7th March 1999
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Image right Pauline Hanson with young Nation web mistress Shondra Briton.
It is interesting to note how few protesters arrived despite massive promotion of Hanson's visit by the normal loony-left channels.
Chinese community call for boycott newspaper
Chinese community leaders have joined the Unity Party in calling for a boycott of the Daily Telegraph newspaper.
They believe an article alleging murder suspects were being hidden by the Chinese community, was inflammatory and misleading.
Under the headline VISAS TO KILL, the story recounted how police had identified two Asian students on study visas as suspects in the murder last month of a Sydney service station attendant.
It said police believed the two were being moved from house to house and hidden by fellow students and members of the Chinese community.
The Unity Party's Gary Knight claims the story implied mass collusion by Sydney's Chinese residents.
"The Daily Telegraph story reeked of it being a total conspiratorial sort of thing," Mr Knight.
Mr Knight says police never made such a statement and in fact yesterday were moved to thank the Chinese community for their assistance.
In the meantime, representatives of the Elderly Chinese Association, the Australian Chinese Forum, the Indo-Chinese Association and the Chinese Migrants' Association have called on ethnic communities to boycott the newspaper.
The Sydney Morning Herald, 6th March 1999
Pilita Clark
While the rest of the world becomes more open, Australia is increasing its secrecy in public affairs.
Some time next week, the Australian Broadcasting Authority, the nation's watchdog, is due to report on a nine-month investigation it has been quietly conducting into Australia's richest man, Kerry Packer, owner of the Nine television network.
But don't be ashamed if this is the first you have heard of this case because, for the most part, the whole inquiry has been kept strictly private.
What we do know is that the inquiry started when Packer's chief lieutenant, Brian Powers, suddenly left Packer to become a director, then chairman of the John Fairfax newspaper group, publisher of this paper among others, and a company Packer has openly coveted for years.
The law says you cannot own a newspaper and a TV station in the same city, so the ABA has being trying to find out if Packer has stealthily acquired control of Fairfax via his old employee.
But far from subjecting Packer, Powers or anyone else to the embarrassment of a public hearing, the ABA will not even say if it has interviewed them, let alone what questions it might have asked.
:I can't give you any answer as to who has given evidence to the inquiry," an ABA spokesperson said the other week. So when would a transcript of witnesses' testimony be made public? "Other than what's been released in the report, the transcript is not made available," the spokesperson said.
If that sounds like business as usual in Australia, it is. But look at what has happened not only long ago to another Australian born media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, when he found himself before the Federal Communications Commission, the US version of the ABA. The FCC was investigating whether Murdoch's American Foc television network was in breach of US foreign-ownership limits. Not only did the commission notify the public of the witnesses it was planning to question for its inquiry - including Rupert Murdoch - it then released transcripts of the testimony and, according to FCC officials, all documents relevant to the case.
The Murdoch investigation was held in private, though the commission normally holds public hearings. The ABA, on the other hand, has never held a public hearing into media-control issues since it started in 1992.
And according to John Corker, the ABA's general counsel, there is no reason to expect any change. He says private hearings are cheaper, shorter and more informal. "I find people are more forthcoming than they would be in public hearings."
But as Corker concedes, the danger with this "Just trust us" approach is that the public can never know for sure whether the right questions were asked, the right answers obtained, and whether the inquiry was really as good as it might have been.
If this were an isolated example on Federal Government secrecy it might be bearable, if not excusable. But it is not.
As the rest of the world hurtles into the Information Age, an anachronistic culture of government secrecy is still denying Australians the sort of information that citizens of other countries take for granted - even those in Britain, the nation from which our government inherited their deep-rooted urge to conceal and which still lacks basic open-government laws like a freedom of information act.
Semi-detatched suburb an Mr Jones
Hi Scott,
I have read the Jeremy Jones article that you linked to yesterday and I feel no longer able to keep quiet in the face of this kind of philo-semitic bastardry of the truth.
Mr Jones' writing style is reminiscent of the writing styles of the Zionist apologists of previous decades. He is all bluster and bravado and obviously convinced that this style of writing will see him through the more enlightened '90s. His opening attempt to be funny and at the same time dismiss all claims about aspartame as the rantings of conspiracy theorists, lazy internet na'er do wells etc, is rather nauseating to put it mildly. I am not going to bother to argue the opposite case, there is a mountain of information on the net and nobody reading even half of it would make so bold as the coca cola loving Mr Jones.
