5th February 1999
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The Courier-Mail headline misreads the picture but there again when have they cared about truth and balance?
One of the MPs apparently spoke to reporter Paul Whittaker last night about a brewing internal crisis which the party has been facing over the last few days. The crisis is to do with the party's draft constitution which has been formulated by the party executive of David Ettridge, David Oldfield and Pauline Hanson and Brisbane based lawyer Michael Watkins. The Courier-Mail, armed with such negative information about the party, had its headline...
The crisis came to a head on Wednesday morning - just before I attended the Paff press conference regarding the infamous red light running charge. A draft document setting out ten points had been prepared issuing One Nation's Manly head office with an ultimatum. Since then discussions have been held over the phone between the two Davids and the MPs.
It is now claimed in today's papers that up to four One Nation MPs are considering resigning from the party and becoming a loose coalition of Independents.
The MPs letter of demands to Manly reads:
On this 3rd day of February, 1999
Your immediate response, in writing, is demanded by we the undersigned.
(Signed by all ten MPs)
The paper reports that three MPs had tendered resignation letters to state leader Bill Feldman with others considering resigning.
Pauline Hanson told Whittaker last night, "It would be unfair of me to comment until I've had an opportunity to actually speak to the members of parliament." She denied that the party was on the brink of collapse.
A party room source (an MP) is quoted as saying that David Oldfield rang and said, "Are you idiots all on drugs up there?" He then allegedly called on the MPs to cool down until after the New South Wales state election.
The source said, "Oldfield said he didn't care what happened in Queensland as long as he could hold things together until after the New South Wales election on March 27." (This morning Bill Feldman denied on Channel 9s "Today Show" that David Oldfield had said this).
The source continued, "This is a culmination of nearly two years of arguing how the structure of One Nation should have been and it was ignored and ignored until it has come to a climax.
"It's directly been engineered from a dictatorial trio who refuse to listen to anyone else underneath them, and we have just had enough. We are only acting on behalf of our disenchanted branches and supporters.
"Unfortunately our support has dropped and under the current structure it would not improve."
I have always professed full support in the two Davids and Pauline and still do. While understanding the concerns that MPs might have with the constitution, what has been made clear all along by the executive is that it is a draft document and that the democratically elected constitutional committees will have an input into its final form. The Queensland constitutional committee includes Senator-Elect Heather Hill.
What I find quite extraordinary is
We all seek democracy and we all seek a resolution, but by going public with this just weeks before the New South Wales election the Queensland State MPs have shown a remarkable lack of political nous.
We can only wait to see how this issue resolves itself but cooler heads will be required by those who have been elected to represent 24% of Queenslanders.
The Birth of Conversion/Brainwashing in Christian Revivalism in 1735. The Pavlovian explanation of the three brain phases. Born-again preachers:Step-by-Step, how they conduct a revival and the expected physiological results. The "voice roll" technique used by preachers, lawyers and hypnotists.
New trance-inducing churches. The 6 steps to conversion. The decognition process. Thought-stopping techniques. The "sell it by zealot" technique. True believers and mass movements. Persuasion techniques: "Yes set," "Imbedded Commands," "Shock and Confusion," and the "Interspersal Technique."Subliminals. Vibrato and ELF waves. Inducing trance with vibrational sound.Even professional observers will be "possessed" at charismatic gatherings. The "only hope" technique to attend and not be converted. Non-detectable Neurophone programming through the skin. The medium for mass take-over.
Here is an extract from the article by Buchanan:
There is a malaise within the GOP. Among governors, it is seen in exasperation with a Congress focused on impeachment; among GOP senators, it is manifest in a desperate desire to be rid of the trial. House Republicans are openly nostalgic for the days of Reagan, when America was united behind their agenda, and it was the Democratic Party that seemed off-balance and out of touch.
It is time to grow up. Ronald Reagan was a good man and a great president, but the Gipper is gone forever, and his time, like JFK's time, and FDR's, is gone forever. We cannot relive the past.
