3rd January 1999
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David Oldfield's words "that to get immediate national exposure all a One Nation member has to do is to rat on the party" were once again proved true in today's Sun-Herald.
Young Peter Cook worked tirelessly for the party until he allegedly used his computer knowledge to do some rather stupid things at the Manly office. He was asked to leave and this is apparently why the police are now interested in talking to him.
In today's Sun-Herald article by One Nation hater Alex Mitchell Mr Cook gets a page to himself with feel-good picture and the following comments, "I've done nothing wrong. I resigned from my position as State secretary and then resigned from One Nation because of disagreements I had with the way the party is run. It is undemocratic and unaccountable to the membership. I'd had enough."
After leaving Manly he disappeared (read he was on the run). David Ettridge was able to track him down again and left the following message on his answering machine, "I really need to speak to you urgently Peter regarding a police matter".
Young Peter went on the run again. Now why would he be on the run if he had nothing to hide? The article states that he has moved home three times because One Nation always seem to track him down.
But Peter's side of the story is emblazoned in the article thus, "You have to understand that since the Federal election she (Pauline Hanson) doesn't have a job and hasn't any income. She needs the support of both ettridge and Oldfield because they can outvote her at any time."
Of course the headline slant "On the run from One Nation at 17" reveals the true spin being presented - that Manly does not care about the membership and that this is just a great career for the two Davids... that they think all One Nation members are idiots and morons... the question "WHY ARE YOU ON THE RUN FROM THE POLICE MR COOK?" never gets asked... but there again why should we expect the joke we call the media to give One Nation any balanced reporting?
Shortly after the launch of One Nation in
April 1997 Tony Pitt seen right with his wife, Pat, jumped on board the One
Nation band wagon after apparently being the main instigator of causing old
CAP some terminal damage when he could not get his own way. Like any good
cancer Tony apparently ate away at the Confederate Action Party (CAP) until
it could take no more and folded.
As Pitt reveals in his email the CAP's funds are still locked up in a "trust fund" with lawyers.
Pitt's wife wrote to me in 1997 saying:
Thank you for including our photo and comments. We are thrilled pink and so excited about the prospect of changing the course of this nation. I now see there is a good chance to hand this country on to our two children in roughly the same state it was in when our parents handed it to us.
The socialist Fabian trained media and politicians are in for a shock. We are waiting for our branch kit to arrive so we can start here in Maryborough.
In recent months Tony has found himself "sidelined" from One Nation after trying to run the show. His December 1998 "paper" ("National Interest News") went out with the sole aim of trying to discredit David Ettridge shortly after this unfortunate event. He "somehow" acquired a One Nation mailing list - sending his "paper" hammering Ettridge directly to a large number of One Nation members. He claims in his email (see below) he used the "Leibler list" but he lies because I was not on that list yet I got two copies of his paper - one to an old address only held by Manly. There is a clear link between Peter Cook (above) and this mailing list.
For anyone who has any doubts about Mr Pitt's real objectives I would ask you to consider the following.
In 1998 I, accidentally, sent a press release to the Queensland One Nation mailing list in a form which would make the mailing list re-usable by a malicious mailer. We now have one - Tony Pitt. He has now sent two email to the mailing list in a form which allows anyone to pick up and use the same list. He does this deliberately - not trying to protect the recipients. Although the mailing list is somewhat old and becoming rather dated Mr Pitt's intentions are quite clear - shades of the CAP.
At this link you will find a copy of what Mr Pitt says in his email and my comments.
Here is an extract from this article:
Most Australians today think that Communism is dead, let me assure you it most certainly is NOT. In this day and age it is known as SOCIALISM.There is no fine line drawn between Socialism and Communism and although the socialists deny it they are one and the same and the London School of Economics was THE Academy of Communism. The push for one world government always was a communist goal and still is . WORLD DOMINATION is the name of the game.
How could our politicians be sucked into this terrible plot ? Remember they are advised by the bureaucrat and by loading our politicians with so much legislation they have no hope of reading it, they run things much as they like. So the traitors are the faceless men and women in the government bureaucracy.
The powerful socialist bureaucrats who have been carefully placed near the vitals of every country are not only a deadly menace to the safety of the people they are supposed to serve, they are a complete obstacle to the simplest and most obvious reforms. That the government has ceased to be able to control this bureaucracy is obvious enough - and bad enough - but when this bureaucracy is indoctrinated from abroad, and when, by every trick of the underworld, attempts are made to impose on the native population alien doctrines and methods of control repulsive to, and destructive of, the native culture, then we come up against something which has become known as 'fifth column activity'.
