13th February 1999
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One Nation has survived an unprecedented assault by the establishment and others with self-interest in betraying ordinary Australians. Strong leadership, loyalty and commitment has held us together even against the assault from within. At our AGM on February 28th, our members from all over Australia, will decide the leadership, structure and direction of our organisation. We will not be deviated from our work for all Australians by speculation between now and then or beyond that date.
We have asked loyal local One Nation branches to immediately commence selection procedures to replace the recently resigned MLAs in Barambah, Tablelands and Thuringowa. This move will not only provide candidates with a lengthy campaign to reclaim each of these seats, but more importantly, it will allow candidates to act as "shadow members" representing local One Nation voters by conveying their issues to the One Nation team in the Queensland Parliament. The people of these electorates will be given back their voice in One Nation.
Article in The Courier-Mail
- 13th February 1999:
Hanson book turmoil: One of Australia's biggest bookstore chains has withdrawn a book about Pauline Hanson's botched federal election campaign from sale for legal reasons.
The book, Murder by Media, was written by Hanson supporter and One Nation "webmaster" Scott Balson.
It had been on sale just one month before it was pulled from the shelves.
Dymocks board member John Millard yesterday said the matter was in the hands of Dymocks' legal advisers.
Mr Balson said he had received no complaints about the book.
A copy of the fax that I received yesterday from Millard is at this overseas link. One of the most stunning comments by Millard in the letter is:
"I note your comment that the book cannot be the subject of legal threats because "it is based on fact and what reporters have written over the last three years". Even if that is in fact the case, we have been advised that truth alone is not a defence to defamation actions in Australia."
Yesterday morning I had a call from Channel 9 news reporter Spencer Jolly who was chasing up on a story about a "Santo Santoro" being present at the Heather Hill fund raiser earlier this week.
You see the Santo Santoro he was referring to was a state Liberal shadow MP and it would be weird for him to be at a One Nation fund raiser.
The story about the Heather Hill fund raiser can be seen at this link.
Now you will find that you can only access that story if you area subscriber to the @notd archives. Funny thing though, this little commercial impediment apparently had no effect on Brisbane's Director of News at Channel 9, Lee Anderson.
When I disputed Spencer Jolly's
comments about Santo Santoro being at the meeting he asked me to hang on
while he checked out with Mr Anderson - saying that he had a hard copy of
the page. I checked out the page and changed Santoro to Ferraro -
realising that I had made a typing error.
The offending caption relates to the picture on the right - where a member of the One Nation state executive, Santo Ferraro (right) received a pair of bright pink shorts in a raffle.
I said to Lee Anderson, who took over the call, that the page had the name Santo Ferraro not Santoro as claimed by Spencer Jolly... he replied "Well I just printed this out a few minutes ago and it says 'Santoro'".
After doing a refresh he got quite abusive saying that I had changed the page and, by doing so, apparently implicating himself....
I have written to Mr Lee Anderson seeking an explanation - I have had no response to date. According to my records neither Mr Anderson nor Channel 9 subscribe to the archives.
Dymocks withdrawal of "Murder by Media"
You are so right! I have experienced this with my last paper on `Taxation Reforms', out of over two hundred letters, and my Web site,only four replies came back.
The `truth' is something those in power think they can manipulate to their ends. But let anyone write of the truth and publish it, the press are right there to make sure that only their `brand' gets aired.
I cannot afford a copy of your book right now, but I appreciate your comments, and as a fellow writer of political realities I know what to expect, from both the media and government.
Take heart that out there in Australia there are a lot of smart Aussies who do know the truth about the media and those who direct it.
Keep up the good fight as the saying goes!
C Steven
Book sales
As soon as Dymocks bookstores find that Scott Balsons book: Murder by Media, is selling well, and their minders realise the bombs short fuse has been lit, and they are still holding the bomb; they pull the book off their shelves - so much for freedom and democracy in Oz, and as far as I am concerned, so much for any more orders for any book from Dymocks from me.
Murder of book "Murder by Media"
Well, I never thought I'd see the day when an Australian company would suppress freedom of speech in the way in which your chairman did by removing a book from the shelves of Dymocks bookstores around Australia, after it had been on the shelves, selling well, for more than a fortnight. The book "Murder by Media" is all about freedom and Democracy.
If you were worth your salt and any sort of true blue Aussie, you would stand up to your boss to ensure we dont fall into the same trap countries of Communistic tendencies have, whereby people have to read books(other than those provided by the state) in secrecy, otherwise they may be placed in goal.
