19th March 1999
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Reader might recall the derision poured on One Nation MP Jack Paff when he complained about leaks from the Criminal Justice Commission (CJC) to The Courier-Mail. These leaks resulted in Paff being called a "liar" by the paper as they gaily waved around the evidence a la CJC.
Of course the resulting Parliamentary Criminal Justice Commission investigations into Paff gave them another bite at the cherry.
What Paff experienced can only be just the tip of the ice-berg compared to former Children's Commissioner 65 year old Norm Alford. You see Alford was found to have had a homosexual relationship with a 22 year old man - Michael Birnie.
Now Michael Birnie was the centre of an investigation about pulling pornography off the Internet from a government computer and using a government car to peddle drugs. All very messy stuff.
The Labor Family Services Minister, Anna Bligh, is quoted as saying, "It's my focus now to move forward and ensure the Children's Commission has the complete confidence of the Queensland public." Serious stuff.
Yet the most serious issue here is not so much the man's actions as the leaks from the CJC. Once again the CJC by passing confidential information on to The Courier-Mail (probably through a Labor party intermediary) has totally compromised its position.
Alford said on Wednesday, "I have therefore reluctantly decided to submit to the forces obviously intent on removing me as Children's Commissioner. I trust that they will accept me into their ranks as a co-victim of systemic abuse."
Now the real story behind the scenes here is the alleged involvement of current Labor MPs in child sex abuses... something which Alford apparently knows a fair bit about. Alford has, since the time that the issue raised its ugly head last year, become the focus of the Labor machines wrath, the subsequent CJC inquiry into his activities and one would suspect a subsequent cover-up.
While the television stations last night queried how the CJC could continue to leak like a sieve and still claim credibility the Courier-Mail, at the centre of the controversial leaks, fails to make mention of the issue.
Reminiscent of their continuing non-coverage of Shreddergate... another bloodied Labor corpse which involved the CJC in alleged improper handling of an investigation.
Let's call a spade a spade - the CJC is a joke and a disgrace to the name and reputation it is supposed to signify.
Child Support Agency reports that 92.2% of custodial parents are female.
It is difficult to imagine that only 7.8% of men are worthy male sole
parents. There are today, approximately 723,188 non-custodial parents
and an associated 1,070,318 children living in broken Australian families.
LFAA (Inc) needs your support to fight for the rights of these disadvantaged
people, their extended families, particularly the paternal grandparents and
In an era when "equal opportunity" has been sought and won by disadvantaged
groups resulting in appropriate legislation and court rulings, non-custodial
parents (92.2% male) continue to suffer the bias and discrimination of
legislation and court rulings which favour one section of the
Family breakdown is further compounded by relationship breakdown between
the non-custodial parent and the children. Statistics show that five
years after separation, only one in four fathers is able to maintain contact
with the children they love. It is almost impossible to maintain a
"full-time" parenting relationship on "part-time" access. The breakdown
in the "non-custodial parent/child" relationship is virtually inevitable
over time, despite the extra-ordinary efforts which most non-custodial parents
pursue, and at least partly due in many cases, to custodial parent
pressure. The "win at all costs," and the "ownership" attitudes of
many custodial parents creates an intolerable situation. The non-custodial
parent suffers immediately, but the long term damage to the children is a
study for the future.
Australia has a total population of 18.5 million, and an estimated 5.4 million
are now directly connected and affected by family breakdown. The emotional
and financial impact of family breakdown and the Child Support Scheme is
considerable, particularly for non-custodial parents earning in excess of
$50,000 per annum. For these people, federal tax (47¢/$1), child
support (32¢/$1 for 3 children), superannuation (10¢/$1), medicare
(1.5¢/$1) and the costs of earning an income (10¢/$1) can produce
a negative marginal income (-0.5¢/$1). Where is the incentive
for these people to work?
The "no-fault" Family Law Act (1975) and the Child Support Act (1988) have
created a situation where the instigator of family breakdown is rewarded
through cultural bias and favourable property, custody and other financial
arrangements, leaving the non-custodial parent (92.2% male) without rights,
but laden with responsibilities.
