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Friday, 27th February 1998
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Pauline Hanson to run in the federal seat of Blair in the next election.
Hanson, Uniting
Church must scrap coverage of Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi
Readers of the Australian National News of the Day will
recall our coverage
of the sickening plans by the Uniting Church's Wesley Mission
to replay the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras on Channel 10.
Yesterday Pauline Hanson's One Nation released a press release on the issue.
"The planned televising of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras by the Wesley Mission and the Uniting Church show Swordfish, at 6.30am next Sunday morning on Channel 10 must be scrapped. According to the Wesley Mission, Swordfish is a show for young Australians from the ago of 13 - no doubt many are younger. Responsible people would consider the Mardi Gras as an R rated programme and certainly not suitable for such young viewers."
Meanwhile an Australian female golfer touring on the women's professional circuit, Nicole Lowein, has claimed that half the competitors are queer.
She said that she felt golf was no different from other sports implying that half the players in all female professional sports are bent.
"The gays on tour are great girls and we all get along famously (the ratio is about 50:50)", she wrote for an article to appear in Golf Australia.
"Everywhere I go I hear the same thing: that the 'Dykes on Spikes' are tarnishing the image of the (LPGA) women's tour.
"The only images that are tarnished are those of the close-minded persons espousing that view, who obviously can't handle the thought of two women in love."
Quite honestly it sounds to me that she is one of these "Dykes on Spikes..."
Special Air Services (SAS)
families stand alone
The sick state of our political leadership is perfectly displayed when one sees how they treat the wives of the men sent to fight the American's war in Iraq.
Just days ago both
Prime Minister John Howard and ALP leader Kim Beazley made special
trips to Perth for what can now be revealed to be little more than crass
photo opportunity sessions. Officially they were there to praise the valour
of our SAS troops. Now the truth is out.
It was jabout eighteen
months ago that several SAS members were killed in a tragic Blackhawk
accident. Following the incident a trust was set up. Chief fund raiser Jeff
Kazim said, "If the SAS is sent overseas as it has been now, then members
must go in the knowledge that in the event of the ultimate sacrifice their
family will be looked after."
The families who lost men in the
Blackhawk accident have been treated abysmally by the Australian Government
and army with wives and family receiving only Au$160,000 - compared to the
Au$200,000 a volunteer bush firefighter would receive in the event of accidental
death while fighting a fire.
The trust for the Blackhawk men has raised just Au$450,000 which includes donations of Au$50,000 from New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia. The other states refused to contribute a brass penny to the fund.
Meanwhile Defence Industry, Science and Personnel Minister Bronwyn Bishop told the trustees that she would never get a Au$10 million bond proposal through the Treasury - which is now run by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This is the same Treasury which has donated billions of Australian dollars to support our Asian neighbours currencies when the currency melt down struck.
Now this refusal to support the trust idea means that soldiers and their families have been denied assistance that their British counterparts have enjoyed for more than 40 years.
The Commonwealth Employment
Service (CES) to be disbanded.
The CES will be disbanded in May with a loss of over 4,000 jobs. It will then be known as Employment National (EN).
The multinational employment companies like Drake International will take over the role of traditional CES staff with a contract of Au$1.7 billion being the incentive.
Yesterday employment minister David Kemp said the new "Job Network" would dramatically improve the chances of Australia's 800,000 unemployed getting employment.
"These new organisations will be contracted to be out there in the marketplace identifying additional vacancies," Dr Kemp said.
"Tens of thousands of additional vacancies will be coming through the Centrelink database."
Hundreds of community based employment services aimed at supporting the "hardest" cases will be closed down as their funding is withdrawn.
Now maybe I'm missing something here, but how can "thousands of jobs" be created when you have the same employment market, the same need - but with one subtle change - greed.
What has actually happened is that the employment pool has now become another wing under the control of the multinationals. If you think of staff as a "resource" just like coal what has actually happened is the federal government have handed control of this resource over to foreigners.
See our story below on the Rothschild family.
