12th January 1999
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Say no to the dismantling of the Australian Constitution
Wake up Australia
Who cares? If our constitution is raped!
Who cares? If our Constitution is bought/sold!
Who cares? If Australia's sovereignty is sold off!
Who cares? If Australia is a third world country!
If you care - as we care
Together we can make a difference
If you care - you are invited to a public meeting
When: Sunday 24th January 1999
Where: Waterways Community Centre, Sunshine Boulevard, near Pacific Fair
Shopping Centre
Time: 2pm
Speakers: Dr Glen Sheil (Former National Party Senator for QLD)
Mrs Heather Hill (One Nation Senator-elect for QLD)
Refreshments will be served
Copies of "Murder by Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" by Scott Balson will be available for purchase at the meeting (cost $22 each)
David Oldfield yesterday told the media that One Nation would make any and all information relating to the running of the party available to the membership at next month's annual general meeting.
The new constitution is about to be sent out to branches for consideration by the members in the lead up to the AGM.
All members will be able to have their say on the document which will serve the primary purpose of demonstrating that One Nation has always been accountable and always will be accountable to the party's membership.
Asian migrants dominate
Australia is becoming a cultural melting pot according to a study by Charles Price at Monash University 's Centre for Population and Urban research.
The research showed that Australia had a net migrant inflow of 4.8 million between 1947 and 1998.
"Only 29.6% were born in Britain and Ireland," Price said, "Other surprising findings are that more were born in Indochina than Greece and Cyprus and that more were born in New Zealand than Italy."
The study showed a shift away from British and Irish migrants. "Net settlement from East Asian countries now exceeds net settlement from Southern Europe," he said.
and again...
Migrants to NZ end up here
New Zealand's open-door immigration policy is channeling Polynesian and Asian- born people into Australia, new research shows.
And a second study has reported that an expansion of Australia's intake of skilled migrants will undermine the hopes of domestic jobseekers and fail to boost the economy, The Australian newspaper reported today.
Writing in Monash University's journal People and Place, Virginia Rapson said the New Zealand Government's recent move to compensate for its falling population by relaxing its immigration restrictions would have a dramatic impact on Australia.
She highlighted ``the increasing importance of the re-emigration to Australia of third-country nationals who have taken out NZ citizenship during the 1990s.
In a separate paper, Centre for Population and Urban Research director Bob Birrell challenged the idea that boosting the intake of skilled migrants would bring benefits to Australia.
This email is to update you on the current status of the Constitutional Referendum in Australia.
The Federal Government is in the process of drafting a special Referendum Bill with provisions which will supersede certain sections of the Referendum Bill. The Bill is expected to be presented to Parliament before July of this year.
Last year we presented objections to one proposed provision which would allow Government Members and Senators to vote for the Referendum Bill but still participate in the preparation of the 'yes' or 'no' cases according to their personal preference.
We believe that such legislation will remove the existing criteria under current law by which parliamentarians publicly declare themselves one way or the other by voting for or against the Referendum Bill thereby becoming eligible to participate in the writing of one of the cases and will cast great doubt on the credibility of the 'No' case as no one could ever be certain that the writers thereof were genuinely against a Republican agenda. This is especially so when so many Liberal and National Members and Senators have deserted their earlier stand in favour of our current constitutional arrangements and are now openly espousing a republic.
We have today raised the serious concern that the Electoral Roll will close at the time the Bill is passed through Parliament and unless the Government immediately embarks upon an international campaign calling for Australians overseas to register, or else makes separate provision in the Bill, many may be disenfranchised in the vote for what is undeniably the most significant Referendum since Federation.
This will greatly affect the final result as there are a number of Australians resident overseas and when taken in proportion to our population equates to a seriously large percentage of the voting electorate.
The Australian Monarchist League will continue to lobby in an endeavour to ensure fair play as our politicians adopt a policy of appeasement towards republicans.
Over the next few months I will be visiting California, Canada and the UK to essentially meet with Australian expatriate communities. However I would also be pleased to meet with Monarchists where possible.
Yours sincerely,
Philip Benwell
National Chairman
Dear Sir,
This is a wild shot in the dark but I'll try anyway. Yesterday, as Editor of Pauline Hanson's One Nation Update newsletter, I received a subscription from Carnarvon in Western Australia 6701. The payment was in the envelope but no details of who the subscription is to be sent to. The payment was presented in a particular way that would make it impossible for an imposter to reply.
