15th March 1999
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"Does the Prime Minister know about his Minister Tony Abbott's alleged involvement in secretly funding a baseless Supreme Court case against One Nation? Is the Prime Minister personally involved, with Abbott merely acting on his orders and on behalf of the Liberal Party?
For nearly 9 months One Nation has faced a baseless court action aimed at nothing more than creating negative and dishonest publicity for the purposes of removing One Nation's political and electoral impact on the Liberal Party. Federal Minister Tony Abbott has often been accused of being behind this action. A document has now come to light that clearly implicates Abbott from start to finish.
Some people in Britain might be naive enough to believe that they live in a democracy, where politics is conducted through the ballot box, rather than through the KGB tactics which Blair's secret police spokesman boasts about in the article.
BNP activists have, however, always appreciated the truth contained in the title of a book by Labour left-winger Ken Livingstone, himself a victim of a milder form of Blairite bullying - If Voting Changed Anything, They'd Abolish It.
The key fact to appreciate here is that the British establishment is now genuinely worried by the growth of the BNP. Home Office spokesmen have admitted that the new electoral systems for the London Assembly and the European Parliament now give the BNP a realistic chance of winning seats.
Yeah, "Geneva, Switzerland. Many of the world's power-brokers and power-seekers will wind their way up a narrow, avalanche-prone Alpine valley in the remote eastern resort of Davos, Switzerland, this week for six days of deal-making, deep thinking, and fun. Headliners at this year's economic forum [which is the follow-up to the Bilderberg meeting] which will open tomorrow include Bill Gates, U.S. House Speaker Newt Gringrich, top Russians and, as usual, key players from the Middle East. The group of Illuminati, including top scientists and experts...will have their pick of a bewildering array of meetings, discussions and dinners, many of them held simultaneously." You know, as I do, that the Illuminati is the group that's been behind this for a couple of centuries at least, now. Now it's the push for world government.
This chain letter is a wake-up call to the citizens of Australia that are astute enough to be concerned for the future of your country, and for the future of your childrens children, failure to pass on 10 copies may result in economic surrender of the nation our forebears made great, and that many died to keep free .
If you have witnessed the immediate post-war decades of full employment, balance of trade, no foreign debt, decent morals and little crime, and a foreseeable economic future for one and all.
If you then realise that there is something very wrong with present Australia, but cannot quite understand how it has been changed.
If you are dismayed and shocked at the complete turn-around of the 1980s and 1990s, that have produced record bankruptcies, rampant crime, part time employment at reduced income, plus endemic selloff of your country under the guise of privatisation and globalisation.
If you are disgusted at the fact of over 90% of Australian commerce being foreign owned with the blessing of the two party system and "despite" the Foreign Investment Review Board.
If you understand that Australian jobs have been transferred offshore but do not realise that the Liberal/Labor team have legislated the "recession we had to have" via the 1975 Lima Declaration accepted by Parliament and actioned by successive Liberal and Labor governments, further, if the secretive Lima Declaration and its resulting New International Economic Order were going to be in the interests of the Nation, then every PM from Whitlam onwards would have proudly told the people of their implementation.
If you are aghast at our foreign debt of $230B which is the highest debt per capita in the world, and do not realise that the Liberal/Labor Team have worked in concert with the private banking brotherhood to disable and destroy the CommonWealth Bank of the people, in favour of private banking thus forcing the nation to borrow offshore.
If you are puzzled as to why Australian owned enterprise has succumbed to foreign owned business, but do not realise that the 1953 International Taxation Act was implemented by Liberal and Labor politicians, to give foreign investment a tax free edge to destroy local commerce.
If you wonder why social services such as education, health, policing, etc have continual funding cuts, you may not realise that rising foreign debt and failure to repay, ensures that the International Monetary Fund will implement austerity measures akin to Mexico and other debtor nations.
If you do not know of these matters, it is because ownership of the Media shares a common purpose in wealth building; by diverting public scrutiny where "appropriate", much is hidden from the too trusting people of Australia.
Realise, that party politicians, the judiciary, and many bureaucrats have subverted the course of democracy to transfer economic sovereignty of the Australian nation to global ownership.
Realise, that foreign ownership and control of the Australian economy including banking, results in net benefits for foreigners and not for Australians who in fact pay the tax burden.
Realise, that there is a Draft Constitution that has been prepared to restore ownership and control of Australia to the people, please take the time to read it.
Therefore, take the time to research and verify these matters, all relevant information is now on the internet and most facts are verifiable with Government documents. Familiarise yourself and your friends with the preparations to actually convert Australia into a third world nation, read the Lima Declaration and learn of the nearly complete plan to transfer Australian industry to the third world by the year 2000.
