2nd January 1999
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The pre-launch orders of the book "Murder by Media, death of democracy in Australia" are going better than expected with 350 books being requested to date. The launch of the book will take place in Sydney on Friday the 22nd January 1998 in a location yet to be advised.
Here is another quote from the book:
Rally against racism:
Just a few weeks later on the 25th May 1997 Brisbane Lord Mayor Jim Soorley organised a Rally against Racism in Ipswich's Queen Park. The media hailed it as a success and as part of the healing process in fighting racism. A large Chinese contingent attended erecting signs for the Queensland Chinese Community Voice (QCCV) a new political body which had all its literature at the rally in Chinese - despite this, it was not seen by the media as racist.
The spokesman for the QCCV was a young Chinese lawyer by the name of Lawrence Ma . In his campaign against One Nation, Ma later claimed a faxed threat addressed to him was proof that racism was on the rise in Australia. His claim received nationwide publicity . The subsequent revelation that the fax originated from a Chinese organisation went unreported .
On the same day as the Rally against Racism, just to stir things up The Sunday Mail's Terry Sweetman , indulged in a bit of purple prose ("Pauline shows her contempt for youth" ):
Make no mistake, that's really what drives Pauline Hanson and her ugly supporters. It's not the rich against the poor, single against married, European against Asian, white against black.
She is pitting the old and the fearful against the young and the hopeful.
Young and old are attitudes of mind, not necessarily measured in years. Some of her supporters are ossified in their teens, some of her opponents sprightly in their 70s.
Hanson is a mental Methuselah, seemingly progressing from primary school name calling and thuggery to feebleness without passing through an age of wisdom and grace.
This old, old woman peddles such a wide range of prejudice and fear that somewhere she has fleeting appeal for all of us (I'm fairly partial to declarations against the waste of Aboriginal funds).
But to accept any portion of her so-called platform is like forgiving Hitler his sins because he built the autobahns or rehabilitating Mussolini because he made the trains run on time.
She's speaking for a world where everyone ate mutton and mash, where intellect was despised, where mental midgets decided what you could read or view, where strong men fainted at the sight of a nipple, where everyone purported to be Christian, where men were men and women knew their places, where there was no Aboriginal problem because Aborigines were invisible, where strangers were wogs and newcomers were reffos, where Ashes cricket series passed for foreign affairs.
The growth in the number of the "working class poor", a term first published by Heather Hill in her report on the falling standards of living in Australia, has doubled in the last 15 years.
The report states that Australia is headed towards an American-style poverty structure where working people joined welfare recipients below the poverty line.
The study by the Institute of Family Studies journal, Family Matters, suggests that the government should re-think their policies on award wages and social security payments.
"It seems the phenomenon of working poverty in Australia is real is growing.... in the 1990s.
"Having employment is no longer a guarantee of staying out of poverty."
The report fails to mention that this situation has arisen since the Labor government and subsequently the Coalition embarked on a whaolesale sell-off of Australian assets to multinationals.
"Changes in the structure of employment and growing inequalities in the distribution of wages seem to be nudgiung Australia in the direction of the United States-style population of "working poor".
The study warns that there will be a political backlash if this situation is not remedied.
"If this is the case the political fallout could be substantial.
"A significant element of the support attracted by One Nation appears to stem from the anxieties of people who feel themselves stuck on the margins of poverty in spite of their paid labour."
In 1981-82, 11.3% of the population earned low pay - the figure rising to 20% by 1995-96. Low pa in 1981-82 was $5.64 or less and hour - 1995-96 the figure had risen to $9.14 or less per hour.
The report mentions that men are now the big losers: "If we look at the characteristics of low-paid individuals, we find that there has been a shift towards men, full-time workers and single people and away from women, sole parents and couples with children.
"Men appear to have faired worse than women in terms of low pay."
"Perhaps most important would be a recognition that, while not yet at US levels, working poverty in Australia requires serious policy attention if we do not want to build up intractable problems for the future."
Yes, globalisation is good for Australia (tongue firmly fixed in cheek).
Bread and Circuses
According to the Australian's editorial on New Years Day, "1999 will be judged a success only if there is substantial improvement in four key areas: unemployment; reform of the tax system; moves towards reconciliation; and the key issue of Australian identity, the republic."
To put it mildly that is hogwash, and lying deceitful hogwash at that.
Unemployment. Neither the government nor the oppostion gives a fig about unemployment. Unemployment is part of the plan; it is the means by which real wages have been reduced and pressure is exerted on workers not to rock the boat. Even the figures are lies. When just one hour's work a week results in a person being considered as employed, everybody knows the real unemployment rate is more like 20%. In Peter Reith's utopia of a US-style deregulated labour market, wages and conditions will be further eroded: in the US in 1993, 25% of full-time workers earned less than US$14,000 a year. O brave new world that holds such prospects for its workers.
