19th January 1999
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Here is an extract from the report by Shondra Briton:
David Oldfield introduced a new employee to the Manly office, Joanne, whos role it is to keep in touch with the membership base. David spoke about the Law and Order Policy, which is an existing State (Queensland) based document. Interestingly, plagiarism by the majors is happening once again. Identifying convicted juvenile criminals.... Isnt that a One Nation policy?
The voting procedure for the day was explained. Only delegates (2 from each branch) would be permitted to vote on proposals. As Oldfield stated, We are a democratic Party. The Law and Order, Crime and Punishment booklets were then disseminated. Upon doing a quick page count, I knew we all had our work cut out for us. 22 pages of information to absorb and critically analyse.
Yesterday we related the story in The Courier-Mail about Queensland One Nation MP Jack Paff's private joke at the governor's house last year. A joke which found it's way before the Criminal Justice Commission (CJC) - the highly confidential complaint finding itself in the Courier-Mail like Charles Rappolt's confidential Domestic Violence Order.
What is quite clear is that the issue is a storm in a tea cup - the storm being given a really good push by the interests of Murdoch's lackys. This is the first CJC case I can recall ever being covered in The Courier-Mail - and of course a One Nation MP is at the centre of the controversy.
Yesterday Ian Petersen, One Nation's state political adviser, said that Paff's concocted story was a "private joke" which had revealed "serious concerns about the workings of the CJC". Petersen said an official complaint had been made to the CJC over its handling of the matter.
Remember last year when Peter Costello heralded a three or four cent drop in the price of petrol as being reason enough to send about 4,000 small franchise petrol distributors to the wall as they became swallowed up by the major multinational oil companies as their long term franchise agreements with the oil companies were allowed to be broken.
Of course tens of thousands of people Australia lost their jobs thanks to Mr Costello - and, you guessed it, there has been no drop in the price of petrol according to a report by NUS International - the savings have equated into higher profits for the likes of BP.
When will Australians wake up and realise just who the Laboral factions represent - because it certainly is not the Australian voter.
It appears that the elite public servants are now above the working class - and are most certainly the servants of no-one - being a law unto themselves.
Yesterday the Remuneration Tribunal approved a 40% increase in the salaries of some of the top 18 heads of government departments.
This is real living "Yes Minister" stuff - the increases being paid over two years in installments of 10-12% together with performance benefits of up to 15%. Of course "performance benefits" equates to economic rationalism - and we all know what has happened to staff in the banking industry following the import of Yank business philosophies under people like Joss and Argus.
Finance Minister John Fahey had this to say, "If we want the best people for what is becoming an increasingly complex task, then surely we must be prepared to pay the commercial rate.."
Watch the MPs salaries being given a shot in the arm next seeing that they will now be falling behind those of their bureaucratic masters.
Billy Dee Remarks!
Well, here we go again! Another NEW concentration camp is just completed. For those of you who are not aware of these camps, let me quickly inform you that UFOSSI blew the whistle on the cover-up of over 75 camps nation wide almost 2 years ago. In fact we blew the whistle so loud that when Clinton had been questioned about the C.Camps being a reality which he quickly responded with an agitated, "No Comments!" But not to long there after, a politician spokesmen publically announced on tv that the C.Camps were a secret project for many years. But that he said that the government was now owning up to the reality of all the camps built in the nation of being true! Yes! What are they for?? With all the prison over crowding, why are these new and fully staffed and ready to go C.Camps here? WHY? WHY? Is our government getting prepared for something we don't know about again? These camps (ALL OF THEM) are staffed and ready to accept PRISONER'S! But who are the prisoner's? Don't tell me there isn't anything looking strange with all these C.Camps. If anyone is interested in more information about this, please contact UFOSSI and we will supply you with photo's of the actual camps taken by one of our team. We will even give you direction's to drive there and check it out for yourselves.
Listen folks! UFOSSI blew the whistle so loud that we shook up the government to confess about these long held secret camps! Now, we have done our part its up to you, the citizen, to demand what these camps will be used for! Keep in mind these camps all house roughly 20,000 prisoner's each. That is 20,000 prisoner's per camp! Thats a lot of people. And these camps from what we know of our source's are not being used for prison over crowding.
SO WHAT ARE THEY BEING USED FOR, OR PLANNED TO BE USED FOR? And why such an urgency to build these camps all over the U.S.? I am not being "Chicken Little," but it sure does look to me that the sky is falling?
