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Thursday, 26th February 1998
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Hansons One Nation given go ahead to meet in Ipswich City Council
Pauline Hansons One Nation Party has received permission from the Ipswich City Council to hold branch meetings in the Barry Jones Auditorium of the Global Info-Links building.
Mayor John Nugent said One Nations Oxley branch would be allowed to hold its branch meetings in the Council owned-buildings.
Council voted in July last year against allowing One Nation to use Ipswich Humanities Building for the launch of the Oxley One Nation branch.
The move generated Australia-wide comment when Councillor Paul Tully said it was a ban on One Nation Party using council buildings.
Cr Nugent was forced to defend the decision
as a ruling on an individual application by One Nation was refused
because of the violence at the partys
at the Civic Hall on April 11, 1997. Ironically Cr Paul Tully was
one of the protesters at that meeting. (Seen here on the right with a bow
Council censured Cr Tully for his actions on August 6.
Cr Nugent said he had sought the opinion of councillors on the new decision.
The One Nation Party made an application to hold their branch meetings there, he said.
I contacted all the available councillors. A majority of them said if it was just their branch meetings, they should be allowed to do that.
Cr Nugent said there was no council by-law or decision preventing political parties using council buildings.
Cr Tully could not be contacted for comment.
"ten commandments" of the MAI
For Citizens
1. You shall have no rights to livelihoods, to work, to food, to water, to safe environment.
2. You shall have no rights to work and livelihoods and to economic security.
3. You shall have no other identity or morality except that of being consumers on the global market place.
Hindmarsh Bridge claims yet another victim.
Yesterday Australia's newest High Court judge Ian Callinan was forced to
withdraw from the
Bridge case after admitting his memory on his previous work on the
case had been inaccurate.
Earlier this
month Callinan refused to remove himself from the case despite cries
from the ALP and the lawyers for the Aboriginal women making the claim.
The ALP's shadow attorney-general Nick Bolkus released a letter which proved Callinan had given advice to Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Herron.
"I think for a new judge an early stumble is something that doesn't help the image," Bolkus said.
A group of the Ngarrindjeri women are challenging are challenging the federal
Hindmarsh Bridge Act which allows the construction of a bridge 80 km south
of Adelaide. They are part of the same tribe which embraced Pauline Hanson
earlier this month calling her "The Messiah" for
her stand
that ATSIC should be disbanded. The group supporting Pauline
Hanson are sick of the divisive claims being made by their kin.
What everybody seems to have overlooked is that women have, under tribal law (the basis of the Mabo decision), no claims on the basis of native title. The politically correct lobby are so blinkered, so bigoted that their one-eyed view point ensures that this fact is kept from the general Australian population.
Betraying the victims of the Stolen children
Extract from the article by Ron Brunton:
"Whether John Howard should apologise to the stolen
generations for the actions of previous governments for which he personally
had no responsibility, one thing is certain: as the organisation that
is responsible for such an unworthy report, the Human Rights and Equal
Opportunity Commission should apologise to all Australians: Aboriginal and
A few days ago we covered the case of a white South African woman who is
trying to claim refugee status in Australia. She said yesterday said she
would not argue if people called her a racist because of her appeal to stay
based on her being white.
"I don't mind if they're racist allegations. I'm looking at it as an individual
and I cannot live there (South Africa)," Cheryl Kennedy told ABC radio in
Perth today.
"If it's as a result of race, well so be it, but don't think it's only race
in South Africa. There is definitely a major criminal element as well which
the government is doing nothing about."
The Immigration Department has refused her refugee application but the single
mother-of-two refuses to return to the crime and violence of Johannesburg.
She said immigration authorities were wrong to find she did not qualify under
the refugee convention as a person persecuted for racial, religious, political
or social grounds.
"As far as I'm concerned, I do fall under that. A lot of my persecution
was a direct result ... purely because I'm white and because of the social
group I belong to," she said.
Ms Kennedy came to Western Australia on a 12 month tourist visa but soon
decided to apply to stay as a refugee.
"It's so difficult to tell anyone about it (life in South Africa) because
it just sounds like a fairy tale, a bad fairy tale. You don't see it until
you leave," she said.
"When I landed in Perth, I knew there was just no way I'd go back."
The 39-year-old mother of eight and 10-year-old daughters said her
husband and brother had been murdered, her house burnt down and a daughter
had been menaced at gunpoint at the age of two.
