8th February 1999
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Summary: Yesterday I slammed Peter Cook for speaking to the Sun Herald's Alex Mitchell at a time when One Nation was obviously weakened and going to be attacked. Cook claims below he was misquoted - so what else is new?
Here is his email:
Ain't it wonderful how you can write a story that is inconclusive, doesn't have any foundation, accuses me of doing something that any hacker worth his salt (like say, Andrew Carne) could do and implies things that are totally wrong - and still be able to publish it.
Moreso, ain't it great how you can take a letter, which was clearly marked -NOT FOR PUBLICATION IN REFERENCE, IN PART OR IN FULL- and publish it..
You constantly attack the regular press for lack of morals, yet in doing so, you have become worse than they are...
PS: Would it interest you to know that Alex Mitchell quoted me as saying things that:
Maybe it would be beneficial for you to check a few things before you publish your paper..
Peter Cook
The email I received never said -NOT FOR PUBLICATION.
Re Andrew Carne, he left One Nation months before the meeting of the two Davids and Pauline after the October election.
At this time Peter Cook, who admits knowing that he was on the way out, was New South Wales secretary with unlimited access to the documents used by Alex Mitchell in the Sun Herald report.
I'm sorry Peter I don't buy your argument. Please write an article with your side of the story and I will publish it here.
For the record, and based on what Peter Cook has told me, we have another classic example of unethical and dishonest reporting in the mainstream media - never did trust Alex Mitchell... Cook's comments seem to justify my concerns.
See also Peter Cook's letter from the One Nation web board - yesterday
There is still a chance that Burdekin MP Jeff Knuth and Maryborough MP John Kingston will resign from One Nation in the next few weeks. This will leave just five of the original eleven MPs seven months after the state election. A totally unsatisfactory state of affairs for the nearly 500,000 Queenslanders who voted for the party.
They have every right to ask "What the hell is going on!" The tragedy is that One Nation's support comes from its determination to challenge issues that the major parties are embracing on behalf of their big business mates. The resignation by One Nation MPs because of concerns regarding the DRAFT constitution prepared by the two Davids and Pauline Hanson are best addressed by their continuing involvement in the party.
Leaving when they did, under the circumstances that they did makes no sense at all and was certainly anything but an act of courage - it was an act of cowardice. If they had a problem with the "undemocratic structure" of One Nation why not challenge the party executive by flying down to meet them and demanding a resolution at the AGM? Why go public?
As I have said before my understanding is that the current DRAFT constitution is just that. The democratically elected constitutional committees are there to ensure that the concerns of the party membership are addressed. My understanding is that the party leadership will resign at the AGM and delegates will then have the power to vote on the key executive positions - with an enlarged executive being a very real option.
I would be the first to join the growing chorus of people to turn my back on the party IF the executive did not do what they have committed themselves to doing. Letting the membership have the final say on the Constitution - which includes the final make up of the party executive. I like the rest of the membership will find out at the AGM - that is where the test will be. Some mutinous revolt with a half-baked list of demands by the Queensland MPs in which the other One Nation branches in other states have had absolutely no say is ridiculous. That, in itself, is not democracy.
Having made my position clear, let me make the following points. Without the strong party leadership that we had in the first 18 months this party would have disintegrated as it was attacked by white ants from the major parties trying to take over branches and then running to a compliant media dying to discredit One Nation. We have all read about examples of this in the papers. The two Davids and Pauline have, despite their well-publicised shortcomings, served this party extremely well and with dedication and purpose.
There is a warning that could not be clearer for anyone who subsequently moves into the One Nation executive and that is that, just like the two Davids and Pauline, expect yourself to become the centre of media focus and ridicule. Anything that you say will be distorted or twisted. (Look at the case of Peter Cook above who Alex Mitchell from The Sun Herald misquoted or even quoted things he did not say.)
This is the real world of the unethical mainstream media which the Davids and Pauline have been pasted like voodoo dolls on a dart board. Of course they have been reported by Murdoch and Packer's lackeys to be all things evil... while the ongoing leadership and power struggles in the Laboral factions get no media attention at all.