Over the next thirteen years we saw a rapid acceleration of the communist plan. The black activists were stirred to fever pitch with the infamous Mabo decision and later the Wik decision both of these made by a High Court that stepped right outside their jurisdiction.
These decisions have changed our land laws to such an extent that our old title that has been in operation for 200 years is no more, instead the basic title is now Native Title and many legal minds are of the opinion that vast areas of the Australian continent will be handed over to the Aboriginals free and clear
Thousands of treaties were signed at the United Nations instigation our industrial base was sold off to multinational consortiums, who pay little or no tax. This burden has been placed more and more on the people who can least afford it, the ordinary taxpayer.
Our Constitution was flouted or ignored. Our foreign debt which when Labour was elected in 1983 stood at $20 billion rose at an alarming rate and when the people finally put them out in 1996 after thirteen years it was close to $200 billion.
A few weeks ago I happened to watch a television show about race relations. The attitude of the mainly black audience was unsettling. They were angry; they saw British society as universally racist. Anyone who did not subscribe to this view was hissed. They accepted no responsibility for anything that happened to them. Their only role was to demand the "rights" denied to them by a malevolent white society.
Equally disturbing were comments made by Sir Herman Ouseley, chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE). He rejected, he told the audience, the validity of a common culture. Black children needed to be taught black culture. Yet this approach spells disaster for black children in Britain. Without access to English culture, without command of its language, appreciation of its literature or a grasp of the history of its institutions, black children will be unable to play an equal part in a society which assumes such access as a given.
Ouseley's premise was that British society and English culture are racist. This view is as tendentious as it is dangerous. Of course there are alarming pockets of prejudice; the police have given a warning that language used recently by some newspapers about refugees amounted to incitement to racial hatred. The Stephen Lawrence inquiry exposed lethal racial stereotyping by the police themselves, which causes black people to be viewed as suspects rather than victims. Certain areas populated by disaffected white working-class people are potent breeding grounds for racially motivated thuggery.
But all this should not be exaggerated. According to Ouseley, British racism is running at such a high level that shock tactics are needed. Accordingly, the CRE ran a poster campaign deliberately displaying deeply offensive racial stereotypes. These were intended to cause such disgust that we would get the message that we were all rotten with racial hatred. Instead, the CRE itself was hauled before the Advertising Standards Authority for promoting racial hatred.
In general, Britain is a fair and tolerant place - remarkably so if you recall the vicious racial divisions in America or the rise of racist political parties in mainland Europe. Not only has this fact been all but obscured, but racism itself has been redefined by American-inspired political correctness. This holds that racism is not just prejudice, but prejudice plus power. By this definition, only white people can be racist. This is not only untrue but is the kind of lie that stirs up racial hatred. It was one of many dangerous fallacies exposed in a devastating critique of the CRE by Blondel Cluff, one of its former commissioners.
Cluff, who was backed by at least one other commissioner, revealed what has long been the CRE's unspoken secret: the destructive dislike and rivalry that divide its Asian and Afro-Caribbean commissioners.
She accused the commission of perpetuating its own existence rather than doing anything useful. She also questioned its active promotion of court cases, a "dangerous approach" which failed to take into account the "harmonious relationship" between different ethnic groups and which introduced instead a "litigious and aggressive attitude towards race relations".
Everyone, black or white, is potentially prejudiced against people unlike themselves. It does not follow, however, that these prejudices become active. Prejudice tends to explode when a particular group feels its identity has become fragile or is threatened. People turn nasty, essentially, out of fear. Failing to recognise this fuels hatred and strife - which is what the CRE does. It pays scant attention, for example, to the way white working-class racial prejudice is fomented by the destruction of collective pride. This in turn is often caused by a combination of multicultural education and the wipe-out of local industries, with unemployed young men following their fathers and grandfathers onto the scrap-heap.
The outcome, as a remarkable report by Greenwich council revealed two years ago in the wake of the murders of Stephen Lawrence and other local black students, is white youths for whom "the celebration of cultural variety" seems to include all cultures but their own.
Political correctness takes a palpable wrong such as racism and uses it as a stick to beat liberal culture. This is what happened in social work, where training manuals in the early 1990s required the teaching of propaganda that every British institution was racist, sexist, ageist and all the rest of it. There was no room in this illiberal analysis for white individuals to be innocent of racist behaviour. This attitude still prevails in the public and voluntary sectors. And it results in no more than counter-productive gesture politics.
The only way to tackle racial prejudice is to recognise the realities of human nature. Thus, instead of being subjected to multicultural propaganda in the classroom, neo-Nazi thugs should be thrown out of the public housing from where they terrorise black families.
