6th March 1999
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The Jewish Australia/Israel Review have responded to the comments in the book "Murder by Media about the trash that they write.
Here is an extract from their article:
Balson himself described Australian Jewry as an "elite racist community", whatever that is meant to mean, Israel as "the world's most racist state", and referred recently to George Soros as "a Jewish parasite". He has referred to Jews as Nazis and claimed Israel survives because of "well-placed Jews in the US".
As editor of the daily "newspaper", Balson has directed readers to bizarre anti-Semitic material websites which have included direct promotions of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and "acting on" their blue-print for world domination, with another containing an appeal for the English to "rise up against the filthy rotten zionist infested British Establishment".
Perhaps the main charges which @notd's contributors level at Jews is undue influence over the media, and it "is the media" which Scott Balson targets in his first venture into the world of ink and paper, "Murder by Media, Death of Democracy in Australia".
An inner Ipswich city Tatoo shop became the centre of a major murder investigation yesterday.
I just happened to be passing by at the time.
There are some photographs that I took and background information at this link.
Federal Labor MP Andrew Theophanous declined to make further comment today on the seizure of files from his office by the National Crime Authority (NCA).
A spokeswoman from Dr Theophanous' electoral office in Melbourne's west said the Calwell MP would be spending the day with his family before federal parliament resumed on Monday.
In a statement released overnight, Dr Theophanous said he would continue to help police with their inquiries.
"The NCA came with a search warrant today and asked me to provide them with files pertaining to a number of immigration cases," Dr Theophanous said.
"I have given full cooperation to the NCA on this matter."
Dr Theophanous said he believed the NCA was investigating the Chinese community over immigration issues.
He confirmed his involvement with the Chinese community over many years.
Federal Opposition Leader Kim Beazley's office last night confirmed it was aware of the investigation.
"We are not aware of any charges being laid," a spokesman told AAP.
The NCA today refused to confirm or deny to AAP whether the files had been seized or whether it was investigating Dr Theophanous.
Sydney Morning Herald
If you look at This is the Sydney Morning Herald - Election 99 coverage web page. you wont find one mention of One Nation or even Pauline Hanson.
Isn't it wonderfull, how much we can rely on our media people to tell us everything. If I only read the Sydney Morning Herald, Election 99 Web Page, apart from it's external links to the Goverment pages (noting that it already has links to the two major parties and a party that received only half the votes one nation did) I wouldn't even know that One Nation was even involved in the Election!
They attempt to pass themselves off as journalists, but they fail the test time and time again. Where on earth were they educated? I haven't done a degree in journalism, and even I can tell that they are missing a few cards from the deck.
Firstly may I state how pleased I am that Pauline Hanson and David Oldfield and David Ettridge have been retained in their positions with One Nation. I really would not have bothered with your party if they hadn't.
I really admire Pauline for her courage.
Reason for my E-mail is to tell you that all of my friends and myself voted incorrectly in the last election. We all voted above the line we thought that mean't you would definately receive our votes. Now we know we were wrong (That was approx 250 votes you lost to my knowledge.
Please make sure you let everybody know the correct way. I even heard on talk-back radio people saying they voted wrongly.
Good Luck
Patricia Long, Surry Hills,
@notd really did itself proud with your coverage of One Nation's AGM in Sydney. The coverage was a journalistic classic in its straightforward clarity of events, people and their actions. I expect it was also an Internet newspaper first.
But the master coup was the unbeatable objectivity realized by presenting both sides - what really happened as compared to what was reported in the "normal" newspapers and TV media - in a single edition of the @notd
Congratulations to you and the others who made it possible.
john hamilton - USA
Many thanks for the report on the AGM. We loved the photos. In fact we loved the entire report. In particular we were rallied and encouraged by Peter MacKays report. I have copied it onto news sheets to hand to all the delegates to the South West State Regional meeting on Saturdy 6th at Bunbury W.A., as well as spare copies to hand to our non-member supporters from all walks of life. A few more small articles along Peter Mackays line would do great service in keeping the One Nation flag fying in these far flung areas of the PHON. I need short and to the point articles of interest to people from all walks of life.
Have just pulled up Graham Strachan's Globalisation articles and am rushing to get them out to people who would never know he existed but for the net. Many thanks for your internet program for without it we are totally cut off from all the happenings.