------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From: USCMike1@aol.com
To: kc7syo@juno.com
Subject: SNET: David Confirms New Concentraton Camp in Las Vegas, Nevada
(sent to USCMike1's 9,500+ readership - Please re-post to your own mailing list)
"David Confirms New Concentraton Camp in Las Vegas, Nevada"
Dear David: Please contact me and I will try to travel there to confirm, take photos and video, scan, and post on the internet.
Subj: ARK Concentration Camp here in Las Vegas
From: kc7syo@juno.com
Good morning boys and girls.
I just saw the latest in concentration camp (training facilities?) right here in Las Vegas, Nevada.
This facility has 10-12 foot high chain link fence with barbed wire on both sides of the top. It measures 100 feet by 100 feet square. Two guard towers oversee the site; one at each end. Tower height about 12 to 14 feet high.
Around the inside perimeter are pens, with gates, to house the prisoners. The pens measure 16 foot by 16 foot square. In the center of the camp is an open area for muster. At the southwest corner is an inside secure area measuring 16 foot wide by 24 foot long with a locking gate at each end. It would appear, as a bus load of prisoners enters, the outside gate is locked behind the bus. And then, the inner gate opened, so there is complete people control The location is out in the desert on public land, next to the main rail road tracks leading into, and out of, the Las Vegas valley. I found out about the camp at a Y2K meeting last night when someone passed around a picture of the place. I know this isolated area well and had to see for myself, so, made a visitation at dawn this morning.
Sure enough, there it is. Several months ago the camp did not exist. How to see it? Find yourself at Range Rd. and Las Vegas Blvd North across from Nellis AFB. Drive west on Range Rd about 7 miles, or so. You will drive under I15 and come upon a newly created chain link fence and sliding road gate. The fence is 6 foot high and is an attempt to stop people from coming near the new Nevada Nat'l Guard compound.
Signs on the road crossing sliding gate state RESTRICTED AREA. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY. Because this IS a public road, I authorized myself and proceeded through the gate. The Nevada Nat'l Guard is on the right, and I passed it driving for a mile, or more, and there is the camp on the right next to the RR tracks.
Geeze. I don't remember seeing, or hearing, about this on either, Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, or local news. Hey MEDIA, where are you? Who authorized this camp? Who funded it on public land? Who is going to staff it, and why?
Have a nice day.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Our sorry state
Once Australia was an independent and proud nation with the best living standard in the world. But times have certainly changed.
In yesterday's Australian there was a report indicative of the nation's sad decline. According to KPMG Corporate Finance Australia national chairman John Anderson, the second half of this year should see a wave of international corporate bargain-hunters looking for 'good value' Australian companies as the Asian region starts to come out of recession.
Why? The continued weakness in the Australian dollar, the bottoming of the commodity cycle and the 'global view' that Australia is seen as a key commodity supplier for Asia, is making Australia attractive to international investors looking for takeover opportunities.
We have been reduced to the humiliation of being a national Fair Dinkum Bargains shop. Poor fellow my country indeed.
What makes ANOTD great is that you pass on a wide range of issues not covered by the mass media -- who are beholden to their sponsors.
While the effect of the additive covered in the warning about 'Diet Coke' is more serious in consequence than that to follow, there is the same underlying thread of deceit at various levels.
Firstly a brief theoretical background must be given as it has been my job for several decades to examine mouths all day every day. The problem with 'science' is that it is still effected by William of Occam of the 13th century (Occam's Razor or the KISS principle). Furthermore, exceptional responses or consequences have been discarded in studies due to a corruption of what Pearce had to say about outliers in 1854. Nowadays statistics is finally starting to catch up with clinical experience with such terms as subpopulations (collections of outliers or apparent exceptions) and Importance Sampling that actually throws up outliers. Maybe even more significant and relevant to experience is Chaos Theory which deals with large numbers The point is that A does not obviously give B in every situation so the findings of 'hard science' based on small sample sizes must be interpreted by experienced experts in the field. But with the observation of larger numbers, not only are unusual or unexpected responses easily discerned, but a closer look at other cases shows that many subtle versions of the same thing were always there. This is not a new statement, since Goethe said much the same thing several centuries ago in "We only see what we know." Now to the specifics:
There is overwhelming anecdotal evidence that Coke (yes, with the capital 'C') is the most harmful thing to teeth known to man. So often excessive wear of teeth is blamed on wrong bites and/or eating habits. But when a detailed history (read, somewhat persistent) is taken, >95% of the time, Coke is to blame. I have seen serious ledging on the back of the upper teeth with more loss of tooth substance than the thinning of the lower front teeth. But because it cannot be seen, the former often goes unnoticed, undiagnosed and un-reported until it is too late for interception.