The way to tackle racism among police officers is not to browbeat them with the awfulness of racism or toss them a few facts about other cultures. It is surely to recognise that the kind of people who join the police will always have prejudices which need to be actively managed, controlled and contained.
On a deeper level, racial prejudice cannot be damped down unless people are secure both in their attachments to their own tribal traditions and to a common culture which they share with everyone else. That is also the only way to achieve equality for minorities. It is possible and desirable to be attached to both an ethnic and a common, or majority, culture. Yet the latter is derided as racist.
Black people rightly perceive that the schools have failed them - but many get the reason wrong. Multicultural education is, after all, the norm among teachers. Many history teachers think teaching British history to black children is racist. Yet it is such teachers who are racist by excluding these children from the culture to which they are entitled to belong.
Like the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), the CRE is an architect of the grievance culture which produces racial strife. These commissions bathe society in a glow of virtue about their commitment to equality, yet they have made few things better and have made some things worse. Prominent among their originators were lawyers committed to the codification of human rights. This idea is embedded in the constitutions of America and most European countries - yet it has not made these nations conspicuous for their racial harmony.
Local initiatives, where people talk to each other and find common cause rather than the nearest lawyer, are much more effective. It is time to shut down both the CRE and the EOC and move on.
The latest edition of Alan Doak's One Nation newsletter is now on-line.
Australia's fatal attractions:
There is growing concern in about the number of overseas visitors coming to Australia being killed during the country's summer holidays, and officials are beginning to question whether enough is being done to alert visitors to the country's natural dangers.
Here is an extract from Ken Hunter's excellent expose on the RSL:
Brave men must
be rolling in their graves knowing that the principles they fought and died
for have been desecrated by the very body entrusted to represent
"It must be obvious, even to the true believers, that there has been a massive
betrayal of those principles"....
Here is one of many articles:
With the introduction of poker machines in Queensland
a secret war has been waged by a faction within the Qld Branch to control
clubs affiliated with the RSL. Their agenda was cunningly conceived
and ruthlessly enforced and would be seen by many to be morally offensive.
Most offensive of all is that it would appear this faction has used the RSL
merely as the vehicle for gaining control of the clubs which then ensures
them access to billions of dollars of poker machine revenue.
Their tactics varied slightly and were tailored to suit the circumstances
of the particular club to be targeted. However there remained two central
issues constant throughout. Firstly the takeover of clubs associated with
the RSL since the introduction of poker machines. Secondly the
disproportionate number of
usually senior RSL office bearers, involved in the takeovers.
Their modus operandi was surprisingly simple. Without exception the
RSL sub-branches in question were affiliated with their clubs in a landlord
and tenant arrangement. The incestuous relationship between the committees
of the sub-branches and the clubs required the majority of the club committee
to be made up of sub branch committeemen. This was the essential
ingredient, to control the club you must first take control of the sub branch,
it is that simple.
The apathy of the ordinary RSL member is well known, the vast majority not
bothering to attend AGMs let alone monthly meetings. It is a relatively
simple exercise to take control of a sub branch, in fact it is so easy I
have often likened it to stealing wheat off blind chooks.
Of course it helps having the usurpers in a position of power where they
can stack the meetings or simply sack the sub branch committee and install
their own kind as was the case in Caloundra.
Once in control they then had the luxury of using, or dare I say misusing,
the RSL Articles of Association against any member who was perceived to be
a threat to the takeovers. They have often displayed a willingness,
if not an eagerness, to use members funds to finance litigation against their
own members in the courts.
On two separate occasions at two different sub branches members of this faction
were heard to urge, "Take their houses off them". A coincidence?
I don't think so.....
Death penalty
One thing bothers me about the death penalty. Should the dickheads who run this country and/or state (at the beck & call of billionaire media barons) be allowed to make laws that concern the life and death of Australian citizens? I don't think so!!
Sure there are some crimes that should be punishable by death. But...... once you give the Pollies power to decide WHAT crimes will bring capital punishment, all hell could break loose.
Can you imagine what some of the God-hating, homosexual loving members of the Labour party would come up with?? Or how about the Conservatives??? Their history is steeped in "lopping-off-the-heads" of working class people who piss them off.
I'll say it again. Capital punishment is a just punishment for some crimes, BUT......We have a corrupt Police Service, some Judges with very strange sexual preferences and a very large number of crooked politicians. I just don't feel so good about letting them run the Death Row Show. (I wonder who Bob Carr would appoint as Minister for Electricity & Gas?)