I can only guess that this person learned of the existence of Update from these pages or the One Nation Website. If you are reading this then I reckon that you know what you need to do.
Thanks for your co-operation.
If it's always darkest before the dawn, the folks at Microsoft must expect the sun to rise any minute. Things look gloomy. As the government's antitrust trial heads into its fourth month of Microsoft bashing -- with many of the hardest punches hitting Bill Gates on the chin -- a new round of nasty allegations are arising. Take a look:
Antitrust Trial: Pundits say the government is winning in the court of public opinion. Courtroom antics have created a throbbing public relations headache for Microsoft. Most damning was Bill Gates' videotaped testimony, during which he appeared -- take your pick -- rumpled, rude and recalcitrant. As ZDNN reporter Mary Jo Foley writes, "All the PR spin in the world won't make the public forget that Gates wouldn't even deign to say 'good morning' to DOJ lawyer David Boies." Click for more.
Microsoft has collected $10 billion in consumer overcharges in the past three years thanks to its "monopoly" over the PC operating system market, consumer groups alleged in a study released today.
Sauce for the goose
In "The Unconscious Civilization", Canadian writer John Ralston Saul (1997) clearly describes the international phenomenon of governments emasculated by globalization: "Perhaps the key effect of globalization has been to force governments to shift the tax burden from large corporations onto the middle class. When the income tax rates can go no higher, this shift is continued through taxes on goods and services".
And later: "Because the middle classes do not have enough money to fund the state, the result of this shift has been a decline in real tax revenue, followed by a rise in government debt and the cutting of public programs".
He notes that the market ideologues who have presided
over this spectacularly failed system have completely ignored the thinking
of their idol, Adam Smith, who maintained that high wages are essential to
growth and prosperity:
"The liberal reward of labour ... is the natural symptom of increasing
national wealth". And:
"Where wages are high, accordingly, we shall always find the workmen more
active, diligent and expeditious than when they are low".
When the CEOs of the multinationals, and the head honchos of the Public Service demand and get exorbitant remuneration to ensure 'performance', I've long wondered why the same principle does not logically extend to other workers.
Hi Scott,
Surely Tsering Dhondup, (is that name for real?) displays the worst kind of Anti-White racism. This persons 'fesses up to hate, surely a crime under some law or another.
You might think so since Caucasians are a pretty identifiable group. I feel villified, hated and hurt, surely this is a crime. Well no unfortunately since it seems hate laws are designed only to protect minorities and if you are White you are the majority group and any minority can label us barbarians, or anything else with impunity.
I've had enough of it!
David Morgan.
West Australia.
For a self proclaimed "Constitutional Expert", Len Clampett does not seem to understand the process of Australian Federation and what the Constitution actually means in context.
Len seems to think that because the Constitution is also an Act of the British Parliament that it is not valid in Australia. Len is very mistaken.
During the 1890's, a number of Conventions were held. These were attended by what we know call our "Founding Fathers". These Conventions were represented from the 6 colonies as well as New Zealand. Over a number of years, they formulated what is now the Australian Constitution.
This document was put to the people of the 6 colonies through two referendums. The people of the 6 colonies voted "Yes". The Australian Constitution is valid in this country because of THIS.
At the time, the Colonies were the possession of the British Crown. In fact, they still are, only now the Federated Colonies of Australia has it's own Legislature and does not rely on that of Britain. In order for the British Government to accept this change, the British Government had to pass it's own Bill - "The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900" is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The purpose of this act was to pass over legaslative responsibility to the Federated Colonies, and to repeal other acts no longer required by the Federated Colonies.
Len complains that no Letters Patent were issued after the death of Victoria, yet there is nothing in the Australian Constitution that requires these. Len states that other nations, either through treaties or international organisations acknowledge Australia as being a sovereign nation, yet this is determined not by others but by us - the Australian People.
Len forgets that the Australian Constitution was never designed to completely separate Australia from the British. The Constitution created a self legislating member of the British Empire, yet still subservient to the British Crown (and yes George V could and did declare war for us!)
Remember Len, that the weight of the Constitution comes from the people of the 6 Colonies that voted "Yes" and from the Signature of Victoria, not from the Act of the British Parliament.