When kids have braces, white spots sometimes occur around them. Again, invariably a detailed history reveals the consumption of Coke. However it is rare for this to be considered in 'scientific' studies... everything else is blamed except the most common cause. Of course there are other causes such as cordials and sweets, but their effects are rarely as bad. Furthermore, when I had a paper published in an American journal, the upper cased 'Cola drinks' was edited out to the more innocuous lower cased 'cola drinks'. It is 'apple-pie' stuff to even present contrary evidence, despite the old party trick of placing a penny (cent) in a glass of Coke. In truth, drinking Coke is like drinking battery acid.
But it gets worse. When the cause of the loss of tooth substance or the white spots is established, then the real problems start for these children. Because of the addictive substances put in Coke such as caffeine, the poor children become addicts. The severe headaches over a few weeks during 'drying out' is hardly conducive to good schoolwork or a happy family life.
To my mind, the worst aspect is the power of sponsors in controlling the truth about health issues as happened with cigarettes initially and documented in the 'Diet Coke' report. This raises an issue for the next edition of your book, Scott. May I suggest that you broaden the terms of reference of the next edition to more general chapter titles rather than mainly restricting them to ONP's experiences? Surely, the contributions would flood in so much that several volumes would be needed!!
Barry M.
Working for Telstra
I work for TELSTRA (Big Pond division - internet support) and believe i even know the bloke who designed your page...
I've just been pretty much forced to resign (either 'kiss up or toss it' to phrase exactly) because an Asian caused much grief to me in the workplace; clearly someone non-computer literate who certainly did not belong in a position of this capacity. I am ready, willing and able to work from home helping out here in Victoria with any issues, distribution or basically, anything to help the cause.
I am resigning from TELSTRA due to this
reverse-discrimination, amongst other issues, and have always supported ON,
but now have the time to actually help. Please contact me at your earliest
convenience. Regards
Leeane Roberts
Government sidelines monarchists
The Australian Monarchist League has continually and without compromise stood for the retention of The Crown in our Constitution.
Our implacable stand has not won us any friends amongst the Coalition Government and we are concerned that we are being sidelined and even ignored.
One such instance is that on the 3rd December 1998 we wrote to Senator the Hon. Christopher Ellison, Special Minister of State, asking for an appointment to discuss the draft Referendum Bill to be presented to Parliament in a few months. Over six weeks have passed and we are still waiting.
Politicians may not want to listen to us but we will be heard if we maintain pressure. Obviously we cannot allow this sort of treatment to continue and I ask for your help in sending Senator Ellison an email along the following lines:
Many thanks,
Philip Benwell
National Chairman
TO: donna.taylor@dofa.gov.au
ATT: Senator the Hon Christopher Ellison
Dear Senator,
It is a matter of concern that you have kept the Australian Monarchist League waiting for an appointment for over six weeks. We appreciate that you are a busy person but the Referendum in November is the most important vote Australians will make since Federation and if the League is to properly represent the interests of Monarchists it is most undemocratic for you to deny access to them.
Chika's apology
The NSW Liberals have picked a bit of a dill to be their new leader. Liberals are supposed to be conservatives, yet Kerry Chickarovski has expressed her support for multiculturalism, and has called for a formal apology to Australia's indigenous communities.
Goody. That might just swing a few votes One Nation's way if the fact gets widely known that One Nation is firmly against such rubbish. You'd think people would learn from the Canadian experience.
Last year the Canadian government formally apologized to its indigenous people and offered a $350 million 'healing fund'. And the result? Were indigenous Canadians ecstatic? Did they feel better? Did the long-desired apology magically reconcile the nation?
As if. Indigenous Canadians were sullen and ungracious. Most leaders said that the apology was too little too late; that there was not enough consultation; that the response did not deal with substantive issues; and that the government insulted aboriginal people with such a weak response.
In light of this predictable response, why waste breath on a formal apology.
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
A time with
Heather Hill - exclusive interview with One Nation's first Federal
Representative - 25th October 1998
A day with Pauline
- exclusive interview after the Federal Election - 22nd October
YOUR ABC? - 17th October 1998
The Federal
Election - 3rd October 1998
One Nation launch
- the day the media snapped.- 29th September 1998
Pauline Hanson
defeats the politically correct lobby- 28th September 1998
Fairfax on
trial- 23rd September 1998
Where the politically
correct hang out - 20th September 1998
A brief lunch time
controntation with Jeff Kennett- 8th September 1998
One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.