What the party membership should be concentrating on is why anyone who stands up for the party is treated in this manner, ridicule, vilification and labelling, by the media.
The answer is quite simple. One Nation still represents a threat to the media barons and their empires which control this country's destiny through the major parties for their own greedy benefit. Once we lose sight of this and the bigger picture of destroying the vehicles of economic rationalism and globalisation which are destroying the Australia we once knew we are lost. We might as well all give the game away.
The enemy is the mainstream media. The enemy is the debased political system which entrenches a two party system in this country. The Laboral factions are, right now, gloating over the seemingly imminent demise of One Nation. If they succeed then expect your children to earn, like the Vietnamese, US$30 per month for an 8 hour day seven days a week; expect to live in squalor; expect the multinationals and super-rich in this country to continue to pay no taxes; expect our social security system to fail; expect Australia to become like Brazil. This is what globalisation will provide us in the 21st Century.
Above all say goodbye to the lucky country. I, for one, cannot and will not let that happen. We must be focussed on that bigger picture. It is bigger than any one member and certainly bigger than the current party leadership debate. That issue will resolve itself at the AGM. We must focus on the real issues or we will disappear into history as a passing flash in the plan - and by the time the media have spun their lies and distortions the party will be seen as a "racist, divisive" organisation rather than a party of people who care about the future of our children.
We have got to put our heads down and to work together. To the MPs who resigned I hope one day you will realise what damage you have done to the cause and the best thing that you can do is to return into the fold and, like Jeff Knuth in today's Courier-Mail, deliver your ultimatums but as members not as outsiders. Above all let all the people of One Nation decide, not just a few Queensland branches taken up with their own importance.
In closing, I have received a copy of a fax allegedly sent over the weekend by John Pasquarelli to former One Nation MP Dorothy Pratt trying to encourage to form a new party - so if this happens you can guess who is behind it. My source informs me that discussions are going on between Dolly and Tony Pitt - along the Pasquarelli lines.
Meanwhile the word is that former Queensland One Nation executive Paul Trewartha is also on the verge of trying to establish a new party having already hand-picked his "democratically elected" twenty man executive...
Here is an extract from the article by Peter Mackay:
We have nine months to go, a looming gestation, and the republicans came together this weekend to conceive their campaign. Canberra¹s Convention Centre is a generation or two away from the fusty old halls over the lake, but it lacks the magic, the charm, the grandeur, that made the 1988 Constitutional Convention such a marvellous show that you couldn¹t keep people from tuning in in their millions and turning up in thousands for a chance to spend a few minutes in the public gallery.
I wanted to bottle up the atmosphere at the Constitutional Convention and take it home with me, but this nondescript theatre with its painted cement walls, industrial-strength carpet, exposed airconditioning ducts and plastic chairs was more likely to make me want to fill a bucket.
Tomorrow night at 8.30pm ABC Television will carry a program called "Behind the real Rupert Murdoch". I will compile a transcript of the program for my growing Murdoch files.
The government's peak Aboriginal body came out fighting today against the GST, saying it could drive up food costs in remote areas and add to the spiral of indigenous disadvantage.
In a submission to the Senate tax inquiry, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) said people in remote areas already paid up to double capital city prices for food and the GST would add more to their living costs than the 1.9 per cent government estimate.Adding to concerns about the GST impact in the bush, Queensland's Rural Communities Minister Terry Mackenroth said rural and remote Queenslanders would be big losers because a GST would sharply increase the cost of basic services, including water and sewerage.
After taking submissions from a wide range of organisations during a frenetic week of hearings, the Senate tax inquiry has adjourned. It will continue after the two-week parliamentary sitting which begins tomorrow.
The ATSIC submission is based on a study conducted by Professor Owen Stanley of James Cook University and David Charles and Brad Coles of the Allen Consulting Group, who examined the likely impact of the proposed new tax on people in remote areas.
ATSIC Northern Territory zone commissioner Josie Crawshaw said ATSIC believed tax reform was overdue but there were concerns that the GST would simply compound existing disadvantage.
