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Friday 28th March 1997

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Issues - The banking system under the spotlight.


Australian Prime Minister John Howard, currently visiting Singapore, was interviewed by the media yesterday together with Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong. Tong couldn't resist the temptation to suggest they Singapore wouldn't allow someone as "racist" as Independent Menber for Oxley, Pauline Hanson, to establish a new political party, One Nation.

Howard in his response said that Australia was a free country where people were allowed to express differing points of view - what a pity he didn't mention that Ms Hanson is not a racist - it is just the political correct afternoon tea elite who try to set the agenda over their garden parties - and Ms Hanson is a danger to their influence.

Tong, like his Indonesian counterpart Soharto should be the ones on the end of the media's questioning. Did you know, for example, that in Indonesia a gold mining project is currently under threat because different external mining companies have locked in different members of Soharto's family - causing a mini family fued. Now we all know that Soharto and his family run Indonesia like some company where they are the directors and everybody who wants to get on in life there either works for "the family" or is in bed (in business terms) with them. And the people "who vote them in" - what little choice do they have- in a great example of Asian democracy? Well they are slaves to the ruling family....

So where the hell is this famed democracy - quite honestly that is bull**** with the political heavyweights in our neighbouring Asian countries displaying the same level of political corruption as the African countries north of the Limpopo.

Let us remember that just over a year ago Tong's uncle, Kua Phek Long, bought Dreamworld in a very strange and quite dubious deal which resulted in an Australian investor missing out.

Most interesting of all was how Prime Minister at the time, Paul Keating, got involved... wonder where those "browny points" are being cashed in today?


Being Good Friday we will hit a miss on things political....

Extensive political commentary and links can be found on Palmer's Australian Politics page.

Things Internet:

An American cult involved on the Internet with a web site called Heavens Gate commited mass suicide - with 39 people dying.

By the time you try to access this site you will probably find that the US Authorities have taken it off-line.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Absolutely fabulous day outside... warm and wonderful.

We will be having a bar-b-que at the home of one of our tenants on the banks of the Brisbane River.

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