Think about it! Just where is Australia headed, when people can be "perhaps forced " by hidden forces who threaten to get their way, into doing just the sort of thing the chairman has done.Was he co-ersed,was he elected into power by the people, or did he alone decide what was best for the populace of Australia. I believe it came from higher up the scale even the Government may have had a hand in it.
I am becoming increasingly concerned about what is happening in our beautiful country. You may say, "but it's only a book" but why does it have to be anything.
I have a right to read anything I chose.That is what Democracy is all about. It's not about someone believing they have the right to suppress or deny anything to anyone.
There is an overall fear that the status quo may be unbalanced by something radically different to the known "old boys club" which runs the country now.
The people of Australia have a constitutional right to make their own minds up on any issue. that is Democracy working, and it will work. We do not need fearful leaders of Industry telling the people what is good for them and what is not. Hang on thats not quite correct,"not telling" but "hiding " from the people. Preventing them from making their own decisions, which they are entitled to do.
To end this disgusting episode, let me say this" I am a 58 year old Australian, fourth generation and I object most strongly, and intend never to purchase a book again from Dymocks. I hope they go out of business soon, I intend to pass this letter on to anyone on the net to read. I'll also send it to the newspapers to publish, but know they would not have the guts for obvious reasons, perhaps the same as yours.
John Hocking
Book Ban
Dear Scott,
Following email sent to Bruce Clark at Dymocks.
John Flynn - Perth
"Dear Sir,
Fortunately the internet is still a public forum where the truth is allowed to be told and where the principals of freedom remain unshackled.
Your decision to withdraw the book "Murder by Media" from sale is destructive of those principals which we the people, hold dearly.
I had already purchased this book through the internet so I have been able to read the truth already.
Unfortunately, only people who have known the real horrors of suppression will be frightened by your decision.
The vast majority of Australians appear to be complacent. This is only because the media do not allow the truth to be told and they so blatantly distort the truth for there own purposes.
You obviously are under pressure from those which hold power over you. Please look after yourself, it would be a pity to lose your job over such petty matters as freedom of speech.
The truth will eventually surface, despite the wishes of those in power. Your decision means it will take a little longer.
Yours sincerely
Dr John K. Flynn - Perth"
Book ban
Dear Sir,
How can you defend the act of removing the following publication: Balson, S. "Murder by Media;" "Death of Democracy in Australia;" from sale in Dymocks stores? This is an act of censorship which you are not authorised to carry out.
The ultimate and intended consequences of such actions are well known historically and universally despised by free men. Many have died to protect the principles of freedom including free speech. You have a moral obligation to supply published printed works for sale to the public. Please pass this message of concern to the Chairman.
Milton W. Ingram
Book ban reaches global audience
Scott Balson-
How can I order the above book ? I found out about it via Truth in Media E-loop in the U.S. -Bob Djurdjevic
We have so much media manipulation, censorship, distortion, government by mythical polls and governed by the 3 branch of the new government: ABC,NBC,CBS. I am a now retired American History teacher in the government schools for 3O years-but always alarmed at the departure from Constitutional government and government by the un-elected, un-accountable left/media:TV, newspapers in urban areas. Most of a country's problems in free societies can be solved easily by the people if we have the whole truth. Now the monopoly/left media is in partnership with government and now corporations and the people's interests are disregarded. Investigative, independent reporting in search of the truth by the electonic, print media is a thing gone, sadly. I am a Christian, Pro-Life, and enough life, I think, to war for freedom, our constitution and the truth. I'm sending you some things from my local protest group against international/national control of education. I am the founder of Freedom 2OOO/USA opposing Goals 2OOO, the systems process in education here/there called OBE-outcome based education and now STW-national career choices for our once-free children as is done in totalitarian countries. American patriots are fighting back to regain our land even as we are occupied by the most socialist, arrogant, Yale-ignorant, Constitution-loathing, draft-dodging, treasonous, corrupt, playboy husband and wife as co-presidents of the US.- Hillary and William the Corrupt-who both loathe America and the Constitution. There corrupt democrat/socialist party has been kept in power with them by mythical polls, socialist media ,here, apathetic citizenry lulled by the myth of a splendid economy. It makes a free person sad, sick, angry. I am now the latter as are most Americans after 6 years of this socialist clown destroying America and tainting the world with international lying as an accepted UN ethic.
Enough, I could go on anothr 5 hours.
Forward to Freedom,
Gene Malone
One Nation selecting new candidates
Thanks for that.....