"ATSIC's submission shows that the proposed tax reform will increase hardship on indigenous communities because it will add considerably more to the cost of living than the 1.9 per cent calculated by the government," Ms Crawshaw said in a statement.
Those in remote communities sometimes paid double capital city food prices, she said.
In Darwin, which has the country's highest supermarket prices, people pay $142.83 for a food basket which costs $109.36 in Townsville. With the GST, people in Darwin would pay $3.30 more tax than those in Townsville.
Ms Crawshaw said a reduction in diesel fuel excise would have negligible effect on reducing transport costs because other forms of transport, such as barge and aeroplane, were also involved in moving goods to remote communities.
Peter Cook on @notd article yesterday
On 2/7/99 10:48:19 AM, Ian Batchelor wrote:
>If you didn't supply the Sun Herald with
>these documents then SOMEONE ELSE DID!!!
I'm afraid I don't know who that was, but since DE told me that Andrew Carne has full access to ON's computers, I just assumed that he was connected to it..
>The Sun Herald does not actually connect
>you with the documents. It quotes you
>once or twice and then talks about
>documents that has come into it's
Actually, their editor screwed up the quotes.. I just got a call from Alex Mitchell and he said that the 'dozen candidates' was a quote from Bruce Whiteside.. Unfortunately, I didn't ask about the 'on the nose' bit which Scott Balson quoted me on in @NOTD..
>The question remains - Who and Why now?
I'm afraid I can't help there any more than I already have..
Peter Cook
Alex Mitchell's reputation
From: Peter Cook (
Date: Sunday, February 07, 1999 09:19 AM
On 2/6/99 2:05:33 PM, ARTHUR HAWLEY wrote:
>I suggest the annual ON Order of the Raw Prawn award. To be
>awarded to Australia's Most Brainwashed,politically
>Correct,Biased,flagellating,floridly hysterical and
>unobjective Journalist. Special emphasis to the
>bullies who set out to intellictulately rape their
>I can think of some very suitable and highly paid
>journos, commentators and writers to nominate.
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell
Turning Lemons into Lemonade
Sorry to hear about your 3 pollies leaving to become independents, but some people work better in the comfort of a party, and some as independents, without any party baggage. You've been through both yourself. It might be that One Nation's greatest service will have been to get Independents into parliament via a small party, who otherwise would not have been elected. A large number of independents in a parliament can still be pretty uncomfortable for the Grand Coalition (LNP-ALP). If One Nation can continue to breed Independents, then it can do a great service to Australia. Some members of big parties might also feel more comfortable being Independents knowing there are many others around - so the seeds may have been sown (in Qld) for some detractors in the big parties. The publicity at least got you into the newspapers just before the NSW elections, so that people know you're still around. No matter what seemingly bad thing happens, there is probably some other good use that can be made of it.
Now would be the time to form or promote an additional (to the One Nation Party) association to be known as the Coalition of Third Parties and Independents, for political people both inside and outside parliament. TPI also stands for Third Party Insurance, which is precisely what it would be to the Australian electors. In order to use the plural term, you would only need 2 parties (ie. one other party) and 2 independents. Graeme Campbell and One Nation independents could fill the bill straight away, but also with a mind to associate everybody outside the LNP-ALP. Jeremy Lee and Tony Pitt would be useful contributors outside of politics. Remember it is not a party, so there is no need for everyone to conform.
The association would provide information and mutual support for specific issues. The Greenies could have supported One Nation with the MAI issue. One nation needs to openly support the Greenies on some issues, not all of them, but I'm sure there are some - they have expertise in certain areas. And you all need to support the Democrats on the GST. I believe the Democrats are also pushing for more acceptance of alternative health practices in the public health system. That also needs to be supported.
All TPI's should put the two big party groups at the bottom of the preferential list in the elections.I worked on the last Federal election and could see that definitely wasn't the case. TPI votes kept seeping through to the LNP-ALP.