Then he goes on to attack Scott personally (an aspiring auther?). I think not Mr Jones. Then he attempts to make it sound as if Scott is trying to promote the reading of the Protocols of Zion without actually saying "why this is a bad thing?" He has a bevy of other silly and unsubstantiated complaints also which I consider unworthy of my attention.
However as one who read the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" for the first time in 1967 and again in recent times, I have got to say that in my considered opinion EVERYBODY should read the Protocols in their entirety.
Of course Mr Jones and his ilk will leap up and down and scream conspiracy theorist and no doubt trot out that tired old response that the Protocols are a forgery, anti-semitic propoganda etc. So what? a forgery of what anyway? and much more importantly just who IS enacting them today?
When the elite rascist international jewry are prepared to address some of these questions I for one may be ready to listen to them, until then if they persist in using the outdated techniques employed by Mr Jones then their whole scam can only continue to fall down around them, as it is doing allready, and as evidenced by Mr Jones scraping the bottom of the intellectual barrel in order to defend the indefensible.
Have a nice day.
David Morgan.
Ho Ho!
In trying to defend the Australia/Israel Review's position on Scott Balson's criticisms the Australia/Israel Review's Jeremy Jones said: "This article is being written while I am 'under the influence'. Under the the influence of that well-known mind-bender, Coca-Cola".
You said it all, Jeremy.
Jeremy Jones....'Always Politically Correct?'
I refer to the article in yesterday's @notd....."Always Conspiracy" by Jeremy Jones, from the 'Australia/Israel Review' - 29th January to 28th February 1999.
It seems Mr Jones may indeed have been imbibing something stronger than Coca-cola if the mindless diatribes he indulges in the above article are anything to go by. Free and legal heroin trials would doubtless be supported strongly by Mr Jones; if he has not already volunteered(and been accepted)as a 'guinea-pig'.
This, if I am not mistaken, was the same badge-waving member of the Thought Police who recently(last Sunday) appeared on an ABC 'Compass' programme "exposing" White Supremacy in the US. This programme was a thinly veiled attack on nationalism, traditional Christian morality and family values(_all_ politically incorrect concepts) under the guise of informing the Great Unwashed about neo-nazi style groups active in some southern states of America. During the lengthy monologue purporting to be an 'analysis' delivered by Mr Jones after the programme(aided and abetted by a smiling and fawning Geraldine Doogue), he attempted to 'juxtapose' such outlandish groups as the KKK and various radical militias with(you guessed it!) One Nation Party supporters and members. Needless to say, there was not even the ghost of a rebuttal present. This charmless nerk was allowed to waffle on ad infinitum with his 'loony lefty'/'politically correct' full of logical fallacies, inaccuracies, bodgie arguments and downright lies that you could have driven a _fleet_ of Bourke Street trams through them and still had room to manoeuvre.
....Rather like his little effort in the 'Australia/Israel Review'. "Bizarre" is indeed a good description of the tiny minority to which Mr Jeremy Jones belongs. Catigating the Internet as an open forum for nutso conspiracy theorists(translation: anyone who doubts Sixty Minutes, A Current Affair, Neil Mitchell and the Packer/Murdoch press), he then blasts Scott Balson's book without bothering to provide a thimble-ful of rational counter-argument. One wonders if he even read it...or, even, checked out _one_ of the hundreds of detailed and comprehensive on-line references provided[?] His comments on Balson's critique of George Soros are indeed 'bizarre', bordering on ludicrous. Of course, Mr Jones, esquire, conveniently overlooks the fact that Mr Mahatir,the Malaysian PM, vigorously criticised Soros long before Balson appeared on the horizon with his book. Ooopps...i forgot: Mahatir is _not_ a member of the new sub-class: white, male, heterosexual, Anglo-Saxon/Europeans. It would thus be 'bad form' (if not [shock/horror!] '_racist_') to criticise _him_.
Needless to say, there was nary a mention of the notorious censorship of Balson's book by Dymocks' 'Bookstores'. Such a peccadillo wouldn't be entertained by Jeremy Jones for even a nanosecond! One wonders whether hell would have such fury as the banning of a more 'politically correct' author.
Get Real Mr Jones! When you want to step out like a man into the real world and state your case on its merits(instead of cringing behind 'politically correct' journals like the 'Australia/Israel Review'), Scott will doubtless provide you with _ample_ space on his Web Pg to do so. (a courtesy, I might add, that it is unlikely you would afford _him_!). If that doesn't suit your tastes, there are always USENET forums like aus.politics. Post yr biases up there, if you dare: I, for one, will take great pleasure in chewing you up and spitting you out!
