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Thursday, 8th January 1998
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Links to the MAI


Canadian government coming clean on MAI?

The Canadian Parliament in November held eleven public investigative meetings on the Multilateral Agreement on Investments (MAI). The transcriptions of the testimony and debates from the subcommittee hearings are now on the Parliament web site.

This is the FIRST public hearing in the world that I know of, and now the previously SECRET or behind-the-scenes information is out in public!

This is REALLY BIG NEWS - and Canada and all the organisations working on it deserve great applause - the world will benefit. The debates are fascinating.

This agreement has substantial consequences to laws and all jurisdictions to all the other 27 countries in OPEC.

You can download these hearings, the final report, plus commentary pages on the MAI.

Meanwhile in Australia our sometime lackys, popularily known as politicians, continue to cover up the whole issue.

EXXON Cover-up?

Subject: Making the News

EXXON Coverup Wednesday 7Th January

At Ulan Coal Mines 40 km north of Mudgee. A helicopter crashed while running cables at the mine. NO news has been heard in regards to the Crash it is rumored that the pilot was badly hurt in the crash. Have you heard about the accident.


And how the National Party and the ALP squeal...

It doesn't take much for News Limited's Courier Mail to run a story on Pauline Hanson's One Nation - it all depends on the source of the story. Today we have a page two report headed "Don't be complacent, ALP warned"... with a story centered around ALP state secretary Mike Kaiser who says that One Nation will not help that party... well we hope not!

The story follows an article run in News Limited's Australian newspaper yesterday - the body of which can be seen below.

The Australian yesterday reported that the Queensland state National Party hierarchy are squealing like wounded bull frogs following the selection of 43 year old Dorothy Pratt to contest the Barambah seat at Kingaroy, the heart of traditional National Party territory. Mrs Pratt,43, will be contesting the seat held by National Party man and state Primary Industries Minister Trevor Perrett.

National Party State director Ken Crooke has now accused Pauline Hanson's One Nation of splitting their vote and handing the state election to the Australian Labor Party.

"The danger for conservative voters who risk a vote for One Nation in a marginal seat without passing a vote back to the conservative parties is to deliver the seat and government to Labor," said Crooke.

Mr Crooke predicted that One Nation would only attract a protest vote without winning any seats. Meanwhile One National Political Adviser David Oldfield put the major parties on notice that "we will be a pain in the bum to you" by not allocating any preferences.

Crooke in the meantime refused to rule out swapping preferences with Pauline Hanson's One Nation at the state elections.

Ms Hanson said that she hoped to gain the balance of power in the Queensland State elections (the ALP and the Coalition currently share 44 seats each - with Independent Liz Cunningham normally supporting the Coalition government).

Courier Mail political reporting profile

The biased reporting on political parties by the Courier Mail, based on our close following of the reporting of stories over several years is summarised below:
Courier Mail political reporting policy:
Political Party Positive stories Negative stories Summary
Australian Labor Party Well publicised, politicians shown in good light, portrayed as leading and knowledgable lights. Covered up, politicians kept with "clean" image.
(eg Goss and shreddergate)
You have a friend in the Courier Mail if you are a member of this party.
(eg Cheryl Kernot's defection to the ALP).
Liberal Party/ Coaliton Publicised - but with large voice given to ALP rebuttal. More vocal since John Howard scrapped the media ownership changes last year. Don't particularly like the Liberal Party but know how to play the game with them.
One Nation Never published - anything that makes One Nation look good is censored.
(eg Launch of authorised biography)
Given front page publicity. Denigrate, mislead, do whatever you can policy to smear Pauline Hanson and her supporters.
(eg Unsubstantiated claims made by Pauline Hanson's husband)
Blatant case of dishonest reporting. Clear breach of journalistic code of ethics.

The cost of Wik.

While the cost of Wik, according to major accountancy firm Coopers and Lybrand, has now reached Au$30 billion, give or take a few, more than 1,000 mining permits are on hold in Queensland because of the High Court's 3-2 decision.

About forty percent of the state is now tied up in native title red tape resulting in mining exploration dropping by 20% to just Au$114 million.

The Department of Mines and Energy now believe that the delay in passing Howard's ten point plan will result in a further year's delay before mining leases can be ratified. 

Making the news" -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.

email the editor

You Say:

Subject: Re: Airlines

Are you aware that last week, Asiana Airlines announced that it was going to cease flying into Cairns because of the drop off in passenger numbers?

I am surprised that the corrupt media in this country didn't pick up the story so they would have something else to blame on Pauline Hanson.


Subject: Popes Knighthood.

News of the day for Tuesday.


May I comment on Allan Doak's letter re Papal Knighthood? This event is just one among many of the Evil fruits of Vatican Council Two. You may expect much worse to come as the Vatican aligns itself to be a major part of the NEW WORLD ORDER church, which will not be Christian. No Allan, real Catholics may have to wear this crap, but they have no part of it. Take this small sample of what real Catholics are saying world wide.

(page 86) "…after the Council it became possible to pretend that communism had become licit and to do so in the name of the Council. It became possible to advocate an alliance of Catholics and Communists and to espouse a 'Theology of Liberation' that is simply revolutionary Marxism in a 'Christian' disguise. "In short," quoting Hamish Fraser, "if so many Bishops detest the message of Our Lady of Fatima it is because its reference to Russia's errors condemns the policies of virtually all Episcopally approved "Justice and Peace Commissions" and Catholic Development Agencies….any Pope today wanting to implement the requests of Fatima has to contend with a host of modernist bishops who are Catholic in name only.

(page 203) compares approved conferences/workshops etc. "women priests, the 'coming out" of homo clergy, changing in the teachings on marriage and procreation, celebration of the 'gay and lesbian communities', inclusive language, goddess worship, Wicca, popular election of Pope, polls to determine doctrine (we tell God the rules) all absurdities and heresies freely discussed. Now the INDEX OF FORBIDDEN SUBJECTS. The Perestroika Deception, "One World Church expected next year.", The New Paganism and Globalism versus the Principles of a Catholic nation. How to avoid Hell and Purgatory. Divine Impatience. The Plot to silence Our Lady. Has Russia been Converted? Outside the Church there is no Salvation. The third secret and the war against the Church. The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Just a few of the subjects at a recent conference banned, Bishops being threatened if they attended, collaboration with authorities to prevent visas etc. Visit "Upon this rock".

Yours truly,

Philip Madsen.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another great day in paradise.

Have a good one.

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