"Life for people in South Africa has no meaning," she said.
"If I'd been a single person, I probably would have stayed because as a single
person you think you're invincible and you would handle it; the minute you
have children, the whole equation changes." Ms Kennedy, who ran her own business
in Johannesburg, has been granted a bridging visa until March 4.
Her next legal option is to take her case to the Refugee Review Tribunal,
which is empowered to overturn the department's ruling.
An unidentified former South African businessman now living in Perth had
flown the Kennedy family from Broome, in WA's north, to Perth yesterday and
was paying for legal advice, The West Australian newspaper said today.
New South Wales under Wayne Goss has just handed the control of the state's
electricity to Mercury - the offshore company which controls electricity
supplies all over the world. In this age of privatisation of national assets
Mercury represents all that is wrong with the new world order.
(See the
article by Graham Strachan on privatisation of public assets). As
you will see in the comments below New Zealanders are not happy:
The power failure's in Auckland, costing business tens of millions of dollars
is due to this same Mercury's mismanagement.
Mercury Directors in New Zealand gave themselves a 36% pay rise last year.
Mercury jobs in New Zealand were cut from 1141 in 1992/93 to 596 last
year. Mercury knew the present system couldn't cope
The Alliance is blaming the government for the Central Business District
power cuts in Auckland.
And Alliance leader Jim Anderton is calling for the resignation of the Minister
who instituted the electricity industry changes along with the Chairman,
Deputy Chair and Chief Executive of Mercury.
Auckland city has been plunged into darkness with shops and businesses closing
and residents evacuated following the failure of all major power cables into
the central business district.
Alliance leader Jim Anderton says the failure would have been prevented if
the government had not made changes to the electricity industry which made
profiteering more important than reliability of service.
"The jobs of maintenance staff have been cut, directors and managers have
massively increased their personal pay. Mercury Energy has spent up large
on takeovers and business wheeling and dealing and failed to do the most
basic job of ensuring totally reliable power supply.
"The pure-profit outcome is what the National government set up the electricty
companies to achieve. This is the result commentators predicted at the time
of electricity industry changes. Auckland businesses and residents are the
unequivocal victims of the National Party," Jim Anderton said.
Mercury Energy's most recent annual report shows that the company knew of
the potential for the power system in the central business district to fail.
Mercury is building a $110 million tunnel because of the declining reliability
of the existing CBD cables. The annual report states, "To have done nothing
would result in blackouts or brownouts as the present system couldn't cope."
"Knowing of the likelihood of blackouts, Mercury should have had emergency
maintenance projects underway. That would have eaten into its $82 million
profit but it would have prevented blackouts. Instead it took a risk that
everything would hang together until the tunnel project was complete. The
risk has not come off and the well-being of Aucklanders as well as the viability
and reliability of New Zealand businesses is at stake. This is a Third World
situation," Jim Anderton said.
"Mercury has halved its staff over the last five years. In 1992/93 it employed
1141 people. That dropped to 950 in 94/95 and then to 630 in 1995/96. Now
it employs just 596 people.
"At the same time Mercury has been preparing for privatisation. At present
it is majority owned by the Auckland Energy Consumer Trust. In preparation
for privatisation Mercury has been locked in a $300 million takeover battle
with Power New Zealand. Instead of improving maintenance it has increased
its profits from $21.8 million in 1992/93 to $82.11m last year.
"While Mercury was preparing for privatisation instead of improving the
reliability of its service its directors were giving themselves massive pay
increases of up to 40%.
"Last year, the director's fee paid to Chairman Jim Macauley increased from
$50,000 to $70,000. The Deputy Chairman Michael Barnett who is quoted in
today's paper as saying, 'To point the finger at mismanagement or talk about
heads rolling at this stage is crazy,' received an increase from $37,500
to $42,000. Ordinary directors increased the fees from $25,000 to $34,000.
"Mercury Energy is a scandal. Its greed has put Aucklanders at risk and
has endangered Auckland businesses. Its appalling conduct is the direct result
of the National Government's commercialisation of electricity.
"The only acceptable outcome is for heads to roll - big time. John Luxton,
as the Minister who caused this fiasco, has to go.