The Courier-Mail took four days to publish an edited right of reply to the article "Web of Hate" that they carried on Monday vilifying me.
Here is their edited article that appeared today:
No Knowledge of this group
The article "Web of Hatred" (Features, Mar 15) was illustrated by the image of a burning cross coming out of a computer screen. The report refers to me by name and says that I maintain a web site which "often contains overt as well as ambiguous anti-Jewish material". If the unsubstantiated claims against me did not get through, the burning cross did.
The reporter never contacted me to get any semblance of balance in her article. The sole source of her "information", Jeremy Jones, is senior editor at the Australia/Israel Review, the Jewish publication which, last year published the names and suburbs of 2000 One Nation members and donors in a style reminiscent of that used by the Nazis in the 1930s.
For the record, I am not anti-semitic, I have never heard of the "World Church of the Creator", a group which Jones says is "the most violent white supremacist group in the United States".
Scott Balson, Karana Downs, March 15
What was interesting was what the paper edited out of my response:
As you would be aware I am the author of the book "Murder by Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" which was released in January this year. This book clearly identifies the Courier-Mail as not always maintaining the highest journalistic standards.
The article referred to above is classic Courier-Mail with about as much credibility as the flow of bias emanating from a number of Labor party media advisers. These men and women have reported for you on political issues in the past - when Labor has been in opposition and their political jobs have been made temporarily redundant during this period.
Maybe the truth is just a little bit too hot to handle? The article "Web of Hate" has been referred to the Australian Press Council.
Hi Scott,
Well no one can accuse you of denying anyone free speech can they! The person calling himself do peng certainly gets up us..
I wondered at times as I ploughed through his massive missive, riddled as it was with bigotry anti-White hatred and it's often total disregard for facts, why I was bothering? When I got to his last paragraph I found it was all worth it though because here do peng and I actually can agree with each other.
You see do peng that would suit me great because I happen to think my own race and it's culture are something worth preserving and we don't do that by letting our blonde and white skinned daughters mix with chinky chinks now do we!
By the way I happen to think that based on the fact that scientists are supposedly smarter than most of us that they should be all the more responsible for their inventions. It is a shame that Jew boy Einstein didn't think about that when he gave his discovery to the jew-boys controlling the American Government! Ah well guess he might still be on probation in some other dimension but even based on what his invention has done so far I doubt God'll forgive him.
All I can say is with extremists like do peng out there it's a good job all those groups Jeremy Jones hates so much are growing stronger isn't it?
Have a nice day.
David Morgan.
Racist? You Bet!
Dear Sir,
I have always been very loathe to put labels on people and have avoided the practice wherever possible. The letter from "do peng" has left me stunned. What on earth could have gone so wrong in this pathetic little ceature's life that would leave him or her with a legacy of such hatred.
I am very sorry "do peng" but you are a racist through and through. You fit the classic dictionary meaning of the word.
Sir, or madam, you are not only a racist but you are an uneducated, lying racist and it is through people like you that problems of race exist in the world. You perpetuate hatred. You are an intollerant biggot. Skin colour is a big part of your day.
If you are representative of the attitude of "non-white" then thank the Lord that I am "white".
Thank you, "do peng", I believe that you have confirmed what many people have suspected.
Allan W. Doak.
Itz debatable whether the mindless diatribe from do peng, posted in yesterdays @notd, merits a rspns, seeing as how it is literally chock-a-block with misunderstandings, inaccuracies, fallacies and _just_plain_wrong_ statements. Howsoever, in the interests of even-handedness, some of the choicer bits need to be exposed for the blatant crap they are..... I dont think Scott is in the habit of re-posting stuff from hit-and-runners: you usually only get one chance on @notd: if youre not prepared to defend your claims after that, then dont expect another opportunity.
>Everytime I think of whites, It reminds me of jeffry
Dahmer, Ted Bundi,
>Jack the ripper and many others. In fact they are all serial killers!,
>I could not find any other race in this world that produced serial killers
>other than whites. Hitler is a white,aryan,caucasian and whatever name
>you call it, he died without grave nor dignity (he does not deserve grave
Try: Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, Ghengis Khan,Biafra,(more recently) Rwanda....&c &c
>Colonialism, whites have destroyed other race's
peaceful life style
>by attacking non white countries with evil forces, looting and
>robbing their natural recources, abusing their labour.Whites are the
>only destructive force that exists in this world.