Reform of the tax system. What a joke that is: the reason the tax system dosn't work is because of the destruction of the middle class; the increase in those receiving welfare; the fact that paying tax is optional for the rich (Liebler's clients, Packer); and multinationals pay no tax. Everybody knows it, yet 'tax reform' on both sides of government means the imposition of the IMF-required GST, to squeeze money from the old, the sick, the retired, the unemployed and even children.
Reconciliation. In the mid-1850s, US black nationalist Martin Delany railed against those blacks who used their past persecution to shake down whites. He condemned free blacks who kept whining about their past condition. In 1852 he wrote: 'It is enough to know that these things are so; the causes we care little about. Those we have been examining, complaining about, and moralizing over, all our life time. This we are weary of.' I'd suggest most Australians are weary of complaining blacks. Billions have been spent on them with precious little reaching the most needy. Yet black leaders swan around the world at public expense bad-mouthing Australia at international conferences and other forums. Aborigines would be far better off assimilating into the mainstream culture and simply honouring their ancestry the way everybody else does. It's pure racism to say that they are somehow privileged because of their race.
Australian identity. We already know who we are. My grandparents knew that they were Australians and were proud of it. It is documented that even the currency lads and lasses - the first whites born here - were enormously proud of their status. Only PC intellectuals don't seem to know what the Australian identity is, along with arrogant ethnocrats who want to change it into something ugly and alien. As for the republic, surely such an important change should not come about (if it does) just so Australia can carry a new flag into the Sydney Olympics! Is such an important change to our system of government really the stuff of bread and circuses, scripted into a sports carnival for mass entertainment like sympathetic gay characters are scripted into the soapies? God help this land if we are already so debased.
Unemployment and tax reform are important issues, but the government and opposition have no answers simply because they refuse to accept the root cause of the problem - eroded national sovereignity. The real issue is the survival of the Australian nation. Increasingly we are becoming tenants in our own country. Only by regaining control of our country, renouncing the UN treaties and restoring our own laws will the problems be fixed.
Jon you are right about the confusion. I was always taught (in a British school) that a billion was a million millions. I became confused when I first arrived in 1980 as it appears the Americans consider a thousand millions to be a billion! They tell me that is the meaning here too.
If this is so perhaps there is a bright side. Do we owe the International Bankers about 230 thousand million or around 230 million million (presumably American) $$$$$$$!!
David Morgan.
West Australia.
Double Standards
Regarding today's "@notd Commentary" on political double standards, your readers might be interested in the equivalent double standards in the USA.
The common factor which allows this to occur, is of course, the left wing media.
Question on law and order
Dear Scott: I heard David Olfeilds statement for your NSW election policies. I notice that your party want the death penalty.
I agree with you in special cases. To what extent will this be put forward and do you think that you will have check systems on all who obtain a death penalty. Also with the sending back of foreign immigrants who have committed crimes, what will you do if the country they go back to does not recognize human rights or does not have treaties with Australia.
These questions I have been wondering what you will do to answer them through the One Nation party.
Yours sincerely
John C.Sunol
According to the editorial of the West (1/1/99) then this year we have to do something to settle the problem of reconciliation. Someone please explain to me the real meaning of reconciliation because from where I stand it apparently means that because of the wrongs done by my ancestors to the ancestors of todays Aborigines then my generation, whom have done nothing wrong, have to grovel, apologise and give todays generation of Aborigines whatever they want whenever they want it. That being the case then could I also claim similar from the descendants of those people who colonised, brutalised and murdered my ancestors up to 200 years or even 2000 years ago and more ? This is total madness. Lets put the past behind and leave it there. Everyone has the right to be equal. That is to say that they have the right to live respectfully and lawfully. The right to educate themselves, to gain life skills and to work towards making society better for themselves and for everyone else in it. As far as I can see these opportunities already exist in this country and if you do not wish to use them then you cannot expect society to pay your way based purely on race, creed, colour or what happened to your ancestors way back in the past. God help Australia, political correctness will cripple us all !
Jeff Butler
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November
Dual Citizenship
and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
A time with
Heather Hill - exclusive interview with One Nation's first Federal
Representative - 25th October 1998
A day with Pauline
- exclusive interview after the Federal Election - 22nd October
YOUR ABC? - 17th October 1998
The Federal
Election - 3rd October 1998
One Nation launch
- the day the media snapped.- 29th September 1998
Pauline Hanson
defeats the politically correct lobby- 28th September 1998
Fairfax on
trial- 23rd September 1998
Where the politically
correct hang out - 20th September 1998
A brief lunch time
controntation with Jeff Kennett- 8th September 1998
One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.