9th February 1999
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The comment yesterday about Pasquarelli's fax to ex-One Nation MP Dorothy Pratt appears to have stirred up a hornets nest... I received this email from him yesterday:
Scott, you are a little grub!
As a self-confessed liar you have the hide of a rhino along with the three stooges. It is common knowledge that this much touted AGM will be stacked as Oldfield has been busy organising proxies. ON has the money, manpower, telephones and contact numbers whereas the ordinary members are hopelessly in the dark. The Queensland MPs represent almost 500,000 Queenslanders and have more than a right to make demands of a corrupt party organisation. How can you turn your back on a party which has remunerated you. Your NOTD is a joke. Have the guts to make our correspondence public-but you don't of course. One Nation has shown the people just how bad political parties can be.
Of course Pasquarelli, who calls himself "kojak" in his email is a most colourful character. He has a wonderful way with words as can be seen above.
Pasquarelli aside, perhaps the most astounding turnabout, however, is the Murdoch media's perception of ex-One Nation MP Jeff Knuth who has suddenly changed from a figure of fun and derision to a man seen to be as visionary and, for once, apparently quoted in context when he is quoted as saying in today's Australian, "I'm not trying to destroy One Nation. I'm trying to do all I can to keep the principles of One Nation. It's just the structure of One Nation has left much to be desired."
And Dr John Kingston, the One Nation MP for Maryborough, was last night apparently going to be making his final decision following a branch meeting.
But the most predictable scenario came in a televised telephone conference between ex-One Nation MP for the Tablelands, Shaun Nelson and One Nation leader Bill Feldman. The graphic footage showed Nelson acting as a prima donna while Feldman was obviously unaware that Nelson had staged the confidential call to be available to the Australian media gathered around filming as he berated Feldman.
The irony is that just under a week ago, when I was at the One Nation offices preparing to cover the Jack Paff - red light incident which clearly demonstrated the complete lack of ethics of the Australian media, I was asked by several of these One Nation MPs if "it was true that I had resigned from the party". After the press conference I joined them over a sandwich lunch and publicly declared that they would be the first to know if that was the case.... and that in any event I would not go running to the media....
Look no further than Shaun Nelson - like a man about to see his Waterloo - with both hands up their firing as he seeks and obviously gets as much media attention as he wants - much to the satisfaction of the media barons..
Nelson said yesterday that he had been a victim of a hate campaign... "I am totally and utterly appalled by what they are trying to do at the moment, Nelson told the media, "It is typical that if you go against the party, you are flogged for it."
Then in the next breath of air he alleges to The Courier-Mail that One Nation leader Bill Feldman said that he had managed to get some "confidential police information" on sacked staff Debbie Beavan.
In a classic statement in The Courier-Mail article headed "One Nation leader under fresh attack by deserter" the paper reports: "Mr Feldman had just fired the staffer (Beavan) and was challenging her credibility after she alerted a female journalist that maverick One Nation colleague Jack Paff had allegedly made a sexual remark about her."
What the paper fails to report is that Mrs Beavan walked into a job at The Courier-Mail the day after she was sacked - which would appear to be a trifle suspicious to even the most conservative outsider - and that the next day a confidential Domestic Violence Order (DVO) against former One Nation MP Charles Rappolt was transcribed word for word in that paper despite a court order preventing the paper taking this action. One Nation leader Bill Feldman had a copy of the DVO on his desk before Mrs Beavan was fired.
Quite simply put many now believe that Mrs Beavan was a Murdoch mole who was caught out - after she had done some considerable damage to the party through her position as media adviser.
Returning to the defecting MPs, Oldfield yesterday rejected claims that he was behind reports that Dorothy Pratt was out to set up her own party saying, "We have agreed to address their (the Queensland State MPs) concerns and we have written to them to confirm that in writing.
"They (the ex-One Nation MPs) are no longer members of One Nation. They have gone their own way. I respect their decision to do so and that is the end to that."
Meanwhile the National and Liberal Party are threatening to break up their coalition following overtures by the Nationals to Shaun Nelson (good luck to them!) and a rejection by the Liberals of any ex-One Nation MPs in the Coalition.
To complete the lop-sided picture of a party in chaos The Australian quotes Barbara Hazelton, who has waged war against One Nation in spurts since she was evicted from Pauline Hanson's office last year.
"The members of One Nation, the ones with any brains, must be able to see it by now it is no longer Pauline's party. Some of the people elected in Queensland like Dorothy Pratt, have a bit of nous."
She then went on to claim that Pauline was under David Oldfield's spell saying, "From the first thing she said to me, I could see how much in love with him she was.
"That's the hold he has over her. I used to feel sorry for her because I knew that David would have been embarrassed for anyone to know about their relationship, because she's not his type."