Democracy is a fraud
Dear Scott:
I was looking for a letter that I had sent to the Vigo-Examiner and what the Founding Fathers had said about democracy being the very worst form of government possible because it inevitably ends up as a tyranny.
Canada, like Australia, was a Monarchy. The communist Prime Minister, Pierre Elliott Trudeau changed it into a democracy with barely a peep from a sole. This is just to show what a marvelous job the controlled media and the government schools has done to our minds.
Democracy is a fraud, always has been, always will be. Mob rule - democracy - is what the super-rich billionaires need on a worldwide basis before they can actually enslave us all.
When I was young and before I had learned what democracy was, I had written hundreds of letters to the papers about freedom and democracy. One day a very intelligent man explained to me what a democracy really was. The whole tone of my letters changed to describe my new teachings and from that point on, my letters were no longer published.
The Council on Foreign relations, the Bilderberg Group, Fabian Society, United Nations, United World Federalists, World Council of Churches, International Monetary Fund, World Bank and all the rest are socialists.
If you really want to know what is going on in the world, subscribe to the New American Magazine. comes out ever two weeks. Write a letter to Alan J. Scholl, Chief Operations Officer at Ask him if he would send you a free information pack. Go to and download some good information. These people have been telling it like it is for over 40 years. We are fast running out of time.
Kindest regards,
Cliff Hume.
Norway is the last bastion
Norway is the last bastion
Svein Erik Andersen
Thank you for your exellent report of the AGM. I can't begin to express the the feelings of the day. I just felt so proud to be a member and be associated with a party so united. Congratulations to Pauline and the two Davids we would not have this hope for the future if not for them and Pauline's courage.
Letter addressed to Bryan' who is he? What Web site does he have? and, yes, like Patricia Long-Surry Hills, I also voted above the line as did my family and some others I have spoken to.
Last question- Who is Peter McKay? Well done Peter, I would like a copy to pass around also the item signed Jeremy.
I saw how busy you were Scott at the AGM but did manage to say hello, once again, excellent report! congratulations! (I was the lady in red)
For as many years as most people living today can remember, the controlled media and the Government schools have been telling us that we are running out of food, we are running out of water, we are running out of air and we are running out of land.
Taking a cursory look at Spaceship Earth's ten largest countries, we find that they have a total of twent-eight million,three hundred and seventy seven thousand, five hundred and fifty square miles. That turns out to be eighteen billion, one hundred and sixty one million, six hundred and thirty-two thousand acres. If and when the earth's population reaches the six billion mark, that would still give every man, woman and child three whole acres of land. Taking that on the basis of the average family of four, each family at that future date would be able to live on a piece of property seven hundred and twenty three feet by seven hundred and twenty three feet. Not bad! for a people running out of land. And all of the flora and fauna can then live on the rest of the world without the intrusive homo sapiens messing up the environment.
It has often been said that if you are going to tell a lie, tell one of such gigantic proportions that most of the people will not be able to prove it is a lie. The relatively small groups of people who have been controlling all of the countries of the world for well over one hundred years, have been propagating a number of real big lies that the majority of the people have neither the time nor the inclination to check out, even though , and unbeknownst to them, these big lies have been responsible for stealing upwards of seventy-five percent of the fruits of their labor. Worse still, these whoppers have been directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of countless millions of human lives all over the planet. It is also these same lies and these same members of the secret and semi-secret societies and organizations who are hell-bent on rushing us into a one world government - "THE NEW WORLD ORDER"- under the United Nations.
What kind of people are we talking about here; what kind of people could be so cruel and so heartless as to have so little compassion for their fellow man. We are not talking here of "THEY" - we are talking of real people with real names and real organozations and real tax-free foundations and real corporations and real secret societies. And many of them are proud of themselves and even publish lists of their members and corporate members. Not for all to see, of course!! If too many people saw thir lists, they know their number would be up, because they have all been involved in treason. Right up to and including the highest offices in the land! These are people that really know how to lie and they do it every day with a straight face. They have much less compassion for human life than any other person would have for the life of a critter they would have to take because they were starving. Johnny Carson was right on the mark when he said: "When you have an actor in the White House, you really don't know what you've got." Or take a look at Jimmy Who, right out of the peanut fields: "I'll never lie to you." A member of the Council On Foreign Relations and a Founding Member of the Trilateral Commission along with David Rockefeller and Prof. Zbig Brzezinski. Jimmy is the guy that "found a new source of revenue" There is only one source of revenue- the overburdened taxpayers.
