18th March 1999
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On Monday, 15th March, the Nepean Teachers Association of the Teachers Federation held a forum at the Leonay Golf Club, on Education Policies for the NSW State Election. Invitations to their next meeting were sent to all Mulgoa and Penrith Candidates, and P and C Associations, clearly stating that "all candidates are invited (excluding One Nation)". This is a blatant example of discrimination.
Not deterred by this attempt to gag the debate, One Nation Candidate for Penrith Jean Eykamp turned up at the forum. Jean sat through the first Candidates policy briefing and when the chairman asked if there were any further candidates present at the meeting, Jean announced her presence. Jean then asked to inform the meeting of One Nations Education Policies, as presented in the One Nation Policy Blue Book released earlier today at One Nations Campaign Launch. Although Jean was the only other candidates present, that is, only one "acceptable" candidate turned up, the chairman refused to hear her and declared that it was the Teachers Federation policy not to allow ANY involvement with One Nation. Jean asked "On what grounds do you base this exclusion". After repeating the question, there was no answer forthcoming. The Chairman then asked for Jean to leave.
One Nation is asking the Teachers Federation "If you gag and sensor the information given to the teachers, what on earth will they be teaching our children?" This type of censorship prevents everybody from making an informed decision, which affects our future generations. How can P& C Associations make an informed decision if some candidates are excluded?
Are these the type of people you would like teaching your children?
It was clear from todays meeting, that discipline was one of the main concerns of the teachers present. It is One Nations policy that the education system should re-adapt the fundamental three Rs, with an additional two Rs, Responsibility and Respect. Many young people show little or no understanding of these two issues. Todays events also show that the decision-makers in the Teachers Federation lack some of these vital skills. "Do as I say, but not as I do!".
Readers might recall that when Pauline Hanson raised the specter of Nunavut type claims of indigenous independence claims in Australia Prime Minister John Howard stated that she was "out of her tree", mad, or words to that affect.
Maybe Howard's shallow facade as a political leader is now coming home to roost.
Torres Strait Islander leaders will today press Queensland State Premier Peter Beattie for "autonomy" - with self government along the lines of Norfolk Island.
A proposal is to be submitted for the establishment of a Torres Strait Regional Assembly 2001 - giving the region territory status - the fragmenting of Australia on racial lines will have begun.
The chairman of the "Autonomy Taskforce" John Abendigo met with Howard last week to bring the PM up to date on the proposals. Yesterday a spokesman for Howard's office said that the Coalition had made an election commitment to grant autonomy to the Torres Strait Region. "And the government is continuing dialogue to that end", he said.
Mr Abendigo said yesterday, "This does not mean that we break away from Australia - we're still part of Australia because we want to remain part of Australia."
"This is our first meeting with the Premier since he came into office, so we're going to use this meeting to gauge his support.
"At the autonomy meeting we had a good representation of a cross-section of people living in the region and it was apparent that there is support for the concept of autonomy right across the Torres Strait."
What appears to be lost to everybody involved in this debate is the following:
Torres Strait is most vulnerable to indonesia aggression - and a useful foothold into Australia.
Australians would be footing their bills - thus the comment "we want to remain part of Australia".
The ABA toned down critical findings of Kerry Packer and Brian Powers ownership of the Fairfax group after receiving strongly worded letters from both men's lawyers in December last year. Powers was able to raise the money is the Fairfax share buyout through a Au$ 12 million guarantee from Packer.
The ABA subsequently reported that they could make no findings on whether Packer and Powers could be legally deemed associates - even though they are partners in the FXF Trust which owns over 15% of Fairfax.
Before the letters were received by the ABA it is understood that a majority of the six member board had resolved that their was conflict. The letters resulted in the six man committee being split three for and three against.
The ABA folded from its resolve in the face of the threat of an expensive court case exacerbated by what a source close to the inquiry described as a very "difficult and time-consuming process".
ABA Chairman said, "The whole process requires and expects that we must receive the submissions with a completely open mind and be ready to change our positions. The fact we then change our position is not only not surprising, it is to be expected."
Academics and Babies
You really have to wonder about academics.
On last night's ABC radio's PM programme, one Professor John Faulkner (not sure of the spelling) opined that as most Western nations' birthrates are now well below the replacement rate, in the not too distant future governments might have to entice women to have babies by paying them. In a brutal insult to mothers he added that women ought to be trained for the job by getting a childcare certificate.
I'm sure Australian women would gladly have children if they could afford to. But the combination of feminist-dominated public policy and economic rationalism have worked together to ensure the destruction of stable employment; the reduction in male full-time jobs; the necessity for two incomes if couples want to buy a house; the trivialization of marriage which impacts badly on men; and last but not least, the denigration of the traditional female life pattern.