Analysis of 1998 U.S. Employment Statistics
by Bob Djurdjevic
Manufacturing, Mining Jobs Shrink
PHOENIX, Mar. 11 - There is some good news and some bad news about the American job market, according to the just-released data by the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics. Or some good news and some good news - if you're a business owner or manager. Or some bad news and some worse news - if you're a wage earner. It all depends on one's perspective.
The good news is that the services sector continues to be the growth engine of the U.S. economy, accounting for 73% of all American jobs in 1998, up from 72% in 1997. Since 1993, services companies have added over 6.3 million jobs to the 71.4 million U.S. work force. Which means that some 43.6 million Americans now work for private services companies, up 2% from 1997. Another 8.6 million services workers fill the three-tier government jobs, up 1.1% from the year before.
At a first glance, therefore, it looks as if everybody is a winner in America's new, services-driven economy. But only at a first glance. For, once you start to peel the onion, you begin to see some bad news - from a wage earner's perspective. America's transformation from an industrial, to a services-based economy, has meant more, but lower-paid, jobs.
For example, the average 1998 wage in the private services sector was $7.26/hr, as compared to $12.30/hr in private industries, and $13.03/hr in government. Which means that an average worker in the services business earns only 59% of that in industrial, and 55% of that in government jobs. That's music to the ears of business owners and managers, but a sad tune for the American wage earner.
Income Inequality Growing
Income inequality is also widening between the top and the bottom jobs, both in the services sector, and across the board. While the percentage of top wage earners almost doubled in the last five years (from 4.3% in 1993, to 8.0% in 1998), the share of the jobs paying only between $5/hr and $10/hr increased from 50.6% to 52.9% in the same time frame.
In the services sector, the gap between top and bottom jobs is even wider. The percentage of the top services wage earners rose from 4.2% in 1993, to 7.4% in 1998, while the share of the jobs paying only between $5/hr and $10/hr increased from 51.5% to 56.8% during the same time.
Which means that there are now more people making more money at the top, and more Americans making less money at the bottom of the jobs pyramid - than there were five years ago.
As the Clinton administration and the economists hailed the supposed strength of the U.S. economy, especially in contrast to the Asian crisis, the Washington-based Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (COBPP) released a devastating report last year. Income inequality has been growing in 48 of the 50 states. Only in Alaska and North Dakota has the gap between the incomes of the richest and the poorest residents narrowed over the past 20 years.
Nor did the so-called "middle class" fare much better. The incomes of MIDDLE income families DROPPED by 22% during the same period.
"Robust economic growth in recent years has done little to turn around the long-term trend toward increasing inequality," said Kathy Larin, co-author of the report and a policy analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
And guess where the Great American Divide, which separates the rich and the poor, is widest? New York. The Big Apple is also leading the nation in terms of the gap between HIGH-income and MIDDLE-income families with children.
The latest census data merely confirm the earlier trends. The same Washington-based research organization noted that, the wealthiest ONE percent of Americans received as much after-tax income in 1994 as did the bottom 35% of the population. And that the top 20% of the population had nearly as much income as the bottom 80%. The 2.6 million wealthiest Americans (top one percent of the population) had as much after-tax income as the 88 million with the lowest incomes (bottom 35% of Americans).
Furthermore, the U.S. job statistics are distorted by government officials and/or other pundits who ignore the nearly 600,000 able-bodied Americans who are languishing in the nation's prisons, according to a Justice Department study, cited in an Apr. 27, 1998, Wall Street Journal story. That's up 43% from mid-1989. Rather than producing in the country's factories or offices, such a high number of incarcerated citizens is yet another sign of America's social strife, exacerbated, in part, by the income inequalities.
So any time you look at the U.S. unemployment or wage statistics, remember to tack on another 600,000 people who may be willing, but are not able to work. Plus a few million of illegal immigrants, who are willing, able, and working in the American black market for jobs.
Downsizing, Slower Growth
But even such "bad news" about the income inequality for an average worker who still had a job was relatively good news compared to that which some 600,000 Americans received in 1998, who lost their jobs through corporate downsizing, according to a Fortune magazine Feb. 1, 1999 report. The government's latest statistics also showed a 3% drop in the manufacturing jobs, and a 10% decline in employment in the nation's mining employment.
Of course, there is nothing new about that. The Fortune 500 companies have been downsizing for the last two decades. In the 1980s alone, they dumped some 3.6 million jobs like so much excess baggage. And they have shed another 1.4 million in the 1990s to-date. No wonder the Fortune 500 employment peaked in 1979. Yes, that was 20 years ago!