Anyway, on a less cynical note, I would suggest that concerned people look closely at the new evidence regarding Ronald Ryan. Could he have been innocent of murder and therefore executed by mistake? My personal opinion is that if 100 guilty should be spared so as 1 innocent is not killed, then so be it.
(dumb white Australian)
Open letter to Hugh MacKay
Dear Hugh,
After reading your opinion from "The Age" on Saturday 2nd January, I would like to make some comments.
I regularly read "The Age", finding your opinions of particular interest and over the past months I have been meaning to write to you. I'm glad that I am able to share many of your views. It is refreshing to see people reflect on life's values and question the wrongs in our society.
I share your concern with youth suicide, our societies hedonistic spending frenzy whilst the gap between the rich and poor rises and the tragedy of those exploited in our globalised world. However, I do have some significant ideological differences from you that I'd like to discuss. You obviously have left wing political leanings - I have right wing leanings and indeed support many of One Nation's views.
Hugh, as one of the many columnists who have a bias against One Nation, I hope you are aware of the following rarely publicised facts:
Pauline Hanson employed Lilly Vichitthavong, a woman with Asian ancestry who has described Pauline as "very blunt and frank, but fair, trusting and totally lacking in any racist behaviour". She said if she saw Pauline Hanson now, she "would want to give her a big hug".
John Kingston, one of the current One Nation Queensland MP's has a wife with Asian ethic origin.
One Nation has called upon our government on two occasions (as can be verified from One Nation press releases) to help supply starving famine struck North Koreans with food aid.
One Nation Vice-President and National Director, David Ettridge once worked for World Vision as a fund raiser. Now, why would a racist work for World Vision?
One Nation's immigration policy doesn't discriminate on a bases of race.
One Nation's policy treats all Australians on a needs bases, with all races being equal to the law.
One Nation has welcomed Australians of any ethic origin to join the party.
One Nation has a growing number of members from all ethnic backgrounds who realise multiculturalism is a recipe for an unstable society.
Amelia Campbell, an Aboriginal from the Ngarrindjeri tribe embraces Pauline Hanson describing her as a leader of Aboriginal people.
... and the list goes on.
No, I'm not a One Nation member, but a seeker of truth and justice. I prefer to be non-politically aligned so as to increase my objectivity.
One Nation have their shortcomings, but on balance they have a lot of constructive policies to offer. You may ask, if this is so, why is practically everyone critical of the party? Well, politics is a game of power and spin doctors manipulating the truth to achieve an objective. Labor and Liberal know the parties to the left pose little threat as their policies have limited public appeal. However, if One Nation's true message reached the public they would loose their two party monopoly. It is in their interest to denigrate One Nation. Although the parties on the left share much of One Nation's concern on globalisation and economic rationalism their social agenda is at such odds that they can't help themselves from hurling abuse. As you would know, the media comes into play with its interest centred on ratings, sensationalism and ensuring the Murdoch's and Packer's of the world continue to thrive under the so called level playing field.
Those that understand One Nation, know its political message is one of fairness and racial equality, encouraging all citizens to embrace an Australian cultural identity that unites us all in our efforts to advance our wonderful country, while fighting the economic rationalists who place profits before social cohesion.
Pauline Hanson has certainly made some controversial statements. However, the elites have taken it into their own hands to selectively quote her out of context, misquote her, indulge in dishonesty, ignore facts that don't fit their doctrine, ridicule and most concerning of all, inciting horrific levels of violence one would expect to see only in a third world country.
It is my personal belief that we can benefit from different cultures, as indeed we Australians already have. We have an increased variety of food, music and art, which many Australians have embraced.
However, multiculturalism and mass Asian immigration is a totally different affair, dividing our country into racial groups congregating into suburbs such as Springvale, costing the taxpayer millions of dollars in multicultural funding and translation services. Employers naturally require an adequate level of communication skills, which leads many non-English speaking migrants to be displaced to the new underclass of unemployed who are more likely to be drawn into crime. There is clear evidence of growing numbers of ethnic gangs and whenever Pauline alerts us to this fact, we are told she is scapegoating migrants. Migrants have enriched many of our lives. However, to ignore the drawbacks of excessive immigration in the name of political correctness is to "bury ones head in the sand."