"His head has to go together with the top people at Mercury: Chairperson
Jim Macauley and his deputy Michael Barnett were loud advocates of restructuring
Mercury, privatisation and the removal of democratic control. The Chief Executive
is on a salary package of nearly half a million dollars and can't even make
the company do its basic job of supplying power. They all have to go," Jim
Anderton said.
This letter resulted in
On Wednesday Sonny Thompson responded with the following:
Re Scott Balson's letter (QT Feb 23) his statement
holds no substance. As for wanting to have a debate with me I don't think
he would want to get that close. One more thing, I have never claimed to
be an Aussie, I am an Aboriginal.
Sonny Thompson.
Here is my response faxed to the QT yesterday:
The Editor
Dear Sir,
In Sonny Thompsons response (QT 25/02) to my
letter of 23/02 he claims my statement holds little substance. I am not sure
which one he is referring to, but on information supplied to me earlier this
week by a number of Ipswich based Aborigines (including an elder) my letter
is apparently very close to the mark.
You see, sir, I learnt that Sonny is the partner
of Patricia Thompson the outspoken head of the Ipswich Aboriginal Legal Service.
Perhaps Patricia would like to explain why Sonny Thompson; John Thompson
(Patricias brother-in-law); Ces Fischer (Patricias father); David
Thompson (Patricias brother-in-law) and Alan Fischer (Patricias
half brother) work for the Aboriginal Legal Service in Ipswich in some formalised
capacity on salary packages which, when combined, approach $200,000 per annum.
The Aborigines who contacted me called this, at best, blatant
nepotism. I tend to agree with their sentiments.
Patricia Thompson has been very vocal in her anti-Hanson
statements. Strange, because the Aborigines who contacted me also expressed
support for Pauline Hansons claim that ATSIC should be disbanded. Although
they are sick of the corruption within ATSIC not one would stand up and be
counted because they all feared retribution.
Which brings me to the next of Sonnys statements,
he states As for wanting to debate with me I don't think that hed
want to get that close. Is intimidation the way you operate Sonny?
Let me make one issue quite clear - Pauline Hanson represents all voters
in the seat of Oxley equally, irrespective of colour, and always has despite
Patricia Thompsons failed attempt to claim otherwise in the Human Rights
and Equal Opportunity circus. It is our independent federal member of parliament
who champions equality for all Australians - I wonder if the Ipswich ALS
can make the same boast - starting with explaining the methodology behind
the selection of their staff.
I am not scared or intimidated by you Sonny, I am an
Aussie, I want my kids to have a fair go - just as Aboriginal
Aussies do. If you are fair dinkum about your statement: I have never
claimed to be an Aussie, I am an Aboriginal perhaps you can explain
to us Aussies how your well-placed family can stoop to accept money from
Aussie tax payers when you dont see yourself as one?
For the record I voluntarily paid bail of several hundred
dollars to a young Aboriginal family. The man had been taken to the watchhouse
just before Christmas last year. He was destined to spend two weeks behind
bars because I was told the Ipswich ALS had not responded to his calls for
Scott Balson, Karana Downs
The man who single-handedly took on communism in Australia in the 1950s died
yesterday. Santamaria, 82, who had a brain tumour in October last year was
a devout Catholic. In 1955 he split the Australian Labor Party (ALP) when
he set up the Democratic Labor Party. The split caused the ALP to sit on
the back bench for over 20 years - up until 1972.
The collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1980s fulfilled Santamaria's life
long dream. He remained focussed on the ills that he saw affecting Western
civilisation - multinational conglomerates, gay and lesbian activities, threats
to the traditional family, abortion and consumerism.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the
A lady wrote to the Newcastle Herald this week and
said that Joseph Banks researched and categorised all Australian Native plants
and their habitats, why didn't this happen to the native people and why weren't
they protected."
Well we cleared millions of tree's and destroyed a
lot of rain forests but I'm yet to see a tree walking around the nation with
an apology book.
Steve Dunn
Subject: Guilt Trips & Aboriginal Political
Dear Editor,
In News of the Day yesterday, Wednesday 25/2 Colin
asks about Aborigines: "The part I can't understand is, what is driving this
push to continually highlight all the alleged bad things that happen to
Aborigines, and to hang a guilt trip on us n-i.p. What is in it for them,
and where do they get the political clout?"
My response to Colin is that it is in their nature.
