16th March 1999
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I will be putting up the "Blue Book" as soon as I can on the NSW Web Page.
The One Nation party at its New South Wales election policy launch today promised two per cent flat interest rate loans to farmers and manufacturing industries.
Before an audience of 150 at West Chatswood, state upper house number one candidate David Oldfield received a stage-managed kiss from party president Pauline Hanson before delivering the keynote speech.
The ABC claimed that One Nation had chosen a "hand-picked" audience. Meanwhile the Democrats could only muster 70 people to their launch, and they are standing 75 candidates! Their candidates can't even be bothered to attend their launch!
No protesters turned up at the launch - the interest of the Labor party in undermining freedom of speech appearing to have diminished in recent times.
A key component of the launch was a government-funded NSW Trust which would provide two per cent interest loans for farmers and manufacturing industry, Mr Oldfield said.
"However, One Nation stands by the principle of developing a people's bank and to that end will create the NSW Trust as a step towards the people's bank."
Mr Oldfield said banks forced Australians to lend their money at only two per cent interest and minority groups such as Aborigines gained loans as low as 1.5 per cent so this figure was not unreasonable.
The Trust had been costed at $300 million for the first year to be redirected from other areas of the state budget.
Meanwhile the Democrats have targeted One Nation and a "mess" of micro parties through the new "Silence the Lunatic Fringe" slogan, with the party running television advertising for the first time in a State election.
At their campaign launch in the National Maritime Museum at Darling Harbour yesterday, the Democrats nominated privatisation, open government and law and order as major issues for the March 27 poll.
They oppose privatisation of the State's $25 billion electricity industry and other public-owned enterprises, want more accountability in Government, and condemned a "law and order auction" being run by the major parties.
Their 15-second TV commercial shows three shadowy figures loudly bickering, followed by the "Silence the Lunatic Fringe - Vote Democrat" message. It will be screened until the political advertising blackout in the last week of the campaign.
The Democrats State leader, Dr Arthur Chesterfield-Evans, made it clear that One Nation and its NSW leader, Mr David Oldfield, were being targeted, as they were in last year's successful Federal election message of "Democrats or One Nation". On law and order, for example, Dr Chesterfield-Evans said: "One Nation has established its reputation by calling for a referendum to reintroduce hanging. The lunatic fringe."
He sought to position the Democrats as a progressive force with a strong community focus, and as a serious and sensible alternative to both the major parties and the confusion of dozens of micro parties.
The Democrats' Federal leader, Senator Meg Lees, said there was a choice in the Upper House (Legislative Council) between Dr Chesterfield-Evans's team and "anarchy", describing some of the field as "joke" parties. She also predicted the return of the Carr Government. "Mr Carr will win, and everyone knows it," Senator Lees said, highlighting the role the Democrats could play in making the Government accountable in parliament, including starting to open up "the Secret State".
She promoted the Democrats as being Australia's strongest defenders of public health and the poor, and as being the nation's strongest pro-environment and anti-privatisation party.
The Liberals wanted to "flog off anything and everything", while Labor could never be fully trusted on privatisation, she said. After changing the launch time at short notice to avoid the Labor and Liberal launches on what Senator Lees dubbed "main game Sunday", the Democrats managed to rally only about 70 of the party faithful. This was fewer than the Democrats are fielding candidates, with 75 for the Legislative Assembly and nine for the Legislative Council. Despite hopes that the State poll could deliver the Democrats their long-awaited first breakthrough in a Lower House seat in the country, the party's best chance appears to be getting two MPs elected to the Upper House.
Number two on the Upper House ticket after Dr Chesterfield-Evans is property conveyancer, Ms Amelia Gavagnin-Newman. The Democrats received a boost from the environment movements who are urging their supporters, including an estimated 120,000 green groups members, to vote for the Democrats or the Greens.
Here is an extract from this report:
The small town on Inverell is situated
in northern New South Wales - about a five hour drive from Ipswich.
I started out from Ipswich on Friday morning - arriving at Inverell at about 2pm.
Inverell is dominated by old buildings which reflect its long gone days of glory as a town built on the back of the sapphire mines dotted around it.
Murdoch's Courier Mail has not yet learnt one simple fact in life - that once your credibility is shown to be on shaky ground it reflects on everything that you report. To say that The Courier-Mail's credibility is on shaky ground has got to be the understatement of the 20th Century.
The book "Murder by Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" clearly identifies the almost pathological misreporting and distortions that this paper is guilty of.
