Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation, the First Year 12th March
Hanson tackles the MAI in Parliament while the media re-writes
history 10th March 1998
How did the Hanson phenomenon start?
8th March 1998
Presentation on
"the level playing field" that ain't 7th March
A Santa Maria on Australia pre- and post- Hawke.
6th March 1998
Lateline report
on the MAI - 80% of Australia's economic activity is controlled by
multinationals. 5th March
Current topical links (available to all readers):
[Links to the MAI]
One Nation State Election website]
[Sign the "I'm so sorry Pauline"
Archive of weekly features (available to all readers):
Canberra Column]
an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
first daily Internet newspaper.
October 1995
Hanson on Channel 9's Midday Show
Page 301 of Pauline Hanson by the man who knows (*lies) (John Pasquarelli.):
"Ray Martin clearly had a technical victory over a jaded and disconnected Pauline, but he suffered the same viewer-response fate as Tracey Curro. Midday Host Kerri-Anne Kennerley has vowed not to have Pauline Hanson back on her show. According to Kennerley, the Hanson presence boosts the ratings but, "I got badly burned by audience reaction - the studio audience and viewers at home attacking me if I am perceived as having given Pauline a hard time."
Well yesterday Kennerley was true
to her word and exposed Pasquarelli lies in his book when Pauline Hanson
was indeed invited back on the Midday show and gave a sparkling
The irony is that Pauline Hanson has vowed never to appear on Channel 9s disgusting, unethical, ratings-grabbing SIXTY MINUTES... a programme run by a lying producer... John Westacott.
Extract from the show (complete transcript with images here)
Kerry-Anne Kennerley: "You are certainly getting endorsement there. Lets get to the last one... we have got literally dozens here. The last one we will wrap it up on.. This is a more difficult one I will give you notice Pauline, If one of your children were to be involved romantically with an Asian person would you feel comfortable about their relationship? signed by Louise."
Pauline Hanson: "I have no problem whatsoever I could not care what nationality the person is and the thing is it is their life. All you care about as a mother is that they are happy and secure within themselves and it has nothing to do with the colour of their skin or their nationality, it is the person inside. I would be more concerned about what sort of person they are inside."
Australian Jockey Club (AJC) - Randwick, Sydney
I spoke to David Ettridge this morning about last night's One Nation rally in the Sydney suburb of Randwick which was attended by Pauline Hanson. David told me that about 600 supporters attended with only 150 protesters grovelling around outside. Randwick had previously been declared a "Hanson-free" zone by the Mayor.
All the television crews were there, but because the event would have portrayed One Nation in a good light censorship was the order of the day with no coverage being given. (See David's quote below).
The media had previously panicked the AJC officials by saying that 1000s of protesters would be attending. A university being located next door to the AJC was not expected to help the situation. No body was arrested in the peaceful but rowdy demonstration ... one that the police handled with great diplomacy and expertise. We believe that the poor turnout of protesters was either because they realise that they are wasting their time now and that they cannot stop One Nation or, more likely, there were other "more important" things like parties and drinking sessions to go to (being a Friday night).
Amelia Campbell, the aboriginal lady from Adelaide, who has campaigned for Pauline Hanson was on stage at the AJC. She spoke powerfully validating the point that Pauline provides the only hope for Aborigines... after Amelia had spoken she embraced Pauline and all the assembled cameras and lights focussed on this highly emotion charged moment which, if put to air, would give proof to the media-inspired lie that One Nation is a racist political party... The crowd gave Amelia a standing ovation as she attacked ATSIC for its failure to deliver any solutions to the Aboriginal people. The moment would never be seen by Australians.
How would the media be able to explain these images flashing across the screens of families all over the country... Pauline being embraced by an aborigine and the statement that "One Nation would be the only political vehicle capable of really helping the indigenous people of Australia..."
Later two new One Nation candidates Phil Maddison (Banks) Reg Lowder (Hughes) were announced.
As we have come to expect Pauline
Hanson delivered a powerful speech which had the audience clapping and
(Right: From the picture archives - December 1997: Pauline Hanson (seated centre) with Erika Estrada, Barbara Hazelton and author Helen Dodd (Pauline, the Hanson Phenomenon).
After the presentations Pauline signed autographs...
David Ettridge, in summing up the response by the media later, read the text of a speech by John Swinton chief of staff of the New York Times in 1953:
"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twentyfour hours my occupation would be gone.
"The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting to an independent press? We are the tools and vassals for rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
Barbecue hits a snag - Canberra column
The intriguing story in this week's column clearly exposes the divisive and politically correct manner in which different race groups are treated in Australia - how they now interact and how easy it now is for certain race groups to completely abuse the law and all things Australian.