Howz about: Chinese in Tibet, Cubans/communists in Angola, Zimbabwe,Zambia,Congo....wherever...or, (the classic!) the marauding Japanese in: Korea, Manchuria,Indo-China.....&c.....[_please_!]
>Whites came to Australia, killed hundred thousands
of aborigiens
>during the whites settlement era.
>Asians come to Australia to bring capitals and prosperity for all
>Australians, that's a big different behaviour.
As above: however..I dispute the hundreds of thousands.....I doubt if there were that many Aborigines_in_ Australia. The worst atrocities were in Tasmania. As for the mainland, the overwhelming majority of the Aborigines died from alcoholism and European diseases like smallpox, syphillis,cholera &c
>Gun powder was invented by the chinese and was
used solely for
>celebrating special events and new years only. Whites came to china,
>learnt the chinese invention and used the gun powder to make bullets
>and dinamites with one thing in their mind: to kill and destroy
>human beings.
Deary, teary me! Now that _was_ a bit naughty of them werent it? I notice it didnt take the Chinese or whoever too long to get the drift of the more potent applications of gunpowder though....
>The fastest man on earth is carl lewis, he is a
black, not an aryan.
>Pornography, drugs,guns were produced, orchestrated, sold and
>marketed globally by whites. Orgies and swinging life styles
>(exchange partners) exist only in whites societies (It's a
>disgusting way of life to other dignified race)
Bollocks! Indians, Japanese and Chinese were engaging in pornography and orgies long before whites....just take a look at some ancient Temple art...youll get the idea! As for drugs, _opium_ originated in the orient...._cocaine_in Sth America and cannabis in India/Arabia....and was being _used_ there long before it was in Western countries.....sheeezz!
>Ozone layers were damaged, it was destroyed by
Industrial wastes,
>gas emissions and mining projects all over the world, this is the
>result and achievement of white's technology "superiority".
>The inventor of Theory of relativity that revolutionized the way
>modern scientists see the universe is Albert Einstein, in fact he is
>not an aryan,whites nor caucasian, He is a Jew.
My understanding is that Einstein was only a _part_ Jew. You also conveniently overlook the fact that Einstein developed his theory co-incindent and dependent on the work of previous scientists... all of whom were those dastardly white men!(exmpls: Copernicus, Galileo,Newton, Laplace, Fourier, Planck, Niels Bohr, Nikola Tesla,Rutherford &c &c &c)
>Jesus christ that your people claim as a personal
saviour, in fact
>is not an Aryan at all, Jesus belongs to color race (the mother is a
So what? Jesus mission was to the _whole_ world(Jews first, then Gentiles......go and read the Bible!)
>The Most Influential poeple in the world are infact
colored people,
>they are: Jesus Christ,kong hu tsu (chinese philosopher who inspired
>Budhism and Hinduism), the founder of Budhism is Sidarta Gautama,
>again He is not a white,He is an Indian with dark skin, Hinduism
>came from Srilanka, a country of non whites society, Muhammad
>(founder of Islam)he is not an aryan,white nor caucasian.
So what? How many non-Europeans have won the Nobel Prize for the last 80
or so years? As for philosophers, the Chinese produced hardly any. Never
heard of Kong Hu Tsu(unless thatz Confucius?). The overwhelming majority
of thinkers, logicians and philosophers[who have had the greatest impact
on the way we live today] originated from the Western/European tradition:
you can start with Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.....then youve got
the Epicureans(Epicurus, Zeno, Democritus),the cynics and sceptics(Anisthenes,
Diogenes, Carneades...&c), the stoics, the Roman philosophers (Lucretius,
Cato, Marcus Aurelius) and on to the Church fathers(Augustine,Ambrose,
Jerome),Thomas Aquinas,Erasmus, followed by: Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes,
Descartes, Spinoza(a Jew, but a European Jew from the European
tradition), John Locke, Bishop Berkely, David Hume, Jean Jacques Rousseau,
Immanuel Kant, Georg Hegel, Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche.....&c
&c &c....the philosophical tradition continues even to this very
day, with the likes of: Sir Karl Popper, Thomas Kuhn,Carl Jung , Martin Heidegger
and Jean Paul Sartre(some of these are recently deceased....but their legacy
*Recommended reading: "History of Western Philosophy" by Bertrand Russell.