This is a shame because when it does come up with a so-called scoop - like it apparently did yesterday in an article headed "Worldwide plot to paint PMs as traitors" one tends to read it with a great degree of skepticism and disbelief in the balance of the reporting on such an important issue.
The article by Keith Moore claims that there is a conspiracy to undermine the reputations of Prime Ministers John Howard, Paul Keating and Bob Hawke.
Of course Keating's involvement in that piggery debacle (which involved an Indonesian bail-out) has always been an irritating sore in his side - like his involvement in the FSIA - which followed his being labelled "the world's greatest treasurer"! Keating has said, "I have never received moneys of any kind whatsoever from the Indonesian Government, or any private person, in relation to any foreign policy matter. To do so would be to do the thing that no Prime Minister could ever contemplate. and that is to compromise the foreign policy of Australia."
Here, in summary, is a list of The Courier-Mail claims:
The documents provided paint the following picture according to The Courier-Mail:
Aldred, Serong and Moll are standing by their claims that the documents are genuine.
Of course The Courier-Mail are, as mentioned earlier, not the most credible source of enlightenment today. This alone casts a dark shadow over their comments that the conspiracy is a fraud and much of their commentary. When you add the "modest kind of way" that Courier-Mail opinion writer Peter Charlton is involved in checking documents for authenticity one could be excused for feeling that this adds a small dark cloud hovering over the shadow. What a shame that the Courier-Mail cannot report honestly and ethically as clearly demonstrated in the article summarised below.
Here is an extract from the Courier-Mail article "WEB OF HATE" published 15th March 1999:
He (Jeremy Jones of the Australia/Israel Review) is concerned about a web site which gears the features of a news group and describes itself as an Internet newspaper called Australian National News of the Day. It is published by One Nation's web master, Scott Balson, and often contains overt as well as ambiguous anti-Jewish material.
"Every so often, Balson will refer readers to a specific document and some of the documents recently have included one from the World Church of the Creator which is one of the most violent white supremacist groups in the United States," Jones says. "Having a link to such a site or promoting a site is only one step away from saying these things himself."
The full article and my unpublished right of reply can be seen at this link.
Scott, could you please clarify what you meant by the following comments. ".. I did not agree with ..." or " I did not agree so these topics are not mentioned"
A. You disagreed.....they were telling lies....or
B. You could not or had not verified their statements for veracity. or
C. You thought the content could be true, but not suitable for
eg the story on the Gulf war Syndrome came from a link on your page, via Strategy, and I have followed back this to the Gulf War Veterans association page, which has enormous amounts of evidence
regards Philip.
PS ARE Videos made of these meetings, or sound tapes. Seems like a good one to make some cash. The AGM tape could be valuable to argue detractors.
There were a number of issues raised by a couple of speakers at Inverell which would attract derision. I have not reported on them because I did not believe enough factual evidence was given supporting their arguments.
Queer life coming to a school near you
I would like to respond to Paul CANNINGS remarks. RIDGE wrote about the promoting of homosexuality in our schools. I agree with RIDGE. Homosexuality has been promoted so much in our society that I wonder if I, as a hetrosexual will eventually be discriminated against. Us "Normal" people are only looking after ourselves. I don't ever want to see hetrosexual bashings taking place by homos. I am amazed at the number of queers that have appeared since homosexuality has been promoted I have nothing against homos but I find the practice repulsive. I don't want my children taught that homosexual behavior is acceptable. If my children turn out to be homosexual against their will I will try to encourage them to simply abstain from any sexual behavior. As for the comment "gays and lesbians are discriminated against in jobs and housing, bashed and relationships denied in law and in the world". From my experience if a gay or lesbian ever gets a job in any large company or government organisation they will always wind up in the recruiting section and you can bet that the sexual preference of any prospective employee after this will be very relevant.
If by a quirk of fate you happen to prefer members of your own sex don't try and push your ideals on the rest of us. We are sick of gay and lesbian mardi gras and the sick behaviour of your kind.
Before you criticise my comments about "Normal" and "Queers" let me say that the most ignorant homosexual would surely have to admit that hetrosexual is normal and I looked up queer in the concise Oxford Dictionary and one of the defenitions given is "Homosexual"
Paul Canning's opinion
>>We are born this way and/or made this way. No one can be 'promoted' into 'turning' gay.
Bullshit Paul!!
What's your scientific, biological proof that supports your above statement????
Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. (A very perverted, disgusting lifestyle choice).
You sow it Paul - you'll reap it.
The Dumb White Aussie Voter
Bread and Circuses
Talk about bread and circuses!
I must be slow. It just struck me that the reason governments and cities vie for hosting such events as the Olympic Games has nothing to do with national pride, show-casing the city etc - all the stuff they go on about.