This is a first hand account by Peter Mackay. Here are extracts:
The protest site (in the grounds of Parliament) is now essentially a free camping ground for the mainly interstate protesters, maintained at public expense in one of the most attractive pieces of real estate in the nation. Other people are not allowed to camp in the Parliamentary Triangle -- one protester was recently arrested by police for camping beside his "Trojan Horse" during the Constitutional Convention, whilst a few metres away residents of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy slept under the trees.
The burning of the "sacred fires" during times of total fire ban has also come in for strong public criticism. The community feels that this is going too far, and if open fires are permitted on grassland in the very heart of the national capital, then why should enclosed backyard barbecues be forbidden?
A Weber kettle and a wood fire barbecue on a metal stand were erected and lit on the eastern side of the lawn area, ninety metres away from the nearest embassy structure. Sausages were set cooking and normal barbecue activities commenced.
A small group of obviously intoxicated Aboriginal Australians left the tent embassy and suggested that the party members either leave or ask permission. They then went off in the direction of Kingston.
Five minutes later a group of seven residents left the camping area and approached, bearing boomerangs, spears and a plastic container of water.
They extinguished the fires, picked up the barbecues, eskies and other equipment, throwing everything onto the roadway, spilling smouldering embers, smashing a bottle of beer and damaging some of the equipment.
No resistance was offered by members of One Nation, who were threatened with spears, and told that "This is Aboriginal land. You are not black, get off the land or we'll stab you." The Aboriginal residents were unaware of the identity of the party members -- presumably any non-Aboriginal Australians would be similarly confronted. One woman, who was taking pictures, was told to stop, and threatened with traditional law. "You put that photo away or we'll smash the camera."
Television crews arrived a few minutes later, filmed the broken equipment, and interviewed party members, who were standing on the footpath while residents shouted abuse from a few metres away.
John Newman assassination - men charged at last
Australia's first political assassination took place in Cabramatta at 9.30pm on September 5th 1994 when Labor MP John Newman was cold bloodedly shot in the head as he was putting a tarpaulin over his car before he went into his home.
Yesterday detectives at Parramatta in Sydney's West arrested three men in relation to the murder - just 3 and a half years after the event...
The three being held in custody include a Fairfield councillor Phuong Ngo (39). The other two are also Vietnamese - Quang Dao (35) and Tuan Van Tran (28) - they both work at the Cabramatta Mekong Club.
Mr Newman was a long time fighter against organised crime in Cabramatta - the centre of Australia's heroin industry. He was also a former deputy mayor of Fairfield City Council and knew Phuong Ngo well. On the night he was murdered he had been at a party meeting.
Newman had been threatened with death several times over a number of years and his car had been paint bombed three times. In 1994 a shot was fired through his electoral office after he campaigned for the deportation of foreign born criminals found guilty of crime.
Ngo refused to give evidence yesterday saying that he was the slave to no one. He attacked the counsel assisting the coroner, Paul Roberts, for the way in which he pronounced his name, saying, "In Vietnamese 'N-go' (Mr Roberts' pronunciation) means slave, sir. I, in no time and nowhere, am slave to no one."
The allegation is that Ngo contracted the other two to kill Newman.
Nebraska Pastor on Trial For Marrying Gay Couple
Extract from the above article:
KEARNEY, Neb. March 12The pastor of Omaha's largest Methodist church went on trial today in a cavernous church gymnasium turned into an ecclesiastical courtroom, accused of violating church canons by performing a marriage ceremony for a lesbian couple.
The unusual trial represents the first time that the United Methodist denomination -- the nation's third largest with 8.5 million members -- has prosecuted one of its clergy for blessing a same-sex union. If found guilty by a jury of 13 Methodist clerics, the accused minister, the Rev. Jimmy Creech, could lose his congregation of 1,900 parishioners and his ministerial credentials.
Beyond the issue of canon law, the trial is also symbolic of the growing fissures among Christians over homosexuality as homosexual men and women increasingly assert their right to be ordained as ministers or to have their marriages sanctioned by the churches in which they worship.
"This is the most divisive issue that Methodists have faced since slavery," said Rev. William M. Williams Jr., pastor of Clair Memorial United Methodist Church in Omaha, 165 miles east of here. "And that basically split the church in two."