How can men establish families if they don't have a reliable job? Why expect women to voluntarily accept a harassed, hassled, harried life where nothing is done satisfactorily? Where they can't even enjoy their babies? Despite years of feminist propaganda, recent research clearly shows that most women still want to be real mums - at home with their babies and toddlers and dare I suggest it, even their children.
But feminist icon Simone de Beauvoir said, women must never be given the choice to look after their own children - because too many would make the *wrong* choice. So much for choice, supposedly the core plank of feminism.
Women opting out of the workforce for a few years would benefit mothers, children and even fathers who would enjoy both pride in their families and much calmer, better-managed and organized homes. But domestic tranquility, once the norm, is increasingly just a dream for most couples.
Knowing in their bones that abandoning their children is wrong, women opt not to do it more than once or twice. With current anti-family policies, even having one or two children involves huge sacrifices.
Tony Abbott withdrawal
Dear scott,
You had an article last week re Tony Abbott's connection with the PM. I have been waiting to see what you had to say after Tony's backdown-- Quote---The West Australian March 15th Abbott said yesterday he had cut all ties with former ON candidate Terry sharples who is seeking to deregiter the party led by PH Abbott has admitted supplying Sharples with lawyers in his initial legal action against ON. (Sorry about my abreviations)
A email says that a Hindu temple in Melbourne was firebombed on March 11.
This happened same day when Senator Brian Harradine moved a motion in the upper house to call on the Indian government to ensure perpetrators of the murder of Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two sons were in India in January.
Could you provide links to the news item as well as vertify this report?
One Nation immigration Statistics
Dear sir
I have been engaged in a debate about the figures that your party uses in its immigration policy.
You refer to the level of Asians in our "immigration program" as being 70%. How is this number derived and what supporting evidence is there for it?
You also state that in 25 years, Australia will be 27% Asian. Does this mean that 27% of Australia's population in 25 years will have been born in Asia and not taken out Australian citizenship?
If not that, then what?
And how do you define "Asian" when you use the term in the policy?
I am most keen to get reliable replies to these questions, as I think that the subject matter is very important and I would like to know that my information about your policy is reliable.
On the surface, it seems a policy position that is very difficult to defend, as I have been unable to find any official statistics that support your position.
Do you have any explanation for this?
I look forward to your answers.
Name Withheld
Subject: Warning!Warning!....'Gays' are declaring WAR on straights!
'Gays'(pooftas) are deliberately endeavouring to infect the mainstream 'straight' population with AIDS....see here:
**Be _careful_ when:
*retrieving change from a: public 'phone (my advice: use 'phone cards), drink vending machine (my advice: buy soft drinks in a supermarket and put in the 'fridge; alternatively, buy them from a 'fridge in a milk bar or shop) or ticket dispensing machine (my advice: pre-buy 'MET' tram/bus/train tickets at a newsagent or milk bar). Advise your friends/associates/relations/kids to do the same.
*sitting on seats in public places, _or_ on public transport (also including taxis). At least, do a thorough visual inspection of the area involved.
*using public restrooms/toilets....try to avoid them, or 'go' at home/a friend's least: be careful when using paper towels/ roll towels (hot air 'dryers' Ok) _and_ toilet paper.
**Start harassing your local MPs by telephone, fax, email, mail to do something about this. If necessary, picket Parliament House and make sure the cardboard-cutout, 'politically correct' jerks who are supposed to be representing and protecting the interests of the mainstream population do something(lengthy prison terms for anyone caught....maybe even 'quarantining' of 'gays') about this hideous assault on decency.
Reverse racism classic
Everytime I think of whites, It reminds me of jeffry Dahmer, Ted Bundi, Jack the ripper and many others. In fact they are all serial killers!, I could not find any other race in this world that produced serial killers other than whites. Hitler is a white,aryan,caucasian and whatever name you call it, he died without grave nor dignity (he does not deserve grave anyway)
Colonialism, whites have destroyed other race's peaceful life style by attacking non white countries with evil forces, looting and robbing their natural recources, abusing their labour.Whites are the only destructive force that exists in this world.
Whites came to Australia, killed hundred thousands of aborigiens during the whites settlement era.
Asians come to Australia to bring capitals and prosperity for all Australians, that's a big different behaviour.
Gun powder was invented by the chinese and was used solely for celebrating special events and new years only. Whites came to china, learnt the chinese invention and used the gun powder to make bullets and dinamites with one thing in their mind: to kill and destroy human beings.