Ian Batchelor.
People's power of veto
PPV - Peoples' Power of Veto
One Nation has come into being because the people are trapped with our two party system of government. Every election sees people confused about how they should vote - after all, don't we just end up with more of the same, no matter who we vote for?
Perhaps One Nation should seek to do some real damage to the Laboral factions by letting the people know they will give them the power to over-ride government. Commonly called Citizen Initiated Referenda (CIR), I think the name Peoples' Power of Veto is more descriptive in that it emphasises the peoples' right to control their government. Also, PPV rolls off the tongue more readily than CIR.
I know there are many objections about costs of these referenda and how frequently they should be held, but surely it is time our governments' (plural) misuse of their authority was put to an end. The cost we (the people) all pay because of their (partial) decisions must far outweigh any cost of annual or bi-annual referenda. There would probably need to be a new organisation set up to log and report on government decisions (no more secret treaties or government purks) and also to collate letters of objection and petitions against government decisions. We would also need to determine the percentage of the electorate (33%?) required to force an issue to referendum and also the level(s) at which this should occur (council, state electorate, state, federal electorate or nation).
It is time governments were forced to acknowledge that the peoples' taxes and manpower is their investment in Australia and that investment has the right (and the teeth) to be protected! Also, that investment has the right to a "return" in a society which benefits rather than subjugates its people. It is after all, the people who provide the infrastructure (money, roads, rail, labour, etc) which makes it worthwhile for businesses to operate here.
I believe PPV (CIR?) is what the people really need and want -the chance to put our governments' decisions under the microscope, to halt them and even reverse them -thereby protecting their investment. Perhaps @NOTD could compile a list of changes the people want at federal and state levels eg. Fixed date elections, stopping the GST, to tax multinationals, to be able to sack the government, ending the two party preferred system of voting, and so on. Any party speaking against PPV could be painted in the worst possible light by simply mentioning either party's list.of broken promises and their vested interest in not allowing the people to have this power (right).
One Nation can really make a difference and show the voters they are keen to REpresent them. Sadly, ON cannot rely on the media and needs to get its information out by other means. I would like to see an A4 page (folded in three) of ON policy which people (like me) could obtain and do letterbox drops in their areas. These letters should advertise the One Nation Web Site and @NOTD's Web Site. I'm certain there will be plenty of willing volunteers and we have a little more than two months until the New South Wales election.
Maybe other readers could develop this concept - I'm sure it would be a winner!
The emphasis on RE-present is intended.
Chris Fitzgerald
"Who cares? If Australia is a third world country" JOHN HOWARD DOESN'T CARE, I KNOW THAT FOR SURE. I believe Pauline Hanson does care, though....
All the best to all of the One Nation crew.
Politicians are quick to talk tough on drugs when it suits them, but their deeds rarely match their words. What's the bet that NSW premier Bob Carr is going to talk tough on crime in the lead-up to the state's election?
Pity then that the Australian yesterday reported that 'the number of detectives targeting illegal drugs had fallen from 300 to about 50 in reforms to the [NSW] police service.'
Meanwhile in London, the NSW Police Commissioner Peter Ryan has told the Daily Mail newspaper that though drugs are the root of most crime, 'we are not winning on the drugs front'.
It has crossed my mind that there is a great big cover-up in the drugs scene. The media always portray addicts as marginalized youths who must commit crime to feed their habit. That's true. But drugs have permeated all levels of our hedonistic culture. A recent society bash in Sydney was an open cocaine party. And don't tell me that many yuppies in the law and other professions, the financial services, the media and entertainment industries, along with PS bureaucracies don't partake. Yet there's never any mention of them. Is it because they can afford their pleasure?
It stands to reason then, that many people at the big end of town don't want the drugs stopped. They just want a few busts to keep the plebs happy.
Tax Office
Please pass this on to Heather Hill.
FACT - The Tax Office gives information to the Child Support Agency.
Section 8XA of the taxation administration act reads:
Unauthorised access to taxation records
A person must not knowingly take action for the purpose
of obtaining information about another person's affairs that:
(a) is contained in records in the possession of the Commissioner; and
(b) is held or was obtained by the Commissioner under or for the purposes
of a taxation law;
unless the person takes the action:
(c) under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 ; or
(d) in accordance with the processes of a court or the Tribunal; or
(e) in the course of exercising powers or performing functions under or in
relation to a taxation law.