Liberal backbencher Don Randall attacks then apologises to Cheryl Kernot
Liberal backbencher Don Randall used parliamentary privilege on Thursday night to launch an amazing attack on Cheryl Kernot. This is what he said:
"Does this affection to extend to the member for Holt we often wonder, now is she honest? She is about as honest as Christopher Skase and Nick Bolkus. Is she loyal? She is about as loyal as Benedict Arnold and she has the morals of an alley cat on heat. So the people of Swan and Dixon should be aware of the real Cheryl Kernot and reject her..."
He was suggesting that Cheryl Kernot is having an affair with Deputy Opposition leader Gareth Evans... a rumour which has been circulating Canberra for some time...
Yesterday Cheryl Kernot said, "John Howard will not destroy me. I have got thousands of Australians, particularly women, depending on me."
Here lies the difference Pauline Hanson has millions of Australians hopes and fears for Australia's future resting on her shoulders.
After John Howard rejected the personal attack Randall released a written apology but the damage was done with the media latching onto the comments and broadcasting them...
Subject: Question Time in the House
Dear Editor,
I am appalled and disgusted by the treatment Pauline Hanson was given by the New Speaker of the House on Thursday. In fact I admit to feeling chilled when I read your transcript on the NOTD today. Icy fingers of fear started gripping me. It is becoming apparent that we are now living in a dictatorship. Only politically approved persons are allowed to voice their opinions or ask questions in this country. The rest of us must do as we are told. The forum of the people, federal parliament, has been usurped by those who consider themselves born to rule. No others may participate. The 3rd Reich has been born again. Seig Heil!
I deplore violence but I am beginning to become very much concerned that we could be building up to a revolution. The people will take a lot before they will revolt but if their voices are stifled by parliaments, the courts and the media there can be no other ultimate outcome except revolution.
On another subject, I wonder how many readers are aware that at the recent ACT territory elections, the electoral commission banned the distribution of how to vote cards within 100m of the polling booths.
Almost all electors drove to the booths and parked within this distance so could not be given how to vote cards. On the voting form the major parties were listed under their parties but independents were listed bundled together as "independents".
I knew that there was a One-Nation party member standing as an independent but had no way of knowing what was the correct way of voting to maximise the chances of our candidate succeeding. All I could do was put his name first and vote for other independents randomly, putting major parties last. Other One-Nation supporters would also have been disoriented by this strategy as I was, our voting patterns would hence have all been different, thus ensuring that the major parties were returned.
Major parties have the resources to advertise in the media and distribute How-to-Vote material via mail prior to the election but minors and independents do not. We rely on how to vote cards distributed at the polling booths to get our supporters organised.
I regard this new ban on the distribution of How-to-Vote cards as an infringment of Freedom of Speech. It has no good purpose except to disorganise smaller parties and independents and to ensure that they are not elected.
I would feel confident in betting that this tactic was designed specifically to ensure that One-Nation fails at forthcoming elections and I expect that this was a dry run for the federal election and that we will see How-to-Vote cards banned within 100m of booths at all elections in the future.
The treatment of the vote counting by the media was also suspicious. The One-Nation branch member was standing for the seat of Molonglo, but although I watched the counting all night I never once saw the count displayed for other than the major party candidates for Molonglo. The other two seats were displayed in detail. The counts for all candidates were displayed in detail for these seats but every time it came time to display the counting for Molonglo the program was interrupted by the commentator and we switched to watch some jaw-flapping journalist banging on about how they considered the elections to be going. On switching back to the counting, well, we never did get the Molonglo results in detail.
Subject: Poli-ticks
Speaking from the West of Oz where we are pretty close to the heat from Indonesia, the consensus of opinion that I have been able to glean from the few who know anything about politics or even care is, that we can expect invasion of one kind or another from over the creek; also that the parasitic and chattering classes in the East, along with transnational corporations digging holes in the sand here, would be very pleased with this outcome. The rest could not care less but, when reality overruns their virtual reality, the refugees from the East that flooded here recently, will flood back again, + a few million Sandgropers as well.
End of the 'Poli' bit start of the 'ticks' bit.
Subject: Aboriginal thank you
Dear Sir,
Just something to bring to your ATTENTION.
Sydney Morning Herald, Tuesday, March 10, 1998,
National Sorry Day launched by Aboriginal leaders (12.45pm).
so the Aboriginal people can express their gratitude, to the previous governments, for their children having been taken in to care in the 1940s and 1950s.
Admittedly some things have not gone as it was expected, I have never seen a plan, no matter how good, to have gone through without a hiccup, but on the whole it was a great advantage for the Aboriginal people.
Just look what would have happened without it.
