Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
News Limited bucket
opposition to the MAI. 21st March
The proposed privatisation of
Telstra 16th March 1998
Queensland State Candidates meet the
people 15th March 1998
One Nation, the First Year 12th March
Hanson tackles the MAI in Parliament while the media re-writes
history 10th March 1998
How did the Hanson phenomenon start?
8th March 1998
Presentation on
"the level playing field" that ain't 7th March
A Santa Maria on Australia pre- and post- Hawke.
6th March 1998
Current topical links (available to all readers):
[Links to the MAI]
One Nation State Election website]
[Sign the "I'm so sorry Pauline"
Archive of weekly features (available to all readers):
Canberra Column]
an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
first daily Internet newspaper.
October 1995
Hanson success - Beenleigh meet now makes 40 state candidates for One Nation
Saturdays' excellent meeting at the Beenleigh Police Youth Club has now added twelve more candidates to the fight for gaining the balance of power in Queensland.
The candidates, seen below, are representing seats in South East Queensland.
The list of candidates can be seen here.
Despite this incredible development the biased News Limited Courier Mail totally ignored the meeting today. I have been informed News Limited's trashy Sunday Mail (which I no longer bother getting) had a two centimetre report on the meeting claiming that Pauline Hanson said that 'immigrant students pass on disease to Australian students through musical instruments'.
I was at the meeting and I can tell you first hand that that is total rubbish - she never made that statement at the Beenleigh meeting.
The grass roots support that One Nation is getting defies the picture that News Limited has tried to present of the party as one in chaos, one that is splitting up into factions, one that is destined to failure and one that is led by an ignorant woman who does not know what she is talking about.
Instead of covering the development we have major stories in today's Courier Mail about state government plans to allow state forests to be used by gun associations and an old tax building that turns over Au$10.5 million.... stunning stuff when before our eyes we have the arrival of a third political force in Queensland that has been totally ignored.
Is this selective censorship? Yes...
Rod Kemp changes tack on the MAI.
After previously claiming that the MAI was good and "accusing Ms Hanson of scare-mongering based on ignorance Assistant Treasurer Rod Kemp displayed his own ignorance yesterday as the MAI started to explode in his face.
On Saturday he wrote to the Weekend Australian
"The Government would not agree to the MAI if it did not permit exceptions or if it required that exceptions must be repealed after a particular period of time."
Winding back of exemptions is a cornerstone of the MAI.
From his letter one is therefore led to speculate on whether Kemp believes the MAI is already as good as dead, and if so whether he is engaging in a political tactic to capitalise on this eventuality. Thus if the treaty collapses will he in retrospect claim government "success", on the basis that he acted in the "public interest" by opposing the rollback provisions?" Of course...
"Australia's would be traitors can expect to be joined in this quick switcheroo by their fellow compradors of other OECD countries. Now that its clear to the Trans World Oligarchy, and to the political puppets who serve their interests, that the MAI can't be had without sewing the seeds of a world-wide people's movement to install meaningful democracy and deinstall class rule and neoimperialism, the traitors who would have sold us out must make a fast political U-turn - to try to trick people into believing that they are patriots who have saved them from it."
Not my words, but well said.
Shutting up the truth
Senior Liberals have threatened to sue anyone who has been behind the leaking
of documents which have led to the call for Prime Minister John Howard's
mate, Resource Minister Warwick Parer, to stand down.
David Jull, himself
a victim of falling on his own sword last year, said yesterday, "I'm
just looking for somebody I can sue", after someone tattled on Senate hopeful
David MacGibbon.
"This seems to have flared out as a result of the pre-selections - some of
the tactics are from the Noel Crichton-Browne handbook and it's got to be
stopped right away," Jull said.
Sources close to dumped Liberal Senator David MacGibbon said that the leaks
had been falsely pointed at him and he wants to sue as well. MacGibbon said
he was furious about the claims and his effective dumping from a Senate ticket
after he was put third (almost unwinnable) . This after the allegations had been made against him.
The Liberal Member for Forde, Kay Elson, yesterday denied that she was the
source of the leaks, saying, "I haven't been involved in that, not ever accused
anyone, nor lobbied nor looked for numbers or ever mentioned the Senate before
they went to pre-selection (for the Senate)".
Yesterday the ALP's Industry spokesman Simon Crean (an ex-ACTU stooge) led
Labor's attack on Parer saying, "We do have further information that there
is another family company which has not been declared (by Parer). Was the
Prime Minister aware of this other undeclared company?"
Cheryl Kernot, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities
Commission (HREOC) and family values.
Princess Precious is now being referred to as a "tart" after the Sunday
Mail ran a front cover colour picture of her dressed in red during a
fashion shoot.
I feel sorry for Kernot as the Sunday Mail, in their attempt to promote
the ALP bandwagon, really blew this one with the public response being
that the image of a bloated Kernot sitting on a red couch in a red gown was
anything but flattering.
Kernot, who is supposed to be the ALP's new front for the Aussie battlers,
is a complex lady... as disclosed in a
by News Weekly on August 24, 1994, where they reveal how Kernot was
behind the attempt to give queers the same rights as traditional families.
In this report her allegiance with the discredited, politically correct HREOC is exposed. HREOC
had this statement in their report seeking the equal footing of queers:
"As noted by the Australian Federation of AIDS
Organisations and the Australian Council for Lesbian and Gay Rights, 85%
of HIV positive people in Australia are gay and bisexual men. As a result
of the high level of prejudice against lesbians, gay men, bisexual, and
transgender or transsexual people, these people are often not supported by
their nuclear families and rely on members of their particular community/ies
for care and support.
"In the case of carers of people with HIV/AIDS, leave
which extends beyond leave in case of illness, is vital to secure the necessary
care for people with HIV and to provide necessary arrangements for the funerals
of those who die of AIDS or an AIDS related condition."
Do not silence Ms. Hanson. Australia is a free country
with freedom as a tradition. It is important that she and her followers have
a chance to join the public discourse and that they not be shouted down or
prevented from putting out their message. If you believe in freedom, it is
imperative to put up with all views without fear and even those that a person
may not like.
I offer no opinion pro or con with regard to her
What I do maintain is that a free society should allow
all viewpoints a voice and let the public learn and make up its own mind.
We have had monumental struggles in America over such issues and many views
that were once unpopular (such as civil rights) later became popular and
even the law because people who were viewed negatively in the beginning were
allowed a voice and to continue pushing the envelope of public opinion.
Please do not silence the Pauline Hanson's of the world.
We need a free flow of ideas.
John Douglas, USA
Media and the
Pauline is entitled to her opinion and it is important
in a democracy that all points of view be heard and that people have the
opportunity to spread their ideas. This is better for society for a lot of
reasons and provides a safety valve for pent up frustrations. I do not pass
judgment on her views, which I may or may not agree with in whole or in part,
but I certainly defend her right and the right of all of us and also her
opposition to put out their view for public discourse.
To the
and others who would silence her voice, I would remind you that many
good social changes have been wrought in western democracies because views
that were unpopular eventually caught on. People should have that right and
the rest of us should have an unfettered right to read and hear her view
along with the others, so please cease and desist from efforts to silence
Let the public discourse and thought flow freely for
all of our benefit and then an enlightened and caring public can vote and
decide issues on the merits.
Another perfect day in paradise. Cooler now - really pleasant.
Have a good one.
See GLOBE International for
other world news.
Making the
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest
possible levels in Australia.
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