Barbara Shier
Leshenault Branch (Bunbury)
The economy
Dear Scott,
Further to my letter on the Economy. If you look at todays Australian (( I know you don't like the Murdock press) it is worth a mention. Their cartoon is spot on - they've got a boat filled with all the Liberal heavies and on the side is the words "The Economy". The craft is being propelled by an unknown fish under the water that Mr. Costello has caught on his line -very realistic.
A consumer lead boom funded by one off sale of public assets to foreign interests and a one off demutualization of an insurance giant is very dangerous. Have a laugh at the men in the boat - trouble is we've in there with them too.
Tony Price
Republic Referendun
The Turnbull Republicans are telling everybody that if this November's referendum fails, then it will be at least 20 years before the electorate is given another chance to vote on the issue. This is intended to scare the "popularly elected president republicans" into voting for the Turnbull Republic.
Somebody should be pointing out that if a "YES" vote prevails, then the popularly elected republican model will never be put to the vote!!
Unbiased political web site?
Dear Bryan,
For a political web site that is supposed to be unbiased, you're not doing a very good job in hiding your contempt for Pauline Hanson's One Nation.
The internet address displaying a summary of One Nation shows a complete lack of research and ethics in reporting.
You say Pauline Hanson "...was subsequently disendorsed by the Liberal Party for making racist remarks". Have you heard of the word "allegedly"? Pauline Hanson did not make racist remarks. The catalyst for her disendorsement was a letter she wrote to "The Queensland Times", published on 6th January 1996. Bryan, the letter was strongly worded, but not racist. I'm sure you've already read the part quoted in Paul Sheehan's "Among the Barbarians", p., 154 (p., 224 for the updated election edition), that you have on your list of bibliographic notes.
What you may not know, is that John Howard articulated exactly the same sentiments as Hanson, less than eighteen months after that controversial letter in a televised speech to the farming community in the small town of Longreach.
The hypocrisy of the established political parties and the mainstream media is clearly demonstrated here below:
Pauline Hanson letter: "I would be the first to admit that many years ago the Aborigines were treated wrongly but in trying to correct this they have gone too far..."
John Howard at Longreach: "I think that what has happened in this country is that we had a pendulum of Aboriginal affairs that was over here and I think that it has swung too far over in this direction particularly because of the Wik decision and what I am trying to do is bring it back into the middle and I think that that is where it ought to be."
Pauline Hanson letter: "I don't feel responsible for the treatment of Aboriginal people in the past because I had no say but my concern is for their future."
John Howard at Longreach: "I do not believe in intergenerational guilt when it comes to Aboriginal affairs. I am aware of the history of this country. I am aware of the fact that the indigenous people were here first. I do not exhibit a sense of shame for what our forebears did."
Pauline Hanson letter: "How can we expect this race to help themselves when governments shower them with money, facilities and opportunities that only these people can obtain no matter how minute the indigenous blood that flows through their veins, and this is what is causing racism."
John Howard at Longreach: "I understand the resentment that the rest of Australia feel when social security services are made available to minorities that are not available to them."
You say, "Hanson's public statements are usually broad generalisations and often ambiguous." From my experience politicians from Labor and Liberal suffer from this problem more that Hanson. They try to appeal to everyone and yet fill few people's hearts and minds with passion. Hanson is straight and to the point - no beating around the bush.
So, Hanson "occasionally retracts or corrects her public statements with a hint of disingenuousness that leaves one suspecting that much of the original statement was actually meant." No one's perfect. This statement adds little value to your article as it could well be aligned with nearly any politician. Considering Hanson is not a polished politician, having completed only year ten schooling, I think she has performed exceptionally well.
Are One Nation's policy documents really "...little more than utopian statements."? What about Bob Hawke's promise of no child living in poverty by 1990? Paul Keating talked about his J curve regarding the current account deficit (refer Paul Kelly's "The End of Certainty" pp, 204-5) which was no doubt a utopian statement given the recent record high current account deficit. Remember the famous line by Keating back in 1985, exhorting people to "set their sails for growth", that would be required "for the rest of this decade to restore full employment". Labor and Liberal politicians have been overflowing with utopian statements. That's why the electorate has had a gut full, after seeing the lack of results, knowing that their government is really working for foreign interests.
I quote you again: "In her cosmology, the villains include Aboriginal Australians, Asians..." Now Bryan, you're an intelligent man and assuming you've read all of the books in your bibliographic notes, this statement shows a complete lack of professionalism. I'll give you some examples to point out the frivolity of your statement:
Hanson was quoted out of context as saying she would not represent the Aboriginal race. It was only after eighteen months of being forced to defend herself against this lie that the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission found her not guilty.