No, rather it is because the short-term economic activity generated by such events gives the impression that the incumbent government still has a functioning economy!
When Sydney won the bid, the then NSW Premier John Fahey's euphoria expressed relief, not delight let alone pride. Typically, cities who win such 'privileges' do not even break even, but are left in the red.
In a travesty of traditional morality, our elites believe in short term gain for long term pain.
So isn't it interesting that with the current International Olympic Committee corruption scandals, the globalist elites are bringing out the big guns. Yes, they are even planning to trot out the likes of former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and European Union architect Jacques Delors to serve on a special panel to restructure the the by now well and truly whiffy IOC.
Obviously they are unaware that the majority of the world's population hate and despise them.
Following are some excerpts - which speak for themselves - from just three publications:
From: "More Heat than Light" by Philip Mirowski; Cambridge University Press; ISBN 0 521 42689 8:
"Adopting proto-energetics set those economists off on a course of inquiry that they themselves little understood, one that continues to constrain their activities down to the present day. And the worst part of it was that their own physics envy effectively prevented them from seeing over the walls of their own self-constructed labyrinth"
"... neoclassicals have avoided this extension and its attendant evaluation whenever possible. Instead, they have gone out of their way to concoct jerry-built scenarios of dynamic movements between static equilibria identified by the primitive physics model. Jevons invented a black box, called a 'trading body,' which magically performed all the dynamic functions of coordination in an unspecified manner. Walras posited his famous auctioneer, who prevented all trading activity while potential transactors resorted to hypothetical questions about their utility fields. Others attempted pseudodynamics predicated upon the difference between demand and supply functions, piling one Rube Goldberg contraption atop another."
"Once one gets the scorecard straight, then it will become apparent that twentieth-century neoclassical theory resembles nothing so much as the childs game of Mr. Potatohead - the fun comes in mixing and matching components with little or no concern for the coherence of the final profile."
"The reason that neoclassical economists have proved incapable of seriously confronting these facts is that they would then have to face up to the futility of their entire research program."
"The reason their project has been so conspicuously lacking success over the course of a century has been that each successive capital theorist pretends to start anew, thoroughly oblivious to the fact that there have existed at least seven distinctly different definitions of production within the neoclassical paradigm (eight if you count Pareto, but no one does), and because those determined to forget history are destined to repeat it, the result is some Frankensteins monster of stitched-together discards."
"For neoclassical economics, mandates 1 through 5 have many layers, rather like an English trifle. The frothy coverings are in the ingenuous repudiations of scientism with which we began this chapter. The next layer, of crumbled spongecake, is the problem that the concept of energy has fragmented and dissolved in the overall scheme of the evolution of twentieth-century physics, and therefore any attempt to update the utility/energy metaphor would dictate a rather distasteful parallel disintegration of the utility concept. As if the confection were not already repulsive enough, further down in the dish one discovers an odd assortment of hard and sticky sweet fruits of the fragmentation of twentieth-century physics, each in its own inimitable manner calculated to ruin the appetite of any neoclassical economist. Thermodynamics, general relativity, quantum mechanics, subatomic theory, chaos theory - wherever one turns, one is confronted with an unsavoury and repugnant sludge. Swallowing our bile, let us quickly tour the contents of the bottom of the bowl."
From "Butterfly Economics" by Paul Ormerod; faber and faber; ISBN 0 571 20041 9:
"Consumer markets such as those for Christmas toys or films raise serious problems for conventional economic theory."
"The butterfly emphasizes the non-mechanistic nature of my thinking, yet, paradoxically, the ideas I advance in the book demand the use of far more modern mathematics than is the case in conventional economics, which remain fixated with the maths of nineteenth-century engineers."
"For it implies that much of the control which governments believe they exercise over the economy and society is illusory."
"Despite this huge growth in government activity, problems stubbornly remain. And the Law of Unintended Consequences often applies to policy actions: their impact either turns out to be the opposite of what is intended, or even if they succeed in their aims, there are unforseen adverse consequences elsewhere."
"With a proper appreciation of how economies and societies work, the role of government is reduced whilst, paradoxically, its powers are increased."
"Economic forecasting and attempts to control the economy by changes in taxation, public spending or interest rates remain a key part of government activity in the developed world. But the control which governments believe they have, in their ability both to make reasonably accurate forecasts and to understand the consequences of policy changes designed to alter the outcome is largely illusory. Chapter six shows why this is so, and why the evidence is far more consistent with our complex world of interacting agents than it is with the mechanical world of conventional theory."
