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Friday, 2nd January 1998
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George Soros makes his intentions clear.

In an article in the Financial Times (original here) George Soros, the billionaire who would depose the might of the Asian financial markets, has written to the Financial Times making this statement:

"I propose setting up an International Credit Insurance Corporation as a sister institution to the IMF. This new authority would guarantee international loans for a modest fee. The borrowing countries would be obliged to provide data on all borrowings, public or private, insured or not. This would enable the authority to set a ceiling on the amounts it is willing to insure. Up to those amounts the countries concerned would be able to access international capital markets at prime rates. Beyond these, the creditors would have to beware.."

copy of the article is kept for perpetuity here.

Let us remember this is the man who Dr Mahathir Mohammad, the President of Malaysia, described in less than glowing terms for his involvement in creating the Asian currency meltdown.

Now he wants to control our money supply together with the IMF.... hey, the horse is out of the stable blokes - we all know about your plans with MAI - but this takes things just a bit too far!  

What the President of Malaysia things about George Soros.

The Weekly Canberra Column:

The "stolen" Generation

"Considering that we are constantly told that Aboriginal Australians are a disadvantaged group, it is hardly surprising that State intervention was and is required to remove children from an environment that is unhealthy and unpromising for survival, let alone success. On the one hand we are told that Aboriginal Australians have a high infant mortality rate, yet on the other hand we are asked to feel guilty for removing children from their families. If the choice is between death and foster care, then there is really no choice for a civilised society."

Why native title should be extinguished.

All but absent from the debate over Native Title, in the major cities at least, is some appreciation of what is happening in the bush. It is not difficult to understand why farming families feel frustrated. Misrepresentation is rife. Farmers have suddenly become “pastoralists” (with its silvertail connotation), and are portrayed as foreign, fabulously wealthy or both. When it has been pointed out that many of the properties vulnerable to Native Title claims are family farms, and battling ones at that, it is argued that such properties are marginal and should be turned into national parks anyway!

The leasehold property run by our correspondent and her husband has been in their family for three generations. Two Native Title claims have already been issued on behalf of Aboriginal groups unknown in the area. She has, understandably, asked that her identity be withheld.

Here is an extract from the article:

"In 1993, we were told by then Labor Prime Minister, Mr Keating, that pastoral leases extinguished Native Title it was widely reported that an amount in excess of Au$1 billion was allocated to the Aboriginal Land Fund as compensation for this. I have since read that this Au$1 billion plus will return Au$45 million annually to the Aboriginal community. If this is so, Aborigines should be well placed to purchase all the land they desire in Australia.

"Last year the High Court gave its Wik decision, which turned all this upside down, for in spite of Mr Keating’s assurances in 1993, Native Title prevailed on our land."

Making the news" -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.

email the editor

You say:

Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day RE:Trivia

Nice to see you're putting photos of good looking, ordinary people up on your web site, instead of the usual glamour media personalities that appear with regular monotony in all the mainstream media.

I don't mean to be picky, but the name of the local community newspaper I run at the moment is The local Bulletin not The Local Gazette. (Good name for a local paper - I may just use it for the next one that I intend to start shortly.)

Barry Sampson Searle

Your local **** stirrer now residing in the Federal seat of Blair

Subject: A different Look At The Death Penalty

To The Editor,

                      It is easy to see how little our Leaders know and how hypocritical they are, when ever, the reintroduction of the death penalty is mentioned.

As others have said in these pages, the matter has been raised on so many occasions it would be difficult to number.

Without even mentioning the number of times it must be raised in Party Rooms, let us look a little beyond that and contemplate how many shocking senseless murders are committed without any remorse by the KILLERS, after which, the matter of the Death Penalty is raised on each and every occasion by people from every walk of life, let alone the family of the victims.

The absolute HORROR of parents and loved ones left to face the aftermath of some well known and publicised infamous murders, could not  possibly be imagined by others not involved.

This horror is amplified by the loved ones knowledge that even if found, the Killers will never face anything like the shocking deaths of their innocent victims.

What also sickens me to the core, is the callous hounding of the loved ones left behind by the Media feasting on their grief and suffering. How many times have you seen a media rep, shove a mike into the face of a grieving parent and ask, "HOW DO YOU FEEL"?
Invariably the matter of the death penalty is raised at some point BY THE MEDIA.

But let a person who voices the views of the majority of the people in relation to the Death Penalty and the Media start howling like a pack dogs at their masters directions.

The matter of the Death Penalty will never be introduced by the major parties for the simple reason the Party rules are against the introduction of the death penalty regardless of what the vast majority of the Australian Public might want and will NEVER be given a chance to voice an opinion.

Let me now fill you in on some FACTS. I have worked in a maximum security prison and this is what happens. I have listened to prisoners on remand discussing their situations and known the Prisoners Rules when dealing with Crimes Against Their Prison Codes.  Surprise, Surprise  they apply "Bashing" (Corporal Punishment) and  "Killings" (The Death Penalty) for breaches of their codes.

Can you imagine? it actually works, few prisoners break these rules for fear of their safety and LIVES.

If these rules imposed by their fellow inmates control the people actually in prison, why would it not serve as a deterrent on the same people outside the prison?

How often do you hear about murders committed by prisoners shortly after their release.

No doubt there will always be varying degrees of murder and there will always need for consideration of motives and cause, which might result in lesser penalties, however the DEATH PENALTY should be there to discourage the callous, senseless, vicious murders to often committed these days particularly against innocent defenceless children and other victims.

To amplify my reasoning to a greater degree, it is common knowledge INSIDE that if you are imprisoned for a second armed holdup you would be liable to serve some 15 to 20 years in prison, but if you were to murder the witness's you would have a greater chance of not being detected in the first place and if you were, the charge of murder would apply and if convicted, you may well be out within 10 years.

Who was it said, " THE LAW IS AN ASS "?  How many times have we heard Politicians "TRUMPET" truth in sentencing, or a Sentence to fit the crime?

Anyway, only the States can change State Law, at the moment!

Tony Fitzpatrick


A team of New Zealand researchers led by Dr Nigel Dickson from the University of Otago have found that women who have sex before the age of sixteen regret losing their virginity more so than men. Love is rarely the motive according to the report which appeared in the British Medical Journal.

Men apparently sought their first sexual experience out of curiosity while women out of peer pressure. Many women who had sex before the age of fourteen say that they were forced into it.

The researchers analysed the sexual experiences of 477 men and 458 women born in Dunedin between 1972 and 1973.

The median age of the first sexual experience was 17 for men and 16 for women.

More than 54% of women as opposed to just 16% of women felt that they should have kept their virginity longer.

"Whatever the explanation, these results show that a substantial portion of young women regret early intercourse," said Dr Dickson.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another beautiful day in paradise.

Have a good one.

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