The Aboriginal children, who were taken in to care, would have grown up in a drunken community, normal occurrences at the time, without a proper health care, bad housing, etc., as some still live in, they would not have got any education, they would not been able to read or write, even now, the great majority of the other Aboriginal, who were not taken in to care still are not able to read or write or to communicate properly.
Whatever they have achieved for themselves, was only thanks to the Aboriginal people who were taken in to care, received some education but from what I can gather, from various articles and news, many of them misused the money they were given by us (Australian Government), I would like to see account of money granted to the Aboriginal people, for the last, let's say, 3 years, with a proper break down, for each year, of how money was involved, and how the money was allocated and spent, i.e.: how much for health, education, housing etc., and how much for Aboriginal administration, how much for white administration, for cars, loans for the above mentioned administrators an jobs for their families and relatives, how much for other things, all to be properly itemised.
All those things I quote from memory, which is not very good, so I can be wrong in some instances, but unfortunately Australian News of the Day, have prevented me from accessing the information from the past articles., so not all the information here, might be correct. You have access to all the past information, so if necessary please correct it.
I am a pensioner, I can not afford to pay US$10.00, a month, US$120.00 a year, for access to the past information. I do not doubt I could present a much better case, if the past information was available to me. I think the Australian News of the Day, have done itself a great disservice by their action.
While talking about the above, I would like to point out that we are leaving ourselves wide open to all sorts of claims etc., in the future, just think, in principle, about children to day being taken away from fathers and handed over to mothers, and vice versa, children taken away from parents and put in to care of institutions, foster parents, child care organisations, etc., if we say SORRY, then that will mean, that we consider that the governments and their agencies, in the 1940's and 1950's, were wrong in putting Aboriginal children in to care, doesn't the same apply to the cases of today's children being taken away from parents and putting them in to care, in to institutions, foster parents, child care organisations, etc., no mater how good the intentions of the government or it's agencies, (Social Securities or such), might have been, or are, and how much justifiable the actions might have been at the time. In both cases, the children were taken from parents without their consent, and are STOLEN CHILDREN. We have to sort that out, because I do not doubt it will raise it's head in the not to distant future.
Dear Ms. Hanson please look in to that, sort it out and launch the NATIONAL ABORIGINAL THANK YOU DAY, so the aborigines have opportunity to express their gratitude for the past governments actions, let's face it without those past actions, the present day Aboriginal activists would not be sufficiently educated to lodge all their present claims, they still would be living in squalor without ability to express themselves and would be out of their jobs.
Please do something about it.
Highest Regards,
Richard Borowski
Subject: John Newman
I note with sadness that the Asian method of being elected into political office has now reached Australia. What is the Asian method of being elected into office?
Hire killers to get rid of your political opponents.
How much longer must Australians suffer the outrages of other cultures being forced upon us by those who only seek to line their pockets?
Each day brings the threat of civil war closer.
To corrupt a line from history, Well might we say God bless the Queen, for nothing short of civil war will save our country.
Jason Cole
Remember Bob Hawke's famous comment "no child will live in poverty by 1990?"
Well guess what... millions of Aussies are now living in poverty while the foreign multinationals (like MacDonalds fast food) rip the guts out of this fabulous country of ours.
Today it is estimated about 5.5 million or 33% of our population is officially below the line... an increase of 800,000 over the last 25 years.
The figures come from a Melbourne University report which was launched by Sir William Deane. The irony of this is probably lost to most Australians. You see it is the Governor General (Sir William Deane) who signs the secret international treaties that have led to mass poverty in Australia. The FSIA (Financial Sevices Industry Agreement) is just an example of one of these. (The ANZ Bank has laid off 3,700 staff in just two years).
These international treaties have never been debated in Parliament - the exposure of the MAI by Pauline Hanson saving us from a similar fate with respect to this international treaty.
Deane said yesterday, "The problem of poverty in affluent Australia remains unresolved. Indeed it is such a diverse and complex problem it is unlikely it will ever be resolved."
Stop signing Australia away on those bloody international treaties idiot!
The report found:
Poverty and homelessness has seen a huge increase with about 3,000 homeless men in the 1970s growing to about 40,000 in the 1980s. The average age being 32.
Home ownership was an important resource for many elderly in enabling them to avoid poverty - but housing had become less affordable than 25 years ago.
The health and poverty status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders was appalling in 1973 and despite billions of dollars being thrown at ATSIC had not improved under this corrupt Mafia driven organisation.
Another perfect day in paradise.
I will be joining some One Nation candidates campaigning in Mt Gravatt this morning.
See GLOBE International for
other world news.