Ron Holten a 63 year old Aborigine is standing for the central coast seat of Wyong in the upcoming 1999 New South Wales state election. Holten calls for the abolition of special funding for indigenous people. He says that One Nation and the teachings of Aboriginal elders have several parallels: "They both teach community responsibility and faith. I was taught, at a young age, respect and how to be part of a community." Holten is a member of the Darkinjung Land Council which oversees the Wyong area. "I hope I set an example that if you want something you can go out and achieve it" he said. "No one gave me anything and I worked and paid for my land."
Pauline Hanson employed Lilly Vichitthavong, a woman with Asian ancestry who has described Pauline as "very blunt and frank, but fair, trusting and totally lacking in any racist behaviour". She said if she saw Pauline Hanson now, she "would want to give her a big hug".
Former One Nation MP, John Kingston has a wife with Asian ethic origin.
Talking about generalisations, you mention one of Hanson's villains as the "Arts community". Well known Australian artist, Pro Hart has supported One Nation by donating two of his paintings to the party. I love art myself, being born into one of Australia's most notable artistic families, my great uncle being Arthur Boyd. I am certainly not offended by any of One Nation's policies on art. I also think it is highly understandable that One Nation has an aversion to some members of the arts community. For example, the "Backdoor Man" song broadcast on "Triple J" was highly offensive by any standards. Another disgraceful incident occurred when the federal government's LOUD initiative allowed a pornographic image of Hanson to be shortlisted as a finalist by the LOUD judging panel. Only after much protest, did Michael Lynch, General Manager of the Australian Council for the Arts, issue an apology in writing. In the letter, dated 4th February 1998, Lynch wrote:
"I hope that you will accept my sincere apology on behalf of the Council and the LOUD organisers and my regret at any distress caused by the appearance of this image to you and others who may have viewed it."
Bryan, you make mention of a "mythical past". What are you trying to assert? Is our history in virtual reality? Were the 936,296 One Nation voters at the 1998 Federal Election suffering from a distorted memory by believing times were better years ago?
Why do you write that the Labor, Liberal and National parties could be heroic, explaining "to the electorate the dangers of continuing with the Australian Settlement."? I thought your site was supposed to be politically unbiased. You are making the assumption that the policies of Paul Kelly's "Australian Settlement" are unacceptable and yet it was only back in the early 1980s that many of these policies were accepted as standard practice. You may belittle Hanson, but there are many well educated people expressing many of her views. Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., physical economist and founder of the CEC, Clive Hamilton, Executive Director of the Australia Institute, Graeme Strachan B.Sc.,LLB., Australian Institute of Business Philosophy, just to name a few.
One Nation don't have all of the solutions and they have their fair share of problems, but if people just reported the facts instead of propagating lies, we would have a genuine democracy rather than a power elite brainwashing our minds while stirring up a cauldron of hatred.
If you're a looking for something to read, I recommend Scott Balson's "Murder by Media Death of Democracy in Australia" that can be ordered on-line. Also, Graeme Strachan B.Sc.,LLB., has written "Globalisation: The demise of the Australian Nation", which can be ordered from the internet or for fast service call (07) 5546 9210 and use your credit card. Dr Helen Dodd's "Pauline: The Hanson Phenomenon", Boolarong Press, (Brisbane), 1997 would probably be a better source of information than Pasquarelli's book, given that Pasquarelli is more than likely to be suffering from a case of sour grapes.
No matter how many so called experts you quote, you wont convince me globalisation is good for Australia, or for any country for that matter. It's all a big scam to benefit the hedonistic elites at the expense of democracy and the common man. As Thomas Jefferson said, "When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property." This is how it should be, but sadly is not. The truth of the matter is that many of these so called experts are either brain-washed or intellectual prostitutes as John Swinton points out here below:
John Swinton, the former Chief of Staff of the NEW YORK TIMES, called by his peers, "The Dean of his profession." was asked in 1953 to give a toast before the New York Press Club. He responded with the following statement:
"There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty four hours my occupation would be gone."
"The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting to an independent press? We are the tools and vassals for rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
I suggest you make a few changes to you web site.
Yours sincerely
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Name site is owned by One
exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation 1999
AGM - 28th February 1999
"Murder by
Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.