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Sunday, 1st February 1998
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Political correctness and reverse-racism - a powerful cocktail.
The offensive image:
Well here we have it, the face of reverse racism epitomised in a 'postcard' on a politically correct web site. The offensive, pornographic image is on the "Loud Media Festival of Youth Culture and the Arts" web site (associated with the ABC's Triple J) . The image is displayed as a winner in 'Loud's' postcard category.
Now can you imagine, quite rightly, the outcry if Pauline's head was replaced by that of Cathy Freeman, for example, and the baby being white with the image displayed on a non-politically correct web site? The Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission would have a field day to name but one politically-correct body who would use the event to try to justify its very existence.
The doctoring of Ms Hanson's head onto a nude female image being held up by black arms and giving birth to a black baby is not only an offence to this Federal Politician but an offence to every right thinking Australian in this country. Displaying it on the Internet as a 'winner' compounds the crime by those involved - the Loud team, those funding 'Loud', Triple J and the Australia Council for the Arts as well as Senator Alston and his Department for Communication and the Arts.
It goes without saying that the image is portrayed for just one reason and that is to ridicule Ms Hanson.
Loud's role in this:
The doctored image of Pauline Hanson is the only one not linked to an 'artist'. The link from the left hand frame simply states "The Issue". From this we draw the simple conclusion that a member of 'Loud's' design team, funded by the grant money received from the Australia Council for the Arts created this image.
The 'Loud' team is made up of about fifteen young people with expert artistic qualifications that vary from lolly pop lady, work for the dole, cleaning the loos, Newcastle fringe festival founder and coordinator, door to door mr juicy salesman, kfc cook.
The 'Loud' team, behind this prank, is nothing more than a bunch of juvenile idiots. Reading some of their cv's will convince you of this in no time at all.
Marcus Westbury, one of the 'Loud' team is shown as the domain name administrator for which, it states, is 'A Commonwealth Initiative managed by the Australia Council for the Arts.
The address and phone details of 'LOUD' is shown as follows:
233 Abercrombie Street, Chippendale, NSW 2008. Phone: (02) 9699 2444.
'Loud's' legal notice states:
Legal Notices - Copyright, Disclaimer, and Usage.
LOUD is a forum for the diversity of expression of Australia's Youth. *The views expressed in LOUD online are not necessarily those of The LOUD Festival, its organisers, sponsors, partners, subcontractors, employees, or participants.
In order to submit material to this site, users are required to warrant that submissions are their own original work.
Unless otherwise stated, copyright remains with the creator and a license is granted to LOUD to utilise a submission in whole or in part for online, print, tv and radio exhibition and any promotional or archival purpose associated with the festival.
It is illegal to copy, alter, or redistribute material on this site without the express permission of the copyright holders.
The hidden faces funding this outrage:
Loud is just one of many recipients of massive tax payer funding from the Australia Council for the Arts which is shown as a 'Loud' sponsor. 'Loud' is believed to have received about Au$2 million in tax payer dollars to run this trashy non-event. 'Loud' is linked directly from the Australia Council for the Arts "What's New" link.
Feel free to contact the "Members of the Australia Council for the Arts" who are either ignorant of the trash that 'Loud' exhibits through their grant or party to the trash and, if they are, should be thrown out of their positions.... many of them have credentials which reveal just who these people represent - 'politically correct' fringe groups, academics and members of the arts.
Their committee line-up includes this fellow who is referred to thus:
"Christopher Pearson (SA) is an essayist, reviewer and journalist and was appointed as a community interest representative member of the Australia Council for a three-year term from 27 March 1997.
"He is the editor of The Adelaide Review, a columnist for the Courier Mail and for the Australian Financial Review, and the winner of a National Trust Award. He was a founding editor of The Sydney Review, and has been publisher of the Wakefield Press."
Christoper Pearson was Howard's speech writer up to his election in March 1996.
The Government's position on Pornography:
This is what the Department of Communication and the Arts has to say about pornography:
"It was our view that the proposed offence provisions should be strictly enforced against those who produce and supply objectionable material, and in cases of matters such as child pornography or paedophile networking, the user as well. Many of these will be the objects of criminal proceedings under existing laws. However, through self-regulation, system providers who consistently allow access to their information service by producers of objectionable material, should be subject to the offence provisions proposed by the Task Force."
And yet here we have the department funding 'Loud' which blatantly breaches their own guidelines through the funding organisation the Australia Council for the Arts.
Take action,
complain on-line to Senator Richard Alston:
The Minister for Communications is Senator Richard Alston (seen here at the 1997 Australian Financial Review/Telstra Awards last year).
Please take a moment to send him an email and tell him what you think of this disgusting, offensive and pornographic image displayed by 'Loud' and sanctioned by his department.
The Democrats Australia's "willie-wankers"
Here are links to two recent press releases, see for yourself what "willie-wankers" the politically correct Democrats are:
NFF may be acting outside the law in wharf action
Extract: "The National Farmers Federation is acting outside the spirit and possibly the letter of the Workplace Relations Act in its multi-million dollar effort to get up a union-free company on the waterfront, according to the Australian Democrats.
"Democrats' Industrial Relations spokesperson Senator Andrew Murray said the NFF may be in breach of the Freedom of Association provisions of the Act, which aim to protect the rights of workers to join or not join a union without interference from the employer.
"Under Part XA, the NFF could be liable for a fine of $10,000 and compensation to the MUA or its members if it refuses to employ a person because they want to join a union."
Democrats to pursue race complaint against QLD Premier
"The Australian Democrats have received preliminary legal advice that Premier Rob Borbidge may have a case to answer for breaching the Racial Hatred Act with his anti-Wik campaign.
"Democrats' Native Title Spokesman, Senator John Woodley, said his advice pointed to a possible breach of section 18C of the Act prohibiting offensive behaviour based on racial hatred.
"Senator Woodley said by spreading fear and misinformation about native title, Mr Borbidge was creating an environment of racial hatred in which Aboriginal people could be targeted.
"You cannot separate Aboriginal people from native title. That's why I am so appalled by the Premier's campaign against native title claimants," Senator Woodley said. "
Ahhh well... at least we agree on MAI even if they have tried and failed to upturn One Nation's role in exposing this tyrannical treaty.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Ethical Economic Development!
When it comes to judging the ethical value of economic behaviour, we must determine what kind of mental state is motivating it. When greed is driving economic decisions, behaviour tends to be morally unskilful, but when the desire for well being is guiding them economic behaviour will be morally skilful. From a holistic point of view, economic activities are not ends in themselves they are just a means, and the end to which they must lead is the development of well-being within the individual, within society and within the environment.
Independent Candidate for the Federal Seat of Blair?
Barry A Sampson Searle
Another beautiful day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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other world news.