All TPI'S need to learn more about the creation of money. Jeremy Lee would be expert in that. There was a polititian in Tasmania who developed a plan to create a State bank, TasCorp I think it was to be called, using all payments to the government (council rates, electricity etc.) as its financial base. The polititians found it too baffling to follow. And if that was the case, then they needed to sit in a classroom and learn how it works. And if the banks make so much money, then there's no reason why the Commonwealth, State and Local governments shouldn't be in on it, but there's probably a sinister reason why they are not.
That is just one subject - get hold of each others' email addresses and have a brainstorming session on what subjects you can support each other on, and what subjects some or all of you need educating in. With the NSW state elections coming up, get into the minds of the electors that third party means insurance against the two big party groups.
Lindsay Reid
P.S. I work for the Electoral Office at election times, so I am not allowed to a political party.
A House divided
As a One Nation member I aimed to keep my sights on the bigger picture of helping to create a challenger to the corrupt Laboral dictators and the media brainwashing machine.
But thanks to the rebel MP's, I'm sure our Laboral and media masters are rubbing their hands with glee over the in-fighting that's going on.
If these attacks on one another continue then it's obvious that this great nation will slip further into darkness with our Laboral and media masters at the helm.
As God's word say's in Matthew 12:25 "....a house divided against itself shall not stand".
Peter W
Firstly , thankyou for printing my letter , I was pleasantly surprised and your stocks have risen in my estimation BUT I have not changed my mind. I am no spring chicken and since my retirement a few years ago I have been trying to alert people to the facts of life through a small newsletter and letters to the local paper.
My wife and I exist (just) on the miserable pension our government deems is our due . I do not begrudge the few dollars spent publishing my newsletter even though at times I think I am fighting a losing battle. I have been a member of ON for 18 months but was not member of any branch mainly due to my age (71) and the distance I had to travel at night to the meetings, however I did man the booths at election time and was a scrutineer at the last election.
I joined One Nation because they were on the right track in my estimation and I admired Pauline's guts and tenacity. Prior to this I was a member of Australia First for a short while but resigned because I did not consider them to be democratic. I soon found out that ON was not very democratic either and became more disillusioned as time went by.
I would hazard a guess that most of the writers to your paper would be considerably younger than me and would not remember what Australia was like in the immediate post war days, how happy and rich most people were, not necessarily money rich but we lived in a happy country and a rich country where the only unemployed were the ones who wanted to be. To day most people's perspective is limited because they have never experienced those days. I know we can't bring them back but surely we can learn from the past mistakes. Political parties are not the answer and dispite what people think now, One Nation will become just another party the same as the others and we will be further in the poo ( if that is possible)
Democracy IS achievable but not through political parties. Nearly all your correspondents talk about parties and democracy in the same breath, it is a contradiction in terms, there is only one way to get democracy and that is through Community Controlled Parliaments. If the people control the parliament CIR becomes irrevelent and so do parties. Later I would like to submit an article on the above if I may, mainly because it has been my experience that most people are unaware that we can do without parties.
I will have more on this later when I get some results of an experiement I am conducting.
All the best
"A man dedicated to ousting the two Davids and Pauline is Tony Pitt. Pitt was at the launch of One Nation in April 1997 (seen right with his wife Pat). Pitt, based in the Maryborough area, and with some influence in Dolly's area has been on a mission of destruction."
Scott, this is blatently untrue. Never a word has Pitt said against Pauline but lots and lots of support for her and ON, EXCEPT that he has said that she has allowed herself to be controlled by the other two. Whatever her reasons, even she would not deny that. That is what advisers are for.
Further more, I get all his papers, and he has consistently worked to provide unity, among the factions, AND ONE NATION DOES HAVE FACTIONS, don't we come from every party? Prove to me that he is on a mission of destruction. Was Peter Sawyer on a mission of destruction?
Pitt and his paper is not just an influence in Dollys area, it is working in every state of this country, I have helped in my little way among many to pay for it.
This paper should be put in every home . If it had been we would have won the last election, or wern't you reading it in those days. and yes if we had gotten organisational support such as Pitt called for, Pauline would have won Blair. I believe this, all the booth workers believe this. We were left to stand alone. I am not talking about money. but organisation. There was none. Just a bunch of posters.