For the woman who said that she would never desert Pauline Hanson the months seem to have changed this view with Hazelton going on to say, "I'm angry because she sat back and allowed this to happen. She let slip something that could have been wonderful and new in Australian politics. And now she's let it go too far to retrieve it."
"The party is falling apart. David Oldfield would have been begging the Queensland MPs, promising them anything not to resign before the New South Wales election. Because he knows that this is his last, absolutely last, chance of getting into Parliament."
The Australian - bar the tiny Oldfield quote totally ignores the views and perspectives of other One Nation members (like myself) because balance is never a real issue in their one sided diatribe.
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this whole media beat-up at the moment is the totally unreported fracas going on in the Labor Party. It took ABC Television last night to report about growing unrest within Labor ranks about branch stacking, undemocratic elections and falling membership.
The ABC report talks about a party in decay with a Labor MP openly raising the heat on the party leadership saying that the Labor membership has absolutely no say in who gets chosen for the top jobs in the party - including that of Party leader Kim Beazley.
The rumblings don't even raise a tiny commentary in Murdoch's trashy papers as One Nation is a far bigger target to worry about - representing the people of Australia not big business interests.
Things aren't any better in the Liberal Party either - with all policy being determined by the Cabinet and the stand over merchants, the bureaucrats, to the total exclusion of the lower minions in the Party.
In summary, when we talk about "democracy" fledgling party One Nation is fighting a vicious one-sided media war with the media barons by being singled out over this issue although it has committed itself to allow the membership to determine the party's leadership at the AGM in just over two week's time. On the other hand the long established major parties trundle along with their undemocratic institutional rigging of selection and policy determination without a word being said by their mates in the press.
Here is an extract from the article by Bob Djurdjevic:
"Bosnia II" is in the making in the Serbian province of Kosovo. The U.S. government officials are stoking the fires of yet another civil war while publicly opposing it. Just as they kept adding fuel to the ethnic fire in Bosnia while claiming to douse it.
Why are they doing it? Because "perpetual war for perpetual commerce" is the true motto of the New World Order. When peace broke out at the end of Cold War, it sounded a death knell for the death merchants' businesses. So Washington's crisis factory went to work, manufacturing conflicts in strategic places around the world. Is there any wonder that the latest series of the Balkan civil wars, for example, started in June 1991, a year and a half after CIA predicted that a civil war would break out in the former Yugoslavia?
And so the beat went on Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, and now Kosovo.
A Nation or Party leadership
In Response to David Miller's letter in todays Anoted, Feb 8.
Adolf Hitler's rise to power was also due to the finanical backing of elitist financiers and corporate CEO's. The propaganda in Germany during the 1930's was pro-Hitler. The people were demoralised and bought into a 'solution' to their troubles which was offered to them. Hitler did not just come from nowhere as many people seem to believe. Hitler and his philosophy were carefully crafted behind the scenes by many different factions which included finance, business, and occult organisations.
A dictatorship (whether in a political party or a nation) in order to win a conflict is not the answer. The basic bottom line of what we face today is that there is an elite class of individuals who see themselves better than the common man. These people believe that they have the right to rule over the cattle/sheople. The reason we have this problem is due to the fact that human beings have a nature which tends towards corruption, history teaches this very blatently. If a human being comes to a position of power, it is in that human beings nature to ultimately abuse that power for his own self interest. If he chooses to not do so because of events in his life then a successor will ultimately do so. History has taught this over and over again. It is a fact.
A nation where the inhabitants are to be free needs some basic rights to be be established. A contract between the people and their government which recognises these rights. This contract MUST include 'unalienable Creator endowed rights' and it matters not whether you believe in a Creator or not. Any other form of rights come from men and are thus alienable (the Communist United Nations being the perfect example of this).
A political party by itself is not going to save Australia and it matters little how good its intentions actually are. Plain and simple. The only thing that will save this nation is a common bond between the people in being truly informed what freedom is and where it comes from. Also an understanding of human nature and an understanding of what history teaches on human nature. Then these well infomred people acting in unison to achieve a desired outcome.
A dictatorship in either a political party or a nation has no controls. It has no leash with which to bind it.
Government is a creation of man. Government is a creation of individuals. It is an idea. It is created to be the servant of those individuals that created it, it is not created to be their master. If this creation of man ever becomes more powerful (which it has) than the individuals which created it then there is something seriously wrong. Never should the collective be considered more important than the individual no matter how dressed up and good it sounds. It is the lie of socialism and the end result is always tyranny due to the inherrant corruption of individual men which comes to the fore when they are placed in a position of power.
Study history folks. History repeats and it is repeating right now.
God bless,
Scott Wilson.