Penalty: $10,000 or imprisonment for 2 years, or both.
COLLECTION) ACT 1988 reads:
This Act is not a taxation law within the meaning of the Taxation Administration
Act 1953 .
Michael Carmody is the Child Support Registrar and also the Tax Commissioner. His illegal activity is tolerated by the government under:
(Commissioner refers to Tax Commissioner)
CHILD SUPPORT ACT 1988 No. 3 of 1988 - SECT 16
(6) Nothing in an Act of which the Commissioner has the general administration shall be taken to prohibit the Commissioner, a Second Commissioner, a Deputy Commissioner, or a person authorised by the Commissioner, a Second Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner, from communicating any information to a person performing, as an officer, duties arising under this Act for the purpose of enabling the person to perform those duties.
However section 55 of the Constitution reads:
Tax Bill
55. Laws imposing taxation shall deal only with the
imposition of
taxation, and any provision therein dealing with any other matter
shall be of no effect. Laws imposing taxation, except laws imposing
duties of customs or of excise, shall deal with one subject of taxation only;
but laws imposing duties of customs shall deal with duties of customs only,
and laws imposing duties of excise shall deal with duties of excise
The ATO and Child Support Agency are way out of line.
Everyone who has an interest in this, lobby your local member for a Royal Commission into the Tax Office and Child Support Agency.
Remember, Australians said NO to Australia card in a referendum. Yet Hawke and Keating gave us one without the plastic; Tax File Number.
Peter Costello knows about this unconstitutional and illegal activity under his portfolio, and he is trying to cover it up in preparation for his run for PM in 2001. Costello has already washed his hands of the CSA by dumping it into Jocelyne Newman's DSS portfolio in Nov/Dec 1998.
Liberal have no excuse not to fix this. Labor created the CSA mess. Liberal can lay ALL the blame on Labor. But they choose not to.
Vote NO to the republic in the 1999 referendum. Don't let Laboral change our constitution without first making them explain why they cannot uphold the current one.
Tony Hancock
The National Interest
Dear Editor,
Last Sunday 10th January, I turned on the radio to ABC Radio National to come into the middle of an interesting discussion; Terry Lane speaking to an Aboriginal activist, (I didnÕt catch her name) in the program "The National Interest".
It was refreshing to hear Terry give this woman a very challenging interview rather than the usual "politically correct" head nodding exercise that we have become accustomed to on the ABC. Terry dared to challenge current Aboriginal activists, suggesting that a "whiff of Apartheid" was present. He went onto ask whether Aborigines will take responsibility for their actions and not continue to blame White Australia for their problems.
Terry latter interviewed some Englishman (who I also unfortunately didn't catch his name) in the same program, who raved on about the benefits of multiculturalism in Australia, while putting down the culture of the 1950's. Terry replied that he was actually around in the 1950's in Australia, and it wasn't as bad as some claim it to be.
Of course, if Pauline Hanson articulated the same comments Terry Lane made, it would make National Headlines as another "racist" attack spouted by simplistic Pauline.
Media Hypocrisy
Have you noticed that when the majority of public opinion happens to be aligned with that of the media magnates and their lapdog journalists, it is trumpeted in their headlines that this proves the correctness of that opinion.
For example, consider the restrictive gun laws or the American public's support for Bill Clinton.
However, when the public does not agree with authorised media opinion, this just proves that the public needs to be "re-educated" until they fall into line.
For example, widespread opposition to high immigration, support for capital punishment for crimes of premeditated murder, or ( in the event of an Australian republic) support for a president chosen by the people.
Maybe this is a topic to be examined in the second edition of the "Murder by Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" book?
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
A time with
Heather Hill - exclusive interview with One Nation's first Federal
Representative - 25th October 1998
A day with Pauline
- exclusive interview after the Federal Election - 22nd October
YOUR ABC? - 17th October 1998
The Federal
Election - 3rd October 1998
One Nation launch
- the day the media snapped.- 29th September 1998
Pauline Hanson
defeats the politically correct lobby- 28th September 1998
Fairfax on
trial- 23rd September 1998
Where the politically
correct hang out - 20th September 1998
A brief lunch time
controntation with Jeff Kennett- 8th September 1998
One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.