>Gospel music were originated from Black American
church as a
>worshipping music, this music style were later adopted and
>manipulated by Elvis Presley. he then died as a loser (drugs
>So were Jazz music, it was invented by Blacks but then manipulated
>and commercialised by whites.
>Karl Marx is a jew, his THEORY of Communism has been wrongly
>interpreted by white russians, the result? russians must pay with a
>very high price! Acupuncture technique (healing method without
>drugs) was invented by the chinese.
What a crock! The origin of music per se is unknown. You also conveniently overlook: Mozart, Brahms,Beethoven, Strauss, Verdi....&c &c....just the entire classical tradition....
*As for Karl Marx: his entire theory was _bunkum_,
resting on totally _bodgie_ premises:
[i]The value of an item is determined by _demand_, not by the manufacturer;
(Das Kapital asserts that the value of a given commodity can be derived by
summing the cost of the raw materials and labour invested in its
[ii]The competent will not work extensively and dependently to support the
incompetent; (Marx believed that millions of people were eagerly anticipating
the situation wherein people would labour each according to his
ability to give unto each according to his need. Clearly,
he didnt know much about human nature. Guess thatz to be expected from
someone who spent his entire existence in the British Mueseum Library. One
only needs to take a look at his domestic situation: a disaster area!)
[iii]A given situation occurs from multiple causes and produces multiple
(Marx was an _historicist_. He believed a certain small set of historical
circumstances would produce a definite conclusion. Basically, its _crap_.
Any given situation arises from multiple[sometimes independent] causes.)
[iv]Atheism as a foundation produces only intellectual vertigo. (Marx was
an atheist. The application of his theories by the likes of Joseph Stalin
and Mao Tse Tung[_and_ the horrendous results] are perfectly consistent with
this [invalid]philosophical assumption)
*The fallacy of Marxs ideas were exposed by a number of prominent thinkers and economists, amongst which:Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk(Capital and Interest: a three vlm work) and Ludwig von Mises.
>The root of mathematics and chemistry were created
by egyptians, So
>were Piramids. Brewery techniques for making beers and wines were
>invented by Egyptians.
The origin of mathematics and chemistry are unknown. Needless to say, youve conveniently omitted: Archimedes, Zeno, Euclid, Pythagoras....whoever!
>In fact, whites never created anything, they are
just manipulators.
>Whites have been manipulating every existing
steam engine, automobiles,combine harvester,atomic power, aeroplanes,computers,railways......the list goes on! (and the crap continues.......)
>technologies,art and philosophies that were invented
for peace by
>other races,whites abuse other races' invention just to create
>troubles,war and mass destructions.
Gimme a break!
>world war 1 and 2 were caused and done by whites,
during world war 2
>Japanese were "incidently" dragged into the war after being provoked
>by white russians.
WWI and, to a lesser extent, WWII were caused by the machinations of international bankers.( Most prominent amongst which were the Rotschilds"[Jews!]) sinking of the Lusitania.
*Recommended reading: The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin
>Einstein's famous formula of E=mc2 has been misused
and abused by
>whites for creating atomic bombs and destroying human lives and
>environtments. Again, all whites have done for humanity are
>disasters, chaos and troubles.
Ho hum!
>Whites were created mentally weak,genetically
aggressive and
>destructive, they are the most vulnerable people to get mental
>disorder (remember the serial killers case, they are all whites!!).
And your biochemical, biological/molecular biological evidence for this is..................[what exactly?]
>Whites' skin qualities are very poor, that's the
main reasons why
>they become an easy target to get skin cancer.
All people have the same subcutaneous skin structure. The only difference is greater or lesser amounts of the chemical melanin.
>white skin is the worst attractive color to other
races, all whites
>are aware of their skin colour's inferiority, that's why all whites
>love going to beaches, having sunbath just to change their skin
>color into brown so they would not
Guess Ill jes have to get to work on the old sun-tan then......!