The Order of the Illuminati was founded on May Day- May 1st in Inglestat, Bavaria by Professor Adam Weisaupt.The goal of the Illuminati was and always has been to infiltrate all governments,all organizations, all churches, all new media and all educational institutions and lead them all to a New World Order from which their could never again be ay chance of escape.
The worst thing that ever happened to the worlds elite, super rich dictators was the establishing of the United States REPUBLIC in 1776. The Constitution granted a nation of people the freedom to develop, grow and prosper as no nation has ever done in recorded history. And even before the ink was dry on this superb document, the conspirators were already busy with their plans for its destruction. Presidents from Woodrow Wilson on down the line to Bill Clinton, have been disregarding the terms and conditions of the constitution and engaging in blatantly treasonous acts. Many Canadians and British are involved in the same kind of treachery and their names or organizations can be found in Prof. Carrol Quigley's 1348 page, Tragedy and Hope and The Anglo-American Establishment. There are over one hundred other books written about this conspiracy and more new ones coming out every day.
Marx and Engels took over the programme of the Illuminati and began, with the aid and financing of the worlds richest people, to implement the necessary steps for the destruction of the US Constitution, the Monarchies and any other relatively free country. To this end, central banks were established under the controll of the conspirators. The extremely wealthy set themselves up with tax-free foundations in 1913, while at the same time imposing the graduated income tax on the producers of the nations. In Canada they used McKenzie King, an employee and trainee of John D.Rockefeller From 1914 to 1916.
Government schools was another essential step in the enslavement of a people. In The Communist Manifesto, on page 25, the tenth measure fr control was: Free educationfor all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor IN ITS PRESENT FORM. Combination of education with industrial production. This is what is now called Outcome Based Education. Your children are going to be trained with your tax dollars in you know whose factories to be better behaved and better trained slaves than you are.
When a Prime Minister of a country says, as Pierre Trudeau did on page 127 of his book, Federalism and the French Canadians: "Federalism must be welcomed as a valuable tool which permits dynamic parties to plant socialist governments in certain provinces, from which the seed of radicalism can slowly spread." You don't have to be a whiz kid to know where he is coming from. Every dfay now you read and see and hear that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Do you really believe that these extremely wealthy politicians and multi- billionaires don't know what they are doing. That's like the sweet little lady that gets a little tipsey and is persuaded to go to bed. She says: "I don't know what I am doing." But she makes all of the right moves.
The communists, the socialists and the liberals in all of the parties and all of the countries are not our enemies. They are the cannon fodder manufactured in and by the government schools and the controlled media. For what other reason would the criminals who have taken control of the US Republic. want to establish democracies in all of the various countries they have been waging 'peace' on. I often wonder, too, if those poor people who are killed in peace, feel any better about the situation than those who are killed in war.
Doctor Bella Dodd was a dedicated communist agent operating in and around New York. When the war started, she had difficulty making contact with her regular agents. When she was told to deliver her information to the Waldorf Towers,her information was carried through to the Soviet Union, quicker than ever before. When she found out that she was working for the people she thought she was trying yo destroy, she quit the party.
46 Angry Men,is a small book on the U.N.O. violations in Katanga. The 46 civilian doctors of Elizabethville saw and investigated the murders. rapes, looting, shellings,mortering of hospitals, civilians, women and children and brutalities like they had never witnesses before. This was well covered by the free press. And I mean that in the sense that my American Heritage Dictionary puts it: protect, shut in, or conceal. Were these also peaceful murders?
Cliff Hume
Rewarding our arsonist mates
It is striking that while failures of Asian policy and practice did contribute to the crisis, errors of policy in the two economic superpowers were at the centre of the disaster. Which made it particularly ironic that Time magazine should devote a recent cover to what it called the Committee to Save the World - three senior US economic policy makers. This is akin to an arsonist who helps light a fire and then wins a medal for helping to put it out. The Asia crisis was avoidable. What we need now is not some smarmy jingoistic Committee to Save the World but perhaps a Committee to Think Harder about the world economy and the laws of unintended consequences.
Aust Fin Review 6th March, 1999
Article by Peter Hartcher
Submitted by Steve Blizard
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
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