The unacknowledged reason the GOP Establishment has failed to meet the challenge of Clinton is that, deep in its heart, it does not disagree with him on the issues that deeply roil Middle America.
On trade, the GOP leadership is as pro-NAFTA, GATT and fast track as Al Gore. At last week's gathering of globalists at Davos, Switzerland, Republicans had a full complement. "Responsible Globality" was the theme at Davos, which is like posting a sign calling for "Safe Sex" on the door of a San Francisco bath house.
Gay Melbourne City Council
Dear Editor,
The Melbourne Midsumma festival exhibition, "The Thin Line" is now promoting homosexual "art". The ten glass display cabinets that house the exhibition contain T-shirts which carry slogans such as "Backdoor Man", "Pansy" and "Poo Puncher".
This "art" exhibition is sponsored by the Melbourne City Council.
Organisers of the exhibition challenge the line between homosexuality and heterosexuality and "invites the audience to consider the queer in their own lives".
Midsumma arts program director Mr Nigel Higgins says "We are very proud of our public arts program".
Police Superintendent Tony Warren said the language on the T-shirts was offensive and "If someone was wearing the T-shirts you would charge them with offensive behaviour".
Firstly, I don't consider plain T-Shirts carrying offensive text as art and hasn't our government got better things to spend money on?
FAIRA and the Nazi slur
Hi Scott,
Reading your book with great interest. Today I write regarding the Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Action (FAIRA). As referenced from page 115 of your book.
Now I am personally more than a little sick of hearing of the slurs cast on ordinary Australians by the likes of Les Malezer of FAIRA such as Nazi/Racist etc. You would have thought however that the labelers making these slurs would at least get their facts straight about the label if not the labelees (my word, dont know if it's in the dictionary or not but it should be!).
I refer to Mr Malezer's (hey that's a pretty German sounding name) suggestion that One Nation has become Nazi, just like Hitler's Social Democrats! Now I had thought that everyone knew what Nazi meant, but it seems Les is labouring under a serious malapropism here (sorry Antonia, yes I did look it up :-)).
I would just like to set the record straight for any labeler/labelee that the word Nazi derives from; National Sozialistiche Deutche Arbeiter Partei, which of course in English means; National Socialist German Workers Party, with the word Nazi coming from the Na in National and the zi in Sozialistiche.
I just thought everyone should understand that if you are called a Nazi, you are in fact being called a National Socialist. Perhaps Les is confusing the misused modern day "Social Democrats" with National Socialists. Certainly the Socialism of the NDSAP was remarkable by it's absense, and perhaps this is the source of Les' confusion, since in the New-speak words often take on the character of the opposite of what they are supposed to describe!
Sorry to nit-pick Scott, it just seems to me that an organisation with the word Research in it's name ought to do a little of it! Silly old fashioned Me.
Have a good day.
David Morgan
Fantasy land
Scott, sorry, but you live in fantasy land. Do you really think the media will lose on any arguement. Paff loses because THEY say so. Even police reports can go unreported if THEY so decree, OR HELD FOR LATER when it can be useful. I am sure the Police Service must often be frustrated by what goes on. In Nazi Germany the local police were always treated by the Gestapo in the same way as our local police are treated by the CJC today.
Scott, you are blinded by internet ego, whilst we are losing millions of supporters, simply because the internet is only a grain of sand amongst the majority of people. How many people do you know outside of your own personal contacts have a computer let alone have it connected to a truthful page such as yours. I can only name two in my area.
Your site is a grain of sand in Australia. Its only success was to galvanise the enemy to serious opposition, simply because THEY read it, not the ordinary people, and THEY have all the guns. THEY wont make the same mistake of reaction again.
Unless we PAY for large adds in the same media that lie, to tell the truth, or set up in a big way an alternative Paper (print media) and distribution system ( the distribution system is also controlled, not just Packer and Murdoch), then we have lost the war..