Sonny Thompson, Ipswich
Aboriginal Legal Service, continues with physical
The Queensland Times today carries another racist and threatening letter from Thompson, a part-Aboriginal who does not want to be an Aussie:
Well Chris Verrall, if you see a 6'3", 18 stone Aborigine walking around the streets of the CBD with a spear and a laplap on don't be alarmed - it's just me going back to my hunting grounds - so keep your kangaroos locked up.
Sonny Thompson
Chris Verrall responded earlier this week to Thompson's letter to myself. Interesting that the Queensland Times have not, as yet, published my letter responding to his remarks.
Aborigines upset because
ATSIC withhold travel funding.
The National Aboriginal and Islander Legal Services Secretariat (NAILSS) has accused Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Herron of trying to stop them attending a session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.
We are aware of what numerous tax payer funded trips have achieved for Aborigines behind the backs of "white" Australia (who foot their travel bill). Just look at the United Nations Draft Agreement on the Rights of Indigenous People.
NAILSS yesterday received a letter from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) saying that they would not fund the trip. Now let us remember that the ATSIC industry is managed by Aboriginal councillors.
A spokesman for Herron said yesterday, "The decision of individual grants is a matter for ATSIC to determine.
"But the Minister, quite naturally, has been concerned that expenditure of this nature is kept to a minimum so that maximum available funds can go to meet the very real needs of indigenous people in relation to health, housing, education and employment.
"When the government came to office, ATSIC was spending about Au$12 million a year on travel - that was about 50% more than a comparable sized government department.
"They have since reduced their expenditure to Au$9 million last year, but again the Minister is still concerned there are higher priorities."
Indigenous groups have been using international trips to lobby foreign governments when the attend international forums. The focus of their interest is attacking the credibility of Australia saying that we are "racist" and "discriminate" against Aborigines.
Our recent example of the Ipswich Aboriginal Legal Service proves otherwise.
Kennett calls for higher
migrant intake
The master of political correctness, Jeff Kennett has urged the Federal Government to ignore political pressure to keep immigration rates low.
The Victorian Government has made a submission to the Federal Government, calling for an extra 50,000 skilled migrants to be admitted next year.
It also says current family reunion and humanitarian immigration levels should be maintained.
Mr Kennett says the proposal to allow 68,000 skilled migrants next year is too low to maintain economic growth.
"We argue very strongly that it is time for this country to recognise that we should be prepared to put the long-term interests of the country before the short-term political consideration," Mr Kennett said.
However, Federal Immigration Minister Phillip Ruddock says he does not expect any major changes to next year's intake.
The minister says there are 68,000 arrivals a year, plus 12,000 refugees and skilled migration makes up half that figure.
Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party is now considering standing candidates in the next Victorian election, as a direct response to Mr Kennett's policy.
Party Leader Pauline Hanson has told Radio 3AW the Victorian Premier is the most un-Australian person in politics, for advocating increased immigration.
She says it is absolutely ridiculous, when there are too many Australians unemployed.
Australian Greens
latch on to the dangers of the MAI
Greens Senator Bob Brown says Australia's economic independence will be greatly diminished if the Federal Government goes ahead with plans to ratify the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) multi-lateral agreement on investment (MAI).
The treaty, which is due for ratification in May, aims to outlaw all discrimination against international firms working in foreign countries.
As an OECD member, Australia has a hand in formulating the treaty, but Senator Brown says the Government will hand over control of key areas of the economy. "For example we will no longer in this country be able to limit the amount of foreign ownership for the media," Senator Brown said, "that would be illegal under this process."
Is it any surprise therefore that News Limited have been at the forefront of covering up this major issue facing Australia? You try to get a letter in a News Limited paper on the issue - you would have more chance getting Kerry Packer to donate money to one of the tragic cases that his A Current Affair programme thrown on your screen night after night.
Brown went on to say, "We would no longer be able to limit the number of shareholders taking up shares in privatised utilities like Telstra."
You can now see why American chief of Australia's Telstra, Frank Blount wants to have the whole of Telstra handed over to the "public" (read that as foreign investors).
"That would be out of the hands of Australians and we won't be able to put environmental and social structures on corporations investing in this country," Brown concluded.
Well, he might be old news after Pauline Hanson covered the MAI about a month ago, but at least he is on board...