"A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced because they love their servitude...." Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
Get your act together MPs
Any of these MPs that resign are big time losers in my book. We didn't vote them into power to go throwing their weight around telling everybody their demands. We put them there to act as representatives of us through the party known as One Nation.
They knew the score when they joined up. They knew the situation. Now they are screaming like spoilt brats that they want their way wahhh wahhhhh. Get your act together NOW people and represent us in parliament as members of One Nation. If you think the constitution needs changing, put forward your point of view with reason at the appropriate time. If you don't get your way, STFU and do your job anyway, like we elected you to do.
Ben Teco
Your comments on Queensland MPs
Dear Scott,
I would have to say that, in your condemnation of Dorothy Pratt and the other Qld MPs, you have overstepped the line. Perhaps a closeness of association has blunted some of your usual objectivity. Outside of Queensland there are many who see these MPs as having taken a somewhat drastic, but necessary, step towards driving home the need for change within our organisation. They have gone out on a limb in an attempt to repair the extensive, nationwide damage, resulting from past decisions which have effectively centralised all power in the PHON Executive. This control is widely perceived, by members and public alike, as putting our Party within the same undemocratic grouping as the elitist led Laboral.
The need for that centralisation ended with the 98 election, but bad habits die hard, as can be seen in the new draft constitution which seeks to perpetuate elitism.
On the positive side, those game MPs have brought everything out into the open, and since this Party was formed to change direction for Australia, away from the globalist economy and political correctness, we, in South Australia, are convinced that the will of the membership is to widen public acceptance by changing the rules to make this a true Party of the People (no more "Reds under the bed" and "we know best" stuff from the leadership).
We are confident that the present furore will culminate in a more democratic party, with a fully accountable leadership, headed by Pauline, to whom we are loyal and owe a debt of gratitude for publicly voicing the wishes and concerns of over one million voters.
We feel, too, that hopeful media speculation on the demise of One Nation is unfounded, for they will never understand the depth of member committment to the party. The now exposed concerns will, shortly, be resolved at grass roots level, and that one million votes will grow exponentially, once the party is seen to have discarded its authoritarian rule and be responding well to the will of its rank and file membership.
Therein lies much food for thought and action by those who truly value freedom.
Evan Trousse.
Tony Delroy, Esq.,Night Life Programme,
Regional Radio,Australian Broadcasting Corporation,
Dear Tony,
The most recent forum, following up something in Melbourne's Age newspaper for 9/2/99, had to do with drugs and Heroin in particular, but, on Monday evening (8/2/99) as part of an in-service training session a group of (crisis) counsellors here were reviewing the causes for compulsive and addictive behavoir, specifically amongst gamblers but also in other disciplines such as seeming financial ineptitude or encouraged greed, drugs and alcohol and overeating, which seem relevant to the discussion that you were hosting.
What might have come out of the local session is a belief that these problems will persist, and become more destructive, in the community whilst the "experts" continue to treat the symptoms rather than the cause. Most addictive/compulsive urges are deemed to be simply reversible habits, that have been nurtured by the participants as escapes from STRESS of various kinds, and which can be recognized, carefully examined and discarded provided that a vaccuum is not created by failing to balance the individual by him/her adopting more appropriate thoughts and activities.
Sometimes it becomes necessary to dig deep to identify the origins of the stress - it could be caused by experiences in infancy or any of a large number of traumas that could have occurred since then. Although, understandably, they would not admit to it or accept any responsibility for it, successive generations of federal, state and local government politicians and bureaucrats are amongst those who have been guilty of making decisions that have caused STRESS in the avoidance of which individuals have resorted to habits that have proven exceedingly destructive to themselves, their families and their communities.
Certainly Counsellors, of the type represented in the above- mentioned group, would see their role as merely assisting clients to locate their options - it is entirely a matter for the individual clients to decide whether to continue along the same path (to disaster), to opt for some more controlled level of activity in this area of their life OR to abstain entirely. Attempting to force them to change by legislative or regulatory action (law enforcement} or temporary medical trials is destined to fail miserably.
Naturally, if an influential body like Aunty ABC were to enthuse listeners (and viewers) to explore significantly less stressful lifestyles and demand that their parliamentary representatives identify ways of governing without heavy dependence on having a large pool of people with low self esteem, and an illusory Laura Norder regime, the market for Heroin and other drugs of escapism would perhaps diminish substantially. Can, and will, you raise the issue with the relevant decisionmakers, please?
J o n M. A x t e n s J.P.
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
A time with
Heather Hill - exclusive interview with One Nation's first Federal
Representative - 25th October 1998
A day with Pauline
- exclusive interview after the Federal Election - 22nd October
YOUR ABC? - 17th October 1998
The Federal
Election - 3rd October 1998
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