14th January 1999
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Last night we had the honour of having Pauline Hanson at our Ipswich branch meeting.
Pauline spoke about the year ahead and the plans for the party in the year ahead. It was all very positive stuff with the AGM scheduled to be held in Sydney in February. She talked about her complete support for the two Davids and how she could never have coped without them and how the party could never have achieved what it has without them - a statement that I believe that even blind Freddy would see - but apparently we have a few of them in the party.
Today's news on the Nationals puts a whole new perspective on politics in Australia - something that we were not aware of last night.
The fracturing of the Coalition is now starting to take place as One Nation's support starts to eat away at the forgotten grass roots of the National/Liberal parties. In Queensland three key State Nationals have backed the idea of severing financial and political ties with the party's federal wing to enable them to establish a Northern Territory style Country Liberal Party.
The three are no less than state political leader Rob Borbidge, key MPs Russell Cooper and Lawrence Springborg. The Liberal party are shattered - they were decimated by One Nation in the state election last year and their state president, Bob Carroll, has responded by saying that it would be the end of the Coalition in Queensland.
"I can't understand why there could be any talk of breaking with our federal colleagues," said an out of touch Carroll.
The state National Party are making the move because of the Coalition's much despised national competition policy, the stalled Nathan Dam project on the Dawson river and rural development. They are moving much closer to the One Nation way of thinking - with a possible return to their pre-1974 Australia Country Party - should they decide to go ahead.
Russell Cooper, a former Queensland premier, said that relations between the Nationals and the Liberal party had reached "crunch time".
"They are on notice. (The idea) does appeal and if all else fails we will have no alternative," Cooper said. He went on to say that the federal National party had let Queensland down in the past over issues like guns, competition policy and Wik.
"By Christ there better be some changes. It will be shocking (for the National Party) if there aren't," Cooper said.
Lawrence Springborg, on the state Coalition front bench, said that the move would split the Coalition vote three ways. In referring to the Northern Territory's CLP he said, "They've never lost an election. They've also been able to argue for state based issues without the stigma of being beholden to a federal party, or agenda."
Party leader Rob Borbidge said that there had been "very real difficulties" for the Federal Nationals in Prime Minister John Howard's first term. He expected things to be very different now that the Coalition partnership was "by right, rather than invitation".
"There is a heightened expectation that the issues which are core to the state party will be given a higher priority than they have in the past," Borbidge said.
The breakaway comes as the National party's federal leader Tim Fischer clashes with teh state party in New South Wales.
Former National premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen said the idea had a lot of merit.
"In this world you've got to come out and be separate and it is harder for people to discern the difference these days. That's why you've got so many One Nation defections.
"The greatest day in my life was when we became a government in our own right. Then I could do things, it could make a difference."
The repercussions on the Coalition at a state and federal level cannot be underestimated. The partnership, weakened by the close ties between multinationals and the Liberal hierarchy is now coming home to bite them... and the bite will cross the Nullabor and reverberate all the way to Hobart as people continue to realise who is running the show - and it isn't the Australian people.
It is my belief that we are just starting to see the breakup of the two party system in this country - a breakup inspired by Pauline Hanson, one that is now rippling through every rural homestead as more and more Australians come to terms with the reality that they have been deceived by the major parties - or Laboral factions.
It is one of the modern mysteries of Australian political history how Pauline's visions - reported as racist - by the mainstream media - somehow escape the tag when you have the acting Prime Minister Tim Fischer taking up her cue.
In the latest irony Fischer has taken a side-swipe at the Aboriginal National Land Councils while at Uluru - calling them "autocratic and out of touch" with the community.
In fact a large number of Pauline Hanson's "racist" views seem to be coming to fruition through the new-look Coalition. These include the impending abolition of Abstudy and the restructuring of ATSIC which has got the bureaucracy jumping up and down like chooks sharing a chook house with a dingo.
The concerns about the restructuring involve the proposed formation of electoral wards - allowing for fairer representation by Aboriginal communities.
"As you are aware, a number of commissioners have resolved to lobby a number of key politicians, including yourself, in the hope they may trigger a motion of disallowance to reflect their concerns over this matter," ATSIC chairman Gatjil Djerrkura wrote to opposition Aboriginal spokesman Daryl Melham.
Melham responded by saying, "As far as we are concerned this system of electoral wards would be divisive, it would increase tensions and factionalism in Aboriginal communities and the ATSIC board don't agree with it."
I wonder why Daryl, I wonder why....
This excellent web site chronicles the current high court challenge taking place in Canada against the MAI. Connie Fogal, a Canadian lawyer is singlehandedly taking on the Canadian Government for the people of Canada.
"The constitution of Canada does not belong either to Parliament, or to the
Legislatures; it belongs to the country and it is there that the citizens
of the country will find the protection of the rights to which they are entitled"
Supreme Court of Canada A.G. of Nova Scotia vs A.G. of Canada, S.C.R. 1951
pp 32-33.