But while the while the Fortune 500 companies were downsizing, small American entrepreneurs created 1.5 new businesses and 21 million new jobs in the 1980s, according to a Wall Street Journal Sept. 26, 1996 report.
The latest job statistics show, however, that the overall U.S. job growth is starting to slow. In 1998, the U.S. economy generated 710,000 new jobs, up only 1% over 1997. Such a growth rate is less than half that a year ago, when total number of U.S. employment rose by 2.1%, led by a 2.7% surge in the private sector jobs.
There is no sign of slowing, however, in the banking, insurance and real estate services sector. Employment in this segment surged by 5.7% in 1998, to over 3 million jobs, after a 4.1% jump in 1997. But considering that this sector accounts for only 4.2% of the U.S. jobs, its positive impact on overall employment was limited.
The Democratic Socialist Party make the claim "THE LABOR and Coalition politicians are staging the NSW election campaign as a hysterical and racist law and order bidding war" at the page
Then when you read on, a the link the only people that segregate between race's is when they make the distinction by quoting fiqures "the prison population grew by 75% over the last decade and the Aboriginal proportion doubled to about 12% "
You read it, and tell me who is racist.
Brian Zarth
Queer life coming to a school near you
Dear Editor
Ridge wrote:
> I for one am sick of having this sort of sick lifestyle forced upon
my children. For anybody to
> say there is no homosexual promotion in our Queensland schools they
must get around with their head in a south pointing orifice.
And I suppose that if one of Ridge's children turns out to be gay and commits suicide because of the ignorance and bigotry prevalent in our community, as expressed by Ridge, then s/he will blame the Queensland Education Department for somehow turning her/his children 'that way'?
For the last time for the one up the back who still doesn't get it, no one in their right mind would 'choose' to be gay or lesbian. We are discriminated against in jobs and housing, bashed and our relationships denied in law and the world. We are born this way and/or made this way. No one can be 'promoted' into 'turning' gay.
Ridge should take note of Pauline Hanson's recent comments where she accepted that same sex relationships should be afforded some status. It was obvious to me as a gay men that she had benefited from her contact with the gay community and her ideas about us and who we actually are had consequently changed. Ridge and others making such ignorant statements should meet some actual, ordinary gay people. We are not the people s/he thinks we are. We are family, friends, brothers, sisters, even (god help us) One Nation supporters.
Queensland teachers are trying to look after those of the kids in their care who are gay. What is wrong with that? And do you care two hoots for their welfare.
Paul Canning
Alternative 1
On Aunties Radio National program: "Asia-Pacific", today, I hear that a Yankee Bankers agent sent to Thailand to "re-schedule the debt" of the sugar industry there got himself shot dead.
John Ralston Saul, in his book: "The Doubters Companion a dictionary of aggressive common sense", under the entry "Debt, Unsustainable Levels of" lists three traditional methods of resolving the problem: [1] execute the lenders; [2] exile them; [3] default outright or simply renegotiate to achieve partial default and low interest rates.
The Thais seem to have taken option 1 as the only practical, achievable one and, I reckon the idea might catch on - option 1 may well become the most popular sport of the next millennium unless the New World (dis)Order takes some action on point 15 of the entry which states: "Our central problem is one of approach. For two decades governments have been instructing economists and finance officials to come up with ways in which the debt can be paid down and interest payments maintained.
No one has instructed them to propose methods for not paying the debt and not maintaining interest payments. No one has asked them to use their creativity in place of a priori logic."
Swiss Heroin trials
Basle is a beautiful Swiss city, and it is painful to see needles and desperate eyes along the banks of the Rhine.
But bravo to them for their heroin trial and bravo to the SMH for reporting it (p26 Sat 13/3).
Your article refers repeatedly to "a greater satisfaction .... with pharmaceutical heroin".
Why then are Australian addicts forced to use shoddy imported heroin when northern Tasmania grows the highest quality natural opiates in the world?
At a time when Australia's balance-of-trade deficit has again reached 6% banana-republic levels, why are billions of tax-free dollars allowed to run down the drain to south-east Asia, when that money could be expanding the poppy industry and creating jobs in depressed regional Australia?
In their obligatory chorus in praise of multiculturalism and asianisation, our cultural elites are singing the praises of the only stand-out successful multicultural industry - Han heroin. MacDonalds comes a distant financial second.
Immigration and Globalisation have much to answer for.
David (zero) Hughes - Media Officer
Australians Against Further Immigration Party
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Inverell 1999 -
15th March 1999
Pauline Hanson
in Penrith - 5th March 1999
One Nation 1999
AGM - 28th February 1999
"Murder by
Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.