Native Title is yet another example of policy inflaming race relations. Australia was colonised over 200 years ago and indeed atrocities took place to the detriment of Aborigines. However, we can't turn back the clock to 1788. We must learn to live together as Australians under the same law. Paul Keating told us Native Title will be extinguished on pastoral leases. However, the rules quickly changed with John Howard accused of being racist even when his 10 point Wik plan allowed up to 79% of Australia eligible to Native Title. Sure, this plan would deny the right to negotiate and impose a sunset clause, but can you imagine the ongoing legal battles that would result from a right to negotiate? Every time a farmer dug a dam or built a fence would potentially result in a court room drama, magnifying any existing racial intolerance. Aborigines deserve adequate social security as with all other Australians on a needs basis. Pouring in additional funds won't alleviate their predicament. In fact it has the opposite effect, leaving Aborigines destined to be locked into a poverty trap, as we are already witnessing today. Aborigines need to have a feeling of self worth by having the experience of being treated on a needs basis at the same level as every other citizen. Being set aside by their racial group increases the resentment felt from Non-Aboriginal Australians of a lower socioeconomic status, fostering deleterious racial tensions. The provision of a separate social security system based on ethnicity may be well intentioned by some, but is in effect a condescending act, sending an abhorrent message that "the poor old Abo needs extra help as he's less capable than the white fella". This is clearly a contributor to low self esteem.
Was your mention of "our own retreat into prejudice. . ." and "our uncharitable attitude towards single mothers, our lack of interest in Aboriginal reconciliation. . ." a reference to the Hanson Phenomenon? If so, I hope you don't think One Nation's policy for single mother's welfare was intended with malice? One Nation's policies are proudly family oriented. In decades gone by, youth suicide was a fraction of today's level and single mothers certainly didn't have access to excessive social welfare providing financial incentives for family breakup rather than couples working through their problems. It seems to me a morally inadmissible proposition to financially encourage single women to increase the number of their children out of wedlock when all respected social research indicates the positive influence of nurturing from both parents.
The elites and their followers class me as simplistic, racist, ignorant and uneducated... Well, let me tell you, I have an honours degree and find plenty of time to keep up with current affairs and political comment right across the left/right political spectrum. I listen to Philip Adams LNL, watch 7:30 Report, Foreign Correspondent, and Lateline amongst other programs, as well as spending extensive hours reading political ideology from all perspectives. I'm not that stereotype One Nation supporter the mainstream media take pleasure in portraying. In fact the One Nation supporters I've met are a diverse group: of ages, ethnic origin, educational background, personality, interests and philosophical outlook on life. As for me; I'm in my twenties, professionally employed, enjoy classical music, and like many Australians appreciate our beautiful country; I enjoy camping, bush walking and skiing.
In expressing these views, I hope you realise the danger I place myself in. Many members of the extreme left of politics are actively participating in abhorrent violence and would sooner I'd be dead. No, I'm not joking; many people voicing sympathy for One Nation have received death threats and have been subject to bashings. You only need to have viewed the violence televised from the One Nation launches to comprehend the grave situation. The establishment would not be shedding a tear of my loss either, with their justification of economically rationalising my existence. I look around and see countless "Support Native Title" stickers on cars. Can you imagine what would happen if I put a "I voted One Nation sticker" on my car. Extrapolating from the events at Hawthorn last year, I would probably find my car scratched and otherwise vandalised and put myself with a good chance of receiving a bashing after several incidents of "road rage". Now, we begin to see where the intolerance is really coming from.
>>From this position you have received this E-mail personally and not via the letters to the "Your Say" page due to the excessive length and my wish to avoid being the target of a political attack by having my full name printed in "The Age". Needless to say I doubt this letter would have passed the editors "politically correct" censoring.
In the interests of presenting a balanced opinion to "The Age" readership please find out more about One Nation. Scott Balson has an interesting news web site at which is sympathetic to One Nation's stand. Dr Helen J. Dodd's book "The Hanson Phenomenon" is well worth a read. Another book worth reading is: "The Cost of Crossing Bridges" by Dulcie Wilson (an Aboriginal woman from the Ngarrindjeri tribe), although not covering any material on One Nation, this book exposes the corrupt side of the Aboriginal land rights movement, focusing on the Hindmarsh Island fiasco. This book may be hard to obtain through book shops and libraries due to their "politically correct" censorship, but is available from Small Poppies Publishing, PO Box 123 Mitcham VIC 3132;
I appreciate your time is valuable, but would appreciate a reply, if only brief.
Regards Jeremy
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
A time with
Heather Hill - exclusive interview with One Nation's first Federal
Representative - 25th October 1998
A day with Pauline
- exclusive interview after the Federal Election - 22nd October
YOUR ABC? - 17th October 1998
The Federal
Election - 3rd October 1998
One Nation launch
- the day the media snapped.- 29th September 1998
Pauline Hanson
defeats the politically correct lobby- 28th September 1998
Fairfax on
trial- 23rd September 1998
Where the politically
correct hang out - 20th September 1998
A brief lunch time
controntation with Jeff Kennett- 8th September 1998
One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.