For 50000 years they have existed by doing nothing except sleeping in the
sun and putting it over on other fellow Aborigines. The women did the work
while the men sat around telling each other what terrific chaps they were.
Consequently they have an arrogance that leads them to believe that because
they are who they are they should own the country outright to the exclusion
of all others and that all n-i.p.s should work for them while they sit around
and do nothing except have a good life and that only good things should happen
to them while others must take the hard knocks and do the work. They also
believe that their culture should be imposed on all others. This attitude
has also been reinforced by do-gooders and those with an axe to grind.
This is exemplified by what is happening on the cattle
stations that have been bought and given to them in the Northern Territory
and West Australia. They immediately put in a white manager who they pay
a salary only while the tribe takes the profits from the property. Possibly
one of the aboriginal owners works at running the cattle, the rest sit back
and have a good life.
Not all aborigines are like this of course and there
are plenty of n-i.p.s who think the same way. I know personally a number
of who refuse to go to school, college or work and support themselves
by dodging back and forth between the dole, Austudy and other forms of taxpayer
(worker) funded social welfare.
Aborigines get their political clout from a number
of sources. First of all the churches who could not exist without the guilt
trips that they put on their congregations. Christian churches and in particular
the Roman Catholic church use guilt and the threat of damnation to control
their flocks. The church hierarchy have jobs to keep and use the Aborigines
as the most recent in a long line of so-called victims to support so that
the church has a cause to recruit its members around. In addition the churches
and in particular the Jesuits, do not recognise the rule of secular authorities.
God, through the Pope, is their only authority and any thing that the Jesuits
can do to bugger up the power of the people and their governments will be
done. Destroying secular authority in the long run gives the church more
power over the population and that is their ultimate aim.
A second source of political clout is individual
politicians. These politicians are exemplified by Gareth Evans and his
ilk whose only aim is to appear good on the international political arena
and who would abandon the Australian people for a career in the UN. Any
internationalist cause that comes along will be supported by these people
at the expense of the national sovereignty or the self -determination of
the Australian people.
There are also those politicians that actually believe
in a world government and sell out the people for their own personal ideals.
Indigenous rights is the latest internationalist catch cry. It is the lever
by which national sovereignty can be eroded. These politicians are the ones
who, in the name of racial equality, set up racist structures such as ATSIC
and Nunavut. All of this is with the complicity from the High Court judges
whose job it is to protect the people and the constitution that we have set
up for ourselves but who actively support internationalist policies by twisting
the meaning of the constitution to suit themselves.
Then there are the nutters such as Cheryl Kernot,
Natasha Stott-Despoja and other members of the Democrats and other groupings
such as the Greens who appear to believe that money grows on trees and that
we should give every thing away to the most useless members of our
Remember also that it is the goal of the Fabian Socialist
movement to remove private land ownership from individuals. What simpler
way of removing this ownership is there than using the indigenous peoples
issues to take all land ownership from n-i.p.s and give it to the indigenes.
In Australia this is particularly useful because once the land is all owned
by Indigenes the public outcry will be such that the government can take
it all back from this extremely small minority with no problem. They could
even be suppressed by force if necessary. Hey, Presto! What have you got?
A Socialist state with all land ownership in the hands of the
The Labor party is riddled with Fabian socialists
and the Coalition is riddled with religious groupings. What chance do the
people have?
Subject: Government rejects white refugee
It's not really a surprise is it? With all the political
and media worship of Nelson Mandela the government is not going to risk
criticising his regime. South Africa is heading toward cival war, and the
chances are that the government will have this woman's (and her children's)
blood on their hands.
How can the Australian government criticise affirmative
action for blacks when they do the same thing themselves?
So much for their stated concern for oppressed minorities.
Where has Amnesty gone? Don't they represent white people?
We all know what the result would have been if the
applicant wasn't white. Chinese get refugee status on the grounds that they
are only allowed one child.
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
See GLOBE International for
other world news.
Politically correct Australia demands selective "racism" cases for
of the nation's electricity supply.
Ipswich Aboriginal Legal Service spokesman Sonny
Thompson responds
On Monday we
reproduced a letter that appeared in the Queensland Times that day.
The letter, written by Scott Balson in response to Sonny Thompson, looked
at corruption within ATSIC.
Aborigines contacting
this office to supply information previously unknown by us.
Queensland Times
Making the
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest
possible levels in Australia.
Santamaria dies in
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