Philip Madsen
Termite Control
Hi Scott,
Well now that the dust seems to be settling a bit for the moment, I must say that it's starting to look like seeds of true democracy in the party. I guess it all depends on exactly what your perception of true democracy is, but if the spate of recent letters to the editor from infrequent and new posters is anything to go by we're going to come out of this stronger than ever!
It's interesting to note one or two variations in opinion from regular contributers as well. My own missive the other day was spat from my keyboard in a mood that can only be described as "righteous indignation". Having studied everyone's responses, let me say I have cooled down a little, and in response to some of you who wrote with a contrary theme to mine, I am willing to forgive good people if they can see the error of their ways and it does now seem to me some of the Queensland 10 may yet turn out to be assets to O.N. Good on them but I want to see the proof.
Now Scott, this Tony Pitt business is most distressing to me, I dont know the man and I dont know any of the O.N Party Executive. For the benefit of other readers, I have not met Scott personally either (being a West Australian) and the only hot line I have to anyone in the Party is that same little mail-box icon above, that you are all free to click on also. I am familiar with Tony Pitt's site and herein lies a dillemna for me.
I am building a personal Web-Site. The theme is; a pride in being White, primarily but with lots of related issues such as the corruption that has led to the present sorry state of affairs. The site will be dedicated to truth in History for an honest and free future. The fact of the matter is, one of the articles I have written has (and really needs) a link to a certain article on Tony's site. There maybe other ways to link to or include this particular article I dont know yet and my site won't be polished enough to publish for about a month probably so there is a window of opportunity to work it out (by private email to me if you think it neccessary Scott).
Regarding the Plants / White Ants, it is a sad fact of life that we are going to have to put up with them for now (I have no idea if Tony Pitt is one of them or not) and no I have no idea who THEY are, but I know who'se interests they represent and why they are there! Tread softly folks and together we'll work out a method of termite control. We are going to need it even more in the future.
As for me I've gotta say that I saw Pauline delivering her maiden speech in that place in Canberra, and I sat spellbound in my chair throughout. I couldn't believe it, here was a woman to all intents and purposes a very ordinary mainstream Australian making her first faltering steps into that elitist place and yet she spoke of nothing politically correct but concentrated on the symptoms of massive Global corruption that the ordinary Australian sees so clearly as a result of being the victim of it.
Here she was clearly suffering a bad case of nerves (and who wouldn't have in her position?) yet in front a huge room of largely sneering boorish Laborals and the cameras that would beam her voice and image across the nation she continued with her speech. I sensed an enormous amount of emotion under those sometimes trembling but oh so meaningfull words. She spoke of the symptons of things I had known for 30yrs and had been trying cluelessly and vainly to fight against. I told myself "David watch this Woman" and I have watched her ever since.
Whatever happens over there I hope you can sort the chaff out from the wheat because Pauline has worked too long and too hard now for any scumbag with an ego bigger than their brain to ruin it all now for everybody.
I would dearly love to see Pauline as Prime Minister. Indeed I honestly believe nothing else can prevent total slavery for us all within ten years. David Oldfield impresses me (what I've seen of him) and David Ettridge, I don't have enough data (due to his lower profile, especially in W.A.) to form an opinion. I can only reiterate what I've already said. Pauline chose them, and I trust her, she is very special.
That doesn't mean we won't ever have a different leader but please only when Pauline has achieved her goals and is ready to retire. Give her that chance and I am confident this woman will dazzle and amaze us all.
United we Stand.
David Morgan.
Taking advice from history
The last thing PHON needs is any mention of things National Socialist. But... I believe that if Hitler can take a minor party into government against massive media and political forces and their propaganda, there must be a lesson in that. Here's some Hitlerian quotes...
Firstly for those QLD traitors....
"The party convinced that that our nation can achieve permanent recovery from within only on the priciple:THE COMMON INTEREST BEFORE SELF INTEREST".(The 25 Points, His emphasis)
"[The Party]..rejects the a principle of majority rule in which the leader is degraded to the mere executant of other people's wills and opinion".