Good on you - keep up the good work. The problem with the turkeys out there who concentrate on political correctness rather than truth, is that very soon, they are sucked in by their own propaganda - the Emperor's new clothes syndrome. They really believe the lies that they have helped propagate.
The best way to defeat that sort of rot is to do exactly what you have chosen to do - go over the top of the pack, and keep running towards the line!!
Ian and Judy Turton
Rebel MPs
Dear Editor,
The letter from Ted Ives states the matter very well and I have no conflict with its message. However I feel his reference to "Our One nation ploiticians....." might have been stated more effectively, by referring to the elected members of ON as "Our One Nation citizen legislators......"
Since politics became a full time career field in our so-called democratic countries, this career field has produced professional politicians in your country, mine and others who by their actions have degraded the quality of life for everyone except themselves, whenever and wherever they hold sway.
By maintaining the bona fide, unique status of citizen legislators(s), the One Nation members who are elected to public office maintain the strength required to turn the professionals out of their offices. By becoming politicans and joining that political career field, the One Nation citizen legislators lose their unique strength and become nameless faces in the crowded arena!
The activities of One nation and its members, elected and un- elected are watched by caring citizens the world over, usually with envy and cheers because ON is doing something to fix the problems, and restore the quality of life! Please keep us cheering!
Sincere best wishes to One Nation and its loyal members.
john hamilton - USA
Rebel MPs
Dear Sir,
I have, till this time, refrained from making any comment on the actions of the Queensland pollies for fear of exacerbating an already sad situation. After reading today's @notd I feel a comment is warranted.
Dorothy Pratt, the EX-One Nation MP, with the emphasis on EX stated that she was "passionate about democratic principles".
If this is true and correct then the force that made her sign a document that called for, among other things, CENSORSHIP, and was ended with the lines :
"These points are not negotiable nor will any discussion be entered into" and
"Your immediate response, in writing, is demanded by we the undersigned"
must have been a powerful one.
To coin an old phrase ..."Please Explain"
Allan W. Doak.
UN Reform agenda
Dear Scott.
Interesting to read Graham Strachan's comments regarding the left's silence over the process of globalisation which I believe to be the result of an alliance forged between the communistic inspired United Nations and their one world government agenda and capitalists such as the Rockefeller financial empire that control the IMF and the Federal reserves and economies of most western nations.Such alliance's has had precedents in history with the rise of Hitler and Lenin backed the "right wing" capitalists .
Please excuse some formatting errors in yesterdays posting.
Have a good day
Steve Milson.
Subject: Fifth Columists at work
Australia beware! The Fifth Columnist are at work on Our Constitution. If they fail in the republic referendum and get up on the preamble question Our Constitution will be changed in the middle of the night. Remember the referendum on "A National Song" that became "The National Anthem"?
Tread carefully Australia!
Bob Buick
The Australian Constitution
Letter to the Editor. The Constitution and the Republic. Feb 8th 1999
A Republic is a government in which supreme power is held by the citizens, Australia acheived this status in 1920, Politicians and the Judiciary have kept this fact to themselves to retain power.
Firstly, their is no such document as "The Australian Federal Constitution", what we do actually have is "The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)", which of course was passed in the British Parliament.
Accordingly, the "Australian Constitution" was framed to retain absolute power and authority over the dominion or colony of Australia; however, this status of subservient colony has not endured.
Despite what Republicans or Monarchists may publicly state, the fact remains that Australia had shed it's "Colony" status by January 10th 1920, and thus according to the principles of international law, became an independent nation in it's own right with total extinguishment of British intervention by the Queen, Privy Council or Parliament from that day forth!
This is the birth date of the nation or republic of Australia as recognised by the legal department of the United Nations, it is of course the date that the League of Nations was formed with the sovereign nation of Australia as one of the founding members.
Further recognition of our republic status occurred when Sir Joseph Cook became the Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom on Nov 11th 1921, by accepting his credentials the UK recognised the sovereignty of Australia.
We are reminded of our republic status also with constant reference to our being a member of the United Nations, their Charter tells us that "The organisation is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members."
It is also time to inform the people that the Australia Act of 1986 "that severed the ties to the Monarchy" was about six decades after the event, and what actually occured in 1986 was that the people of Australia had their common law protection of Magna Carta and Bill of Rights removed.
Noel Mc Donald
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
A time with
Heather Hill - exclusive interview with One Nation's first Federal
Representative - 25th October 1998
A day with Pauline
- exclusive interview after the Federal Election - 22nd October
YOUR ABC? - 17th October 1998
The Federal
Election - 3rd October 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.