The Australian Army has no ammunition...
At a time when we have real problems off our northern borders with Indonesia falling into civil unrest the Australian Army says it is short of ammunition. The deputy Chief of the Army, Major General John Hartley, confirmed shortages of artillery, tank shells and specialist rounds such as smoke grenades. General Hartley has told a Parliamentary hearing that the Army is using some war stocks and those ammunition reserves will have to be lifted to proper levels. "The requirement for individuals to achieve the skills they need are being met in all cases.
"There is some additional ammunition required, though, for units to become fully operational. "And in certain categories of those ammunition that you mentioned we do have deficiencies," he said.
Subject: EDUCATION OR INDOCTRINATION (students beware)
One of your correspondents said to me privately, that when he attended university they taught him HOW to think not WHAT to think. That little gem should be shouted from the rooftops. Whilst some educators of the past did attempt to tell us what to think this was balanced by encouragement to seek and find.
Well I remember primary school in 1942 during Civics
class when our teacher told us that people should vote Labour because it
was middle of the road. The political spectrum was presented thus:
Totalitarianism (communism)--------Labour---------- (capitalism)(fascism)
Later in life I found one of the "banned" books "Economic
Democracy" by Major Douglas and he presented the political spectrum this
Anarchy(no government)------ Economic Democracy(limited
government)--------Totalitarianism(Big Government, Big Business,
Just as students are NOT taught today to distinguish the difference between "THE CROWN" and the person currently holding the office; likewise they will never be told the difference between Democracy and ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY. Students beware. If a book is banned, this is usually a good reason for reading it. TRUTH invites persecution.
Philip Madsen.
Subject: Aboriginal Status
I have a problem understanding how an aboriginal of whatever country in the world has the belief that they are aboriginal if they are less than 25% full blood??????
Just who or what is Rio Tinto.
What do Rothschild interests do to totally monopolise a country? They buy up a controlling interest of good companies and then use the profits to "buy back" the remaining shares.
We have seen how this has been done with Westpac by
interests. Now Rio Tinto is next on the line. This year the company
will make a Au$1.82 billion profit.
To find out who Rio Tinto is we have to find out who the Rothschilds are... this link carries a fascinating overview of the history of the world's wealthiest family. Wealth that makes the "so-called" wealthiest men (like Bill Gates) look like paupers. Wealth which buys anonymity.
"It would be insufficient to sum up the (Rothschild) family as still very wealthy...(their fortunes are as) ineffable as the family grooms the inaudibility and invisibility of its presence as a result, some believe that little is left apart from a great legend -- and the Rothschilds are quite content to let legend be their public relations." (The Rothschilds, Frederick Morton, 1962)
The revealing The Story of the Committee of 300 looks at the mechanics working behind the multilateral agreement on investment (MAI).
Here is an extract from this lengthy article:
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT WHICH IS THE TRUE RULING POWER IN OUR COUNTRY." To back up his position, Bernays quoted H. G. Wells' article published in the New York Times in which Wells enthusiastically backed the idea of modern means of communication "opening up a new world of political processes which will allow the common design to be documented and sustained against perversion and betrayal" (of the invisible government).
When you start looking at the demons at work in the cancerous Rothschild organisation you see how the pieces fall together quite simply - with fronts like Rio Tinto poised to swallow up Australia's resources once MAI is finalised.
With the wealth of the Rothschild's banking and mining interests already controlling the Australian economy we are ripe for being screwed in the most blatant of manners.
Let us remember that "paper money" is, in fact, a worthless commodity while resources such as gold, coal and copper have real tangible value. You have to look no further than the experience of Indonesia to understand what I mean. Rothschild's have turned this fact on its head to control Australia's extraordinary mineral wealth which, in a few years time (post-MAI), will be "legally" a "foreign asset" owned by the money power.
So what is Rio-Tinto? It is the world's largest mining conglomerate, it, together with Australian banks represents two legs of Australia's financial Trojan Horse. It is fully backed by Australia's Labor and Coalition governments - whose career politicians have sold Australia to foreign interests.
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
See GLOBE International for
other world news.