[ranting and raving about the Bible you better read it _champ_: you might even learn something!]
>I do not mean to change your opinion about your
race, you have 1001
>reasons to be proud of being whites, I have my own 1001 reasons to
>be proud of being colored. I totally agree with your idea that
>seperation is the best way to keep peace in race relationship. The
>dignity of color race must not be spoilt by the aggressiveness of
>whites, that's why we have to continue to educate our people to
>avoid mix married (interacial married). I am sorry if my opinion has
>offended you, as a matter of fact I do not mean to spark hatred. I
>am just expressing my honest opinion.
The only thing thatz offended me is yr blatant stupidity!
>do peng
Warning, Warning Gays are declaring war on us!
I refer to 'jimbo's' comments in @notd (18/3/99)... You Sir, are a fool.
" 'Gays'(pooftas) are deliberately endeavouring to infect the mainstream 'straight' population with AIDS ".... What a mindless statement. You haven't even bothered to preface your unsupported words with 'a select few', or 'some.' Did it ever occur to you that there are some 'straight' twisted individuals walking the streets? I know of one very twisted 'straight' individual, who contracted HIV from a female partner. He then decided all women were evil, and infected as many of them as possible. To find pleasure out of doing such a thing... Well, I just can't fathom it. Whether you are gay or straight - To knowingly give a disease, and endanger someone elses well being is the behaviour of pure scum. So perhaps we have found something to agree on 'jimbo.'
If you stopped to get your head out of the sand though, you would realise that there are many more STD's which can be contracted much easier than HIV - And shock horror, 'straight' people carry these diseases too! Hepatitis B (saliva and blood), scabies, pubic lice, genital herpes.... And the list goes on. I predict your argument will be that these diseases are not fatal like HIV. True. Herpes, for example though, is a life long sentence. It stays in the system, and CAN be contracted even when a condom is being used (although it does reduce the risk greatly.) 92% of people with herpes don't realise they have it. Many do not realise the enormity of the disease they are carrying, thus transmit it KNOWINGLY. " (lengthy prison terms for anyone caught....maybe even 'quarantining' of 'gays') about this hideous assault on decency." So 'jimbo', perhaps I should be quarantined too... I am most probably a herpes carrier. I would never intentionally infect anyone, but it is a possibility. Perhaps I should 'stop going out in public as much as possible,' (as your link suggests, we should all be staying indoors anyway) - Just in case I inadvertently breathe on someone. This of course, is absurd, as is your little scaremonger sales pitch - Which obviously comes from someone who has never been socially stigmatized by others. Through no fault of my own, I may carry a lifelong disease. That doesn't mean I am too afraid to go outside, or that I sit blaming the world for my problem - Or my partner, who unknowingly transmitted it.
For those with half a brain, here are some FACTS on HIV. (Source: STD's and their prevention - NSW Health)
HIV is commonly transmitted by:
Vaginal intercourse without a condom (man to woman and woman to man)
Anal sex without a condom (both partners are at risk)
Sharing drug injecting equipment
An infected mother to her baby during pregnancy, at childbirth, or by breast
HIV is rarely transmitted by:
Vaginal or anal sex with proper use of a condom
Oral sex without a condom (ejaculation increases the risk)
Fresh blood-contaminated sharp injuries or splashes (eg- needle-stick injuries
for health workers.)
HIV has never been reported as being transmitted
Kissing, cuddling, shaking hands, sharing knives and forks, toilet seats
or mosquitos.
I suggest you get a life 'jimbo.' Of course, nothing that involves human interaction - Who knows what you may catch?
Name Withheld
Just when does One Nation intend to take Citizen Initiated Referenda seriously? It is on the books as a policy but it seems to be neglected at every election. I would suggest that CIR would be extremely popular among the people and that it should be the centrepiece of any ON election platform. I would suggest that the NSW state election is a good place to start.
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Inverell 1999 -
15th March 1999
Pauline Hanson
in Penrith - 5th March 1999
One Nation 1999
AGM - 28th February 1999
"Murder by
Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
See GLOBE International for
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