot be in the interests of voter belief in the relevance of a Liberal-led government to alert the readers to the oh so real influence that the public service bureaucracy brings to bear on Ministers of the Crown (and the permanent staff of the Local Government Councils bring to bear on Mayors and Councillors?). Granted that it is only supposed to be fiction but your use of it against the Carr-led Labor government could be perceived to render such a belief legitimate.
If indeed the Liberals under your leadership are to be about people with a capital "P" - when your Party is a "free enterprise" one - surely the task is to ensure that services are delivered rather than to actually provide them via government departments and Quasi Autonomous Notionally Government Organizations.
Many examples already exist of the adverse effects, on the very people that you profess to be concerned about, of privatization and de-regulation but, like your contemporary in Victoria, and today's Labor in this State, you seem destined, inspite of your contentions to the contrary, to continue the rush to destroy the country "fabric" and the tax paying businesses in the villages that depend on it's retention.
As you will want a specific example, here is one that might qualify for consideration: Recently a fruit and small crops grower from north eastern New South Wales attended, we understand, a seminar at Brisbane in the adjoining State of Queens- land. The lecturer indicated that because those from NSW had come from properties of only one hundred and fifty acres (is that about sixty hectares?) they were doomed to fail. What a shock the lecturer got when the grower from NSW brought him up to date with reality. "The 150 acre properties were back in the days before dairying was destroyed (by government initiative?) - most of the growers now operate on "Hobby Farms" of about 40 acres (16 hectares)". Both Labor in Queensland and potentially Liberal in New South Wales are, it seems fully committed under a hidden agenda, or for ulterior motives, to a centralized fruit and vegetable packing house set-up owned or controlled by foreigners and able to dictate the prices that growers are to receive.
Have all the "investigatory journalists" now been eliminated and is the media on-side with moves to duplicate in Australia the catastrophe that the United States of America visited on those countries "south of the border"? Who was it that said "When we do not learn from history we are doomed to repeat it"?
Naturally this particular Principal will very greatly appreciate your prompt and comprehensive reply, in care of this office please.
J o n M. A x t e n s
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
A time with
Heather Hill - exclusive interview with One Nation's first Federal
Representative - 25th October 1998
A day with Pauline
- exclusive interview after the Federal Election - 22nd October
YOUR ABC? - 17th October 1998
The Federal
Election - 3rd October 1998
One Nation launch
- the day the media snapped.- 29th September 1998
Pauline Hanson
defeats the politically correct lobby- 28th September 1998
Fairfax on
trial- 23rd September 1998
Where the politically
correct hang out - 20th September 1998
A brief lunch time
controntation with Jeff Kennett- 8th September 1998
One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.