The fastest man on earth is carl lewis, he is a black, not an aryan. Pornography, drugs,guns were produced, orchestrated, sold and marketed globally by whites. Orgies and swinging life styles (exchange partners) exist only in whites societies (It's a disgusting way of life to other dignified race)
Ozone layers were damaged, it was destroyed by Industrial wastes, gas emissions and mining projects all over the world, this is the result and achievement of white's technology "superiority".
The inventor of Theory of relativity that revolutionized the way modern scientists see the universe is Albert Einstein, in fact he is not an aryan,whites nor caucasian, He is a Jew.
Jesus christ that your people claim as a personal saviour, in fact is not an Aryan at all, Jesus belongs to color race (the mother is a jew)
The Most Influential poeple in the world are infact colored people, they are: Jesus Christ,kong hu tsu (chinese philosopher who inspired Budhism and Hinduism), the founder of Budhism is Sidarta Gautama, again He is not a white,He is an Indian with dark skin, Hinduism came from Srilanka, a country of non whites society, Muhammad (founder of Islam)he is not an aryan,white nor caucasian.
Gospel music were originated from Black American church as a worshipping music, this music style were later adopted and manipulated by Elvis Presley. he then died as a loser (drugs overdose).
So were Jazz music, it was invented by Blacks but then manipulated and commercialised by whites.
Karl Marx is a jew, his THEORY of Communism has been wrongly interpreted by white russians, the result? russians must pay with a very high price! Acupuncture technique (healing method without drugs) was invented by the chinese.
The root of mathematics and chemistry were created by egyptians, So were Piramids. Brewery techniques for making beers and wines were invented by Egyptians.
In fact, whites never created anything, they are just manipulators. Whites have been manipulating every existing technologies,art and philosophies that were invented for peace by other races,whites abuse other races' invention just to create troubles,war and mass destructions.
world war 1 and 2 were caused and done by whites, during world war 2 Japanese were "incidently" dragged into the war after being provoked by white russians.
Einstein's famous formula of E=mc2 has been misused and abused by whites for creating atomic bombs and destroying human lives and environtments. Again, all whites have done for humanity are disasters, chaos and troubles.
Whites were created mentally weak,genetically aggressive and destructive, they are the most vulnerable people to get mental disorder (remember the serial killers case, they are all whites!!).
Whites' skin qualities are very poor, that's the main reasons why they become an easy target to get skin cancer. white skin is the worst attractive color to other races, all whites are aware of their skin colour's inferiority, that's why all whites love going to beaches, having sunbath just to change their skin color into brown so they would not look white anymore, nor unhealthy, nor inferior anymore. Blond females are the worst attractive women compare to other colored females. Blond females look pale, old and unhealthy.
White race has never been THE GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE. It's written in the Bible that God's chosen people is the people of Israel, it's a clear indication that the chosen people that God points out are the color race, NOT WHITE RACE AT ALL!!!
Whites were mentioned in the Bible only once, that's in the Phrophecy of the incoming of the most destructive evil force that will destroy the whole human's civilisation. The evil force of 666 (number of the beast) that will rise from the north. The north here is very obvious indication of whites race!!
Whites are the only race in this world that willing to waste time and sick enough to organise the race pride organisation, in fact all onenation party's members are the sickest creature of the entire mammals.
thanks God for not creating me as a white man!!
I do not mean to change your opinion about your race, you have 1001 reasons to be proud of being whites, I have my own 1001 reasons to be proud of being colored. I totally agree with your idea that seperation is the best way to keep peace in race relationship. The dignity of color race must not be spoilt by the aggressiveness of whites, that's why we have to continue to educate our people to avoid mix married (interacial married). I am sorry if my opinion has offended you, as a matter of fact I do not mean to spark hatred. I am just expressing my honest opinion.
do peng
From page 420 of "Hidden Agendas" by john Pilger; Vintage; ISBN 0 099 74151 2
"MacKenzies behaviour during the Falklands war left Murdoch in no doubt that he had found a star. The front page headline, 'GOTCHA', which gloated over the news of the sinking of the ancient cruiser Belgrano..."
And from page 449: "Under MacKenzie, the profits from the Sun allowed Murdoch to build his television empire. Murdoch personally approved, or approved of, much of MacKenzies unscrupulous behaviour, such as the 'GOTCHA' headline."
No doubt Murdoch was the inspiration for the little Yids use of the same headline.
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Inverell 1999 -
15th March 1999
Pauline Hanson
in Penrith - 5th March 1999
One Nation 1999
AGM - 28th February 1999
"Murder by
Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.