Other Occupations may be substituted for "Cops" such as; Lawyers, Doctors, Company Directors Investment Advisers, Insurance Agents & Marketing Consultants.
A lot has been written of late about the validity of the Australian Constitution by various experts and I wondered if a person who is definately not an expert might put a few facts forward.
Firstly, I believe the Constitution IS invalid but not for the reasons put forward by others, they could be right but the most important issue to be addressed is what those sneaky characters in Canberra have in store for us .
The referendum to be held in September is a TRAP. The big smoke screen that the government created with the Canberra Constitutional Convention was to exercise the old ploy ,divide and conquer and it worked very well. We will have just two options : leave things as they are or change the name of the head of state and leave the rest as it is . Now it does not matter which way the vote goes, the people lose, because this is what the government has worked so hard for. They know the Constitution is invalid, they have known for yonks and now they think they have us where they want us, Damned if we do and damned if we don't. And if the people vote at this referendum they will validate that Constitution.
Let me make a few things clear about our Constitution. It is not as some people believe the bastion of their rights, It never was. It was an Act of the UK parliament to ensure that the new federal government was limited in it's powers. Any rights that arose from this legislation were purely incidental. If you find this unpalatable then read the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK and see how many rights are mentioned, There are three. "The right to vote". I would be a bit wary about calling that a right, after all if you don't exercise that right it costs you . "Representatives and Senators are directly chosen by the people" again a dubious honour. Why does it not mention the rights our ancestors fought for hundreds of years to obtain? Why was not the Magna Carta or the Bill of Rights 1688 not enshrined in that constitution? Because it was not designed as a constitution for the people. Read the damned thing, it spells out rights on every page GOVERNMENT RIGHTS. The right to make laws, the right to collect taxes, the right to do this and that but nowhere in that legislation does it mention the right of an individual to bear arms in his defence, nowhere in that legislation does it mention our so-called inalienable rights that our ancestors handed down to us and nowhere does it give us the right to throw out a government that is not doing its job.
We lost our inherited rights when our parliament passed the Australia Act 1986.
If you want the truth about our Constitution then read "The Misinformation and Ignorance That Dominates our Constitution by J. Bryant" or as I would prefer to call it " The History of the Charade of the Century"
Alan Esson.
Would somebody like to explain to us plebs the rules of the game?
An ailing health insurance industry (foreign owned) has managed to secure an *annual* $1.6 billion dollar prop-up from the Australian government. An ailing pork industry (Australian owned) is told to cop it. An ailing US sheepmeat industry is complaining about Australian and New Zealand imports and seeking protection.
Globalisation is not working.
To Max (left) love
Pickles (right)
It's Dave Walsh here. In case you don't remember I'm the good looking cop that met you at Petrie last year. Anyway after reading your page today my dog "Pickles" noticed Max and has asked me to send this photograph of her to Max.
Keep up the good work.
Love reading A.N.O.T.D.
Regards Walshie
Could this be the start of a new cyber romance? the plot thickens.
Reclaiming standards
Dear Editor,
Who amongst the readership can supply the name and address of someone with the persistence of Simon Wiesenthal the man who hunted nazis (inside story, ABC Television 8.30pm 12/1/99)?
Australia urgently needs just such a person to hunt down the morailty and ethics which successive State and Federal Governments have let surreptitiously slip away.
J o n M. A x t e n s
I'm a supporter
My name is Chris Jachniewicz, and I voted for Your party in the last Federal Election, I'm also going to do so in all future elections.
I have been following Your party agenda since the famous "maiden speech in the Federal Parliament, and I agree with nearly all the issues You are promoting. As you can see I was not born in Australia, I arrived in to this country from Poland in 1980, and I have made Australia my home. And I love this country! But since my arrival to Australia I can see this beautiful country deteriorating more and more, so I recognize that something has to change, and I believe that Your party is on the right path.
New South Wales election
There is no doubt that the hospital system in NSW sux!! Nearly everyday we hear of someone who has died, or spent a hell of a lot of time in pain, due to the lack of service.
Does One Nation have a policy on this issue to take to the voters of NSW??? It seems that The Laborals are quite HAPPY to do nothing about it. Surely, at the close of the 19th century, we could have a hospital system that doesn't have people dying on the steps while waiting for a bed?? Where has all my bloody tax dollars gone to??
Stuff the Olympics and all the other "feel-good" stuff (like needle exchanges) that they waste millions on. How about keeping some Australians alive and healthy with a good hospital system?
from just another
Dumb Voter
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
A time with
Heather Hill - exclusive interview with One Nation's first Federal
Representative - 25th October 1998
A day with Pauline
- exclusive interview after the Federal Election - 22nd October
YOUR ABC? - 17th October 1998
The Federal
Election - 3rd October 1998
One Nation launch
- the day the media snapped.- 29th September 1998
Pauline Hanson
defeats the politically correct lobby- 28th September 1998
Fairfax on
trial- 23rd September 1998
Where the politically
correct hang out - 20th September 1998
A brief lunch time
controntation with Jeff Kennett- 8th September 1998
One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.