"The free market choses not the best, but the worst."
"In short, in common with virtually every country which has ever industrialised successfully, America did so with policies which were in direct contradiction of the theorems of competitive markets and of pure free trade. The Far Eastern economies are but the latest additions to this list."
"The so-called discipline of psephology, the study and prediction of voters behaviour, is one of the few which is able to make economic forecasting look respectable."
"Marshalls (Principles of Economics) detachment is remarkable. He wrote to a colleague, 'my only confident dogma in economics is that every short statement on a broad issue is inherently false'."
"Unfortunately for the theory, in 1982 David Newbury of Cambridge and Joseph Stiglitz of Princeton proved that in an uncertain world in which the future is allowed to exist, the conclusion that the distribution of income and wealth cannot be altered without harming someone is, in general, not true. Despite this finding, the old result continues to be taught to students the world over."
"But in his latest paper, published in the prestigious Economic Journal in early 1998, Loomes concludes that the postulates of conventional theory are fundamentally flawed. The quest, he writes, to model individuals as if they are characterised by some set of fully formed and highly articulated preferences, which they can and will apply consistently to any and every form of decision problem, is doomed. Not just difficult: doomed."
"Real scientists can land a spacecraft on the moon, because they have a very good knowledge of where the rocket is going and of what will happen if they adjust the controls. But economics lacks this understanding... Yet this is exactly the situation in which conventional economic modellers find themselves and, truly remarkably, politicians continue to believe them"
"So full employment in the US and a dramatic fall in unemployment in the UK have NOT led to increases in inflation. Yet British and European economic policy remains dominated by the view that low unemployment DOES automatically lead to higher inflation. great deal of sophisticated mathematical, statistical work is done within the crabbed confines of conventional economics to try to establish this result - without much success, for very often no sooner has a rule been obtained than it is contradicted by what happens next."
"Fear of inflation is really an urban myth de nos jours."
"for those who want a short cut, at the end of the chapter it is the RBC models which are swinging from the gallows."
"The continued grip of these models on the academic economic community is yet another illustration of Mark Twains remark that the difference between fact and fiction is that fiction has to be plausible."
"It is cynical but true to say that in the academic world the theories that are most likely to attract a devoted following are those that best allow a clever but not very original young man to demonstrate his cleverness."
"The world of business has a much better intuitive understanding of the complexity of the world than government does, and certainly than most academic economists."
From the publication: "Austand oznews by-passing foreign media cover-up" First Quarter, 1999:
"The treasury plan to keep our nation poor and vulnerable
to invasion. It controls the nation using two illegal practices:
1. Unfair Competition: Tax revenue: $124.6 billion; Australians paid $114.7
billion; TNCs paid $9.9 billion (ABS Taxation Revenue: 5506.0 (1996-97) -
they pay 'little or no tax' (ATO Canberra-Sydney Morning Herald, 28th October,
1996). This is a clear case of unfair competition - foreign competition to
boot - and it is illegal.
2. Collusion: One of the many examples is the 'tax reform' (so-called) which
went on for months and never mentioned the most important issue: why foreign
enterprise is not paying tax. The only tax mentioned was GST, which will
not collect TNCs taxes, suiting the Treasurys plan - a cover-up."
"They collude with foreign enterprise, politicians, foreign-owned media, the ABC, and all the statutory authorities which they control, robbing Australians of their democratic rights. They colluded with all involved in the 1998 election, which should be declared null and void."
"Australians have carried the full load of tax, for generations. Since colonisation, the Treasury has used the code words 'bestowing naturalising status', to give tax and tariff holidays to foreign enterprise. We can find no authority for this in Hansard. The Treasury obviously knew they were on shaky ground, so formalised an arrangement, by the introduction of the Double Taxation Agreement Bill in 1953, forcing us into debt year after year, making the Australian people suffer unnecessarily."
"There have never been sufficient funds to maintain essential services. The Treasury colluded with the government and foreign enterprise and introduced 'privatisation' - so-called, suiting the Treasurys objective, keeping us in debt. Our essential services are now in danger and without income from foreign enterprise tax, we will become inexorably worse off."
"Our parliamentarians have always acted as puppets taking orders from Treasury, even though it is simply a department of the nation that should be serving us. They act as a representative for the welfare of foreign enterprise, to the degree where we Australians have become more colonial than we were in the days when we first stepped ashore."
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Inverell 1999 -
15th March 1999
Pauline Hanson
in Penrith - 5th March 1999
One Nation 1999
AGM - 28th February 1999
"Murder by
Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.