"There must be no majority decisions, but only responsible persons,...Surely every man will have advisers by his side, but the decision will be made by one man".
"For there is one thing we must never forget ...the majority can never replace the man. And no more than a hundred empty heads make one wise man will an heroic decision arise from a hundred cowards".
To combat the enemy and win the war One Nation requires the vision and courage of Pauline Hanson to survive at the present moment. Even Churchill realised that the Dictator's approach was necessary to lead England through wartime. If you really need Democracy, despite it delivering to us the current socio-political status quo, then lets talk about after we win the war.
David Miller.
Protesters at Wynnum
The protesters turned up at the branch meeting as well as channel two and nine I think they might have joined the e-mail list. Every think went smoothly the police escorted them off as it was private property and when the media had finished interviewing Heather they left and the meeting went on with out a problem from the protesters.
Thanks for advertising our meeting much appreciated.
Mark Kerr
Knives and Forks
The heights of bureaucratic lunacy have just been scaled in N.S.W! Following hard on the heels of 'The Great Gun Grab', the banning of 'ballistic knives'[whatever the _hell_ they they actually go 'bang'?] demonstrates the idiocy and unaccountability of the demented demagogues allegedly 'governing' this country. How long before forks, spoons and gardening implements are also banned and/or require some sort of permit?
Wasn't NSW the state that was supposedly looking at/involved in changing the 'self-defence' laws to make it easier for home-owners to defend their property, possessions and family from the rampaging psychopaths that currently afflict the urban/regional areas of this nation? What are homeowners supposed to use? Harsh language?!
It seems that these faceless demagogues and ivory-tower air-head bureaucrats and politicians have learnt _absolutely nothing_ from the savaging they received in the recent Queensland and Federal elections(government lost to the incumbents in the former[new government hanging on by its fingernails] and over 1 MILLION votes for non-establishment parties[One Nation and non-aligned Independents] in the latter...10-15+% of the electorate![with 36 marginal seats to defend...including the eight seat 'majority']: both results completely changing/re-arranging the political landscape in this nation from one of comfortable certitude to one of anxious uncertainty and trepidation).
Congratulations, Premier State! You now join the ranks of the Police States of Victoria, Algeria, Nth Korea, Cuba, Saudi Arabia &c as a shining example of mindless repression!
One Nation Constitution
13.12 The Candidate Selection Committee may approve or disapprove a candidate provided however, the State Executive in the first instance, and subsequently the National Executive, shall have the power to veto and change the decision of the Candidate Selection Committee if the State Executive and/or the National Executive, at their respective absolute discretion, consider it necessary in the best interests of the Party or to ensure compliance with the Party's objectives." end quote.
This is what was put into the laboral constitutions , the NP being last to adopt it Labour done it in the 70's It is Totalitarianism. I dont need to look further. I looked for it specifically. It destroys and undermines the principle of membership control. I would give this power to the devil himself rather than give absolute power to the apex of any organisation.
The constitution itself should protect the principles and objectives of the party, sufficient to prevent branch stacking hijacking the party. To allow executive discretionary powers allows the constitution and party to be hijacked at the top, the easiest control of all, and the reason all of the parties are under the control of the world conquerors.
One Nation was supposed to be about stopping self appointed ( or membership appointed) people telling the rest of us what is good for us. WE DO NOT PUT THEM THERE TO BE LEADERS. WE PUT THEM THERE TO BE SERVANTS. (administrators of the constitution) full stop.
This draft had better not be rushed through, should have been presented years ago, and must be given full consideration by the branches. That is another point. We should at the very least be given a list of all the branches, their executives and contact point.
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
A time with
Heather Hill - exclusive interview with One Nation's first Federal
Representative - 25th October 1998
A day with Pauline
- exclusive interview after the Federal Election - 22nd October
YOUR ABC? - 17th October 1998
The Federal
Election - 3rd October 1998
See GLOBE International for
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