As I said, fantasy land, unless YOU can galvanise your readers to get off their arses, away from their computers and spend some of their useless money to support a programme such as I outlined above.
Otherwise we are only pissing in each others pockets. and feeling good, whilst THEY win as always.
I'm sorry, but your site hit count is about a thousand so far from me and a thousand from Alan, and a thousand from wags, and a thousand from Doak , and about a thousand from Antonia?? need I say more?
Like I said, fantasy land. Sorry for this, I do support you, but you could try harder to get YOURSELF AND YOUR READERS out of cyberspace into the real world to do something positive..
Philip Madsen
Murphy's Law
So some bleeding hearts in the United States are trying to sue arms manufacturers for the irresponsible acts of some who bought the arms; interesting unintended outcomes might follow - all vehicle manufacturers could be sued for every "accident" caused, by drivers who would find it difficult to drive a nail.
Salem (in the US of A, where else) was the seat of another bleeding hearts campaign to stamp out witches - there are more covens today than ever before, with colours ranging through the spectrum from white to black in open defiance of the bleeding hearts. Most will recall that other fizzer by a bunch of bleeding heart feminists that spread alcohol and gangsterism far and wide with prohibition.
Now in the land of the wonderful wizard of Oz, the bleeding heart do-gooders are bleating about the rise of smoking (more women now than men, and more of both sexes combined than before). It obviously never occurs to them - the bleeding hearts that is (the smokers have more common sense) - that they - the bleeding hearts - have taken over as the prime advertisers for tobacco, and are far more proficient at it than ever the tobacco companies were, who must be laughing all the way to the bank, after getting all that advertising for free at the taxpayers expense and, having the young targeted perfectly by the do-gooders themselves!
Would the bleeding heart do-gooders ever believe in the Law of Unintended Outcomes (known as Murphys Law to those more realistically minded) - nope, not a chance; only they know what is good for others, never themselves - they are perfect.
Our debased society
Dear Editor,
Is it any wonder our society is becoming more debased.
We only need look at the integrity of our leaders and their advisers. Now, let me say up front, I'm no angel and we all make mistakes. However, when people stand up on a pedestal promoting moral decline, we are in danger as a society.
Barry Donovan is a media adviser to Victorian State Opposition Leader John Brumby. In an opinion article in "The Melbourne Times" of Wednesday 3rd February, Barry questions whether our politicians should be punished for losing their cool in public and says "When does "f-wit!" mean you've gone too far, especially when half the 15-year-olds in Melbourne use it as a term of endearment?"
When considering these influences and others promoted by youth idols from television and programs on JJJ and RRR, is it any wonder that we've seen violence and disrespect from thousands of youths attending so called "Anti-racism" rallies.
All politicians should remain accountable and set the standard for our children. Any dummy spitting and fowl language should be rightly condemned, whether it be Cheryl Kernot or David Oldfield.
Hello One Nation Peoples,
I hope you are Unified, though remember hope is a hopeless word.
In 40 years millions of J*ws all around the world, picked up their humble belongings, migrated, moved & settled in their New Land of Israel. Are Australians capable of Unifying themselves as one people, moving & settleling in the land of (The New Australia), will Australians unify themselves & set up their new world in Antartica or Siberia, where do the Australian people go, do we all migrate to Israel, we can't do that because we all are not Jewish & only Jewish peoples, eg: person born of a Jewish mother are aloud to migrate to Israel. I suggest we become one people, we can be a new breed of Australians as unified as the people of Israel, this will eventually be the land of the free, if we all say we are proud to be part of the Australian Country.
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
A time with
Heather Hill - exclusive interview with One Nation's first Federal
Representative - 25th October 1998
A day with Pauline
- exclusive interview after the Federal Election - 22nd October
YOUR ABC? - 17th October 1998
The Federal
Election - 3rd October 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.